Who the fuck can stop him?
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stop him by working on your buzzer action
iron man?
Ken Jennings
Is he some kind of hapa mutt?
nobody, hes fucking invincible. jeopardy is gonna use a plant to stop him i bet, feed some guy all the clues and cause james' button to lag.
He's just like you, only difference is he's rich.
The other two contestants should just beep constantly with wrong answers to waste the time in the show so he ends with $0.
all white men should breed a Japanese woman.
>they do that
>end with negative dollars
>james still wins and doesnt even have to worry in final jeopardy
this faggot is a cheat
he never shows his buzzer onscreen
he usually doesn't have to worry for final jeopardy anyways
no one got the "plebian" question lmfao
>those roasties who loudly and aggressively tap their buzzer yet still don't hit it before the calm and collected James does
When did jeopardy become so retarded? I'm a fucking brainlet and still answering most questions in double jeopardy
the ghost of merv griffin
it's been like this for a while. it's a symptom of widespread information overload, people just know shit like this. if you have the slightest interest in a topic, you just look it up
>literally guess unleaded gas like a god
Arthur Chu
the ants wouldnt allow it
When is the new episode? The one on right now is not featuring James.
Can someone put his head over thanos
He's so perfect, complete mastery of the stylus and facial emoting of a Roman god.
>inb4 James got there though hard work alone
stuff it faggot
it just finished friend
It airs at different times on different stations.
Just go to the children's book section in your local library bro
What are you trying to tell me?
>he doesn't watch the show
kill yourself
Everyone plays like him now. One man has completely reinvented how a decades old game has been played.
Where do you guys watch this online? My usual source for torrents stopped uploading Jeopardy.
how are people able to retain so much random information? I can't even remember if I flushed the toilet or not
Its on 7 pacific standard but assume it airs earlier for the rest of the country.
Nigga you can probably grab a channel that airs jeopardy for free with an antenna.
Doesn't this happen every year or so?
they answer the questions? how were they playing it before
I have a job and can't be home at 4pm.
visible buzzer is how you know someone is an amateur
Thanks user.
Too early to say. I think they're just trying to compete with him. There's no way they have a chance of beating him if they play the traditional way.
Once he's gone and there isn't a huge disparity between two of the contestants and the last, I think things still go back to normal. Like he said people are too risk adverse, no one wants to lose 1000 at the start of the game.
>Ken Jennings is an amateur
unironically based
I'm just fucking surprised nobody played this way before him. Perhaps most intellectuals err on the side of caution and this guys a abnormality but it seems like someone would have figured out doing high bets on the daily double is pretty sound if you manage to nail most questions. Just takes one full daily double win to have a significant advantage.
It happens every year that somebody holds champion for awhile but not with huge daily wind like this guy. Most wins are 30000 a day this guy has had some 100k days.
First 5 minutes of today's episodes demonstrates the brilliance of James' strategy. Every answer in the category should have contained the word "out", but because James chose the $1000 clue right off the bat a contestant didn't realize the rule and gave an answer that didn't have "out", costing him $1k and making him look like an idiot.
This guy being a professional gambler has to have a mole right? Somehow able to get all the answers? No way someone is this good.
A lot of people have used this strategy but it bites them in the ass since they're not as trivia dominant as James. He's like that David Foster Wallace character who won Jeopardy for 3 years straight.
Pulp Fiction strikes again kek.
Is he just being autistic, or is there some logic to this number?
11/9/14 is his daughter's birthday.
It was said in a previous episodes, he likes betting birthdays of family.
Today's chick was one of the more cute ones. Surprised she isn't being spammed on here.
She doesn't appear to have autism, no dice.
Ok, that’s super cute. I got into this phenomenon a little late. So he’s not even being strategic, he’s just saying he loves people
I did. I knew this site was good for something.
Jennings is so professional that he can afford to appear like an amateur and still win.
God I want to punch that face until it's not a face anymore.
I graduated high school at a special school and still get half the board right. I don't remember what I today nor what month it is. The questions definitely became easier because I'm not getting any smarter.
rough voice
>talented savant
The questions on Jeopardy are retardedly easy. This guy may have superior buzzing reflexes, though.
What, do you not admire the chiseled beauty of a Bogdanoff-like visage?
based incel
>too stupid to realize he's getting smarter
i pity the foo'
He'll never lose
you ever play with a normie? they can't get more than maybe 5, and that's being generous (not counting sports categories)
Ublock Origin isn't stopping the ads. They're blank at least but I still have to wait 30 seconds 4 times per video. It beats the TV but I'm too pampered to wait so long.
does Ken hate him?
Pirate Bay has them, with subs.
His playstyle and daily double betting habits are eerily similar to Watson. He is pretty much using the same strategy a super computer would use.
>His playstyle and daily double betting habits are eerily similar to Watson. He is pretty much using the same strategy a super computer would use.
No Ken says he loves him and is rooting for him
almost like he studied him
imagine bragging about how good you are at jeopardy on an east-asian arboreal frog husbandry forum.
There was a guy yesterday trying to brag about almost getting onto the show. A couple anons laughed at him. Many more lurkers tinkled at the thought of some faggot trying to mad flex on us. But we are legion, and we know better than to let him finna do us that way.
I was on jeopardy, not gonna dox myself obviously but I told Alex about Yea Forums, he said it sounds gay and stupid but cunny posting sounds based.
He told me not to tell anyone he said this but he's gonna die soon anyway, so why not
>implying we aren't witness to Watson's great becoming
>Who the fuck can stop him?
Only Trebek!
All narrative arcs on game shows are contrived.
none of the questions are hard. One of the answers Pulp Fiction. They’re not supposed to be impossible, just hard to answer in a matter of seconds.
he looks more asian in that photo
that sounds like a personal problem
i hate him
So, any bets on how many bets this lad lasts before he finally is done? And will he finally drop out due to boredom, Producers calling in plants to nuke him out of the building or due to autistic fuck-up?
*how many days. Fucking potato-tier hands unable to type properly when tired.
it's crazy when he gets random easy stuff wrong given how good he is. just goes to show ya you can get em all. i'm sure afterwards he was kicking himself
He's used to sports betting, which is arguably more stressful since you don't have any control over outcomes. I doubt he gets fatigued.
not the same thing. he probably doesn't hate him, but i don't doubt that he hopes that james loses
>what is fallout boy
this. others aren't that dumb compared to him but he buzzes in first 90% of the time
~100 days due to an autistic fuck up
I've previously missed four and two questions (if I recall correctly it was out of 40) on the College Jeopardy test and haven't gotten invited to the second round. What more can I do bros, I'll do the adult tests when I'm ineligible for college, but as of right now the college test is way easier obviously
From what I've read, they film 5 episodes in a day with 15-20 min breaks between, for two consecutive days per week.
That's got to be pretty stressful as a contestant appearing in every episode.
Someone post Punished Alex from the ToC pls.
ding ding ding, my old man called this the other night, everyone else is a fucking pussy who won't buzz in, this guy buzzes before he's even done reading the question and you can tell.
Ken Jennings took over 2 months to earn twice as much as James has made in 2 weeks
You can only buzz in after Alex is done reading the question
jeopardyfags getting dabbed on
>drops out due to boredom
I doubt this one, he's becoming a novelty and he's not having to risk cash to make money.
>get lots of answers in the first round
>next r
to be fair, fallout boy and panic at the disco are functionally interchangeable
>What is "zombie"
>Zombie. Yes. That's th-
>"Autobiographies. 2"
Mega autist cuts Trebek off every time he tries to add any color. Poor Alex.
I'm honestly getting sick of him.
It's a WORK for ratings! No question about it.
Well no one here can read his fucking mind so what he says is the best to go off of
why is he so autistic? He acts weird.
You would have to be autistic to have his trivia knowledge and buzzer skills.
Nice daily doubles.
Trips of truth.
Thanks to Yea Forums I knew that response.
Didn't that one guy who kept winning had to eventually leave because he was winning too much? I don't remember. Also is Alex trebeck still hosting?
Literally just google that shit and it comes up
Happens all the time with the super autistic contestants, its pretty funny.
Note how he skilfully hides his clicker.
Yeah this is annoying
you're old man is retarded and his shit is all gay
You can't buzz in until the clue board lights up. (Which is triggered after Alex finishes the clue.)
Jeopardy doesn't want to stop him, their show is getting a lot of free advertising right now. They probably love him.
Nah fuck that, it's more important to clear the board than let Alex make some shitty 10 second long remark
Do they change clothes between?
>Contestants are requested to bring a few changes of of clothing (shirts and ties, blouses, scarves, etc) so that they will have a somewhat different outfit on when they come back from the green room 20 minutes later for “the next day’s” game.
Haha, imagine if they had to change in front of each other. That'd be weird, right?
Well, really, only the champion needs to change.
Do you think James takes a naked victory lap after every taping? Haha, that would be funny to see, right?
The NFL draft is delaying him on the west coast. Who gives a fuck about the NFL?
>knows about Yea Forums's existence
>immediately gets cancer
Kek I was thinking that too while watching
At this point the only way he can be defeated in one episode is to adopt his strategy. Otherwise he just racks up money right out of the gate to the point where no other contestants can come close. This dude is going to bankrupt the show.
He's going to at least push to beat Ken Jennings' ass like he casually destroys the one day record every time.
Summon the Watson
you'll die before me, fag
Way to go son !
Trebek has to change too haha
What am I looking at
Alan Moore kino.
This is tied to IQ, I'm sorry user.
Either IQ or good mnemonic techniques, I don't know which I have more faith in.
7 pacific is also 7 eastern since they air Jeopardy at night because White men who have jobs watch it
they will need to summon Rutter and Jennings eventually.
fuck off with those has-beens
It's a syndicated show: it airs at different times depending on the local station. In most markets, though, it does seems to air somewhere in the 7-8 hour, mostly because that block is the only one in the evening which is neither occupied by news nor a part of the network prime time schedule (except for some CBS affiliates which have a full hour of local news, in which case only the 7:30-8:00 block is free for syndicated programming). It's packaged with Wheel of Fortune, but some stations air Jeopardy first, and others air Wheel first, IIRC.
lol this autistic wunderkind is gonna bankrupt Jeopardy haha take that jews
Not possible. They'll be raking in even more in ad revenue due to higher ratings.
His performance on The Beast is legendary.
this shit was never funny
You need a rare combo of two opponents. One that has diarrhea of the clicker and just buzzes in first no matter if they get it right or wrong, and a second that can get enough rebounds to put a competitive score on the board.
but where can i watch it live. i dont have antenna
>"In theory, you can win as much as $566,400 on a single episode ofJeopardy!, assuming you got every clue and maxed out every Daily Double.
>"The single-day record is $77,000, set by Roger Craig in 2010, while the average daily prize between October 4, 2004, and January 6, 2017, was$20,137.
>"A $1 victory has happened just once before, in 1993, when Darryl Scott entered Final Jeopardy with a one-dollar lead over the returning champion."
What's the secret of the Jeopardy! buzzer? According to ken-jennings.com
>"If you watchJeopardy!casually, it's easy to assume that the player doing most of the answering is the one who knew the most answers, but that's not necessarily true. All three contestants, after all, passed the same very hard test to be there. Most of the contestants can answer most of the questions. ButJeopardy!victory most often goes not to the biggest brain; it goes to the smoothest thumb. Timing on the trickyJeopardy!buzzer is often what separates the winner from the, well, non-winners, and theJeopardy!buzzer is a cruel mistress."
>"Here's how it works: the buzzers don't get activated until Alex is finished reading each question. If you buzz in too early, the system actually locks you out for a fifth of a second or so. But if you're too late, the player next to you is going to get in first. Somewhere between too early and too late is a very narrow sweet spot, like swinging a tennis racket or a baseball bat. No, that's not right. TheJeopardy!buzzer, she is like a woman. No, that's not it either. All I know is, the more I thought about the timing, the less I could nail it. When I could somehow just Zen out andnotthink about what I was doing, I would do okay."
is he a hapa?
Isn't Jeopardy man supposed to die of cancer soon?
not before I fuck your mother
They don't broadcast it live. But if you mean, how can I watch it when it's airing, well, if you don't have any access to network TV (either over-the-air or through a cable/satellite provider), then you don't. It isn't streamed online.
If you're within the broadcast radius of a station which airs it (there are online tools which can help you figure this out), then your best option (at least in the long run) is to get an antenna. Otherwise, even basic cable will generally provide your "local" network affiliates, one of which likely carries it.
>The single-day record is $77,000, set by Roger Craig
Which James has now bested SEVEN TIMES in sixteen games (once by over 70%).
He's mentioned that his grandmother was Japanese, IIRC, so yes.
How do you know all that stuff? From Ken Jennings himself
>"I always hate getting asked this, because I feel like I don't have a very good answer. Or rather, there are lots of answers. I like to read. As I mentioned above, I studied up on some of the most frequently-recurringJeopardy!categories, so I'd be ready for the show. I played quiz bowl in college, which is good practice for pulling random things you haven't thought about since high school from deep in the recesses of your brain at a moment's notice. I had a lot more game-day practice and buzzer rehearsal time than most of my competitors, which gave me an unfair leg up that had nothing to do with knowledge. I apparently have a pretty good memory for things I'm interested in—like everybody else I guess, but maybe I'm just interested in more subjects than is normal."
>"Mostly, it comes down to curiosity. I think I'm a pretty inquisitive person about the world around me, so as a result I find myself learning new stuff no matter what I'm doing: watching an old movie on TV or doing a crossword puzzle or reading the back of a cereal box. There's information all around us, if we'd only pay attention to it. It's a state of mind more than anything else."
At the "Jeopardy" studio...
This could be it. Not only was I not in complete control of the game, but only had a slight margin ahead. This could be the day that I would last get to see Alex.
That frumpy librarian bitch was closing in on me, and the final Jeopardy category was one with which I wasn't that familiar. I sneaked a glance over at Alex, dreading what may be to come. Despite 74 victories my wife wasn't jealous, since she never came out with me. Since they film 5 episodes at a time I wasn't with Alex all the time, just enough to keep him wanting to come back for more. That wiry gray hair, those thin plush lips, the sparkling eyes. I'm glad that he got rid of that hideous mustache awhile back. I don't go for men with facial hair, it makes my inner thighs chafe.
Oh, here it is, the moment of truth. Fuck! That bitch got the question right, now I know I'm done for 'cause I'm a fuckwad and didn't think of tax season. Now I won't get to see Alex again, at least not until the tournament of champions. Oh, why me....
For the tiniest fraction of a second, I saw the utter horror and despair in Alex's eyes. He too knew that our fling must end. There was no way a long distance relationship would work. The mormon majority would figure out soon enough about our little tryst if he kept coming back to Salt Lake City, and I couldn't keep coming back here. Oh, we'd have our chances for little flings here and there while I'm doing my book tour and other promotional appearances, but that would be it.
I didn't even try to hide my disappointment. Luckily everyone will think that it's because I lost and won't win more money, not because I won't be fucking Alex every night now. He's been doing a fine job acting more and more annoyed with me every day that we're filming, I must say. What a good little actor, one of the things I love about him so.
fuck off
isn't that the guy who blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building?
The Jeopardy app is 20x harder than the actual show, you'd think it'd be opposite. Also the app is full on nigga casino aesthetic. Disgrace to Trebec.
Alix was qt, made me laugh.
There's a limit to a full season for how many games one can win. This season doesn't count. Sept is new season of filming.
No different from four quarters in an NBA or NFL game. And those guys play more than twice a week. 5 games a day is like three hours total, sans intermissions. This guy watches sports constantly to place bets.
fucking this
I loved her self deprecation about no longer being adorable. And how she didn't get fazed or quietly flustered when Trebek waited until last second to shake her hand. And she clasped his hand with both of hers and laughed some more. Based ALIX, call me Ilix.
Men have way faster reaction time then women, how is this shit fair lol
Charles Van Doren
based incel
He'll stop when he beats Jennings' earnings. Then he'll bow out gracefully, leaving people to wonder whether it was on purpose or not.