What was your reaction when this motherfocker held the fucking hammer?

What was your reaction when this motherfocker held the fucking hammer?

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The whole movie I had the same emotion. Why didn't it end with infinity war. That was the best ending.

>What was your reaction when this motherfocker made the new Captain America a black guy?

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Not gonna lie, I had a big grin on my face when Thor said 'I knew it'

semi-related but how based was it to end the fucking movie on them dancing in the 40s on 40s music ? Same with the music rolling over the credits
it felt comfy as fuck and like a real movie, I'm suprised they pulled it off

Same reaction to both

“Of course”

I said "At last". But quietly. The audience was generally vocal.

I also liked the Hawkeye vs Yakuza scene . Shit felt like it was straight from an actual action movie, the set was just fake enough to look cool

What will the team be in Avengers 5?
Thor? Black Cap, Wanda, Carol, Wasp and/or Ant man? Spidey?

Am I the only one who thought the word WAS fock until getting the internet and seeing it in writing? Bong if that helps

If you were surprised by it in any way, shape or form after the hammer got flung away and was offscreen for a mysterious amount of time, then you are the exact target audience for this movie.
This movie was nothing but tropes, flags and 3 hours of masturbation by the directors.

it reminded me why i hate redditors who clap and laugh at literaly anything they see/filmmakers throw at them. I genuinely think my experience would be better if poeple would just shut the fuck up fucking dumb retards.
overall good moment but I still dont get why is he worthy now and not previously?

Only stronk independent transwomyn of colour of course.

Not as hype as Thor's arrival in IW. My theatre was silent compared to that

Didn't Peggy get married and had children after she had given up on Steve though? He basically snapped a couple generations out of existence.

stood up and yelled HELLA FUCKING EPIC

Or maybe he was always her husband.

I hope you clapped too

Not much, but when the female avengers assembled to help that weak boi out I came in my pants and yelled "YAAS, SLAY QUEENS" and was escorted out of the theaters. I had to wait another hour for my mom because she left me to go see her boyfriend.

You don't have to be surprised to enjoy it, they set it up 4 years ago no shit it was going to happen

Oh, a Deux ex Machina!
I've never seen that in a MCU movie before!

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Maybe she married Rodgers and had kids with him but because of her alzheimers she didn't remember him in Winter Soldier and he didn't remember their life together because it hadn't happened for him yet. And he was weirdly flirting with his granddaughter or whatever she was

/pol/ has really rotten your brain hasn't it? you see race and feminist agendas everywhere.

This scene really was based, I would like if they made a movie about this.

How did Cap kick Thanos ass? Holding the hammer makes you stronger?

In Winter Soldier she starts crying after she gets the alzheimers and saying "Chris Evans, Chris Evans, you're alive, it's been so long." Making it sound like she had only forgotten that one conversation with Rodgers, it didn't seem like she had forgotten her whole life.


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hawkeye was so drepessed after the snap tath he became a weeb
what did they mena by this?

He triggered a victory flag. New gear that a character uses for the first time always gives them the win or at least a scene where they have the upper hand against the big bad.

>people clapped

Not even in America Jesus christ

I assume Thor joined the Guardians of the Galaxy

>you see race and feminist agendas everywhere
maybe because they are stuffing this shit in our gut

This. Didn’t expect such a based ending

Usually I go to showings that are half-empty but I only had time opening night for this one.
Worst experience of my fucking life. I hate normies so much.

literally jumped out my seat screaming HES FUCKING WORTHY

If I had a nickel for every time I was surprised in the slightest by anything that happened in Endgame, I would have zero nickels.

I pulled down my pants, stood up, dabbed and yelled "Epic for the winnn!!!" While shit shot out of my anus at a constant rate. Hella based huh?

Sounds nonsense. Infinity War had poor power balance so it isn't really susprising Endgame has the same problem.
God I hate the Russo hacks.

Is the song playing at this scene a real one, or part of the OST?

more positive than my reaction to him not recoiling in disgust from the gay guy in his support group

It's a trope that sees crazy amount of use in toku, of course it's absolute nonsense.

OMG everybody got brought back to life and defeated the big CGI monster!

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>the gay guy
it's the director
also how cucked was the other Russo that he wasn"t allowed a cameo in his own fucking movie

Obviously that was the original intention, I'm aware.
I'm just saying that with the new time traveling shenanigans, her alzheimers could've made her forget her entire life with Rodgers. I'm not entirely serious anyway, just spit balling


i shit and cummed

Where did mjolnir come from if it was destroyed in the earlier movie?


>100 yo Captain America has a better hairline than regular Chris Evans

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Gays existed 70 years ago dumbass. They were called 'confirmed bachelors'.

thor took it from the past before it got destroyed cap brought it back when he dropped off the infinity stone

Instant clap standing ovation at my theather

The same place the stones came back from even though they were destroyed earlier in the movie.


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more like, where did Cap rebuild his shiled when Thanos broke it in the final fight

There won't be an avengers 5

He brought the shield with him from the 70s when he dropped off the stone, fucking up the timeline on his way back again cuz lol

You just convinced me to see the movie

yeah im gonna go give a corporation my money hehe that'll show em

That small fight scene where he fucks Thanos with shield and hammer was insane. Sadly mcu can't do good CGI fight scenes longer than 30 sec.


He got Thor 1 powers.
The big bad of the MCU could get his ass kicked by the Thor from 10 years ago, but not by the current fat one kek.

Why do you say that? I usually don't give a shit about BO, but this movie has a an actual chance to take the record from Avatar and be the first to break 3 billion. If it gets anywhere near it, Disney will make 8 more Avengers and take losses on all of them, hoping for that same success.

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Why? He was in the army

woah, how could I deal with this?

The Navy is the branch with all the fags

try having sex

I hate how the logic in the MCU revolves around fanservice.
>one of the weakest Avengers
>can beat the strongest villain in the Marvel universe
Really insane, but for different reason.

>>wow they're making their movie a feminist movie
>uhhhh, go back to /pol/, you see politics in everything

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>He got Thor 1 powers
No he didn't.

Hey leftypol

Thought it was cool, the basedboy cinema I was in clapped and screamed like a bunch of retarded seals when it happened though

the fuck is wrong with them?
were nerds always like this?

The movie literally have a feminist fanservice scene and this shitfuck is saying that the user is seeing feminist agenda everywhere.

No. If it follows the box office of the other MCU movies, it will do 2.4-2.5b.
Also Pikachu and Godzilla are coming.

Imagine crying about superheroes and being a single woman

>Sadly mcu can't do good CGI fight scenes longer than 30 sec.
Man of Steel did and everyone called it shit

>Professor Hulk, one of the hypest version of the Green Choleric, finally shows up
>they make him dab
I went in without expectations and I was still let down.

you guys want a picture with antman?


I thought the dab was funny, no one would be dabbing 5 years from now, but Banner is a social awkward nerd behind the times and is just trying to be down with the youth

What was your reaction when Thanos took out the power stone and blew Captain Marvel the fuck away?

I reinforced my feeling that Guardians Vol. 3 will be the last successful MCU movie, probably the only actually successful MCU movie post-Endgame.
Ultimately I was happy for Steve. Guy got to go back to a much better era in the US and got to fuck the youth out of prime Hayley every day.

I would like to think it to be like that but I doubt they'd try to go that meta.

Kevin Feige is not a Jew

This reminds me of those twitter threads about misogyny full of triggered faggots screaming for someone to get fired.

You people were tired of politics in your media and now you fucking trigger every time there is something that goes against your politics. You are now like those pink haired transfaggots that you hate so much and now they are the bullies.

If I have any drawing talent I would make some kind of altered version of my pic, with an altright retared instead of that tattooed fag.

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>You people were tired of politics in shit
>but now you're upset at politics in shit
Nigga wat.

he fuckin went ham lmao

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Thank god I live in a country where people have self restraint and are mostly silent in the cinema

What a fucking epic moment. Entire theater cheered.

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The problem is that the modern youth sucks.

>waaaaaah stopp enjoying things and having fun

Some times I wonder if I'm on a forum for bitter old men.

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You are on a forum for bitter young men

Well he is married to the Director of SHIELD who works with Howard Stark and he knows Wakanda exists etc so maybe he spent some of the 70 yrs having one made in secret.

MoS was shit, tho

I know he's gonna be in GOTG 3, but he can still be an Avenger again after thst.

>Believing they're not gonna diversity push the hell out of Avengers - led by Black Cap or Black Panther.

There's this site for happy young men called reddit, you should go there

That won't be Avengers 5. That'll be a softly rebooted New Avengers 1.

cool pilpul blog, rabbi

Why didn't they want a pic with CAPTAIN AMERICA?

He didn't ask.

captain marvel 1 when?

>no one would be dabbing five years from now
Dabbing has been popular for five years already. It's basically a kid-friendly way to flip the bird. It could very well be around for another five years.

Thor joined the Guardians of The Galaxy


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>What was your reaction
I clapped and offered my wife to a black bull

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I am not emotionally invested in Marvelshit.

I took out my motherfucking dick and blew my motherfucking load!

You know what? Maybe I should. Every time I see someone use Reddit as an insult or argument, it makes Reddit look better, even though that wasn't the intention. It's actually quite ironic.

Ads disguised as posts and those fucking 'helpful' bots will piss you off, but feel free to go

Movie was kinda meh, but of course you polkids are gonna go apeshit and whine about brown people and women playing a bigger part in your superhero movies, just go back to lego if you cant handle this.

>I have no argument, but thankfully he divided his post into paragraphs to make it more appealing to the eye and easier to read. However, this is affiliated with a site that triggers me and is therefore a negative thing, so I will use it as an insult. That'll tell him!

Yes faggot, its about me being mad at seeing niggers and not the continued marginalization of white males in media, the same media which influences the younger generation as what are societal and cultural norms.

I had a big grin during the entire final battle, that was my reaction


>marginalization of white males in media

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You provide no proof that your position is correct, merely falling back on a fallacious argument that you're a centrist between "extreme" views, framing everything around your position. You also provide the argument "both sides have grievances means both sides are the same" which is disingenuous and lazy and does not evaluate either side. Hitler should have killed you.

Yes, this movie was an example of that.

>Captain Marvel doesn't even do anything in the movie
they knew

Didn't read lol

Learn to read, nigga
Israel sucks and your army too.
That´s a great argument. Now go and watch some unfunny memes of that New Zealand faggot.

>continued marginalization of white males in media
>source: daily mail, infowars

You're on a website for edgelords that haven't grown out of being contrarian faggots

Not at all.

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>trusting a media that feeds on sensationalism
Congratulations, you feel for their trap.

As a normal non-burger theater that never really claps or scream like a bunch of apes every 5 minutes, I was surprised how crazy my theater reacted to it
And I was one of them im sorry
No other scene in the entire movie got a reaction anywhere close to that

I thought literally only Thor could hold the hammer? In one of the movies,doesn't hulk himself try to pick it up to no avail?

Renner was kino throughout the whole film.

This. Literally less useful than fucking Hawkeye
No wonder she took so long sorting out problems across the universe.

>bahhhh marvel not enough white males
>refugees are proof of this
Brain on /pol/ everyone

me and my wife's son was screaming

Only those who are worthy can wield it, until now only Thor has been lifting it but Captain America managed to nudge it slightly in Avengers 2

This is not a "centrist" position. Fucking hell, you people are talking about how Disney-Marvel inserts woke political agendas in their movies to destroy your and your fucking kids lives. You are fucking tinfoil hat conspiracy retards but much worse than those stupid earthflatters.

>my mom
You mean your wife

this is literally mfw. Cap was the best and he went out with a gigantic BANG

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I knew that would eventually happen. I had a feeling this day would come when I first saw that age of ultron scene.

I felt like Whedon robbed it of all its dramatic weight back in Ultron by having newborn Vision lift it.

Vision wielded it in Age of Ultron. Hela did in Ragnarok.

yeah but Tony was the one who actually went out with a bang

Watched with my bro. We looked at each other and said "Worthy" at the same time.

Vision wielded either because he was made from Thor's lightning or because he was just born a few seconds ago

Hela didn't wield it

She's a glorified tow truck which later crashes into a bigger truck. That's the best way to sum up her "character" in the film. I will never pay to see another Marvel movie that she's in

How did he lift it?

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Vision did, probably because he's technically an Infinity Stone.

Cap nudged it slightly in Ultron, so this revelation was hinted way back then.

Hela could hold it and broke it, because she was deemed worthy as a ruler of Asgard.

Yes, she did. It's depicted as her weapon on the ceiling mural in Asgard.

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>posting this retarded opinion on a website where furries dicuss how cartoons made them that way.

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I think because Vision was technically an Infinity Stone.

oh I forgot about that, but that was before Odin put a spell on Mjolnir, which is the entire reason why only the worthy can lift it

Vision wielded it because he was worthy, retard. That's the whole point of the scene when he hands to Thor. He was just born and they thought he was gonna be an evil super villain but then turned out to be a good guy and they were skeptical until he was able to wield the hammer which convinced Thor he wasn't bad.

The spell apparently meant jack shit since she was not only able to stop it in Thor 3 but then destroy it without effort.

>We didn't get to see Groot hold Mjolnir

What a damn shame.

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Hela caught it, held it, and broke it in her palm. If anything, she was more worthy than anybody else at that point.

If you can't see why that was a terrible way to show Vision to be a good guy, you're a retard. It's essentially the same assaying babies and amnesiacs are also "worthy."

>Cap bouncing the shield back at Thanos with Mjolnir

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You don't "nudge" it, you either lift it or you don't
Steve felt he was doing it, and to avoid embarrassing Thor, faked the failure after.
That's why Thor said "I knew it".

Are you dense?

Vision is an infinity stone, Thor is a god. Cap is just a guy on steroids, that's the catch.

They build it up to what they needed to be. To be used as a vehicle to push leftist ideologies. It doesn't matter anyway. Half of the fan base will jump ship after Endgame. They never shouldve made the activist the new lead going forward.

It's a children's movie you dumb fuck. They need a simple way to tell the audience that this new guy is good at heart and being able to casually hand Thor his special weapon that only "those who are worthy" can hold is an easy way to do it.

All your talk about morality is idiotic because you don't understand the concept of infinity, but let's just leave that aside.

You simply don't have the IQ to see just how fucking broken it is.
So I shall simply list a few "possibilities":

Take the completed infinity gauntlet to the past and snap Thanos with it. DONE.

You can duplicate infinity stones with it - WITH NO CONSEQUENCES - as long as you "bring them back eventually".

"Everyone who is "dead" in one universe and not dead in another one won't be coming back because it would be wrong to take them from their original universe" - WRONG. Infinite hotel paradox.
This is how you can even KEEP as many infinity stones as you want in the future without giving them back. By just recursively getting some from the next parallel timeline.

It is literally an absolute power, that is capable of fixing all imaginable problems period - no exceptions.

>"Hey black widow, you died in our universe, mind recursively swapping one universe so we fix it? It will literally have no consequences for you and everything will be the same, but except you will be alive in our universe? Your universe will just get a different version of yourself that is just like you, it's complicated scince shit."
>"Hey Iron man, mind doing the same thing so your child won't grow up without a father in this universe?"

Universe A(Iron man sacrifices himself) -> Universe A(Take hulk with the infinity gauntlet and travel to the past) -> Universe B(hulk snaps Thanos at the beginning of the battle[also saves lots of gunts]) -> Iron man from universe B goes to the universe A, Hulk from universe A returns to Universe A. -> Hulk from Universe B goes to universe C to do the same thing.
Do this recursively.

There are lots lots lots of things like that, fucking hell lads, get some creativity. You can abuse those things in completely retarded ways.

Lost my shit. I'm in Liverpool for vacation, and no one clapped, because they're not fucking Americans, but you could feel the excitement


this board is full of contrarian fags

He wasn't a blank slate idiot. He flew to the window and then gave a speech how he saw how beautiful the world is and blah blah blah and Ultron must be stopped if he wants to destroy it. That's what made him a good guy and worthy to wield the hammer.

He didn't bust out the chamber and immediately pick it up. There was an extended scene about his character to tell the audience that he's not a bad guy but inherently fights for good.

Are you?
You're either worthy or not. If you're worthy you can lift it, the hammer itself is magic/alien supertech, it's not a heavy object especially to Cap.
You can't be "kinda worthy".
Cap faked not being able to lift it in Age of Ultron.

Yeah but how fucked is past thor without Mjolnir
and past loki has the tesseract

What was your reaction when he said Avengers assemble or when you realized that he kissed his granddaughter ?

Cap fixed all that

Cap used Loki's staff on her

cap was always worthy he just wasnt ready

Cap brought it back to asgard when he brought back the infinity stone

>it's OK for kid's movies to be dumb

It was the loudest reaction I heard from a theater since Thor arriving in Wakanda



It's literally spelled out in the first Thor movie ya mong


It kills me that they don't even get how impossible it is to return something you've "borrowed" from a newly divergent reality. You can access that reality precisely once - at the instant your presence created it. So unless your future self shows up carrying a bag of your "borrowed" items to accompany you back on your initial trip, those items are quite literally never getting returned.

Hawkeye, loser Thor and Rocket carried this movie.

this makes is EVEN worse.
However, you COULD explain that away by claiming it to be convergent time-travel, like Steins;Gate :
Aka, timelines that are very close merge into the same outcome, butterfly effects don't happen.

If that isn't the case, then merely entering a different timeline always necessarily creates a branch. Therefore it is impossible to enter an existing timeline, only create a new branch by your presence - by definition.

i think he was doing it inronically he deleted his youtube channel now that hes set for life

Lots of people "fight for good." That doesn't qualify them as worthy, either.

>mfw people clapped when he did it

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Exactly. They wrote this shit out on a cocktail napkin between snorts of coke and never gave it another moment's thought. I hate them for making everything so dumb and lazy.

Can we talk about **Thanos wielding Stormbreaker? do you not have to be worthy to wield it?**

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>mfw I clapped when he did

I felt so ashamed.

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We should really discuss what a sucker you are for viewing the 1xbet version

Best part of the movie

Stormbreaker doesn't have Odin's spell you retard, anybody strong enough can wield it

Could you fucking redditors go kill yourselves already?


This is exactly why Cap knew he can lift Mjolnir during thanos fight. He knew he could lift it, but, being the worthy guy he is, he didn't want to embarass or humiliate Thor in front of the guys.

have sex you incel faggot

No way fag

Was the best part of the whole fucking movie.

Why are people getting off to this trash?
There literally are porn games with a better plot(and even goddamnit with a better time-travel plot, pic related.) than this.
Oh MUH GRAPHICS; MUH GRAPHICS. Kill yourselves, unironically.

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so thor stole the hammer from dark world thor, wouldn't that mean he got screwed when fighting malekith?

Didn't Cap travel back and gave it to him? Don't know how he got to Asgard though.

Someone will make a pepe edit of that scene
Screencap this



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Theater got fucking loud with cheers.

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>black widow and hawkeye scene
>"well there's a fucking black widow movie in production, I sure wonder how this scene ends"

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i just saw the movie and it was ok
it had the same boring exposition dumps as the other movies, the music was the same (the exact same) the action scenes, particularly the "epic" one at the end, were nauseating
I liked a lot of the humour, the ending was pretty good.

>Nobody checked those quints
what the fuck man

Sam is a good character and in the comics has been pals with Steve longer than Bucky has, him becoming Cap is the best option.

This was the best Hawkeye movie, dude was actually useful in it and a cool character.

>you have to sacrifice something dearest to you
how did that work with widow and hawkeye anyway? shouldn't be at minimum your family/wife?

Sam is cool but doesn't Bucky make a lot more sense? He has the same steroids, Sam is just a guy

They just said someone needed to die for the stone, they cut the 'dearest' thing.

If the exact same plot and characters were in a low budget pretentious foreign film, this site would be creaming their jocks over it

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Anyone else think of Shrek when we first see Thanos in his cabin?


Joss confirmed this is what was going on years ago, fucker.


Falcon becomes captain america in comics canon so get your identity politics out of my superhero shit

What changed that he was able to carry it Endgame but not in Ultron?

My bet is he just used the tp stone


doubt that, it is one of the best origin movie for a super hero you could have

this movie triggered /pol/incels so hard
it was well made and will be extremely succesful, yet contained tasteful and well done left-wing scenes and messages
billions of people will see them and get woke
and you're going to eat shit and cry alone in your mom's basements while posting pepes and clowns and screenshots from articles that trigger you
and you'll whine and whine about how it's da jooz fault you can't get laid and hollywood hates white men and all the other horseshit you've been brainwashed into believing
but it won't matter, you don't matter. the world has left you behind
get fucked, incels

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I love how they make the plot so easy to follow by slowing down and explaining the plot, within the film, in these fast paced exposition dumps and people still don't get it. It's a movie for children, I understood everything haha

Imagine being mad enough to type all this, didn't even read LOL


>you've been brainwashed into believing
he says this while watching the millionth trump episode of Stephen Colbert

Literally 30 seconds of a 3 hour movie bro.
You're out of touch, that scene was for the kids. Girls like superheroes too.

I haven’t seen a marvel movie since age of that ultron fella. What’s special about cap using the hammer? Did he become a god or something?

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Flawless logic of womyn all flocking together on a battlefield.

>Girls like superheroes too
Yeah, dykes

He got a slight powerup and smacked around the big bad for like a minute and a half before getting is shit pushed in.

Pete sure is lucky all his classmates got dusted and are still in school and the same age as he was five years ago haha

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I want to cum inside Meiya

nothing, because since ultron anyone could have seen it a kilometer away
the whole theater clapped though. starting to see why people say americlap instead of burger anymore

>children don't like childrens movies
Wew lad. Like I said, out of touch.

Does the timeline change then? Was the eight years later in Homecoming an early indication that were no longer following the same timeline?

>somebody responds to bullshit statement
>immediately fall back on strawman

They have literally no one with the leadership ability now that Steve is gone. Sergeant Falcon can't fill those shoes because he's a right hand man not a leader. Thor, despite the jokes with Quill, knows he's not a leader either, that's why he gave up the throne. The rest are women, enough said.

Changes in the past create alternate timelines, they don't affect the present. Which is why they return to their home timeline to use the stones.

The timeline should have changed but it didn't because the writers are shit and don't know what continuity is. But if you're looking at it like a 12 year old the colors and explosions were great after the first two hours of nothing happening.

I was busy turning around to see why about 30 people in an English cinema had suddenly started clapping.

As long as Secret Empire doesn't happen, I'm totally fine with this. It was nice to see some of the characters finally get endings. It's better than the comics where the characters are never allowed to find happiness because money.

>Girls liking superheroes is a bullshit statement
dude what fucking world do you live in. The people who were all excited about that scene were all girls under 15 years old. Sure the feminists liked it too, but it's not for them. Your response was fucking retarded so I put no effort into the reply. No straw man needed.

>were nerds always like this?
People were different when there wasn't an incentive to post over-reactions to every fucking thing. It's narcissism and capitalism, which is not a new combination but now its packaged in such a way that anyone can open up their own Look At Me shop and make coin.

>gamora alive again on a literal technicality, so quill got off scot-free
>carol suddenly jobbed against thanos so hard it gave me whiplash just to manufacture the only situation where tony had to die
only two real gripes. it was fun.
spiteful sadism that vision is good and gone. fuck wanda, fuck her happiness, and fuck everything else she's ever done

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It wasn't him you idiot that's how it goes in the comic

The movie was a satisfying conclusion to Tony's arc over the course of the MCU.

The fact that I am hard pressed to find a source about movie demographics that isn't going "YAS QUEEN SLAY" is evidence enough that your "argument" is wrong.

A time travel film with no consequence.

>being this delusional
>still posts a shill on tv thread
go back to //r9k

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please never type that phrase again
it physically hurts to read anywhere it appears

Just got back from the movie and really enjoyed it overall but have a few questions.

why would they make black panther the new captain america? isn't he already king of wakanda? Couldn't they have had him hand it over to like bucky or something or like if they wanna do trendy diversity they could have had him have a daughter after going back in time to be with that chick from the first captain america movie and he gives her the shield or something. Hell this isn't even a racist thing, I don't care if it was his adopted black daughter, but why would they give it to another 'established character' who had their own thing going

also why was captain america old when he came back? didn't they like biologically alter him to be immortal or something? or was there something in the original comics about how he went back in time and DIDN'T take the supersoldier serum and just 'lived a normal life'? Wouldn't that like have some time travel implications like if he wasn't captain america at all then the red skull dude would have nuked the world or something?

how come captain america can suddenly use thor's hammer?

how come that chick with the red energy psychic powers is like more powerful 1v1 than anyone else against thanos

why didn't they just travel back in time to where they were fighting thanos and he already had the gauntlet and they could just all gank him and be done with the whole affair

if you can just like instakill or bring back people who died years ago why didn't ironman, or someone else after ironman died just heal/bring back ironman and scarlett johhansen

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>clapping for deus ex machina time travel bullshit

why even have villains

just time travel LOL

>cast isn't 100 percent white
>"muh white genocide is happening"

Only females want sad endings.

they didnt make black panther the new captain america, they made the falcon the new captain america

It's funny when Kevin said they wanted to keep Peter in highschool for a few more years. It's almost like they don't want Spider-MAN to grow up.

>come to thread
>hey why are there upvotes and downvotes added?
>wake up

Phew, it was all a dream.

How much of a loser do you have to be to ironically make fun of the demise of your own race? Unless you're a shitskin, which you probably are.

user.. he gave it to sam. Aka the falcon.

They don't want him to grow up because he's the only character that dates teen niggers and minorities and they're the only shitskins watching marvel movies outside of the west. He's worth tens of millions of dollars as a teenager

More like the Falcuck

Wow way to shield your shit opinions from being criticized you turbo zoomer tranny

They all pretty much look alike.

Thanos is the most worthy muthafucka in the universe. Truely the only real hero in infinity war or endgame.


>Phew, it was all a dream.
No that happened on April 1st. Still not convinced it wasn't a trial run.

Haven't seen the movie yet but deliberately read all spoilers.
I was very annoyed to hear that Captain America did that.


Don't let these fags talk about "nerd blackface!" and how the big mean mainstream ruined their awesome little niches. This is how these cocksuckers have always been and it's time to stop pretending they're endearing.

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Yeah Wanda's a stupid woman but she's still the best female character in the MCU. And Vision will probably be back even though Bettany hates this shit

I was confused by the end when Peter reunited with his fat friend

His shock at seeing Peter again made it seem like he wasn't snapped. But he was the same age anyway. Kinda confused because it he was snapped, he shoudln't be that shocked to see him again. They'd essentially just been apart a day or so.

Are there mid- or post-credits scenes?

Ah, I'm still dreaming aren't I. Did the nightmare beyond a reality already?

>female seething

>just like /jp/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums

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They really fucked up on finding convincing actors to portay the kids that were snapped. Hell somehow antman's daughter aged 15 yearsin 5

Hawkeye went around slaughtering mobsters around the world. Most based moment in the movie.

Why is it that women can't ever understand movies? Help me out here, femanon.

Because they're emotional and can only perceive the world based on a social level


Who was the person at the funeral near the end with the shot of everybody, he was like a younger teen dude or something. Kind of by himself, before we see captain marvel and fury. Around the time we see the captain America and ant man cast. Who the fuck was he,am I supposed to know who this dude was.

What's the difference between captain marvel and nova?

I think it’s the kid from Iron Man 3

i think that was spiderman bro

i know who you mean, but I have no idea either
I haven't seen all the films


Hates this shit? Nigger his producer told him he was done with hollywood until joss called him up. This is all he has.

Kid from Iron Man 3. I can't decide if he's going to be important, or just a seat filler.

hail hydra

barron trump
it basically confirms he is a time traveler

Nova is funnier.

im trying to upvote this how do i do that

>gives away infinity stone

Just stating a fact. Only females like sad endings.

thor lewbowski was based

He's the kid from Iron man 3.

These dumb fucking /pol/tards coming here are too fucking stupid to be educated on many topics.

Inb4 for thor frog and starclown

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Called Harley Keener apparently

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>she's still the best female character in the MCU
That's not Hope

Thats fucking depressing, Bettany is a top tier actor and better than most of this castmates.

you people are so pathetic

How was IW sad? The good guy - thanos - won

Nobody likes niggers user.

Just goes to show you talent isnt everything in hollywould

>were nerds always like this?
If by GenX + nerds then no, not even close, clapping and being happy sure but the overreactions would've been considered mental illness.

nobody cares about the comics. It's disgusting either way.

So who died after all?

So it's obvious that normies and chinks will still eat up MCUmovies after this, but where do they go for leadership?

Can CM and Brie really handle it? Do people like her? CM was put out right before Endgame with like 0 competetion and really tepid reaction.

My only thought throughout the movie was why was Thor so fat

That scene was just so unexpected I just had a stupin grin on my face

Gamora and Black Widow. That's it

Oh and tony

the guardians of the galaxy were not funny in this, ant man was hit and miss for me too
fat thor won me over, but the angry gamer/fortnite bit was bad

i never saw captain marvel, and i don't care about alt right butthurt about feminism, but her character was puzzling. It's like if superman was arrogant and rude, doesn't make sense to me

Hm that's ok
So captain america just fucked off? Lol
This movie sounds boring and long but I'll wait until the theaters are less filled and probably catch it in a couple of weeks

>i don't care about alt right butthurt about feminism... It's like if superman was arrogant and rude, doesn't make sense to me

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The first 2:05 hours is nothing, then 20 minutes of fighting, then 20 minutes of "where are they now"

such a fucking redpilled image. you reply to a Jew with that image and they shut right down.

You dont know how beer works? Check the mirror

Captain Feminism, Blacktain America, Scarlet Witch, Black Pander, Doctor Strange, Spider-Teen, Wasp, and Various sizes-Man.

>her character was puzzling
In the comics Carol Danvers has two modes: drunken alcoholic underperformer or sober, unironic fascist. No shit, there's a series of panels where Danvers, who has been throwing people in jail for pre crime and set up a youth program to help her, made fun of Magneto by calling him "that guy that calls everyone Nazis".

She's never likeable and her books never sell.

im still not butthurt about feminism
the character is bad, or at least was in this movie

You mean the giant cunt, "you're absolutely fucking worthless without me and a massive disappointment of a hero, Scott" Hope? Nah, fuck that. Antman and the Wasp could have been great if it weren't for how they wrote Hope as a snarky megabitch.

fucking fag

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She's literally feminism incarnate. Watch this if you don't believe me. She has been pampered and told she was special her entire life just because she was a woman and is now too autistic to function. This is feminism

you are delusional
you think the character is the same as the actress becasue you are mentally ill
the characters dialogue was written by the screenwriters, who are responsible for the character in the movie
I couldn't give less of a shit about what the actress says in interviews, it means nothing to the film

The screenwriters based the character on the comic books where Carol is a sore cunt yet somehow meant to be looked up to. Larson just happened to be a perfect fit.

>I wonder why her acting and character is so stiff and rude
>she actually a very stiff, rude, and autistic person in real life
>fuck you that doesn't matter

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>whoever holds this hammer, should he be worthy, shall wield the power of Thor

Writers adapt scripts to suit the director's vision and to better suit the actors who play the characters and their on set chemistry. They don't just shit out a script and then fuck off.

>she married Rodgers and had kids with him

>cap dates her grandaughter, therefore commits wincest

it doesn't matter what the character is like in the comics, Banner is less paranoid and funnier than in the source material, a change for the sake of the movies. Movie Ant-man is totally distinct from comic book ant-man, too
I've seen this actress in other movies, she can play lots of parts. It's 100% down to how the character is written. Also, most people would come across as stiff and confrontational if they were bombarded with a million autistic comic book nerds/incels who hate you because of industry politics
this is a huge ensemble film, I think you are giving the writers too much credit for thinking about the actors when they wrote the stuff. The director is also partly responsible, but there's only so much you can do to work with what you have

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>tones came back from even though they were destroyed

even though its been established the reality stone can be destroyed

Oh it's just a coincidence that her character in a billion dollar movie is written like a complete cunt and coincides 100% with her everyday personality.

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My Reaction: "Woah"
My Theater's Reaction: "YEAH!!!!"

>were nerds always like this?

yes but bullies and social pressure staamped out the faggotry

there is no coincidence, she doesn't act like the character
even if that were the case, she didn't write either the comics or the movie
the budget of the film is not really relevant I don't know why you brought it up

I think you've got some weir disconnect with reality there pal. Actors don't 100% assume the role that the are given, and if the do they off themselves like Heath Ledger

>Actors don't 100% assume the role that the are given
exactly? she hasn't? what's your point?

>the source material doesn't matter

>they can't change things from the source material if it is bad or doesn't make sense in the movie
yes they can, and should. it's part of making a good adaptation


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A good adaptation wouldn't have a cosmic level game changer that didn't exist until a movie ago. Nor it would transcript her being an unlikable douchebag from her last dozen reboots that Marvel repeatedly attempted in a very short period of time to prop her up.