Your top three candidates for a jre podcast?
Your top three candidates for a jre podcast?
Sam Hyde
slavoj zizek
elijah wood
steve bannon
Steven Hawking
Bill Cosby
James Gandolfini
Steve Jobs
this would be a laugh
Karl Pilkington
Gordon Ramsey
Patrice O'neal if he didnt eat himself to death
Daniel Day Lewis
David Lynch
Noel Gallagher
Sam Hyde
Wait, is the Rock actually running for president?
Because if so, him.
Jesus Christ
Ben Bernanke
All on the same show. 4 hours to hash out their differences, if they can't come to an agreement all of them get fucknig assassinated.
Contrapoints (to get exposed)
Jarod Taylor
Jared Taylor
Varg Vikernes
John McAfee
Donald Trump
nick mullen
adam friedland
stavros halkias
Norman Finkelstein
Freeman Dyson or whoever can finally tell this drug addict that no NASA never tried to fake any photos from the Gemini mission.
And I don't know who else maybe someone really thorough who would challenge Graham Hancock because Joe is so gullible he believes in everything he says (predictably).
I love cum town but that would probably suck. Their personalities seem like they wouldnt mesh at all, I can just imagine Joe steamrolling over all of Nicks bits
Kim Jong Un
Metta World Peace
Nigel Farage
Adam Curry and John. C. Dvorak.
Jello Biafra
Bezos. I want to hear what it's like to write a 35 billion dollar check.
Runner ups:
Brendan Frazer, post-divorce
The Coen Brothers
Al Jourgeson
>And I don't know who else maybe someone really thorough who would challenge Graham Hancock because Joe is so gullible he believes in everything he says (predictably).
This. The fact that the only guy he's had on there to debate him is Michael fucking Shermer really pisses me off.
a 600lb gorilla
fritz haber
some spirit elves
Slavoj Zizek
Zack Snyder
Gaspar Noe
Nicholas Fuentes
It's hard to find honest review of his theories. According to one Hancock wrote about the Face on Mars (so a while back before we got better scans of the Martian surface). Like those who believe in ancient astronauts and others. Every tiny thing has to somehow tie to their theories. Antarctic appears on ancient map? That means the ancient reached the continent not that they used to believe that every continent in the north has its mirror image to the south. That I already knew but this makes me question everything he says. Like that South American Indians have the same beliefs concerning human soul as ancient Egyptians.
Sam Hyde
Dave Chapelle
Norm Macdonald
Jared Taylor
Richard Spencer
Mike Enoch
I see some commie fuck got relevant again. If I believed that Joe might expose him I'd gladly see it but knowing him he'd agree with everything he says and be like "yeah man, let's give it one more try what do you think about this chemical substance I'm addicted to?"
Donald Trump
Mike Matei
Back in the early days of IBS there were such debates but now they're long gone except for one or two youtubers but they don't host debates they just invite them over and over to jerk each other off.
Hasan Piker
Jackie Chan
Shinichi Mochizuki
Jean Pierre Serre
The late Grothendieck
Bishop Barron
Karl Malone
Mark Zuckerberg
I don't care about anyone else but getting Billy Corgan back for another one. Made me a fan of the guy, seems like a fucking cool dude.
Keanu Reeves
Sam Hyde
Donald Trump post-presidency
Why would anyone in academia challenge Hancock? He doesn't threaten them in their ivory towers.
I have no love for the snooty fucks in the science world, because of the shit they were talking about with that guest who was catfishing academia with the made up studies. But Hancock is just selling books. That's what he does. It's how how pays for his 6 kids. He's been like this the whole time - if he were younger, he'd grow tired of the Carleson stuff (who, despite his woo woo "sacred geometry bullshit is onto something with his flood stuff), and move onto the next snake oil.
I first learned of Hancock when a friend gave me The Sign And The Seal, saying "You love conspiracy bullshit, you'll love this one!" - and they were right. It's so awful it's good. He makes the claim that the Ark of the Covenant is in a Jewish temple in Africa. Yes, black jews exist. They're there. And they claim they have the Ark. And Hancock wrote a breathless, logic, data and rationality be damned account of trying to see it, and a Rosicrucian/Templar word salad up there with Holy Cross, Holy Blood, the head nigger of conspiracy woo woo bullshit books that Art Bell made his stock in trade.
I love Hancock. He's a brilliant huckster, who's survived off bamboozling morons and idiots with pyramid healing hats, and he's entertaining as all fuck. He mixes just enough real science and archaeology into his yarns to appear credible, and then crafts very entertaining narratives onto it.
Hey, I'll buy a ticket. It's fun. I don't hate Hancock, I just don't take him seriously, except as an entertainer. And I don't think Joe does either, because he just wants to get high and go "whoaaaaa, duuuuuude!".
Why challenge Hancock? Give him a joint, some coffee, and let him riff for 3 hours. Great podcast. I'll listen.
Although, I have to admit, I do like sniffing in outrage cunty Hancock when that lame skeptic dude was challenging him, shit was hilarious.
>you haven't done your facepulls today Joe
Based and fields-pilled
Destiny (Steven Bonnell)
Jesse Lee Peterson
i fuggin love jesse, so funny fuck
imagine watching this reddit shit
In no particular order:
Kevin Feige
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
Chris Langan
Andrew Ruse or Charls Carroll
Alex Jones (without that brainlet Eddie butting in every 15 seconds)
Quentin Tarantino
Edgar Wright
Mr. Gucci Loafers
Sam Hyde
Alex Jones vs Mark Zuckerberg
Vincent Gallo
Ted Kaczynski
Edgar Oliver
David Duke
Brenton Tarrant
Anders Breivik
Harvey Weinstein
Tim Wise
Greg Lansky
Dana White
this 100%percent