Big Kevin Feige Leak!!!

Holy hell, I just learned something crazy.
>t. IT software engineer consulting for boring server code built for new Disney platform.

Let me start by not burying the lead. Kevin Feige is jumping ship after Endgame. It's his swan song, and it's why phase 4 hasn't been fully announced (in part). He's already cut a deal - this is just a rumor as far as I know - with DC.

Here's the gist of it: Disney is all in on streaming. They fear the hell out of Netflix, but see Netflix as fundamentally weak. The difference lies with whether Netflix can in 10 years build a solid original library of multi-season shows. If so, then in 20 they should dominate media. Disney sees no option but to out-compete Netflix now using its own library.
To Disney, this is no less then the battle for the future of all media for at least 50 years.

So, marketing studies have in fact concluded that general audiences don't really like SJW garbage, and high-paying audiences hate SJW garbage. HOWEVER, SJW Bay Area types rule streaming. They aren't spending money on theatre tickets, they're watching Netflix.
If Disney wants to win the next 5 years and successfully launch their streaming service, they need this rarefied SJW audience. Hence, Captain Marvel and Onions Wars.

Feige didn't start under Disney. Avengers 2012 was his big coup, but by then the big $$$ was rolling in.
Avengers 3 was to be his swan song, so everything after Infinity War other than Endgame is shit Feige couldn't care less about. He has fully embraced Captain Marvel in public because it's not his shit anymore.
He walks from Disney a free man, with huge licensing and merchandise royalties to his name forever.

The big rumor is that Feige feels like Endgame concludes what he wanted to do with the MCU, so he's pulling a Jack Kirby and is going to rebuild the DCEU from the ground up. Don't know if they'll keep Wonder Woman etc., but Feige is rumored to go there to redirect and redefine and set up a 10 year movie arc.

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cool story, bro

Who is this Kevin you speak of?

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>So, marketing studies have in fact concluded that general audiences don't really like SJW garbage, and high-paying audiences hate SJW garbage.
not true, SJW trash is in all of Disney's stuff already and most people still love it

Does Feige leaving mean more PC shit or less?

Marvel is totally dead and carries on as something else in name only. Migrating to streaming and out of theatres. The big phase 4 controversy lies with unfinalized plans about what should go to theatres and what to streaming. That is, how fast the transition should be.

This is such horseshit. SJW-ism isn't anything more than an annoyance, and nothing that WB has said indicates them wanting a Marvel style lineup.

But they don't. Captain Marvel and Solo are stalling out compared to past ticket hauls. The Mouse doesn't care because they see film as dead in 10-20 years even in China. They will ride the Marvel wave with shitty SJW stuff in Asia until it dies out. By then, the streaming will be up and running.

what about cuck wars?

If Infinity War was his swan song, Endgame was his shit swan. What an awful ending.

But Netflix doesn't make money.

Captain Marvel was a huge success

as for Solo being a disappointment that's quite funny, the Star Wars movie with a white male protagonist flopped but the SJW ones are a huge success

Hamada is doing a good job, they don't need Feige

I know Feige is leaving an active role at MCU. The rumor is a sort of total multi-media DC reboot. Their streaming has died, their cartoons are good, movies dead with one or two hits, comics wavering. Feige wants to go bigger than with the MCU and create a shared multi-media kind of 10-15 year "event". It's the next step in his creative ambitions.
BS rumor from this same marketing consultant was a "hard trinity" concept of making Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman each the Tony Stark anchors of almost like three separate shared universes. Like a Gotham/Dark-verse, an Earth/City heroes-verse, and a fantasy-verse.

Migrating to streaming after IX. Word is that there are films planned, but Disney is willing to possibly migrate them all to streaming so there's never a theatrical Star Wars ever again---> except for an Episode I-IX re-release to hype the new content on the streaming in like 5 years.

This is just embarrassing. Stop.
JL was the only "Flop" and even than it still wasn't that bad BO wise

the marketing was all the nigger and you know full well no one went to see Captain Marvel, shill

Because they don't own shit like Friends or the Office. 8 season shows people watch again and again. They're trying to build a 10-20 year multi season library of tons of shows. If they can remain in the lead for about 10 years they'll theoretically be able to finance this library, and by then they won't be losing money anymore.
They're fucked because of players like Disney simply knocking them off the hill before they have legs, because Disney has the library.

>Word is that there are films planned, but Disney is willing to possibly migrate them all to streaming so there's never a theatrical Star Wars ever again
bullshit, they make too much money and too big of a hype machine to relegate to streaming, your larping is terrible

Well, this marketing consultant severely disagrees. What do I know I just work with them? Unless you have better data.


>No more theatrical releases for big budget movies
You wanna know how fucking stupid your larp is?

The DC stuff is more rumor, I don't know much about how their films did particularly. But Feige is a big name they'll likely welcome. And, the DCEU needs a redirection even without a reboot.

If it didn't work their movies would flop and the trend would die out

Ha! Let's see what IX does. They had to cover hard for Solo. A single, one single Star Wars theatrical flop will kill the leadership with the shareholders. They can't afford one unequivocally bad film. That's why they're thinking to simply migrate it to the safer platform, to boost that platform.

Dude, if Hamada has a plan, no one's listening to him.

It was a "flop" because of the massive reshoots and the lackluster box office

You realize that they just wouldn't make blockbuster movies anymore, right?

The only way Marvel keeps going at this point, is to introduce the X-Men by next year.

Yes, and? That's still only one, everything else has done fine

Not Star Wars blockbusters.
Do you realize how risky these "big blockbusters" are? One flop is a massive massive loss, and the steam is running out. You might think they can afford to take losses, but that's not the business they're in. Big profits means $$ to shareholders which means higher expectations. It's binary risk.
Yes blockbusters make money, but a flop too many will kill off the golden goose.
Market analysis is to make schlocky shit in China to reap the billions while they're there, until even China transitions to streaming. That's the box office game.
No harm taking Star Wars - which still makes money from nostalgia in a smaller context a la The Mandalorian - off the firing line of big blockbuster risk.
Marvel will do well in China until it peters out. Market research shows no more than 10 years of blockbuster style enthusiasm for superhero flicks left (surefire hit success, that is - after 10 years it has to be an amazing film or it won't draw the crowds).

>Steam is running out
>Makes like the most absurd amounts of money

I'd agree, Feige might too. But it's too risky. X-men has had big bombs and Disney corporate won't finance risky projects unless they fit into corporate strategy (push to streaming).
Even worse, no one knows how X-men will fit in with the existing MCU. Will the two franchises be seamless, or clash? Will they divide the audience. Way too many variables.
Actually, the marketing guy made the point about this comparing it to Spider-Man. SM worked because it's a single character, a soft reboot, and S-M is about the most popular superhero other than maybe Superman or Batman.
With that in mind, X-men doesn't have overall with S-M has. There was a thought of bringing in Wolverine, but they couldn't commit to it because of uncertainty about the rest of the X-men, and also Hugh Jackman's presence with the character. No one wanted to recast Wolverine.
So no, we won't get X-men meets Avengers for like 15 years, and even then probably in streaming shows where there's so much CGI you don't even know what parts are live action - though meant to look like live action.

It's about demographics dude. Which brackets of fans buy multiple tickets. Which age ranges and family ethnic/age/region groups see Marvel movies, and which percentages skip.
Right now a critical mass goes, but key groups are seeing their percentages start to drop. This is tied to kids growing up, focus group responses about boredom with hero movies. And more.
These marketing dudes know what they're doing.
Disney is doing SJW for a reason, and not to make most people happy. They are surgically locking in key demographics that will support their streaming service launch.

And you know this how Mr. IT man?

Have you noticed theaters are becoming more and more ghost towns? There isn't nearly the quality gap between home video and theatrical screening that existed in the 80s and 90s. At the theater in the middle of my large city, I've never seen more than about 20 people in the common area, usually less than 10, and when you're outside of the screening rooms you can see the entire area. Granted, I haven't gone for big premieres but still.

Also, traditional theatrical movies release box office numbers but streaming services don't need to release them, so there's no embarrassment when something fails.

>Disney is doing SJW for a reason, and not to make most people happy. They are surgically locking in key demographics that will support their streaming service launch.
Are claiming SJWs are the only people who use streams or something?

It would explain why after half a decade of keeping the SJWs in the Star Wars containment zone he decided to let them run Marvel Phase 4. Especially if he goes to DC, since if they course correct using Aquachad and Wonder Woman as guidance, they will probably overtake Marvel over the next few years.

>audiences don't really like SJW garbage

except that's been proven wrong already since both Black Panther and Captain Marvel made 1 billion at the box office

Yeah I mean I hate SJW culture and identity politics but it's false to assume that they aren't profitable, woke movies are often pretty successful

Probably a Larp. but a good one.
Very plausible.

His weird fukboish embrace of Cpt.Triggered always seemed out of character to me.
He was much more subtle with his Jew subversion tactics.

There's been a few great articles about Netflix recently on ZH. ZH is bearish on everything so gotta take it with a grain of salt but still insightful as hell into a company that almost never releases viewing statistics.

Disagrees with which part? What part of a billion dollars is a failure for Captain Marvel?

The failure of that I don't like it.

I win.

Consultant, team includes marketing consultant not on Mouse payroll. Apparently, none of this is very secret since it will all be announced soon.

I think the X-Men can be introduced to the MCU through Shield. They can have it where Shield has been encountering unexplainable events years before the first Iron-Man movie but they were never able to fully understand what they witnessed because Xavier kept using cerebral to block their minds.

A good example of the X-Men fighting along the Avengers the whole time, is during the New York fight. The X-Men were actually helping the civilians and taking down some of the Chitauris, which explains how an army of them were defeated.

>Disney will stop releasing movies in theaters because Solo flopped!
Come on man, you need to do better than that

Btw what is the point of these larp threads anyway, do you just want attention or suffer from schizophrenia?

>Right now a critical mass goes, but key groups are seeing their percentages start to drop. This is tied to kids growing up, focus group responses about boredom with hero movies. And more.
tell us these percentages if you're in the know

Flawless victory

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What is your daily driver? What is your opinion on the IME and its pervasiveness?

Yeah, bearish because Disney and other companies are going full aggressive.

Marvel under performed, they're hiding that. And it is riding the Endgame enormous hype. Lot of people waiting out the MCU until Endgame then letting go.
Black Panther wasn't that woke. It's more like the Aquaman of the MCU but in Africa instead of under water. Plus the character rode the Civil War goodwill.

How the fuck did Black Panther and Captain Marvel under-perform? They did better than anyone expected

What can you tell us about this new platform, on the technical side? AWS/Azure? Or its own thing?

it's bury the lede you dumb motherfucker

No, the thrust of user's made up story is that Silicon Valley won't work on something that isn't 'woke'. You know, because, Silicon Valley only cares about the message and not making copious amounts of money.

No it's about locking in an audience to gain early momentum and competitive advantage.

That would be a very comic book thing to happen

Ive been reading ZH for a long time, they are literally bearish on everything except precious metals. If you listen to ZH for financial advise (I have) you lose money. They've been calling stock market collapse since 2008, they thought it didn't reach its bottom then.

>IT software engineer consulting for boring server code
are there any pics of qt actress feet on that server?

Nobody loves it. A lot of people tolerate a certain amount of it, but it's not a selling point.

Sure thing OP.

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work harder on the logic of your larps before you start them, then.
Why would they choose a niche audience instead of know, like the built in audience for the material they're using/already own?

Your story is....
>Disney want's to dominate streaming media
>They will use their existing properties to do that
>At launch they need a certain number of users
>Let's not use the material that got us here, but a message of wokeness, alienating a built in fan base for a group in a small area of the country, because they are early adopters of . . . wait for it . . . streaming?
>No one but cool hipsters in the valley know anything about streaming?

Asking the important questions...Godspeed, user

What kind of developer refers to themselves as a fucking "IT software engineer", the 'IT' is redundant and someone intelligent enough to land that position would have enough brain cells to realize that. Take note of how he describes his role in this as 'boring' so that people don't ask about it, and refuses to talk about the platform itself. He's just here to LARP and create a provocative narrative based on this board's current culture

Btw regarding feet pics, someone writing backend server code for a FUTURE platform probably wouldn't be using real data or media, they use mock data to test things until it's ready to be shipped for "production". Anyway, the only retard here is me for actually replying and not just playing along

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Your logic is good until the end.
The "woke" demographic drive early adopter trends. It's about people most willing to change habits, in key markets that advertisers care about.
>but muh streaming isn't about advertising.
Dream on. Bigger money than Netflix is panicking about the decline of television and film and Disney sucks their dick better than muh Netflix iz kewl 28 year old males in Cleveland. There's a science and politics to this corporate BS.
"Woke" people will choose the winner during the first lap of the race.

Just for the normies.
Also, a consultant not a technician. It's how those who hire my services understand what I do/did. It's as much about politics of which tech to work with as cost or utility. Which cities are most important to the service (marketing solution)? Boom, which ISPs, which infrastructures are most relevant. Where are the best deals in that slice?
This isn't high level Disney marketing people chatting with a random IT.

so. fucking. stupid.

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I have a theory about Captain Marvel. Basically, Feige saw that SJWs were gunning for Marvel and decided to make an SJW movie with huge fanfare that was guaranteed to fail. He cast the most unlikable, uncharismatic actress possible, planning for CM to bomb. This would give him grounds to tell Disney execs "see, woke shit won't sell" and he could steer clear of it for future movies. This is why he was so gung-ho about Brie.

However, Disney's SJW brigade cannot allow a woke film to fail catastrophically, so they used their web of shell companies to buy up tickets to the movie so that plan was defeated. But if this rumor is true it won't be Feige's problem anyway.

Re: Black Panther, it wasn't woke in the way that CM was, it was targeted to the black audience who will religiously buy anything marketed to the the right way. I also suspect there was some box office fuckery going on there, but black stuff has a dedicated customer base that feminist stuff doesn't.

Disney knows well enough that they can fart in a box and the retards on this board alone will talk about it non-stop for 2 years. (How many star wars/marvel threads are there right now? If they can somehow attract that rare non-crossover fan of GoT . . . oh wait, aren't those two hacks writing a trilogy?)

In this fiction you've devised, they aren't asking people to adopt new tech. They're asking people to use their 'Netflix'.
You don't alienate your core audience for a product that people are already familiar with. Yes, it's not the exact same thing, but all Disney has to say is, "You know how much you like Iron Man? Give us $12 a month and you can watch everything he's ever been in on DisneyFlix. It's just like netflix, but now you can watch Iron Man 2 on it."

It's fine, I won't rain on your parade. Have your fun. Just come up with a better reason for that bitch Brie being the face of the future then, "We had to get people with neon hair and a tesla to watch a Marvel movie on the internet."

>The "woke" demographic drive early adopter trends. It's about people most willing to change habits, in key markets that advertisers care about.

Evidence on this? Woke true believers have always been a small group, and most of them are more interested in social media slapfights than consuming entertainment. They're also not a very loyal consumer base, just ask Joss Whedon. You can flatter them for years but say one wrong word and they'll tear you apart like hyenas.

SJW ideology has only been able to penetrate media and entertainment by taking over things with a preexisting fanbase. Anytime they try to create something new that's woke from the beginning, it fails horribly, maybe with the exception of Steven Universe. No one who wanted profit would invest in a track record like that, it's about social engineering.

The part where Disney bought tickets

I'm a fat polyam queer femme that's ready to dismantle the white patriarchal society we're trapped within. I'm interested in making friends that I can build a connection with and if we both feel after a time that we want to make something more of it then let's explore it like Dora. My dream is to someday be part of a loving poly relationship with a group of kinky people that I've grown to love and trust with all of me, people that I know I can trust to never use my insecurities against me and take care of me when I'm in need of anything. I want to meet people that know how to court correctly and make plans for fun outings and dates without always having to ask me what I want to do. I'm usually a homebody but I do enjoy trying new things that are outside of my comfort zone. I appreciate people that are honest and know how to build healthy and genuine relationships. People that are manipulative, inconsistent, unkind, dishonest, and passive aggressive are thundercunts. This next part is going to upset non-black folx but that ain't got nothing to do with me. I'm a womanist that puts on for other black femmes and non-men. Other than that I'm a dork that enjoys nerd culture, kink, food, and adventures! Oh and #BLM

>this much headcanon

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>But they don't. Captain Marvel and Solo are stalling out compared to past ticket hauls.
Literal who lady movie: makes a billion
One of most famous white dudes in movie history: bomb.

>he's pulling a Jack Kirby and is going to rebuild the DCEU from the ground up. D
I'll give you a 7/10 for that reference

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You know I got some bad news bud. While there is that one image of some podunk theater that couldn't sell all it's tickets I go out and do things in the real world. Five times I had to turn down invites from people who were going to see that shit film. Five times we met for dinner or an activity and then they would say "We are going to see that new marvel film tonight, you want to come with us?"

People watched and paid for that nonsense. Disney didn't spend 1 billion dollars on tickets to get it there.

Yeah this is totally believable OP

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the queen of the queer is saying goodbye?
so we can celebrate now?
and we will never have so many miscasts?

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you're using this wrong all you fags are using it wrong

Feige in DCEU?
He was going to do the same thing he did in Marvel comics
Wonder Woman was going to wear PANTS
Powergirl will wear a tactical suit, without cleavage
Robin would be play by Kevin Hart
Imagine the disaster

Feige=Coward in German