So let me get this straight

>boomer Thor joins the Guardians of the galaxy
>Scott Lang's daughter is the next ant (wo)man
>Sam becomes the new captain America
>Clint adopted a chink and can speak Japanese
>Tony, Gamora, and black widow stay dead
>captain marvel is a stronk independent womyn

what the hell happened in endgame

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Clint has his anime phase 35 years later than normal teenagers

I still don't understand how they were able to go back in time and change shit without creating major paradoxes.

When they travelled back in time they went to alternate realities so anything that was altered didn't affect their reality.


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Better version: Gamera lives but its the Kaiju version

They explain it by saying that when they change something in the past, like taking a stone, that splits off into a new timeline separate from the "real" one, but if they eventually return the stones to the moment they were taken, that initial split doesn't 'really' happen, and the timelines remain the same

As always with time travel it's fucking stupid, "just turn your brain off lol"

Hawkeye adopted a child what did I miss? I thought that were his kids

so gamora wont be in the next guardians movie?


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>what the hell happened in endgame
sjw bullshit

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>Alternate realities
>"Dude, bro! Their timeline is totally unaffected because they just went to a different MCU™. Their reality is fine then cap goes back and give all the stones back and stays in the past. Stop think so much man it's SCIENCE, BITCH!"

at Tony's funeral you see him standing next to a Japanese kid.

Clint WHAT? When?
Gamora ain't dead.

>Thor going to space
Beta Ray Bill incoming.
Doesn't YAAAAAAAAAS QUEEEEEEEEEEEEN get fucking falcon punched by Thanos?

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Oh, there was one kid that had me wondering who the fuck it was, but it looked like he was standing on his own.

>imagine unironically believing in a jewish grand conspiracy to undermine white people by being more inclusive in comic book movies

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Say hello to Queen of Asgard

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How can Gamora be back if she was a sacrifice for the soul stone?

past Thanos travels to the present to fuck up the Avengers. Past Gamorra and Nebula come with him. Past Nebula and Thanos die but Gamorra is still alive

cringe as fuck

I don't understand the point of weeb Clint when it was like a 1 minute thing.

Hearing that AVENGERS ENDGAME is "for the fans", breaking tradition with the Brechtian tone of the previous films in the MCU

>social justice warriors = jews
way to out yourself, rabbi

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- where did 2012 loki go?
- how could cap summon lighning if the hammer only "focuses" thor's powers?
- why didnt they think before of using the powerglove to kill thanos?
- how come old cap didnt warn the avengers about thanos?
- why didnt cap marvel use the powerglove instead of stark? or thor? or hulk (again)?
- how come 2012 cap has his helmet on when he lost in the battle?
- how did cap get a spaceship in the 1945 or 2012 to put the power stone back in its original place?

Sad! hope you will one day grow out of your anti-semitism, the world is getting browner and your views are not welcome in it.

they explicitly state in 2 separate scenes that altering the past does not affect the present, it just creates a new ''branch'' from the point in time that you changed it

multiculturalism good
western culture bad

He made her king of Asgard

Black Widow died? But wasn't she getting her own movie?

your questions get answered by paying attention to the movie

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>- where did 2012 loki go?
Into his upcoming show

>- how could cap summon lighning if the hammer only "focuses" thor's powers?
Thor allowed it?

>- why didnt they think before of using the powerglove to kill thanos?
They didn't know Thanos was coming

>- how come old cap didnt warn the avengers about thanos?
He didn't want to fuck the timeline further. He did want to fuck Peggy further.

>- why didnt cap marvel use the powerglove instead of stark? or thor? or hulk (again)?
They didn't think of it, they were just trying to keep it away from Thanos. Tony thought of it in the moment, and Strange made him understand it was the only way.

>- how come 2012 cap has his helmet on when he lost in the battle?
They gave him a new one... that fit better?

>- how did cap get a spaceship in the 1945 or 2012 to put the power stone back in its original place?
Presumably he went to each time and place exactly through the Quantum Realm rather than traveling to each place conventionally.

thor has nothing to do with it.
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

Probably a prequel. I want another spy esq movie like Winter Soldier.

Most likely. But it'd be cool if she was in the Soul Stone, and we see her past as the present plot, whatever it might be, unfolds.

Is this true?

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What I don't get is how the Captain America goes back in time when the result will be Thanos not getting any infinity stones and ends up on that bench talking to Sam who has somehow seen the war.

Thank you
I am tired of that anorexic green chick
Next time bring Angela with big tits, fat ass and...
You know
A Amazon body
Warner can't do it

>Val: Your people need a king
>Thor: They already have one

After a bit more talk, he calls her "Your majesty" and leaves with the Guardians

The point was to make me cringe.

the nigger king (female) of sweden
sounds about right

Thor can use lightning without his hammer though. I'm guessing they're not mutually inclusive?

You mean except for the part where Captain America goes back in time and shows up as an old man?

Its clearly all the same timeline.

What happened to Cap?

>>>- how could cap summon lighning if the hammer only "focuses" thor's powers?
>Thor allowed it?
>"He whosever wields this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of THOR"

so how come the "alternate" reality is conveniently the exact SAME reality as their own
shouldn't it be different

>Oh, there was one kid that had me wondering who the fuck it was, but it looked like he was standing on his own.

The teenager with blonde hair? Its supposed to be the kid from Iron Man 3 that helped Tony when his suit fucked out.

that's the kid from iron man 3

She will be, just not the Gamora that was sacrified for the soul stone but the alternate GotG 1 one.

[What happened to Gamora at the end?]

you forgot to turn off your brain, broooooooooooooooothismovieismadeforretards

Raped to death

Imagine alienating the core audience, to please a bunch of uppity, racist non whites and white SJWs.

It never works. SJW's don't consume like normal people, and non whites are never happy.

why didn't tony just snap Thanos away instead of his all his NPC army
After Thanos is gone, they could easily clean up everyone else

Dumbest question in the thread

>Why didn't Tony just kill Thanos instead of autowinning the entire battle

What the hell happened to Loki?

You are all wrong. It's stated clearly by Banner.

You create a separate timeline just when you move the stones. If you get back the stones to their original timeline, you delete it and only 1 timeline exists. That's why Cap can get old in the only timeline left.

The problem is: he banged his own daughter

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>dying in the process
not really a win is it?

>>Clint adopted a chink and can speak Japanese
this was just weird for me, him going insane and hunting down criminals was interesting but nothing ever comes of it and why the fuck does he speak japanese

she will be, they just reversed all her character development since before GOTG1

That timeline should have been reset to normal, so he's still dead



He dies no matter what if he's using the stones. Did you not pay attention to any of the films involving them?

Most people dont care, only incels like you do because you most likely dont have a life.

Gamora from the deleted timeline should still be in the remaining one.

But wasn't the whole point of his death that Thanos was retrieving the stone? Am I totally misunderstanding something or would he never have went to get them? Would Loki transporting away from the NY timeline change it?

it's destructive based on the magnitude of the wish
killing Thanos only wouldn't be as damaging


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I don't get your question about Thanos.

Loki moved in space, so technically no.

Wow, that camrip shot makes her look AWFUL.

Don't you faggots know any other words?

If I had the gauntlet I would have made everyone have horrible diarrhea for three days.

So...If Cap was putting the Stones back where they were, does that mean he ran into Red Skull when putting the Soul Stone back? I'd have liked to have seen that.

Correct. Thor is Thor. If you're worthy to hold the hammer, you are also Thor.

Like I say I could be totally getting the 'rules' they set up wrong, but the reason Loki intially died was because Thanos killed him to get the space stone in IW. But in 'this reality', Thanos only got the stones on Earth after the Avengers had got them together. Basically my question boils down to; Is the reality of Thanos getting the stones separately the linear reality, or was that removed from his death and the reemergence of those he killed?

>makes her look AWFUL

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They said the past already happened, so anything they did really didn't change anything except by taking the stones they created new realities, but they fixed that by putting them back.

Imagine if you went back a week in time, you already lived that week, so that week is already your past. The week you went back to experience becomes a new week to you even though its the same week.

Its like a circle rolling back into itself. new but at the same time old.

>>Sam becomes the new Captain America
the fuck happened to gun-toting Bucky cap?

Why only 3?

>"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
That's not on the movie hammer, though.

Because I want them to live and remember how it felt.

The future actions changed the past which made a new future which was also the future. Does that make sense? It happened the way it happened.

In this reality Steve undid it all somehow. Maybe just summoned Odin/Heimdall and warn them or ask the sorcerer supreme for help. He had the suit, so he could just hop around and talk to these people.

He could also have created his own timeline to live with Peggy and fix shit like Hydra from early on and just use the suit to jump to the original reality to give the shield to falcon.

Odin literally says that very line in the first Thor movie.

>You create a separate timeline just when you move the stones
NO, this is not stated by Banner.

In the middle of the last fight, how did all the female heroes have time to group up for a group shot? Shouldn't they be helping their allies? And how many of their allies died because of that group shot?

Sam & Bucky are getting a tv series together

Yeah, she does almost nothing. The blows up Thanos' warship but that's kinda it.

I figure they've kept it murky on purpose to make future films more a mystery. Still, can't help but see this as the 'end', which I feel weirdly sad about

I’m betting that the Loki that fled with the Tesserect will be the Loki we see in the Disney+ show

Bucky has wanted to stop fighting and just be a dude at peace since Civil War.
It was clear that Bucky knew Steve's plan:

>I'm going to miss you
>Told Sam to go speak to Steve
>Nodded at Sam to take the shield when Sam looked at him like nigger this should go to you

Steve worked out he was going to go to Peggy before he did it, told Bucky if it all worked out he'd see him again and knowing Steve he probably asked Bucky if he'd take over for him and Bucky was like
nah dude I'm done with that shit I'm going to Wakanda to bang black chicks
and because Steve is a bro he was like, okay, Sam it is.

>Doesn't she get falcon punched by Thanos

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Sure it worked with Star Wars, look at these great merch sales with Rey and Rose.


Yes, it should. Part of Cap's choice to stay should have included knowing that the friends waiting for him to reappear after 5 seconds would never see him again. Although...I guess the events of these 2 movies still happen in his new timeline, and we're actually seeing him there at the end. This is now my head csnon.

I'm sure a lot of the TV Shows will take place during the 5 years that they skipped in the movie

wasn't he like a super-agent with Shield? Speaking chink seems kinda logical with that job

She left and went...somewhere.

That movie made a fuckton of money yeah, and so did that Captain Marvel movie everyone said would flop
Almost as if this sjw whinery amounts to nothing but clickbait for dumb idiots who watch anti-sjw vids all day long

Thats not it at all

Bucky is the MCU’s White Wolf, he’ll be his own costumed hero in the upcoming movies

Probably some shit like Black Panther and White Wolf

No, that timeline now has the events of Avengers 1, but with Loki escaping straight after with the cube. So now when the dark elves attack, Loki isn't in his prison cell, and who knows what happens from there?

Nothing you listed is bad in any way, also Lang's kid is supposed to become gigant girl instead of manlet-woman.

I’m thinking that the Marvel “What If?” will be one as well, and that takes place across the multiple timelines that they messed up in endgame.

Ah yes that's why WWE stocks plummeted after the SJW shit they pulled

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That's actually kind of satisfying after the end of Infinity War
>forces her to kill her husband
>brings him back to life
>then he kills him in front of her
>then disintergrates her

I didn't notice 'til rewatching IW that the snap fucked up the gauntlet and Thanos' arm.

>SJW shit they pulled
What did they do, satan? Haven't watched since 2003.

Nah dude, thats just a skin condition Thanos has.

ah yes sjw shit they pulled, GET WOKE GO BROKE my dude
Have sex

Nah, him and Falcon are TV show. It'll be Falcon trying to be Cap and not doing great and needing to go get Bucky out of retirement to help.

Where is everyone getting these webms from?

Indeed. And shouldn't he get the 'sacrifice' back? Maybe they should've sent Clint there.

>have sex

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I'm not sure if its because of how hot I find Rene Russo but those Frigga scenes hit really hard I thought. Both scenes with parents honestly did

>That's the joke

part 1 part 2

Some user has been posting requests all day in other threads

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It's ironic because the people who say this are posting on Yea Forums and are definitely virgins too

I couldn't remember either way on that. Didn't know if the wording was the same.

Cap going to be with carter was a pretty kino ending. Guess i'm done with Marvel now. the rest of the movies are just going to be ultrapolitics which thankfully we survived to some degree until now.

It's the Ancient One that explains and then Banner proposes the solution.
It's time fuckery who gives a shite.

Thor being a fat joke was so dumb. I really don't get the point. Having him all dishevelled would hammer home the point of his grief and sense of failure, the fatso shit on top just feels like unnecessarily reducing the character, especially if we're not seeing him again.

>If we're not seeing him again
He'll be in GOTG 3

>Still 15 & still in high school.

It was really good. Ending it on that old love ballad with them dancing was the best possible ending for the MCU.
Honestly if Disney wasn't made of a bunch of maximum overkikes, they'd end it here and make money off merch and special editions.

I doubt it. Then again between three main heroes, Chris Hemsworth is the only actor that's still affordable. RDJ and Evans are far too expensive for the MCU kikes to keep on payroll.

Isn't hemworth's contract up now?

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I've seen Rescue and blurry short hair Marvel. Any images of Stature?

If it's like the Falcon Cap comic it's SAM GOES POLITICAL.

You know most of the profits don't come from the box office right? Actually studios don't profit too much with the box office.
Star Wars' gold mine was the merch, but Disney managed to destroy it with ugly female characters. The same will happen with Marvel, nobody wants to buy Captain Marvel merch, with the exception of basedboys and womanchildren addicted to social media.

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3rd world countries are shitholes because of the people living in them.

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The numbers are there, people were not turned off by the movie because of "sjw shit"
keep seething tho


>boomer Thor joins the Guardians of the galaxy
Yes, at least temporarily.
>Scott Lang's daughter is the next ant (wo)man
She's a possible successor, but I see no reason why there won't be another Ant-Man sequel starring Rudd. He came in much later than the original team.
>Sam becomes the new captain America
Unfortunately. Should've gone to Bucky.
>Clint adopted a chink and can speak Japanese
Seems that way.
>Tony, Gamora, and black widow stay dead
No, only Tony and Black Widow stay dead. The Gamora who knew and fell in love with Peter Quill is dead, but the past Gamora who went to the current year is alive somwhere, and Peter's search for her will likely be the plot of Guardians 3.
>captain marvel is a stronk independent womyn
To her own deficit. She seemed extremely unpoopular and out of place even within the narrative.

>Shows no reaction to being hit
I know progressives or producers pandering to what they think is progressive like to have scenes like that because it’s supposed to be empowering but it just makes me dislike the character even more. Invincible characters are boring

Contrasted with captain marvel, SW looks like she’s genuinely invested in hurting thanos and fighting hard. It makes the audience care more about her

>It's the Ancient One that explains and then Banner proposes the solution.
That comes after Banner has already explained that their travelling will just make alternate timelines, and it's not specific to taking the stones, and is never said to be.
Ancient One's demo involves her stone's her stone, and IS a significant thing. But it could've just as easily been something like nabbing the nuke from Avengers 1.

What about Loki then? He escaped with the space stone.

I was rooting for thanos the whole time during that scene

TFA made 2 billion dollars. TLJ lost 700 million compared.
Live in your delusion tho.

>He didn't want to fuck the timeline further. He did want to fuck Peggy further.
How exactly the timeline would be fucked?

>Make the last scene of Cap with Sam instead of Bucky
>Make Sam the new Captain America instead of Bucky even though he is a super soldier just like him

Bucky isn't a super soldier you retard. He just has a robot arm.

Though Sam is 100% normal he's just really good with a jetpack, so it's sort of dumb.

It's a shame she is such a boring character

I just think that the thing is that her kicking the shit out of Thanos actually means something because of how badly he fucked her over. Captain Marvel has no personal stakes.

All your talk about morality is idiotic because you don't understand the concept of infinity, but let's just leave that aside.

You simply don't have the IQ to see just how fucking broken it is.
So I shall simply list a few "possibilities":

Take the completed infinity gauntlet to the past and snap Thanos with it. DONE.

You can duplicate infinity stones with it - WITH NO CONSEQUENCES - as long as you "bring them back eventually".

"Everyone who is "dead" in one universe and not dead in another one won't be coming back because it would be wrong to take them from their original universe" - WRONG. Infinite hotel paradox.
This is how you can even KEEP as many infinity stones as you want in the future without giving them back. By just recursively getting some from the next parallel timeline.

It is literally an absolute power, that is capable of fixing all imaginable problems period - no exceptions.

>"Hey black widow, you died in our universe, mind recursively swapping one universe so we fix it? It will literally have no consequences for you and everything will be the same, but except you will be alive in our universe? Your universe will just get a different version of yourself that is just like you, it's complicated scince shit."
>"Hey Iron man, mind doing the same thing so your child won't grow up without a father in this universe?"

Universe A(Iron man sacrifices himself) -> Universe A(Take hulk with the infinity gauntlet and travel to the past) -> Universe B(hulk snaps Thanos at the beginning of the battle[also saves lots of gunts]) -> Iron man from universe B goes to the universe A, Hulk from universe A returns to Universe A. -> Hulk from Universe B goes to universe C to do the same thing.
Do this recursively.

There are lots lots lots of things like that, fucking hell lads, get some creativity. You can abuse those things in completely retarded ways.

have sex you pathetic incel. why do you hate brown people so much? what have they ever done to you?

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>The numbers are there
Yes the merch sales are decreasing

They had to give to the nigger because fuck whitey! White people are being treated far, far worse than any minority has in the past 300 years in this country and this movie is just one of many that makes it wrong to be a white man

Images of Stature/Cassie Lang as a superhero when?

>guy in Cap's support group is gay (one of the first scenes you see)
>Captain Marvel saves Tony and he mistakes her for an angel
>All black people come out of the snap first
>an entire super hero shot dedicated to just the women
>Thor is immasculated
>Tony dies
>Cap turned into a frail old man
>Quill is made to be a joke who literally gets kicked in the nuts by Alt Gamora
>Valkirie is the new king of Asguard
>Pepper is a single mother who don't need no man
>Falcon is the new Captain America

yeah boys it's about time we wrap this up. It's no longer ours.

Why do you think this is funny? What's the comedic angle here? I don't understand what you get out of this.

So we have all this past characters, does Quicksilver come back?

Shut up, Thor

hopefully never

Is that Chinese
Where? Hongkong or China ? Do they have different Chinese ?

Honestly either or would fit but I really think the last scene before they cut to the dance sequence should have been with Bucky.
On the other hand, Bucky knew what was coming. He saw right through Cap when they were saying goodbye before Cap jumps, so Bucky did get that.

You keep talking about merch and toys all you want, but we're on Yea Forums you dumb nigger, stick to the box office numbers

Captain Marvel barely debut in the MCU and already destroyed 2 movies

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>Thor is immasculated
The only issue was the fat shite.
Honestly I'd have been fine with him breaking down after everything that happened in Ragnarok and IW, and seeing his mother again.
But the fat jokes were so unbelievably dumb.

Reminder that this happened

Yo captain tell carter about this

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>white man good
>brown man bad
white people deserve to be treated like shit anyways

tony killed her with the rest of the thanos's army

I get (You)s from either people like you who are sure to call the BS or from people like me who are trying to start shit or from weirdos who actually believe that nonsense, either way, I win. I always win!

Ha ha I liked it when they mentioned movies about time travel that I also saw and recognized and I appreciate that they know what those movies are.

in a different timeline that reverted back to become the real one you brainlet

Fuck no

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Where's the rip?

>Take the completed infinity gauntlet to the past and snap Thanos with it. DONE.
Not by this movie's rules. That just makes a new timeline, and when the Avengers zap back to present, everyone's still dusted.


only that scene? I wanted him to take another half, but it turns out this movie is fucking gay

Because the timelines haven’t caused any proper paradoxes that affect the future. The Infinity Stones have immediately been replaced once they were taken so there’s no paradox with where they end up. Everything that happened almost lines up where it hasn’t had an impact on the future. What actually wasn’t explained was what the hell happened to Loki and the Space Stone. He was supposed to be imprisoned in Asgard by Thor and the Tesseract put away. What happens there?

It seems like such a boring way to waste the hours. Why not just masturbate again?

It's destructive to the gauntlet based on that. Humans can't weild the power stone alone let alone all 5 Infinity Stones. The only other human capable of weilding the power of a stone is a literal wizard, and it's the most benign one in terms of physical exertion.

Read the whole post, speed reader.

Have you been led to believe this happens in Endgame?

They mentioned that shitty Disney movie that flopped last year, lol

what do you brainlets not understand, explain it
the timelines are unaffected because cap bringing the stones back never changed them.
after he stayed in one of the unchanged timeline and relieved everything, every of his movies, of the avengers movies just to spend some time with his girl.
what is there in need of explaining, you wanna have the mathemathic formels for everything or what?

Because my cum is a precious resource that must be excremated only 3 times a week and I've already ran up that limit.

Well that sucks, I like speedsters.

She looks way better with short hair

>Wanda didn't go back to AoU, nab Quicksilver, and tell him 'Oh, and some later time you have to go back and save that kid by being a human shield'.

What was it called? I was too busy rolling my eyes and must have missed it.

>Humans can't weild the power stone alone let alone all 5 Infinity Stones.
You're a retard along with the script writers
>put on gauntlet
>make yourself immortal and able to wield the gauntlet before you die
>do as you desire without dying

Because preparing for Thanos likely means they can beat Thanos without time travel which means old Cap can’t come back to warn them

It's a wig idiot
and she looks horrible on the big screen

No. Would have been shown, and Quill was space-Googling to try to find her after.

Yeah. I thought it showed her being Stature in some future.

Oh well. I liked the Young Avengers so that would have been neat.

Nope. He's now in a timeline where he escaped with the cube after Avengers.

cap marvel was totally fine and her role did nothing to "destroy" endgame
girl is a disgusting person irl but there was nothing wrong with the movies at all

>All the energy from Thanos’ first snap/Tonys snap released and attracts the attention of Galactus, who wants to eat the planet and consume the excess energy
>Silver Surfer comes to warn them

I can see this happening, but how the fuck are they gonna shoehorn mutants into the MCU? Where was Professor X while all this shit was happening

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Wrinkle in time

Imagine being so fucking fragile that you think showing a guy being old is taking a shot at white people. Holy shit you are an absolute embarrassment

the avengers fucking with timelines probably created the X-Men or something


maybe energy from the snap triggers a bunch of mutant powers?

Nooooooo, you are thinking too much, you're supposed to sit down and have fun!

Depends if they want to go full LORE with it or not.
If I was writing it, I'd have it so all the fucking gamma radiation released by the 3 snaps on Earth triggers the x-gene that had stayed dormant within humans after the celestials fucked around with us thousands of years ago.
Of course, if you rob the historical weight of some things, like Xavier and Magneto's relationship, you wont get the same audience investment.
Just keep the mutants in their ghetto. It's for the best.

>Not having DOOM sneak in and get the gauntlet
>No post credit scene with DOOM getting beyonders powers
I just want DOOM, lads.

>Removes her only feminine characteristic (above the neck).


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The only problem is that he isn't the same Thanos from IW. He's already dead.

But what happens to the original timeline? How does Cap replace the Tesseract during the heist? There isn’t any time to do it unnoticed and without Loki taking it and disappearing. It also fucks up the normal timeline because he’s supposed to be captured an imprisoned on Asgard. Baldy told us time flows as one and that alternate realities fuck everything. It can only be right when all their stones are in their correct location

that timeline is a loose string that goes forward until cap brings the stones back, after that the timeline never happened you imbecile.
you cannot life in another timeline that is based on event from a timeline that gets erased

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kate bishop is going to be japanese??

Is this how they're going to do Echo?

Well she obviously will be Stature in the next Ant-Man or a future Avengers.

I unironically don't understand if Loki is currently alive only on an alternate reality or he's alive in the reality we follow

Is he hurt or is he about to break into a dance move?

ngl thanos with that blade looks badass tho

reading your post proofs that there are some people that are just beyond the possibility of understanding

>"Anything you alter in the past doesn't affect the future!"
>*cap does it anyways*
great going, Disney

I heard Star Lord made a right in the Infinity Stones joke. Is that true

>But what happens to the original timeline? How does Cap replace the Tesseract during the heist?
That Tesseract was in Tony's dad's lab or whatever.
Loki is now in an alternate timeline, with the cube.

These Marvel shills will stop at no end to defend this shitshow no matter how idiotic their defense is.

Time travel is the lazy writer's crutch ehere the impossible is easily "explained" with people groveling over adults in Halloween costumes prancing around in front of green screens.
Pays well for the company and production crew, makes people who buy and defend this shit into morons.

How did Cap alone kick Thanos' ass when nobody else managed to do it?

The real question now if capitan maerica "lived" his life and go and hang out with his love there is a posibility that the agent of shild who was daughter of agent carter is actually his daughter ? so capitan america actually was trying to have sex with his own daughter in the future ?

How can past Thanos be killed without fucking the timeline? If past Thanos is dead then future Thanos can’t come and fuck with the stones

Yeah, Ant-Man and the Wasp gave them plenty of room to develop that organically. Kate Bishop is confirmed for that Hawkeye show I think. I would imagine Scarlet Witch and Vision will somehow dovetail into Wiccan and Speed. Too bad Patriot's rights seem to be fucked somehow.

Same here.
The murder of past Nebula by future Nebula wouldn't fuck everything? And the creation of a Soul Stone in the past wouldn't make it impossible for Thanos to have Soul Stone in the future since it was created already? Killing past Thanos wouldn't change everything too?

1% of the people who got undusted now have an X-gene because...Banner's gamma interfered with the reverse snap.

Yo hold the fuck up, we are getting my Waifu?

>Captain Marvel saves Tony and he mistakes her for an angel
This shit isn't even explained. She simply finds him in the middle of nowhere.

There was an offhand comment about the energy from the snap being so powerful that it was readable, hence how they found Thanos.

It’s entirely possible that Galactus would now be aware of Earth.

As for X-Men, Magneto exists because of Wanda and Peter, so its possible that they have their own little stories going on

How fucking dumb are you? Not every detail, especially ones that have no importance to the plot has to be fucking explained to you, you autistic retard.

where did they show cassie lang stature in endgame

Will Wanda and Quickass be retconned into mutants now?

>just turn off your brain bro

Didn't wanda said both of their parents died or something?
I might be wrong

>Perfectly developed Gamora gets replaced by a more boring Gamora from another timeline and no one really minds
She was the only female character in the MCU I actually gave a shit about but ruining perfectly fine characters seems to be a theme for Endgame.

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>goes forward until cap brings the stones back
He takes the cube back to Tony's dad's place, but Loki still has it later. They failed to nab it at that time.

now you know how it feels to be one of those underrepresented minorities. you should understand why they are fighting for inclusivity as it obviously bothers you you are "on your way out"

not trying to be an asshole, but imagine how it feels to not be represented (or misrepresented) in mainstream media for decades and decades.

>where did 2012 loki go?
Cap dealt with it when he went back in time at the end. He had to correct everything so that time could flow well
- how could cap summon lighning if the hammer only "focuses" thor's powers?
Don't know
- why didnt they think before of using the powerglove to kill thanos?
Because as soon as they used it, Thanos launched a surprise attack. Did you not watch the film? They never had an instance to just throw on the gloves and use it after they did it once. Also, it requires someone really strong to use. Thanos and hulk nearly died using it.
- how come old cap didnt warn the avengers about thanos?
Not fuck up time. The same reason Strange didn't.
- why didnt cap marvel use the powerglove instead of stark? or thor? or hulk (again)?
See above
- how come 2012 cap has his helmet on when he lost in the battle?
There are spears at Avenger tower
- how did cap get a spaceship in the 1945 or 2012 to put the power stone back in its original place?
They shrunk one.

to be fair falcon was captain america years before the movie, I saw this coming a mile away

IW was the last movie worth seeing. And is a way more satisfying ending to the series.

>Loki is now in an alternate timeline, with the cube.
But wasn't the entire point of Cap putting the stones back at the time and place they were stolen so that all those alternate realities get fixed back into the single time stream? Therefore Loki should never get the space stone in 2012 and escape rather than being imprisoned in Asgard like what happened in the normal timeline.

yikes, go back to plebbit

They can't make the X-Men suffer discrimination because the metahumans in the MCU universe are celebrated as heroes. But well, the MCU did Spider-Man without Uncle Ben so we can already expect X-Men without racism.
I wish they keep X-Men as a separated franchise...

They used Michael Chriton's Timeline rules. Not the movie, the book.

There's now an alt timeline where Thanos just disappeared into quantum realm in 2014 and didn't return.

>where did 2012 loki go?
Into GotG3, if Thor's there.

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Glad Captain feminazi barely appeared in this movie

There's no need to turn off your brain. You're autistic plain and simple. You been everything explained to you, even things that aren't important. That's the sign of a retard

>bad guy winning good
>good guys winning bad

Probably, or Kate Bishop if they're doing Young Avengers next. Keep in mind the dangerhairs made up this fanon that they stick to that she's asian.


Not trying to be an asshole but you sure are a faggot

But they should have went with Bucky. Which happened way before the shoehorned falcon america gimmick.

Regarding past Thanos dying and how this doesn’t affect the timeline. Banner explains the typical movie tropes of time travel are wrong and that everything still happens as normal because it’s fixed so you can’t change the past. So past Thanos can be killed because all that does is create an alternate timeline where he never gets the stones. But of course in this timeline it still happened and Thanos is inevitable. Past Thanos dying doesn’t matter because it’s part of that timeline and the effect it has on the past has created another timeline. Same with Nebula killing her past self. The only thing they couldn’t fuck with in the past we’re the stones or it completely screws the flow of time hence why they need to be put back immediately after they were taken

I farted a timeline out of my asshole that created a timeline where I didn't fart.


She got the Fury signal. She's heading back to Earth and...detects a human life sign? idk

somebody post the stature pics i wanna see them

Then how was Cap able to make himself older?

>plot holes don't need to be explained
>just turn off your brain

>It’s entirely possible that Galactus would now be aware of Earth.
He's been aware of a major cosmic event for 5 years already - half of the life energy he feeds off disappeared.

>Ruined all the development Thor had in the last 2 movies and make him a fat fuck
I know he was overpowered as shit after IW but fuck off

>Cap gets old in normal timeline
>but nothing about Thanos is altered

i dont browse reddit
im just asking to try to imagine how it is to get no representation in the mainstream media.
and im saying that it doesn't even have to be a big deal. unless you expect white genocide.
I mean.. seriously what are you afraid of? what's going to happen to white people because this?

She's just 5 years older now, so almost Stature age.

So 5 years have passed and Peter's friends are still in high school and didn't age at all?

>Brie Larson only has a minor role in the movie
Disney jews did something right!

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I ain't calling Sgt. Falcon Captain America no matter what they say.

The funniest joke in the whole movie was Thor telling Niggyrie that she was a great leader

Carl Danvers singlehandedly destroying the ship was just as anticlimactic as I've heard it was when she blew up the baddies in xer movie

I was groaning at the gratuitous grrrl power shot at the end too. Only one I'd care to see headlining their own movie is Scarlet Witch, but they've killed all of her motivation with Pietro dead and without Vision coming back though the end of Endgame gives them lots of outs.

what do you want them to do? Age Ned 5 years with CGI?

Read Civil war 2

No wait, actually don't.

Basically mpossible coincidence. Think about the size of the galaxy.

The past isn't the past anymore when it becomes your present. This is part of the problem when you only think of time linearly. Everything that lead to you traveling back in time had to happen for you to travel back in time. The "past" you travel to isn't your past, it's your future.

There's a saying about 2 wrongs.

>we need to show horn blacks and left wing politics into mainstream media and degrade the quality because it makes me feel good

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Because present Cap has went back in time and lived out his years. He can come back into the same timeline and live it. Cap going back and living his years has no affect on the timeline if he’s not messing with shit. Thanos not returning to his timeline just breaks off into another timeline because that breaks the continuity of the original timeline. Cap doesn’t

He didn't kick his ass. He got some lucky hits in then got bodied

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Gamora isn't dead. Her alternate timeline version which time traveled to the current universe is still alive at the end of the battle. She ran off after the fight.

He's arguably the best hand to hand fighter in the entire Marvel universe and the MCU version is like way stronger than the old "peak human" shit they stated obviously. The shield is retardedly strong and Mjolnir hits like a fucking truck, remember Thor didn't have it when he fought Thanos at the start of IW. Plus Thanos didn't have power stone.

Oh and it's a comic book film.

Why would it? See

woah, lazer beams! cool!

the whole five years thing in general is reaaaaaaally pretty fucked for me, like you mentioned stuff like school can't exactly go back to normal and it seems like they're just going to play it off and pretend nothing has happened or it's not a big deal which is dumb as shit
what about literally everyone who had to deal with crushing existential dread for the last 5 years and won't ever be able to recover? what about those who killed themselves because all their friends family etc died?

Toys and merch sales are dying across everything, its not exclusive to star wars.

Thor is the god of thunder despite not having the hammer
That was literally most of the plot from Ragnarok

Depending on what models of quantum mechanics you subscribe to, this is true.

Yeah she was perfectly developed, but she was dead anyway

>People trying to make sense about time traveling plot holes
Time travel always makes everything a mess.

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Did he live out his life in a different timeline and age in there and then return to the normal timeline when he became old?

They fucked up trying to get the cube. It'd take more than Cap going back to find a universe-teleporting Loki.

Wrong webm

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Did they have anything like this?

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Have sex

Comic Book Megafilmverses were a mistake

They give some halfhearted explanation about how past versions of themselves are entirely different beings than the present versions of themselves but who gives a shit it's just lazy rules so they can get away with fucking up anything

>They can't make the X-Men suffer discrimination because the metahumans in the MCU universe are celebrated as heroes
Not a problem for the comics. Mutants are feared because there are more of them, and they're going to replace normies.

I hate that character but she looked cute with this haircut.

Yeah so why bring her more boring self back? Just leave her dead.

im just asking you to try to understand how it feels to be underrepresented for decades.

then i asked what are you afraid of?

>There's a saying about 2 wrongs.
100% agree. Saying men or white people are bad is bad, period. there have been a lot of very consequential things historically done by white men that are disastrous and destructive. nothing scientific or factual about the nature of white men, it's just a trend.

Bucky is 100% a super soldier. It's established in Civil War the russians made super soldiers and Bucky was one of them.

Half of them got snapped. For Homecoming continuity it’s easy to say all the major characters were part of the snap so it has no impact
Well yeah there’s still some casualties but minor in comparison. Whatever it takes.

The Elementals movie will introduce the X gene and Black Panther 2 will introduce Storm (and maybe a post credit scene featuring Cyclops and Charles finding Storm but that's my personal fanfic)

Yeah kind of... before the big battle

John Walker says hi.
And 50s Cap.

There’s actually no plot holes though

>Bucky isn't a super soldier you retard. He just has a robot arm.
Bucky was experimented on by Hydra, its how he survived falling into a frozen river. He's Cap tier, or at least just below him.

I assume they all got snapped

You are now aware that Doctor Strange (in his own movie) abandoned his original reality and spawned and abandoned thousands of others to Dormammu, so he could create one alternative reality in which Dormammu just goes home, so he, alone among all the people of his home reality, can live in it.

They turned the MCU into Rick and Morty.

>Imagine the non-smell

They can go be represented in their own country. Access to white people isn't a human right, they can piss off.

>im just asking you to try to understand how it feels to be underrepresented for decades.
Do you know anything about merit or population sizes?

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Thor with fingerless gloves was fucking unexpected. Many neckbeards are going to celebrate.

Green lady staying the present when everything else from the past had to go back.

Big Lebowski Thor was based

They ruined Nick Fury too so it isn't really a surprise.

How did Cap alter reality then

Fuck off, orc. Your demographics have always been disproportionately represented in all media despite your low numbers. You're just spouting leftist memes.

Galaxy's sort of flat. There's like a 1/4 chance she's headed in ROUGHLY the right direction. Needs a damn good sensor somewhere, though.

I agree, I liked her movie and I'm looking forward to see her in this movie and future ones. As they say, "love the art but hate the artist"

What's going on with Strange now?

>but how the fuck are they gonna shoehorn mutants into the MCU?
When Hulk snaps everyone back into existence, his extra gamma radiation combined with the stones' fucks with the genes of those who are brought back, unlocking mutations in some.

This is the cleanest possible way to do it.

>core audience



Changing the timeline caused the universe to get fucked. OR Thanos's snap released gamma radiation that awoken the x gene

Everything doesn’t have to go back though. The only things that absolutely did we’re the Infinity Stones. Thanos and Co. don’t go back and they don’t need to. What happens in the past is fixed, it cannot be changed, his death just spawns an alternate timeline

>Caps marriage turns out to be abusive and he goes to jail.

Are you seriously saying Brie Larson is too much of a diva to actually cut her fucking hair? Wow. Like, Jesus you can grow it back between movies.

Loki is alive, but only on that alternate reality? His show is gonna suck if that's the case

Don't you boomers know any other words?

But the merch for the characters from sequels sells much worse than the merch for original Star Wars

He doesn’t?

man a lot of motherfuckers lied they said there was going to be a lot of new characters in endgame

Loki didn't die in IW

Sam was also Cap America in the Comics you inbred mongoloid

Most of the non-X-men heroes aren't normies anyway. It was always dumb for X-men to be in the larger marvel universe. To the average Joe, what's the difference between the Thing, hulk and beast? It Human torch and pyro?

The bald wizard said there couldn't be any alternate realities, so Loki has to be in the real universe somehow because Cap goes back and fixes shit so that there's only one reality again.

But then again maybe the future twist is that he hadn't realized that one thing wasn't fixed before he fucked erry thang up.

Idk why you're assuming that user is posting from an Israeli ip but whatever

The comics are even more SJW than the movies

where was the young avengers black knight and nova at

>we will potentially get a conversation between Prof Hulk, Thing and Korg

Absolutely based.

so you think you have more right for representation just because you are in larger numbers?

the problem is that a lot of things also get misrepresented and become one-sided when only one "team" shows up.

it's just kinda strange to me that so many men seem absolutely threatened by this trend. like something dangerous is going to happen.

so what are you afraid of? what is the big deal here?
that you're going to end up as a slave?
that YOU'll be the disregarded, discriminated kind in society as time goes by?

I forgot about USAgent...
Either way, they didn't set him up in the movies at all.

>im just asking you to try to understand how it feels to be underrepresented for decades.
Yes, that's why most of the characters that are currently being adapted into movies were well known within comic book communities before your father was a sperm in your grandfather's nuttsack, and they did it without having to lessen or degrade the other characters.
But no. Lets make Cap a black guy, because Sam has no merit or quality to him as Falcon, only making him Cap gives him value.
Make Thor's emotional frailty a fat joke even as you blast out "muh toxic masculinity" out of every shitty internet rag outlet.
Give the 1vs1 to Carol Denvers that had fuck all to do with Thanos throughout the series because "muh overpowered mary sue femnazi" even you could have just kept it as Scarlet Witch handing him his ass which would have had actual emotional depth. But no, because Denvers is the face of the feminist branding the MCU tried to pander with, she has to do it, even if it makes no sense.
>there have been a lot of very consequential things historically done by white men that are disastrous and destructive. nothing scientific or factual about the nature of white men, it's just a trend.
Then piss off our countries. If we're so bad, why are you so insistent in living in the places we built?

So what happened with the timeline from 2014 Thanos?
Did it got rewritten of just deleted?

Don't you boomers know any other faggots?

That is the big question.

i was watching a youtube video someone said ant-man was going to end up in the future and meet his daughter and some young avengers

It splits off into another timeline where shit never kicks off. The past stays the same because it can’t be changed as explained by Banner. It’s inevitable

What if Tony deleted Thanos from all timelines?

If they don't add any new elements to his "death" that is one of the dumbest scenes in the MCU

I don't get it. If he did survive in this reality then how did things pan out during Thor 2 and 3?

First, comic books sucks, they are convoluted as fuck. Second, in the MCU the characters with powers aren't conflicted about it. They like having their powers, look at Peter Parker dreaming about being an Avenger. MCU kids grow waiting to be superheroes.

It would feel really forced if suddenly 99% of the world's population start hating mutants because they have powers while worshiping the avengers who have also powers.

But you can't grow it back for reshoots and pickups

Time doesn't even exist as we know it in Dormammu's dimension.

>You create a separate timeline just when you move the stones. If you get back the stones to their original timeline, you delete it and only 1 timeline exists.
aka "shit, this doesn't make any sense, come up with some retarded excuse that doesn't make any sense either quickly, at least it will distract the audience long enough"

All those CGI bugs in Thanos' army are new characters.

>It would feel really forced if suddenly 99% of the world's population start hating mutants because they have powers while worshiping the avengers who have also powers.
There's a very big difference when suddenly a mutation gene could potentially make your co-worker that you hate into an invisible killing machine.

How would even bring mutants into this mess? Why would the mutants ignore when all the Thanos shit happened?

>Then piss off our countries. If we're so bad, why are you so insistent in living in the places we built?

because, imo, humanity has to figure out eventually how to work thing out *together* instead of separately. You can't (forcefully) segregate people forever.

>If we're so bad, why are you so insistent in living in the places we built?

Maybe because they were taken against their will as slaves, for one? maybe because we've been hogging resources from their countries for decades? not that that's an actual good reason.
we have a reasonably peaceful society, that's attractive and immigrants have done a lot of hard work here.

Holy shit this is really poor edited. There's zero sense of space.
Are all the action scenes like this?

So that's when you wear the wig.

>It was always dumb for X-men to be in the larger marvel universe.
This. Why hasn't scarlet witch made this happen yet?

Does loki getting the cube count as moving a stone?

He comes back to the same timeline somehow when its clearly established time travel doesnt work that way.
Does he live his entire life out in the other timeline then travel to the original timeline? They never explain it.

did they visit that antman and the wasp quantum city

I notice you've got shit to say concerning the part of the post that's actually about the movie, aka, the thing Yea Forums is made to discuss.
Mostly because you know I'm right and that trying to be "inclusive" just degrades the characters.

Steve lives with Peggy and ignores his knowledge on Hydra infiltrating shield and on bucky being alive and brainwashed?

So why dont they go back in time and get Widow and Nebula?

heard they did katherine langford dirty cut her part out the movie

The movie, even at 3 hours, is too short to have all the debates they should have had over who should use the gauntlet and what they should do with it. Tony should have had a last temptation moment.

>To the average Joe, what's the difference between the Thing, hulk and beast? It Human torch and pyro?
One day I'll make this a copy pasta.
Average Joe's kid won't just wake up one day and be Thor or Spider-man. But he could be a mutant. The neighbour's kids might be mutants when they hit puberty. Mutant population is rising, and may replace humanity. The Fantastic Four aren't going to.

So Civil War still happens in the timeline where 2014!Thanos was from? And presumably no Thanos in that timeline means the Avengers there are still disbanded, correct?

I cant relate with a nigger, its as simple as that

You are a very stupid person. I am a goblino 56% who looks like no one. I am not represented anywhere. The "underrepresented" groups you feel the need to hand over your cultural myths and icons to have their own cultures and their own legends. They have nations filled with people who look just like them. There's no point in white people shoving diversity in their movies to pat themselves on the back for historical shit they had no part in.

>Steve lives with Peggy and ignores his knowledge on Hydra infiltrating shield and on bucky being alive and brainwashed?
He can change all that shit, just can't fuck with the infinity stones, those are the only things that cause split realities.

Well played

>The bald wizard said there couldn't be any alternate realities
No, Banner shows her why she won't be left in an undefended alt reality, which is her fear. She's worried because without the stones being returned there WILL be alt realities.

Did you forget Thor 1 “whoever is worthy to hold this hammer shall have the power of Thor” that’s it, don’t assume without knowing all the facts kiddo

>But no. Lets make Cap a black guy, because Sam has no merit or quality to him as Falcon, only making him Cap gives him value.
Everybody looks up to Captain America. It's an honor from both ways.
>Make Thor's emotional frailty a fat joke even as you blast out "muh toxic masculinity" out of every shitty internet rag outlet.
Thor had genuine moments of struggle, just like any of us could have. Haven't you had days sitting on the couch doing nothing eating cheetos?
Well imagine how you'd feel if you were responsible for the death of half of humanity.
>"muh overpowered mary sue femnazi"
they did their very best easing her into the group, and her scenes were pretty fucking cool. she also didn't feel as overpowered to me. she couldn't beat thanos alone at all.

Will the average Joe even know which super powered freak is a mutant? Fuck, people confuse Sikhs and Hindus for Muslims, so I don't think that they would. At the end of the day, it's some dude with super powers who could rape your wife and daughter if they so choose

Sounds strangely close to a...Great Replacement...


>In her stinger she finds Black Widow, Cap and Rhodey> they tell her where Tony went and send her after them to find out if they're dead>she encounters the ship on the way

Don't like Carl Danvers at all but this part makes some sense.

Have sex

i personally don't care that much about it, i just think its nice to see people happy and empowered about it. its a shame when it is shoved in, but ofc its going to be an awkward and imperfect process. as long as nothing horrible happens... ill find good things to watch and not feel threatened by it. i can find my own cool stuff anytime as there's plenty out there. but i think they are doing a pretty good job at marvel with it.

i believe the champions might will show up in far from home

I farted.

remy hii gotta be playing amadeus cho

the times, they are-a changing

If he doesn't go on to lose it to Thanos, yeah.

Thor is not a mortal, he should not be like us, he is a literal god. Not to mention we saw him nearly 1 shot thanos when he had all the stones, then we saw thor decapitate him when he had none of the stones, then later in the big le epic fight when thanos has no stones thor cant do shit to him. They are not even consistent with the characters power levels.

It's a disney capeshit product. If you feel "empowered" by it, you're an idiot who deserves to have their wallet emptied by executives who would stomp a baby's head on the pavement for money and power.