OH NO NO NO Yea Forums btfo again
OH NO NO NO Yea Forums btfo again
>27 million on youtube after more than a week
Where is this 111M number coming from?
My stool is more viral than TFA, doesn't make it good. Seriously pls send help, I'm not feeling too well ;(
the Star Wars youtube insn't the only place these things get views, its in the article, facebook, twitter etc.
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Youtube is for Boom Booms.
I can't tell you how much I fucking hate journalists
Damage control. Disney is lying, TLJ was a massive disappointment and my friends won't go watch SW9.
It literally counts autoplays on facebook and twitter when you scroll past.
shitty inflation meme, disney desperate to pad the stats and generate some kind of hype
star wars is dead and kathleen killed it
all that matters is the official youtube numbers. just look at infinity war. shit set real, ACTUAL records in its first 24 hours.
224 million is INSANE for a fucking trailer.
rise of skyshit won't even hit 100 million by the end of the year. embarrassing
27m from the US Star Wars channel. There’s a UK Star Wars channel, France, Spain, Italy, Latin America, Germany, Japan, Korea, Australia, etc etc
>massive section of the death star crashes into Endor less than 40 years ago
>Endor isn't in the middle of a nuclear winter
what they won't tell you is how much money Disney spent marketing it compared to their previous trailers
Why did you waste your time and mine posting those other channels when their views combined don't even reach 1.5 million views?
this lol. soccer moms scrolling facebook are the hype base right now
They were examples lol. There are like 39+ channels. The russian trailer has almost a million for example.
what a good little servant you are
Just turn your brain off bro ;^)
and solo is tracking to break box office records
No. I’m only a Star Wars fans that like all 10 movies.
Russia: youtube.com
Being generous and saying each of those channels got a million views (Which we know they didn't) we're still not even at 70mil
IT all proves absolutely nothing other than disney is spending cash on marketing for their franchise which quickly lost steam due to oversaturation of a fundamentally mediocre product. I'm sure the movie will make a modest profit within the scope of its projections, really who gives a fuck though?
You have to add Twitter, Facebook and a instagram
You retard.
It proves that there’s still people hyped about Star Wars? But you guys live in a bubble lol
transient. inconsequential. middling. suggesting something but delivering nothing. a meager fart within a hurricane of social media advertising
Nobody else does this. Let's look at the Joker, if you add the official channel 47mil, filmstop 10mil and movieclips 3mil. We're at 60mil. I can add three channels and be at more views than 40+ for Star Wars. It's fucking shit mate
>there's still people
I'm sure Disney is overjoyed that there are STILL PEOPLE, like maybe even a couple thousand of them, invested in the series
but... why... youtube is its own metric
this article only came out after 4channel started alleging
really makes me think
Yeah everybody wants to see the trailer to see what they have shat out, doesn't mean everyone wants to actually pay to see the film.
4 chan is a tastemaker
All social media.
Twitter and Facebook autoplay videos by the default settings. So basically 1 person sharing/retweeting this trailer adds a view count for every single follower they have that opens their feed that day.
This, this was a scandal for all of five minutes where the tech trusts admitted they were lying to their advertising clients, and then they went back to babbling about evil Russians.
>ACKCHYUALLY you need to use this more obtuse, adjusted, easily fudgeable figure to see star wars is the most popular, for reasons...
Man, when I was a kid one of the things I loved about Star Wars was the tech and how George and the Lucasfilm team had created a realistic science fiction world. I loved the engineering thought Ralph and George and everyone put into the movies, now it feels so very much style over substance.
>star wars
>science fiction
lmao, the absolute shit you read on this board
>adjusts glasses
>AKSHUALLY Star Wars isn't true scifi, *snort*, at least not like Star Trek. Its actually a "space opera" hehe heh. And now you know m'sir