The Marvel blockbuster is predicted to surpass its predecessor, Avengers: Infinity War, by £200million, which would crown the new superhero film the largest debut in the history of cinema - and possibly the first film to break one billion dollars in less than a week.

Endgame's roster includes at least 30 superheroes, but it seems the real battle is more one between the sexes than against gauntlet-wielding super villains - as major male characters enjoy a combined 381 minutes of screen-time, compared to only 116 for their female counterparts.

Chris Evans' Captain America enjoys one hour and six minutes of screen time - the most of any of the film's stars - followed by Robert Downey Jnr’s Iron Man with one hour and two minutes, and Chris Hemsworth’s Thor with 45 minutes.

British actress Karen Gillan, known for playing Amy Pond in Doctor Who, has the most screen time of all the female stars, and the fourth most of all, appearing for 41 minutes as the cyborg Nebula, but the franchise's latest star Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson, appears for only 15 minutes, despite her recent blockbuster.

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I just watched it yesterday. I gotta be honest, it's terrible. I know this is superhero capeshit but it's just beyond over the top, mostly cliche American nonsense.

>Vaklyrie has 8 min of screentime
>is the new leader of Asgard
They can't be more on-your-face with their agenda


The best characters were given the most screen time ?!


She sucks fucking hard.

I don't think she is really a draw like they want her be.

>This became true
Based Ant-Man

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isn't new asgaard supposed to be on earth in norway or some shit? thats what odyn told thor in ragnarok no?

>Heroes think that the hopes are lost
>Time travel whose rules they create because, you know, plot holes
>Beat the CGI monster
>Everybody happy
>America keep having a debt of 60 trillion dollars

Tbh this frees up Thor to do adventures beyond muh Asgard! Besides, he never really wanted to be King. He is Asgard’s protector and if they have need of him, he will come, but leadership responsibilities? Fuck that Valkyrie can carry that burden while Thor can go out and have fun adventures.

Culture war shit + capeshit! Great thread OP! Upvoted!

or how about when fucking Bucky tells that dude with wings to go see old man Rogers instead of doing it himself, you know his oldest friend that knew him since childhood. And then for some fucking reason Cap gives him the shield and not Bucky. Also they fucked up Thor, could have made his guilt ark amazing, but no lets make him fat and joke non stop.

>Time travel whose rules they create because, you know, plot holes

In this setting, the way they handled it is even dumber than the comics. At least there, the Stones, while indestructible, will only function in their home reality. In other words, you can’t even “borrow” them from an alternate reality and have them function in your own. They are intrinsic parts of that reality and can only function within it, so their little time travel trick wouldn’t work.

The explanation they give for how diverging timelines works is laughably stupid. “LOL it doesn’t count as long as you don’t make any major changes!” The instant you leave with the Stones, that’s a major change. “Bringing them back” is even dumber, because once you leave, it’s too late. That parallel timeline already exists, complete with all its branching possibilities, because time travel only provides you one entry point to a parallel timeline - the point at which it diverged from your own. That means your time travel can’t access it *after* it diverged, and you can’t show up “early” and wait, because that is its own separate divergence. You’re never going to see your previous arrival in that line, because it’s not(and can’t be) the same reality.

In other words, what these brainlets did was make it possible to have an infinite number of Infinity Stones all functioning within the same reality. It makes the whole “Why didn’t Thanos just make infinite resources?” question even worse, because it means you don’t even need the whole gauntlet to get infinite resources, just time travel, and your source is the entire universe, five minutes ago.

No worthy King ever *wants* to be King, absolute brainlet. That’s the entire point of *being* a reluctant King, not so you can abandon your post at the first opportunity. It’s a regression of his character and continues the assassination of his character that started in Ragnarok.

Goddammit, why is this shit so hard for you assholes to grasp? Of all characters, guys like Thor, the Silver Surfer, and Captain America aren’t just stronger and tougher than us, they’re meant to be more noble, more virtuous. That is their strength. That’s what makes them important. They don’t give up. They don’t walk away. They also don’t strike down their enemies in anger. Thor decapitating Thanos In a fit of rage is nearly as bad as what they did to Luke Skywalker.

Fuck it. Maybe Jake Skywalker can join Thor on the couch.

But Yea Forums told me this was basically going to be Captain Marvel & Sidekicks: The Movie!


their screentime reflects their narrative importance to the plot so of course captain marvel is only a side character

Honestly, a reluctant king just means he'd fog off work and responsibilities to his advisors and abdicate once there's a suitable heir.

No, that’s Robert Baratheon, a completely different sort of character. Robert’s a pretender King, not a reluctant one. He doesn’t just *think* he’s unworthy, he actually is.


fuck nuMarvel

If Nebula had been 11 mins instead of 41 the film would be a lot better. That shit with her and the green bitch really broke up the pacing after a less than impressive Cap/Stark retrieval vignette.

Robert didn't want to be King, ergo, he's a Reluctant King. Sometimes the best man for the job is the guy who wants the job.

'Sides, he kept the Realm united for 16 years, beat the Greyjoys and stopped the utterly unwieldy Seven Kingdoms from falling apart. The Debt doesn't even really mean anything in the end. TV wise at least.

>only 15 mins

That was Tywin Lannister, not Robert. The way he handled the entire affair with Joffrey, Aria, and Ned illustrated precisely why he’s a terrible King. Even this squabble between children is too much for him to resolve. That entire affair serves as a foreshadowing of what comes later - a squabble between the Starks, the Lannisters, and the Baratheons. Remember who died? The butcher’s boy. The peasant.

that's why she was so insufferable during press interviews

Really it was Jon Arryn, Tywin didn't do shit during Robert's Reign but keep giving him loans.

>Brie Larson only 15 minutes

Good decision, she's a cunt that's on her way to destroy the movie industry. Just like Anita Sarkeesian has been fucking up the videogame industry. Fucking disgusting "people" they are.

No the reluctant King is a time tested trope. They know they have the right and should rule, but they know its a bullshit job n more often then not there's 2 wrong answers and no right one. That is the trope

Nope Robert is the lazy king trope or drunkard king. He was very happy being the king and letting John Arryn run the kingdoms

He literally says several times he never wanted the crown, and he should have given it to Ned or Jon, but neither had legitimacy or raw charisma to carry through the Rebellion. It's George deliberately deconstructing Aragorn as King. Martially strong, never wanting the job, comes from the right bloodline etc etc