Avengers Endgame

I didn't understand how they go to the same school after 5 years, one being 5 years older

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everyone in the school was snapped? I don't know.

The bigger problem is in the Far From Home trailer Peter is acting like he is meeting Nick Fury for the first time when they obviously met at Tony's funeral.

I guess all of his friends could have been snapped too?

Or more realistically, Sony didn't want them aging Peter's friends 5 years and fucking their cast

Alt verse.

It's the only way to make the pieces fit.

The movie was thrash, I can't believe it was hyped so hard. Idiots thinking it was good piss me off.

I guess Ned got snapped too

Naybe it's before the avengers stuff

no it's been confirmed that the new movie takes place after Endgame.

But they behave as if one was missing the other one so much, like 5 years of absence. If both were fairydusted it would have lesser emotial impact

I think they have fucked the timelines thing up on purpose so they can basically have all of Sony's and Fox's properties as alternate timelines.


brie larson is the new face of the MCU

shuri is the smartest character

the new captain america is black

the new thor is a black female


i'm done now

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>The movie was thrash

Sounds badass

Will this be the new Autists obsession now?

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Have sex

Just trying to be honest, OK there were some good parts but so many asspulls and rubbish involved.

Brie Larson is my favourite actress so i'm too happy.

>shuri is the smartest character
Not when Pym is still around.

>all these articles from before the movie

Yea right, they gave her like 5 minutes of screen time in endgame and she was demoted to doing her thing and going away from the screen.

Captain marvel will not get a sequel, screencap this shit.

nothing that a couple of reshots or editing can't fix

Watching capeshit is truly the most pathetic thing you can do on Yea Forums. Just kys at that point. Nothing can be done to save your onions-infected cranium. Everytime you watch avengers your IQ falls lower and lower, and trust me, you dont have any to spare. Your family looks at you in disgust because they know that you've never aged mentally past 10. They only say they like capeshit because they don't want you to go on a tirade about how it's for "big boys like me!". They never want to be seen in public with your disgraceful ass. You will always be a retarded capeshitter, so you might as well fuck off to r*ddit where you can fit in with others of your kind.

I'm also confused on this. Was peter returned to a different timeline? If he was, is tony stark still alive in it? That's the part that makes me doubt it. If he wasn't returned, then that means ned AND "mary jane" and practically all of the people in homecoming were gone and returned, because they're all there in far from home????

>I'm also confused on this

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>Captain marvel will not get a sequel, screencap this shit.
Her movie "made" one billion. She'll get a sequel, but it won't be Brie Larson playing the role. You can screencap THIS shit.

you're not done but you are finished

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>on Yea Forums

Imagine other people enjoying things and having a good time pisses you off.

Imagine thinking that normal people want to live in a world where basedboys arent lined against a wall and shot.

>mad about captain falcon

it was a good scene where all the girls unite'd againts FC Thanos and rushed at him at once

who did time travel better? Endgame or Steins;Gate?

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some of the worst time-travel out there. doubly so for being smart enough to confuse idiots into thinking it isn't idiotic self-contradictory, incoherent garbage like all other time travel is
the hxh of time travel

either you erase timelines, or you have multiple corpses of your own self in the room

Yeah, you are wrong. Not only is it bad now it's literally just beginning. There is no push back that matters and these movies are literally making an assload of money from normies. They will keep pushing the agenda until they start losing money and even then they will probably keep pushing the agenda some more.

So pretty much Guardians of the Galaxy with Thorbowski and Chris Pratt will be the only watchable MCU films

>thanos so powerful you have to develop a fucking time machine

Literally only way this makes sense is between Homecoming and Infinity war.

but they are so moved and literally crying, plus it's at the end of the current movie

Any torrents etc of the whole movie out yet? I've not had internet for a week or so

wait, so everyone goes 'well time to go back to normal' despite either being dead for 5 years or having half the planet be dead for 5 years? fucking status quo holy shit.

plus the world looks normal and cute
unlike this 50% population literal wasteland

so timelines are being erased all the time from other idiots dicking around with time machines. literally infinite people creating and erasing an infinite amount of timelines every possible smallest moment. it's incoherent beyond articulation, especially in context of the one true timeline bullshit that now logically means everyone who exists in the universe should exist in a constant state of flux between all their alternate timeline incarnations. how the shit does anyone get anything done?

only way to even solve the problem is by some rationale that eliminates or effectively eliminates timeline-erasing like e.g. by some probability bullshit, or maybe the universe isn't actually causal after all on a fundamental level so fucking around with time doesn't matter because it's relative or whatever.
and obviously you can't have one true timeline with shared memories from other timelines, that's so fucking stupid it makes me mad just thinking about people being willing to legitimately accept it as part of a narrative. at least when the terminator travels back in time, everybody just sort of goes along with the ride because the time travel is just a gimme to allow the terminator to be there trying to kill unlikely people so don't think too much about it. but S;G actually tries to pretend it makes sense, and people buy into it, it's so frustrating

admit it, the tom holland scenes were the best

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The whole world should be totally fucked, like there was not probably even enough food for suddenly twice more people. Definitely not the best time for carefree trips across Europe.

Fury probably just showed up out of respect but he arrived late, stayed in the back, and interacted with nobody.

Solipsism ad extremum is theconly answer. You close your eyes and reality disappears.

Imagine being some of the undusted
>You were walking down the street when the dusting happens, and when you reappear there's a truck doing 40 right behind you
>You're the guy who was flying the chooper in the Fury mid-credits, and you reappear 80 ft up and fall to your death.

>half the population died
>world is now desolate postapocalyptic shithole
This was so fucking stupid and unbelievable. Just look at population statistics: world was half of current population in 1950's. And it wasn't that much different than now society-wise. I get that it would be big change to suddenly lose half the world population, but nowhere near this apocalyptic event that was portrayed in the movie.

How is it autistic to wonder what high school kids are doing at school for over 5 years without ageing?

>Captain marvel will not get a sequel, screencap this shit.
Woah, hold it right there - d'you have a source for that bold assertion?

Why would anyone go to school after realizing that there are some entities that can easily wipe your existence?

It's a bit tricky for the marvel universe to be 'the world outside your window' now.

Not who you responded to, but stronger and better men are having all the sex you aren't. You are weak and a disappointment to your fathers.

Like christian God. We still waitin for the apocoplis

i preordered my tickets a month ago, i just realized 3 hours before showtime that i booked a 3D viewing. how fucked am i? i hate 3D movies, the glasses are stupid and dirty and it still looks like double vision even with them on.

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honestly, this was the worst way to undo the snap. should have just done a days of future past and stop it from occurring in the first place. you avoid the 'why is everyone back to normal now' questions.

I didn't even get why a sports team would fold.

Why go to school when a gamma ray burst from space could fry us all in seconds?

i'd argue being intentionally killed for 5 years by a purple space man is different than a GRB.

>makes a billion dollars
>not getting a sequel

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I have a connection that knows shit. Not in Disney but an internet "journalist". They said they kept it ambiguous for a reason. Truth is, Sony didn't confirm if they will allow Spiderman in more Marvel movies. So Marvel created a scenario where they can cite "multiverses" to explain why Peter is not in the avengers anymore and no one notices. There will be a Sony multiverse so they can wave him away. Might also be used to get venom in the fold without damaging the main universe. He told me this months ago so I don't know where they stand now. I suspect both studios already came to an agreement of some kind and haven't announced it yet

But the Avengers only win against Thanos in that 1 in 14 million universe, which has Spiderman in it.

I don't know what to tell you they will probably invent more shit to nullify it like they did with time travel.