Childhood is thinking rob Zombie's films are the best Halloween
Adulthood is finally realizing that the original was actually the best all along
Basedhood is coming to terms with that Curse is the real shit and a true Halloweenkino
Childhood is thinking rob Zombie's films are the best Halloween
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I think myers was better when he was just a kid that started killing for no reason, making him a cursed kid or a bullied one take out his charisma
Rob zombies Halloween 1 and 2 were terrible. I rewatched them recently too, just bad
But the reason was explained in the Original movie. The guy was an alien.
Not really. They're just pretty deep and not your typical mindless slasher flicks. It addresses many things perfectly. What did you think of Halloween 2018?
I hated the RZ movies when they came out, but I've completely changed my mind. They're pretty great. Then again so is the producer's cut of Curse.
The original is good but overrated. Black Christmas is the far superior 70s slasher.
I unironically think the theatrical cut is an enjoyable movie. I like the off kilter atmosphere and aesthetic (was the last Halloween movie that actually looked felt like a Halloween movie until 2018), Michael Myers massacring the doctors at Smith's Grove, the kickass electric guitar covers of the classic themes. Plus best mask aside from the original two and 2018.
Zombie doesn’t even understand horror which he supposedly claims he loves. Giving backstories to villains is always the downfall. It ruins the mystery and creepy factor.
Freddy’s backstory they gave him in 3rd movie sucked. Freddy was more scared when you didn’t know much about him. Just Fred Krueger
Hannibal Lectre’s backstory sucked
Zombie’s trailparl baclstory sucked
Texas Chainsaw backstory sucked
Also shitty
1-4 were good, the rest are embarrassing.
>Horror is what I think it should be
Whatever, Zombie was clearly more interested in characters and hyperviolence. He didn't give a fuck about "mystery" or being "creepy." He wanted to do something different, and there's nothing wrong with that.
That said The Lords of Salem is quite creepy.
Then he shouldn’t have accepted doing a Halloween movie if you’re just going to turn it into Halloween In Name Only.
He shouldn’t just made his own trailer park redneck slasher villian where could shoehorn in his whore wife as a stripper
It's a reboot, which means he can do whatever the fuck he wants. "It's not similar enough to the source material!" is an empty criticism that has nothing do with the actual quality of the film.
1 = 4 > 2 > 2018 > 3 >>>> RZ1 > RZ2 >>>> H20 > 5 >>>>>>>>>> Resurrection > Curse of Michael Myers
Hes not an alien, but he's a supernatural force of evil that just happened to manifest within a little boy
Even in the original Michael was more than just human
The Halloween workprint that leaked is actually decent, with the raping scene and the original credit sequence
The final version with the committee friendly reshoots is ass
I still remember how Zombie had to lie about it
2 deserves way more credit than it gets. Picking up immediately after the first film on the same night is genius
Zombie’s H2 is based as fuck if you can tolerate the lead actress’s constant screaming instead of acting. Douriff and McDowell are great - especially McDowell hamming it up
>if I want your opinion I’ll beat it out of you
plus the kills are brutal and it is all shot beautifully
I always turn it off after Annie’s death though. Bracket finding her is the ending for me. Falls apart after
Literally everyone loves Halloween 2, what universe do you live in where it doesn't get enough credit?
I love the movie, but I wish John (who was drunk when he wrote the film) hadn't thrown in that stupid twist about Laurie being Michaels sister. Literally the dumbest part of the franchise is how he wants to kill his living family members.
And that’s where you are wrong. You don’t fuck with established iconic characters. Why the Elm remake failed. Why the ‘98 Godzilla movie is a laughing stock.
People go to a Halloween movie to see some creepy guy in a mask randomly killing people. Not to sit through trailer trash backstory.
I thought it was much better than H1, Zombie truly makes it is own whereas H1 feels like he's been restrained somewhat by studio executives. The second half is too much of a remake of the original Halloween.
Meanwhile H2 is just balls to the wall craziness and insane violence, and I love McDowell as a cynical, sell-out Loomis as well as Laurie's PTSD and her relationship with her new housemates and friends.
I've always been impressed by how Zombie does character development. I also enjoy the surreal elements which is clearly a rough draft for Lords of Salem, which I think is his peak as a filmmaker.
>what universe do you live in where it doesn't get enough credit?
I concede that you have a point, and I suppose the reason it doesn't bother me in this instance is because I couldn't give two shits about the Halloween IP, whereas Rob Zombie movies are my guilty pleasure. I went it knowing exactly what I was going to get and wasn't disappointed.
yeah it was surprising to actually see PTSD ridden Laurie and Annie and how differently they both reacted to the trauma
Laurie embracing the “rebellious” lifestyle and friends, as well and booze and drugs. Annie now agoraphobic and motherly to both Laurie and her dad
>Paying attention to metacritic
I was mainly referring to peoples rankings of the films and how fans think of the movie. Even people who hate the other sequels tend to think 2 and 4 are tolerable. Critics don't mean shit when it comes to horror, because they have a bizarre natural hatred of it. And whenever a horror film comes out and critics do like it, they like call it a thriller so they aren't admitting they like a horror film.
Their interactions seemed very real, along with Laurie's sessions with her therapist. I knew girls like her in rehab
Two is a mix bag with me. Too much time wasted in hospital and making Myers related to Laurie sucked.
But the ending was pure Kino with Loomis blowing himself and Michael up
Only things I liked about Halloween II were the creepy use of the Sandman song and the nurse that showed her tits. Everything else was dull
The family thing never really bothered me, if you analyze it closely shit falls apart but self-contained it works while watching it. If he stayed dead at the end of 2 it wouldn't have become such a shitshow but them trying to run with it in unnecessary sequels of course became shit
when this came out and was torn apart i said people would eventually come around on this movie and realize how fucking great it really is
Rob Zombies a fucking retard and so are you. I work in law enforcement and while blacks are always my number one boon (coon boon if you will), trailer trash like Zombie and his fans are high on my shit list
The second Michael became supernatural and not just a mindless murder machine was when it fell apart. It should have ended at 2, burned to death, and that's that. Done, wrapped up, and everyone knows Laurie will spend the rest of her life in therapy, the town will be permanently scarred by the incident. It doesn't need any more elaboration. It makes it scarier when Michael could just be any small-town boy who decides to snap and not pure evil cursed blood or whatever nonsense was conjured up.
The strip club scene was brutal. Definitely one of my favorite 2000s horror movies
Based list.
kek Zombie is a closet conservative. he's based as fuck, actually
Basedhood is thinking that Michael is just evil incarnate.
Chadhood is realizing that Michael died in the Sanitarium, and that the one going around killing others is a near-unstoppable husk using Michael's body.
Watch the workprint, because it's the real deal, and not the retuned crap
I hope you nerds bought the 4k remaster of the original. They did a pretty decent job with it. Some people aren't fond of the color grading but I liked it and thought the picture quality was great in most scenes
Halloween 6 has some of the most brutal killings you'll find in a slasher flick. Underrated movie in the series.
I would add that it has the best Autumn/Halloween atmosphere in the series. I also like how the director has clearly studied John Carpenter's style and replicates it rather well.
nigga what Halloween have you been watching?
I wish there weren't three movies in the same series all called "Halloween". Halloween 2018 just rolls off the tongue so bad, and it makes it sound like a remake which it's not.
One word titles are really in right now
doesnt Michael fuck his niece in that movie?
This sounds familiar
rob zombie halloween 1 is okay. i'd rather watch any of the main series over again though except Halloween 2018.
rob zombie halloween 2 is an abortion and i hate that i saw it
You'd rather watch Resurection over 2018?
I would, didn't like anything in 2018
The soundtrack is in the top 3 atleast
The soundtrack was good
Could you explain your issues with it? Really the only problem I had with it was the humor, like "you're the new loomis" made me cringe.
Not him but I really hate that they brought back Jamie Lee. Seeing that old tranny cunt return was the last thing I wanted in a new Halloween flick and seems like blatant nostalgia-pandering. We already had H20 and that was enough
I feel like Donald Pleasence was the heart and soul of the series, and most of the films he's not in are kinda lame, but since he's dead, they keep going back to Laurie cause they need one of the original cast members to give the audience someone to root for.
I would actually switch between Original and Remake. Original is reddithood. RZ's films are fantastic. Especially H2, the style is so unique and the tone is great. The opening sequence in the hospital is kino. It's so bizarrely amazing. The way it dealt with Laurie struggling to cope with the trauma of what happened, as well as with horrifying nightmares that have plagued her ever since Michael's escape. Just how much insight it gives into victimhood. Laurie struggles with PTSD after the attacks on her friends, something horror movies often tend to gloss over. People find Laurie a pain in the ass and annoying in that movie but that's because they're idiots. They want unrealistic shit, they want badass vigilante Laurie "YOU GO GURLL" but that's bullshit. Events like these don't turn you into a revenge seeking badass, they break you completely. Also, it's so brutal and gory because that's what real life violence is like. It's horrible. Its not clean or robotic like how Carpenter made look like in the original. Listen to real 911 calls and then watch the scene where Laurie is trying to call help for her friend after Michael attacked her. It's so honest. People really do hate what they don't understand. Not even memeing.
4 and 5 are unironically good
6 is shit tho
>being a fucking child when robs halloween was out
Richard Brake getting his head sawed off with a hunk of broken glass is this most realistic beheading portrayed in horror - possibly most of cinema
Rob Zombie is the most under-appreciated filmmaker of the last 20 years. Like Tarantino he is influenced by 70s drive-in cinema, but I think Zombie's movies are more genuine while Tarantino's are too self-aware and masturbatory. Also his wife Sheri Moon has one of the most legendary asses in cinematic history
>Literally the dumbest part of the franchise is how he wants to kill his living family members.
It wasn't dumb. The new movie was shit because there is no personal element. H20 was peak Halloween except the shitty mask.
Shit was straight out of a rekt thread.
H20 didn't feel like a Halloween movie.
True, it felt like Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer except without the self-aware, comical nature of those movies. I liked it anyway though
>5 is good
I'm not sure, mate.
Having taste is realizing that there has never been a good slasher film* and slashers are the capeshit of horror.
*Except Dream Home (2010) but that barely counts as a slasher.
>thinks he has taste
>uses the "everything I don't like is capeshit" chestnut
Nah you're just a fag
based and redpilled on all accounts
Michael was a bitch in this one. Laurie calling him out made him look like a geek and not scary anymore. They ruined Michael in favour of making badass Laurie. It's retarded. A slasher movie is built around the antagonist, and when the antagonist is ruined, the entire movie collapses.
Nope. I would never use the term 'capeshit' anywhere but here, where you people know exactly what I mean and can't dispute it. Slashers have their stupid supervillain with their stupid super powers walking around killing characters no one gives a shit about, and even if you kill this supervillain they'll probably come back in the next one via some dumb ass nonsense. It is an apt comparison.
> h1 = strongly great
> h2 = great
> h3 = good
> h4 = great
> h5 = decent
> h6 (producer's cut) = very good
> h6 (theatrical) = poor
> h20 = decent
> hR = bad
> h07 = ok/meh
> h2 (09) = ok/meh
> 2018 = haven't seen
Except that doesn't describe every slasher movie, you're just stupidly pidgeonholing an entire subgenre. Not every slasher movie is Friday the 13th or A Nightmare on Elm Street retard, and even in those cases your post only applies to the sequels. Your comparison is garbage and you know nothing about horror
Carpenter always intended him to be supernatural. Loomis meant the boogeyman shit literally.
Carpenter directed Donald to have a very toned down reaction to Myers disappearing after getting shot because it was entirely expected to the Doctor.
That's one of the biggest reasons people dislike the Zombie version because we want Myers to be a silent unstoppable average sized phantom not a hulking grunting redneck.
Name a good slasher movie, then, faggot. It applies to all of them, and I have undoubtedly seen more horror movies than you. Besides Dream Home, the only other good movie I can think of that may count as a slasher is TCM.
Did you even read my post?
Black Christmas
I don't agree, but it's a decent suggestion compared to F13/Halloween/NoES. That movie is still just a single uninteresting killer attacking a bunch of dumb broads, though. No substance.
Why are you even in this thread if you don't care about the genre being discussed?
> people hate 5 for killing an established fan favorite early in the plot for no reason
> people like 6 despite it killing an established fan favorite early in the plot for no reason
Why do people like curse again
black christmas is better than the original halloween desu
> you’re next
> the descent
I named two
What do you think of recent slasher flicks like Terrifier and Hellfest? Is there still hope for this subgenre?
I liked both (Hell Fest more to be completely honest). I think we'll keep getting 2-3 decent slashers a year like we have been, but there won't be constant hidden gems being made like there were in the 80s
You're next became lame when it's revealed the killers are just hired goons in it for the money
>H20 was peak Halloween except the shitty mask
And the manlet DYEL actor they had playing Michael Myers. What the fuck were they thinking? He was smaller than Jamie Lee Curtis and looked like an adolescent.
4 was surprisingly decent, but 5 was like a bad Friday the 13th sequel.
I love the genre. I loathe the subgenre.
>curse the best
at least you didn't say III was the best.
one moment H20 got right was the tension leading up to Curtis first seeing Michael. the or two hallucination scenes where she sees him, shuts her eyes for a few secs, opens them and he is gone. but then when it really isn't a hallucination and she's opening, closing, opening, closing her eyes and realizes it was him - pretty scary
>> people like 6 despite it killing an established fan favorite early in the plot for no reason
to be fair if Danielle Harris played the role people would have hated it. that's why she turned it down. waste of her character
>Why do people like curse again
Paul Rudd
Season of the Witch being good is the shittiest contrarian meme opinion to curse the internet and I'm still mad I got suckered into watching that schlock because of it.
A Halloween anthology series was a cool idea though.
It is a cool idea, it's just that Halloween III sucks and killed that idea.
cringy fucking garbage
Way to miss the entire point of me if Halloween and Myers. There wasn’t supposed to be a personal element. Myers killed his sister for no reason. He went after Laurie for no reason. He’s a fucking psycho that just likes killing
Halloween 3 is the best one though
On 5...
> The bumbling cop duo & the silly quirky music that accompany them are grating (but thankfully don't have much screen time and don't share any with the much cooler and more competent Sheriff Meeker)
> In general it's just generic more of the same-ness from 4 but not as well executed.
> Why didn't Loomis or the swat guys find the bodies in the attic before the trap was set?
Missed opportunities...
> Not doing much with the twist at the end of 4.
> Killing off Rachel really early.
Mixed Elements...
> Donald, Harris, Starr & Cornell like 4 still make for a solid cast, altho sadly many of them don't get much to do compared to 4.
> Harris is still great but her performance is limited somewhat by not being able to speak for much of the film. (altho this adds to the audiences sympathy for her)
> This is Pleasence's most unhinged performance as Loomis and yet simultaneously the actor himself seems tired/worn out while in 4 it seemed like only the character was such (appropriately).
> Many find Tina annoying, I personally like her. Her interaction with Jamie is very sweet.
> 5's mask still isn't particularly good but is much better then the mask in 4.
> How Myers survived 4 is reasonable and doesn't resort to the preposterous like Resurrection (although why the hermit nursed him back to health instead of taking him to a hospital is never explained)
> Kills in the barn are solid even if they feel more Jason-ish then Myers, Myers with a scythe is cool.
> The mostly off screen shootout in the police station at the end is abrupt and mysterious but part of me wished they showed it, we already had a completely off screen police station massacre in 4.
The shootout was filmed as seen in this BTS image but cut for whatever reason.
Pros to follow...
> The more gothic redesign of the Myer's house is suitably cool & menacing.
> The entire end sting operation, chase scene through the house & Loomis's trap for Myers is all great & suspenseful.
> Film is pretty surprisingly brutal to a child character, Jamie gets cut & scraped up severely.
> The moment of Jamie cornered in the attic and accepting her fate by crawling into the casket is daaarrrk.
> Tina unknowingly in the car with Myers is suspenseful.
> As is Myers trying to chase Jamie down with the car & Tina's sacrifice.
> Score is solid.
>Oh, I took out Haddonfield’s S.W.A.T. team. I killed a whole bunch of people. (The massacre) took place at the hospital, the place where Danielle’s character left from. If you remember, the police get on the radio (in the film) and they say, ‘He’s here,’ and the whole S.W.A.T. team (which is stationed) at the Myers house gets in their cars and they drive off, and there’s one guy left up (in the house) with Danielle in the bedroom, and then there’s one guy down below in a police car (on the street), and over the radio he hears people screaming. So that’s where the (S.W.A.T. massacre) scene was to be – just before that."
>mostly second unit, with Don Pike directing instead of Dominique (Othenin-Girard). So we were doing it fast. ... There’s one guy, and I mean they show it, when they’re taking out one of the bodies, whose head is twisted around. They put the wardrobe on him backwards, and he looks like his head’s been twisted one hundred and eighty degrees. And another, the direction was, ‘Take an M16 rifle, and you’re just walking through these guys and killing them.’ There’s Donre Samson, a big tall black guy that I kill, and another one, I put the M16 through his head, and another guy, I break his neck and stomp on him, you know. The whole idea was that you’d hear everybody screaming (over the radio) when he’s killing everybody. So we did all these really quick shots. You know: ‘Pick this guy up. Knock this guy down. Stab this guy.’"
>(although why the hermit nursed him back to health instead of taking him to a hospital is never explained)
>(I was) placed on this stone altar, and all around (the set) were things that the production had gotten from witches, and people that sell you the occult. And there were scrolls and different chants and this and that. And (suspended from) the altar, right above me, was this rock that looked like a stalactite – it was on a string and it would circle. And Dr. Death was doing an incantation on me, and then he tattoos on me the Thorn rune, which is the sign of eternal life. And so he does all these incantations, and on Halloween Eve (one year later) I come back to life. So I put the mask on, and I grab Dr. Death by the throat and pick him up over my head and break his back, and then put him on the altar, and take the stalactite and I go through his chest with it. I thought it was one of my better kills. But (later) (producer Moustapha Akkad) thought it was too much of the occult type thing. So they decided to shoot it differently."
>eccentric, and if you saw it you would just go, ‘Wow, that guy looks really weird.’ But it kind of gave the film a little more of an artistic and avant-garde (touch). I mean, it worked perfectly. For what we were doing and the way the (occult) set looked, you want something that isn’t the norm."
Some reasons people like Curse. Mainly the producers cut...
> Loomis is back in strong form. More restrained then he was in 5. We actually see him content and nearly at peace at the beginning before he hears Jamie on the radio.
> Loomis & Wynn should have got a lot more interaction but what we got was nice.
> Myers mask is a giant improvement over 4 & 5's mask.
> Myers is back to being a relentless menacing as fuck killing machine after being kinda hesitant on killing both Jamie & Loomis in 5.
> Hagan as Kara Strode is a genuinely solid final girl. Sweet & motherly.
> Rudd is decent. One upside of the theatrical cut is he actually gets to show more range then he did in the PC. Him laughing in dark dispair when seeing Myers for example.
> The rune defeat of Myers is anti climatic but it's much better and more believable then skinny as Paul Rudd beating him with a pipe.
> Score is different between the 2 cuts but both are strong.
> PC's ending ends Loomis's story much better then the TC.
> The Hospital massacre in the TC is pretty epic.
> Jamie's chase & death is effective despite it not being Harris.
Well, how exciting. A guy going around killing people for absolutely no reason, genius! Fuck Rob Zombie for trying to explain everything.
I think this is just lazy writing. Just like how Michael drove a fucking car and they played it out as a joke. The original Halloween works for many reasons but the writing isn't one imo. It was comfy, creepy, good pacing, god-tier atmosphere and soundtrack.
They were fucking jackasses for not keeping this in the film.
I hate viewers like you that need everything spelled out for you and an elaborate backstory. The concept of less is more is completely lost you.
>> PC's ending ends Loomis's story much better then the TC.
what was the ending?
2018 was surprisingly good. The timeline ignores every movie except the first one so it takes place 40 years after the first.
John Carpenter had always thought that one of the scariest things is that someone that you didn't know would just murderer you for no reason.
Myers massacring the cult doctors doesn't happen.
There is little to none of the sci-fi mad science bullshit. The cult is purely supernatural and Wynn explains their motives better.
Rudd immobilizes Myers with magic runes.
Loomis returns alone finding Myers on the ground, pulls his mask off and it's Wynn. Myers having swapped outfits.
Wynn grabs Loomis's arm saying "it's your game now Doctor Loomis" and the Thorn symbol appears on Loomis's arm suggesting that Loomis must how become the cult leader & Myers handler.
As he screams out at the sight of the symbol on his arm, we see a shot of Myers leaving smith's grove in the Man in Black outfit.
Definitely give the PC a chance. It's edited much better and more slowly paced & moody then the TC.
We need more Halloween comics.
Nightdance was fantastic, bleak as utter fuck tho.
I would have multiple mini series following up the previous continuities.
> One set after the producer's cut of 6 with Loomis now running the cult.
> One set after H20 with Myers still trying to go after Laurie's son.
> One set after the Rob Zombie's film showing what happens to Laurie after H2.
> One set in the 2018's films timeline showing Myers attempting to escape at some point between 78 & 2018, stalking the Asylum, killing patients and staff alike. The Asylum covers it up hence why Korey and Haines didn't know about it.
Gtfo with that reddit argument
>less is more
Try telling that to your girlfriend next time she criticises your small penis
> 2 (when partially in shadow) > 95 (would be nearly perfect if the neck wasn't so wide) > 18 > 02 > 09a...
88 is the worst easily.
98a would have been fine if the hair wasn't so comically flared out & the eyes weren't visible.
If anyone is reddit, it’s a brain dead idiot like you. Wow, comparing storytelling to dick size. Fuck off.
You’re the kind of retard that demands everything spoon fed to them.
The only reason they put that in was to kill the franchise so John wouldn't have to make another one (he didn't even want to make 2)
I liked the supernatural shit because 1 and 2 made it somewhat ambiguous; maybe he was pure evil, but on the other hand it's way scarier to realize that people like Ted Bundy exist and you could be murdered at any moment by an absolute maniac whose sole urge in life is to just kill
Best Michael look 'mask and all' is Cruse and RZ films. I'm one of the few people who thought big Mikey was GOAT and the mask was pretty scary. But Curse just takes it for me.
it is ruined with normie humor and too many fucking characters
the motion light scene could have been kino but the fat kid had to KEEP MAKING JOKES during it which ruined any tension
gotta get my hands on this
i don't pirate out of principal but ill probably have to now
>He will never stop until you are dead
That would really fucking suck
>I'm one of the few people who thought big Mikey was GOAT and the mask was pretty scary
yep. especially in H2
I'd love it if you'd spoon feed me your cum.
Zombie: I’ll give The Shape, an obscure killer, this generic backstory that makes him like every other killer. I’ll also make him 10 feet tall, because bigger is better. So what if he stands out
Glad it sounded good to you.
It's been released on dvd/blu ray.
Mane's height made him extremely menacing in Zombie's movies
cheap as fuck. ordered. thanks, user.
I've always wondered what it would be like if this guy played Michael. Too bad he's fucking dead and we'll never find out.
and hes unironically one of the best directors/writers of this generation
Yeah I see it mentioned here a lot lately in best horror movies of the 2000s threads etc.. Saw people praising it on Twitter too. It's finally getting recognition.
directors cut is superior
Would be one of the greatest genre movies of all time if we got just the one movie and Carpenter got to do his anthology movie series like he intended
None of these flicks are good IMO. Most overrated horror franchise maybe ever.