Where does your mom think you are?

>Where does your mom think you are?
>On a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas.
Why is this such a hidden gem?

Attached: gilmoregirls.jpg (680x440, 42K)

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Why do you watch chick shows op? You gay?

>hidden gem
There are re-runs of this every day. That said it's a great show, at least the first five seasons anyway.

Attached: gilmore-girls-alexis-bledel-lauren-graham-rory-lorelai-hot-dvdbash14.jpg (840x1035, 359K)

Best fanfic is Gilmore girls mom daughter incest

>tfw no thicc white latina gf

Attached: simplypain.png (468x431, 185K)

Some chick shows are brilliant. Just like some cartoons are great.

>white latina

Attached: 404-permalink.png (4680x2080, 72K)

Doesn't make you any less gay for watching them dude.

Latinas are white. They're just a mediterranean sort of white.

>I only watch manly shows made for manly men
closet gay detected

>cramming an hours worth of dialog into 30 minutes
It’s like the anti-kino

It's a 45 minute show, also lrn2 screwball comedy



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Wouldn’t know, I haven’t made it through an entire episode.

The left look like the mutts they are, I dont really see a difference.

That's because you're a pleb who cares about "realistic dialogue."

why was this cringe dialogue so popular in the late 90s early 2000s? see also Kevin Smith movies

That style of dialogue originated in movies from the 1930s, my film illiterate friend.

>t. goblino

>watching women makes you gay

You're probably one of those clowns who thinks playing as a girl in a video game is totally straight. Kys dude.

they are both hot and i've rubbed one out on many occasions growing up on the semi lesbian incest vibe this show gave off

plus its super comfy

Attached: 🍆.jpg (472x645, 39K)

there was 2 types of kids I remember growing up

one who enjoyed tombraider and ones who didn't because it was a girl character

they ones who didn't often had half naked wwf wrestler toys, they grew up gay or lonely


go fap to traps

>it's a "brainlet unironically endorses quantity over quality" episode
Make them fucking shut up.


Can't find it anymore and I think it's been scrubbed, but I read years ago in an interview with ASP that Rory and Lorelai's relationship is based on her marriage. It would explain a lot

Attached: Gilmore-Girls-1.jpg (3200x1680, 736K)

you are gay, my man

Cope and projecting-pilled

No, I'm not Hispanic in any way

Heh... I bet that shitposter will stop posting for good now that you fed him some attention.


But the show has both

What a quaint small town. BLAH!

also some of the chicks are hot (especially if you are into Moms Teaching Teens)

As a Mediterranean I am insulted that you call us white.


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LMAO, I bet you have an actual life. True Yea Forums OGs fill the void with endless inane shitposting and media consumption.

How could you be this wrong

There's something very New England about this show. What's with 90s shows and the upper east coast? Same with Providence.

Well it's set in New England for one. Also it's white and comfy

I've never watched this show, but based on the pictures posted here it's way too bright and sunny to be true New Englandkino
t. New Englander

Some if it is filmed in New England, establishing shots mostly. The rest is filmed on the Warner Bros backlot in LA. They do a very good job at making it seamless, then again I'm from Texas so what do I know

to be fair, they nailed the small town characters
>the one townie that 'runs" the town and nobody cares enough to stop them
>the snooty old rich ladies
>the blue collar gruff guy who only wears flannels, owns his own business and his grumpy all the time
>the one foreign family that acts extra foreign to hold onto their culture
>the fat ladies that love town gossip
>the one guy that keeps changing jobs around town and somehow stays employed

Taylor is my favorite of the townies, also he was right 90% of the time and only occasionally did something truly objectionable

Attached: taylor.jpg (1920x1075, 350K)

Stop saying this show is a hidden gem or underrated, it was incredibly popular when it was airing and it still is now.


She literally only spoke in Spanish until she was like 7, had to learn English in school.
In those scenes where she talks in Spanish to Emily's Guatemalan maid she had to make up an accent or she'd give herself up as a native speaker.