Are you excited?

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I just wish this would all stop. Everything about this is fucking shitty looking.

Feels Batman.

This is a really shitty suit. Will people ever start copying the BvS suit?

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literally worse than cosplay desu

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I just want a dude built like scott adkins to be batman so he and a good deathstroke can just beat the shit out of each other

Final episode being streamed anywhere?

the show is to cringyTim Burton for me.
boomer manchildren seem to love it for this reason

Burton did the best batman

Batman should definitely always have a bunch of fabric bunching up around his neck like that. Really intimidating.

Concave necks don't look right on batman suits. It looks much better when the neck swoops down and out.

Attached: batman 1.jpg (580x863, 84K)

It is his year one suit you twat, bvs was not
Are you retarded?

the only thing that halfway works is penguin

where's gordon's mustache?

LOL...They dropped that fat pig that was Selina.

It’s “10 years later”

I thought I read somewhere that "Gotham" were prohibited from ever using anything that resembled Batman and The Joker, since WB were heavily protective of those two IPs? Was this story false? Or is it true and WB Execs allowed the two to be featured in the series finale?

Just cause he is called the dark Knight doesn't mean he wears metal armor.

I think The Joker is true since even in the trailer for the time skip he’s still referred to as Jeremiah

No Burton fans would like this show, Burton's Batman is the only Batman worth watching

Fuck sake tell the kid to hit the gym he looks nothing like him

Replaced her with the chick who wanted Marty to fuck her in the ass
Based Gotham

Too bad that's absolutely not what the Year One suit looks like.

Attached: year-one-batman-and-gordon1.jpg (1024x768, 325K)

That's false. It's produced by DC entertainment and Warner Bros.


I think that user means Year Zero where the suit was pretty much cobbled together

>ever being excited for that dumpster fire mismanagement of Batman lore

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Given how bad Gotham is, I'm surprised it has a bat and ears on the damn thing. Somehow worse than Smallville.

Imagine being this new, not understand majority of Gotham came from Pre-Dark Knight Batshit.

I've watched the first season when it first came out and gave up. I'm watching now to see it end.


wtf I thought this show was cancelled ages ago.

That looks like a Party City costume lmao

Nope, shit has only gotten better. It's pretty much Adam West's Batman/Arkham/Dark Knight mixed together. But you have to watch Gotham First then the West Batman series and consider it from the perspective of Gothamites who are obviously all drugged/gassed so they are on a constant High. Which is why Adam's Batman is always the best Batman, they were drugged out of their minds during making it!

Jim drinks dry white whine. That's how he keeps his figure. /fit/ confirmed

Some guy kills himself and a disney movie comes on lmao

The fuck does that even mean?
The majrotiy of Gotham is what happens when a cadual boomer producer of CBS crime drama tries to make a "comic book" show with no concept of the characters.

They gave Batman's rogue gallery a full start while Batman was in diapers. The thing makes jo sense.

Whole show should have been Year One and the early years of Batman and supervillains from the perspective of the police.

They're mixing apples and oranges. It is so dumb. I still love the 60s camp take on Batman, but modern attempts like this and Schumacher in the 90s are so misguided. They have none of the charm of the 60s show and all the shitty trappings of modern Hollywood excess. Even worse since this is a tv show and drags on for years over hours every week.

Oh wow, they made a worse Joker than Leto Joker.

Gotham Central as a long from cop show would have been great.

If they were married to Year One, a supervillain free Gotham with Gordon as college age Bruce travels the world would have been great. Gorgon was kicked out of Chicago for being too honest and ends up in the even more corrupt Gotham.

Plus Montoya ever being a corrupt cop that distrusts Gordon was bullshit.

This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED This is LITTY , This is BASED

It's based of the joker from dark night return

It was prohibited from using it for like the main show, but this is like a final episode epilogue of the show so it doesnt hurt to just let them use it to say goodbye to the show.

penguin carried the show desu

Is this from a high school play?


Looks like dumb schlock

They couldn't get the rights to do Batman when they pitched the show.
Holy fuck learn english.

Glad there was a shot of David in the batsuit.
Bye Gotham

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is that the monster form jeepers creepers?


DC is so fucking dead, I'm sure the onions fas of this just torrent or stream it anyway

Why is it so hard for them to just do a full modern live action Batman series for tv? We're in the best time for dramatic grandiose television and Batman is ripe for that. WB is so fucking retarded.

>Why is it so hard for them to just do a full modern live action Batman series for tv?
>WB is so fucking retarded

answered your own question


They don't want to, they want to use Batman exclusively for movies. And yes, WB is fucking retarded.

thats the thing, they could use him for movies, and for different styles of shows.
a straight up HARD HORROR show solomon grundy, evil shit, demons, cannibals, Professor Pyg, clayface as an elementally possessed monster, cults, it would be great, you dont even need batman besides as teh BBEG you never see.
a found footage horror movie with batman as the monster. different henchmen tell different batman boogeyman stories every week. anthology format.

Gotham Central would be perfect if done like The Shield.
>tfw no HITMAN and SECTION 8 show.

need pics of lili simmons selina kyle

I'm gonna miss this show and all the shitposting that went along with it there won't be anything kino like Gotham again

end of an era.


>But why would you shoot a man before throwing him off of a pier?

Is this a slight hint that CIA will be in this finale?

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