22 seasons

>22 seasons
>not a single funny joke that you can think of

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Uh remember when they sang the word imagination over and over for like 3 minutes
That was the first thing that came to mind

hey remember that time where they took something exaggerated and silly and played it completely straight
haha funny show man


>zoomer posted a thread because he just heard of South Park for the first time



From the top of my head thats the only memorable thing I can remember.

Ahh herro prease

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Spielberg? Jew
Lucas? Jew
Kyle? Jew

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Is there a Tiananmen Square reference

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fuck off Movieblob

That's not a joke.

i used to really really love it, season 4-12 mainly, but i guess i grew up

went back and watched aspen the other day, which was always regarded as one of the better episodes and it just did nothing for me, it just felt silly. I'm sure theres plenty i would still enjoy but no particular desire to see anymore

im 26 btw

City Sushi
City Wok


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aspen is a retarded shit episode and it always was

I like it up to season 8. Memba when cartman tried to exterminate the jews?

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>we shit on everything you guys
>not a single episode shitting on libertarianism

>PC bro
>mongorian wok
>biggu penisu
I don't really find normoid humor funny but these were memorable for being popular references

it was a different time

If you don't enjoy Aspen, you're gonna have a bad time.


>all of Sexual Harassment Panda

>shitting on libertarianism
You can't. It's perfect.

I know this is just weak bait, but Woodland Critter Christmas is one of the best Christmas cartoons of all time.

Wasnt the aspen epsiode one giant movie reference? I didn't really like it either, I don't know the movie though

PC babies don't even know what they're crying about.

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>this is what southparkfags believe

>the movie
Basically 80s movie tropes

The butthurt that was caused from such a silly parody is amazing. If South Park pisses you off you're being a goddamn retard.

>I don't know the movie though
Better Off Dead

>libertarians: do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone else
>authoritarians: my god, that's terrible

Sounds tasty. Where can I find this butthurt?

>as long as you don't hurt anyone else
Except that this is completely unrealistic to expect without enforced government regulations.

So naive, this is how big trusts began.

I used to think south park episodes are funny.
I used to think Yea Forums webms are funny.
I'm autistic.

Now I'm here.

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>without enforced governments regulations
Are we talking about libertarians or anarchists?

>Except that this is completely unrealistic to expect without enforced government regulations.
Which is why Libertarians are for private property.

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You have to go back.

SP has been utter shit since 2006. Deal with it.

So basically, you agree that most businesses are amoral and that probably 90% of regulations are needed to keep them from harming their employees, customers and residents of communities where their businesses are located?

Pee was an absolutely hilarious episode.

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“Naggers” was hilarious and you know it.

Because it's true.

I think a small percentage of PEOPLE are immoral and regulations are necessary to keep them from harming others, which is a libertarian perspective.

Chocolate salty balls



You realize that most regulations are reactive and not proactive, right? Which means enough businesses have caused that type of harm to require particular behaviors to be outlawed.
If libertarians think that this is just a few bad apples, they are rightfully ridiculed for their naivete.

I didn’t order any milk.

Well okey dokey, Mr Authoritarian Fascist Dictator. Why don't you just regulate us all right up to the eyeballs?

What movie is about being pressured into buying a time share?

I think a lot of South Parks messages and ideas are retarded but saying it didn't have a large number of extremely funny seasons is just lying.

They should do more absurd jokes, like the trains out of nowhere in the meme episode.

social media and a 24/7 stream of "news" from a million different celebrities killed this type of show. nowadays by the time the latest episode comes out it's already ancient history.

>At my water paaark

*teleports behind you*

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Off the top of my head:
>You sure you have AIDS? I'm not just sure, I'm HIV positive
>You're watching the History Channel, where the truth, is history.
>That's why we here at BP are changing our name to Dependable Petroleum, because we don't just drill the Earth, we DP it.
Granted that's just off the top of my head, give me 10 minutes and I could probably come up with 10x more, but that would be a waste of my time.

>18 yo senior btw

>That casa bonita episode

They need to cut it out with the intricate and drawn-out plots that feel like a chore to get through. Serialization aside, the last few seasons seemed way more story-driven rather than character-driven, which to me is a detriment to what made South Park appealing in the first place, which was 4 foul-mouthed boys and their wacky little mountain town.

Let the boys be boys again, ease up on the heavy-handed social commentary, and for god-sake please scale back production a bit; the over-produced episodes and production quality really take the "simple construction paper charm" away from what made South Park stand out from other cartoons.

That bit with the scientologist defining what a scam is was pretty funny

Both are equally valid forms of comedy, sorry.

How old are you lmao? Things in life aren't black or white.

it was a meta joke you fag

do you like fish sticks though?

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North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes
>one of them is black

I laugh every time

I'm a motherfucking lyrical wordsmith motherfucking genius

Sure, I like fish sticks.

Bitch, how are you not a Hobbit again?

>dude how does the well-being and moral standard of society affect you lmao let people be degenerates

So you like to put fishsticks in your mouth?

I actually watched the latest 4 seasons recently, and they were pretty funny! season 20's storyline was stupid but all the others were good, and I think PC Principal is one of the best new characters.

They went to shit when they started writing 10 episode story lines.

I don't think there was one episode where I didn't at least laugh once

South Park is funnier than any TV show that came out after it aired.

>the day they played that episode back to back for a full 24 hours

they only did that once you cock
also they said it was very hard because they write themselves into some position and then have to go on, so they wouldn't do it anymore. Only "soft continuity", where specific elements are carried over. I'm ok with that, it's an interesting new approach. Shame the show has been getting less funny in the last years, it's obv lost its freshness. I guess it's normal, you can't stay fresh for 20+ years. They had a good golden age, and at least they're using their indian summer to try around new stuff.
I'm a yuge Trey Parker fan, but at this point I just want South Park to end and see new projects. A Book of Mormon movie would be pretty dope. Hell it's been 15 years already since Team America.

Randy practicing cock magic in the bathroom and when he opens the door there's a real drummer with him

The latter half of those seasons are basically an entirely different show, just with the same already established characters.

It's zombie south park except a lot of the newer episodes are surprisingly worth a watch. Probably because it's the same writers working on the show and not unfunny SJW millennials like the simpsons writers.

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They've been increasing the length of story arcs and level of continuity for ages now and those are always the worst episodes. It's not new and fresh, since season 10 they've been doing 3+ episode arcs and it's always boring. Nobody wants character development from South Park, there is no need for multi-episode long narrative structure.

>I'm not just positive, I'm HIV positive.
Here's one. Regardless, South Park is not about jokes, it's about making absurd scenarios while mocking people's real life stupidity.

I'd also say it is more about memes than jokes. South Park has generated a lot of memes over the years.

you're dumb if you ever thought Asspen was a fun episode.

I liked some of the multi-part arcs. Go God Go was excellent and had a great conclusion. Black Friday trilogy also was kino, I'd say that one was the last hurrah for south park. 200-201 were absolutely top tier. Also Coon trilogy.
De gustibus non est disputandum I guess.
I like the arcs because they clearly had the ending well thought out from the beginning, so it all works out nicely.

what? No i put them in my pockets and sometimes my butt

>Hey little dude you got some crap right there
>That's my face, sir

Yup. I really liked the Coon episodes.



I remember several from the years i watched. That was only like the first few seasons though when TV was a thing people watched.
Radiohead laughing at scott tenorman was the best thing i can think of off the top of my head.


Is this how it's illustrated? They have several artists and they grade their designs like at school? Jesus Christ!

>implying the Chinpokoman episode isn’t classic

Fred’s fuck and tuck

Going Going God Part 1 and 2 were great.

I liked all of their trilogy type episodes, imaginationland, black friday, coon, uhh that one with the hamsters (that was 3 episodes, wasnt it? or just 2?)

The one with the hamsters was 2 eps.
I was actually a bit disappointed by Imaginationland. It had some good bits (like "Kyle sucks cartmans balls - the trilogy" and that whole storyline; also the eternal mel gibson) but lots of it just wasn't too funny. And it was like this big thing where they even cut it together into one big movie-type special, but still... meh. And no good ending twist, either.

LoTr episode was great. The ring was a vhs porno

Japs really are marketing geniuses
>protect my balls
was hilarious

That one where koreans(or some asians?) took over America by telling every American dude they had a huge dick.


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remember when those local rednecks make fun of that city slicker

south park doesn't really have any one-liner belly laughs, the comedy comes from the unfolding situation.

>Miss Chokesondick? More like Miss Makes me sick!

people here are too young to understand this

Its just old. Comedy almost never ages well.

OP I think you should look into family guy..

I watched Wing the other day and was laughing my ass off

>funnier than Arrested Development, Peep Show, and IASIP

*american comedy tv shows

>arrested development
That show that everyone tells you is funny but isnt.
Its the jazz music of tv shows

Shut your fucking face uncle fucka
You're the one that fucked your uncle, uncle fucka
You dont eat or sleep or mow the lawn,
You just fuck your uncle all day long

Lucas isn't a Jew though.

>he doesn't enjoy jazz music
pleb filters working like a charm

>implying never nude isn't funny as fuck

Randy: "Women, huh... God I hate em"

One thing that always bugged me about this is that Kyle's hair color is supposed to be red.

>what do you call a jewish woman's boobs?

I thought the jackoffasaur was funny :)

that time the Red Wings beat the boys at hockey and started making out with each other and crying


gun episodes
Agnostic episode
The children get all the parents put in jail episode

to be fair that would be an exciting world to live in

yes exactly

Did a bunch of gingers finally find that episode or something?

Jazz is shit

good jazz is just called rock or pop.
crappy jazz is just called jazz

It's not a show that uses jokes to be funny, it's a show about the absurdity of the real world (like is a comedy)

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khazar milkers

>knock knock
>whos theres
>a show that has jokes

libertarianism is for herbivores and that is why they always lose, prey always gets fucked by predators

Litterally no one gives a fuck about it.

trey parker is currently getting divorced from his stripper wife with black son

i hope the bitterness rubs off on the show and they start getting edgy again

it's in my opinion one of the most consistently funny shows i've ever watched. a couple of the newer seasons weren't great but still managed to have jokes that i found really funny and genuinely good episodes. also as far as satirical shows go they do a good job of pointing out how retarded everyone in politics is, not focusing on any one side in general. About Last Night, the episode about john mccain and obama being world class diamond theives was kino

cock magic


>This one time, like eight months ago, I saw two guys kissing in a park. And that was the gayest thing I'd ever seen, until I saw the KOZY-FM Halloween Haunt.
Kino episode

>OP likes putting fishsticks in his mouth

Korn episode and the brown note are probably the two most pure kino episodes they ever did

Shut you fucking mouth uncle fucker