Why must she suffer, bros?

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Because you didn't spill enough seed in her honor.

She was basically the main character of the biggest film of all time

she's the endearing kind of autismo unlike brie

because thanos dies at the end


She had more screentime than every other female and even the fucking Hulk. Based Nebula.

well deserved considering her relative importance to the story

Never saw gotg2 but I really liked her which surprised me

Also she has excellent feet unlike Brie

She´s too based for the Jew.

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Not bad for a character who was just a mook in her first appearance.

>biggest film of all time
That film did also involved blue creatures, but it didnt involve hackery.

you can't mention that without examples bruh

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What will Mantis feel when she touches Nebula?

Hulk is basically a joke character, like Groot has more personality than him tbqh.


High Impact Sexual Violence.

>biggest plot device
Fixed for you champ

>Nebula is so alpha that she just flat-out murdered her own past self for being a cunt and then continued to exist anyway in spite of this blatant causality violation

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Based bad writing, Make Mine Marvel!

Cute and based.

They clearly state in the film that changing the past only creates parallel timelines it doesn't affect the film's present.

>IMAGINE having a 3hour long borefest and vidya tier fight sequences from time to time with a terrible climax and not include a post credit sequence of Nebula fisting Mantis...

I know, thats bad writing and a massive copeout that pretty much makes this entire thing worthless.
They basically destroyed any stakes these stories could ever have.

Since it's obvious Nebula's whole badass thing is just an act she puts on, she'd probably give Mantis one of those soft Cinemax level lick and trib jobs then spend half an hour crying after her orgasm

I think the time travel and infinity stones were still a bit bigger.

>Because you didn't spill enough seed in her honor.
Like hell I haven't

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>>IMAGINE having a 3hour long borefest and vidya tier fight sequences from time to time with a terrible climax
Yawn, where is this going?
>and not include a post credit sequence of Nebula fisting Mantis.

I'm ok with either

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Karen is based.

She even gave up being a skanky party slut once she got famous after Doctor Who. And she gave up smoking.

She's awesome.

>They basically reversed their character arcs

Pretty neat twist, tbqh.

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I dunno, seemed like it's just a reset to the post-GOTG2 "both of them are sort of good" alignment

She's actually the best main cast actor.

Why did they cast qts for almost every female role but give the most important one to a man-faced cunt?

>girl who shaves her hair bald must have been traumatized
Every fucking time.

Is she fully functional? Does she have a vagina and boobs?

what the fuck i swore those big eyes were CGI

green zoe best zoe

Ask Thanos he her dad

Honestly he probably put saw blades in her vag and gave her Austin Powers machine gun nipples

Best girl, hope she gets more focus in future movies

>They are cool now
>it's alright for Zoe to keep winning resulting in Nebula losing her body parts
>now it's already established Nebula is expandable it's ok for her to kill the other Nebula

....but she still can't give Gamora even a scratch

>parallel universes is bad writing

Off yourself

But Cap Marlel did almost nothing in Endgame.

Then if they defeated Thanos and cap went back to live his life with his girl, why didn't this change in the past create an alternative timeline? Because having him at the end on the main timeline means he remained in it doesn't it?

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She did almost all the work in taking out Thanos at the start.

Cap Marlel is still the most powerful character

Yeah but that barely counts.

She was stupidly OP. The fact she got more hits in than Thor is retarded.
Instead of having her single handedly take out the ships, she should have shown up with the Nova Force and the Ravagers and have them open orbital bombardment on the ship.
And as far as handing Thanos his ass, if you're going to give the job to a woman because "muh vagina", give it to Scarlet Witch. Heck they did it. They should have kept it to just SW 1v1 Thanos because that has emotional weight to it.

>mfw we have to wait 5 years to get more Nebula...
Thanks right wing twatter warriors!

All your talk about morality is idiotic because you don't understand the concept of infinity, but let's just leave that aside.

You simply don't have the IQ to see just how fucking broken it is.
So I shall simply list a few "possibilities":

Take the completed infinity gauntlet to the past and snap Thanos with it. DONE.

You can duplicate infinity stones with it - WITH NO CONSEQUENCES - as long as you "bring them back eventually".

"Everyone who is "dead" in one universe and not dead in another one won't be coming back because it would be wrong to take them from their original universe" - WRONG. Infinite hotel paradox.
This is how you can even KEEP as many infinity stones as you want in the future without giving them back. By just recursively getting some from the next parallel timeline.

It is literally an absolute power, that is capable of fixing all imaginable problems period - no exceptions.

>"Hey black widow, you died in our universe, mind recursively swapping one universe so we fix it? It will literally have no consequences for you and everything will be the same, but except you will be alive in our universe? Your universe will just get a different version of yourself that is just like you, it's complicated scince shit."
>"Hey Iron man, mind doing the same thing so your child won't grow up without a father in this universe?"

Universe A(Iron man sacrifices himself) -> Universe A(Take hulk with the infinity gauntlet and travel to the past) -> Universe B(hulk snaps Thanos at the beginning of the battle[also saves lots of gunts]) -> Iron man from universe B goes to the universe A, Hulk from universe A returns to Universe A. -> Hulk from Universe B goes to universe C to do the same thing.
Do this recursively.

There are lots lots lots of things like that, fucking hell lads, get some creativity. You can abuse those things in completely retarded ways.

Nobody cares, nerd. I want more cute Nebulas


best girl

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Old Tony would've fucked her at some point during their 3 week "vacation".

Old Tony would probably would have ended up murdered by her in a couple of hours tbqh.

>tfw she just wanted daddy Thanos' approval
>she got it after he dies
nebula had a hard life

They also stated that removing even one infinity stone from existence will cause collapse if timeflow, yet Thanos destroyed them all and nothing happened.

Impregnation material

reminder that /our guy/ lebowski Thor will fuck her

This is why I like her so much. She's a broken character -- literally, as we've seen her carved apart across multiple movies -- but even when she was misguided in her attempt to gain Thanos' approval, she was always striving to better herself. Probably the strongest character arc across the Guardians movies, and easily top 3 across the whole MCU.

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I suppose you can bullshit that part of his wish to destroy the stones is for the stones to not be needed any more as well.