Can we talk about how bad [spoiler]HulkBanner, aka Bulk[/spoiler] looks in Endgame?

Holy shit Bulk looks bad. Like really bad. I'll post some caps from the copy I watched, so you can see.

I understand that its a chinese cam copy but I cant imagine the clearer definition of a movie theater would make him look any better if not worse.

Attached: Bulk1.jpg (1011x840, 136K)

Attached: Bulk2.jpg (1094x728, 111K)

Attached: Bulk3.jpg (764x742, 83K)

does anyone have that pic of hulk but he's reskinned with normal skin.

it's Professor Hulk you fucking retard

He was pretty much the worst character in endgame

Valkyrie commented something about him that was 100% accurate, to the degree hinting that even the directing team was aware of it. Weird.

Attached: Bulk4.jpg (1438x795, 212K)

Attached: Bulk5.jpg (1409x683, 251K)

Attached: Bulk7.jpg (1067x692, 137K)

Attached: Bulk8.jpg (1166x742, 93K)


I know we're ball deep in shitpost territory but this is honestly hilarious

I feel bad. It’s faithful to the comics that he becomes sentient and can do things aside from punching, but wow, not a good look

>it's ogre now

Let me be clear. I dont have an issue with him conceptually. I think its a really cool idea to have Hulk and Banner combine and be Bulk, which I like better than Professor Hulk as a name.

The issue isnt him conceptually, its the absolutely terrible CGI job they did.

Looks fucking awful. I wonder how much money went down the drain for this cgi

Attached: nonono.jpg (800x450, 75K)

he just looks luike buff green norm macdonald

Actually he looked great and in contrast to his god awful performance in Ragnarok and Infinity War he made a great performance in this movie, he was light-hearted and silly at times (not quipping) and then serious were he needed to be

movie budget for development is 80mil. the rest goes to payroll and marketing.

Attached: we have a cuck.jpg (660x764, 92K)

Which Mass Effect 1 mod is this?

Hulk 2003 remastered

Technically speaking, they got that from the comics. Banner becomes a third personality based on his love for adventure pulps and is completely different from either Bruce Banner or the Hulk (well, there's also a fourth personality with the grey Hulk/ Mister Fixit, but that was done by then.)
And yes, The Professor was an insufferable douche.

The CGI model was perfect.

The movement was... off. Like a person moving under water.

It looked fine in motion.
Never even thought about it.

>using low res blurry badly angled images to prove a point
Holy fuck you're a moron, he looks good in the theater, as does Thanos

From this.. to


Attached: Hulk.jpg (4917x2107, 2.06M)

Doesn’t justify shit. Banner is 100 percent what was wrong with the character, so a “compromise” makes Hulk 50 percent worse

What the fuck are you talking about. Hulk was one of the few good things about Ragnarock


Isn't bulk the name of that awful purple rip off?

Yes, I'm glad someone else caught my allusion to bad CGI

does Hulk get any action scenes in Endgame? Or does he just sit back like in Infinity War? Or get his ass beat at the start of the film? Disney fucking ruined Hulk. Strongest character turned into nothing more than a punching bag.

Is Ragnarock really that well regarded by capefans? I watched it and it felt like every other Marvel movie. Do I need to watch the 30 movies before it to get some deeper understanding to it's greatness or something

Attached: 1546019451526.jpg (250x206, 6K)

Jeez he looks like an skyrim npc

yes, you need to watch 30 shitty movies to appreciate a mediocre one. thats capeshit in a nutshell.
or you can be 12yo and enjoy all movies with no problem

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Tony this, Tony that! Eeeeverybody loves Tony!!

Attached: brucebalone.jpg (300x300, 13K)

The previous two Thor movies were really bad, so Thor getting a decent one on par with the other Marvel movies kind of is an accomplishment.

No friend, it's shitty. Capeshitters just blow their load when one isn't totally shit. But it's pretty much shit with a bunch of stolen ideas, meme actors, and YAASS QUEEN.

I thought he looked fine. A little bit of 'doughiness', same as always.

Hulk was fine, Banner wasn't.

literal fucking shrek kek

Thought he looked pretty great personally. You can't exactly get a good feel for it from camrip screenshots, you tards

And keep in mind this movie is 15 years old.

Can we finally apologize to this high caliber kino? It shits on Incredible Hulk, that was a 2 hours cgi fight and all the Ruffalo quipshit. This is the only movie were Hulk is an actual monster and Banner is completely DAMAGED. The only Banner which you can believe hides a Hulk of pure rage inside of him. The ost, the direction, the acting, the casting. Everything is great.


Attached: capekino.jpg (1500x1500, 897K)

Just saw it, thought he looked shit in this


Seth, shouldn't you be on the Orville set?