Can someone spoil endgame for me

Can someone spoil endgame for me

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The good prevails

did you not see the fucking sticky?

The movie sucks. There you just saved 3hrs

ironman steals all the stones then snaps his fingers killing all the jews then joins hitler in paradise ftfy

>Heroes think that the hopes are lost
>Time travel whose rules they create because, you know, plot holes
>Beat the CGI monster
>Everybody happy
>America keep having a debt of 60 trillion dollars

A rat brings Ant-Man back.

Did we watch the same movie?
The bad guys won. The past decade was nothing but seeing their descent into emotionally-driven bad-guy territory.
>Whoops, the world adapted to it as did every world around the universe, guess we'll just double all of their populations again
>The evil grape man dusted everyone via cointoss without any regards to status, sex, race, species, whateverthefuck, we can't do that. We gotta specifically genocide an entire people
The Avengers would be cliche'd bad guys in any of their own movies, change my mind.

This. Every capekino is the same.

Well, there's a gif of a hot Brazilian girl with a hot ass...

they were all evil so its not genocide


Thor plays fortnight

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Did they explain why Hulk was being a bitch in Infinity War?

Theres a big fight and the good guys win but someone dies yep you heard that right they killed Tone Stark in their timeline

Imagine if they actually did that.

Ant man jumps into Rocket Raccoon's anus and goes to his brain and controls him into sucking Thanos's cock distracting him long enough for Captain Marvel to crush his hand inside her muff then her vag spits the stones into iron man's gaping asshole and when he farts everything turns back to normal.

The first hour is a huge slog.

*first two hours
ftfy senpai

yo hulk finna dab in thanos lmao

*first two hours fifty-three minutes and twenty one seconds

Hawkeye showed up. Ruined it for me.

>A rat
The unsung hero of the MCU.
The hero it deserved?
What's his origin story?

He has such a shitty haircut.

I managed to get used to him, at least that's what I thought until Endgame.

The faggoty chink sword fight he had at the beginning annoyed me.

Thor basically goes navy seal copypasta on a kid while playing fortnite

This came out of nowhere. Hawkeye toys don't sell so they're trying to see if a sword can make a difference?

That's wrong though.

Maybe the neckbeard fedoras will buy them.

That sounds very cringe inducing.

He lost to Thanos and stopped being so angry. When Banner also loses to Thanos they come to an understanding and become Professor Hulk, basically a combination of the two. Permanently Hulk body with Banner brains/personality. Professor Hulk sees Past Hulk smashing and cringes because he finds smashing things distasteful now.

It's explain in Infinity war that hulk is a pussy after getting beat by Thanos at the beginning of the movie

Loki kills thanos

Attached: lokk.png (1172x498, 988K)

His name is Splinter.

It is but watching it was quite funny. They screwed Thor's arc imo. Through Ragnarok and Infinity War he demonstrated that he was the God of Thunder. In Endgame he is considerably weaker. I can see the reason for that as otherwise he would have killed Thanos without stones easily but still not fun to watch.