I lose respect for people when they say they've seen Sopranos but it's not their favorite show

I lose respect for people when they say they've seen Sopranos but it's not their favorite show

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Mad Men exists, so it shouldn't be their favorite.

I lose respect for people when they say they've seen Sopranos.

Mad Men is boring and so are you

Why are Americans so obsessed with mafia bullshit?

I don't have respect for people to lose

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t. Zoomer

Opinion discarded.

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Mad Men wasnt even about anything and was stupid as fuck. Besides the sets and costumes and tits, it was dumb as shit

Sopranos fans are so fucking obnoxious and I hate myself for letting you fags affect my opinion of the show

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Why is the media in (wherever you’re from) hot garbage?

It's part of our history. It's become as American as Apple Pie

Love violence and glorifying successful criminals.

Because American media conquers and bullies all markets.

So is lynching black people in the 50s.

Ah, to be a child again.

>So is lynching black people in the 50s.
Sure, what's your point?

I'm willing to bet I'm older than you are

Mad Men is nice but nowhere as good as Sopranos.

My point is that the specific obsession with Italian-American mafia in the US is pretty strange from a European point of view, since Nordic/Germanic protestant Europeans share nothing with their Italian compatriots culturally.

>from a European point of view
Well theres your problem

My problem explains the US obsession with the mafia? Glad to see the US public education is such a success.

>on Yea Forums

For what pvrpose? 99.863% of everything discussed here is American. What do you even have to contribute besides interminable questions about America? LOL like what are you even here for

Someday, what you think of other people? Might matter.

But probably not.

Why are non-Americans so obsessed with America?

Where did I say that your problem explains anything? LOL buttmad foreigners get so triggered by America they cant even read

Stop embarrassing us, you retard. Organized crime has all the ingredients for a captivating show/movie.
You don't have to be American or Italian to appreciate a good mafia movie. Besides non-American cinema is mostly garbage.

Sopranos is highly overrated though

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>stop embarassing us
>he cares what vassal states think of us
Confirmed non American.

>Organized crime has all the ingredients for a captivating show/movie.
No it doesnt. Its the lowest scum on earth bullying and murdering working class plebs in ugly American shitholes. Theres nothing interesting, nor intellectually captivating about mafia films/shows.

>Stop embarrassing us
Sure thing Cleetus.

Your reading comprehension is abysmal.

Show us how it's overrated and list the shows you find better.

i miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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>shit tier plot writing compared to other HBO shows
>most of it is literal filler
>only 3-4, 3 dimensional characters throughout the show
>Hollywood tier episode plots towards the end

I still love the show and it has the charm and subtle humor that other HBO's don't have but it's not the greatest show of all time.

do such people exist?

I'll break it down so even a Eiropean can understand: ever since the late 1800s the mafia has existed in the US. It's like an entire sub culture withing normal culture that had mysterious rules, charismatic and dangerous members who made shitloads of money doing crimes that nobody could ever prove. Lucky Luciano, Al Capone, Joe Bonano..they were mysterious, sometimes flashy, powerful figures from a secret society nobody knew the inner workings of. They were captured in film and television from almost the start and they captivated audiences.
Then after Appalachia in the 50s, the mafia was pulled from the shadows and people started learning about Omerta and shit and it was absolutely fascinating. In the 80s, the mafia was so huge and strong that they owned New York city, and that's not an exaggeration. No money changed hands in ANY business without the mafia getting a taste. They owned bankers, lawyers, politicians, judges, etc. It was a whole other society. Italians are the first American immigrant success story, and their trials and charming idiosyncrasies struck a chord. Then in the 70s when the Godfather came out, it like canonized all the rumors and whispers about the mafia. There it was, plain as day, a believable representation of this thing that had entered the American cultural lexicon.

>in 100 years people will be saying this about muslim americans

so which one is the greatest? if you say the wire I'll just have to disagree.

in 100 years everyone will be dead

Now finally an American with an IQ number higher than his weight (in kg) shows up and actually explains something that makes sense on a cultural level.

>sopranos vs mad men
>shit-tier yikes oof kino soap opera overrated boring kino captivating IQ

Great discussion, Yea Forums.

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>So is lynching black people in the 50s.

We get more of those movies than we do mobster movies

Great contribution, fag.

I'm the same guy who's reading comprehension you labeled as "abyssmal". Just goes to show you, Euros dont belong on Yea Forums, you have to explain too much shit to them. It's like going to the movies with the most annoying person in the world.

Most common
1) le holocaust movies
2) le civil right era movies
3) capeshit movies
4) mobster movies

How are mobster movies common? They are among the best but they're not common at all, especially not in the last decade.

europe BTFO

I put them in the same category as gangster/hood movies.
They are slower now but capeshit wasnt much of a thing before the 2000s.

Europe's gay dude. Hard Jannetty to America's Michaels.

Exactly the opposite reaction from me

Sopranos isn't my number one because it has way too many stinker episodes. It lacks consistency that is required for being the GOAT.

>gazillion Holocaust and European resistance against Nazi movies in American media
>wahhhh why do American wops get their own shows?
The utter state of Yea Forums

I like the wire more

You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died from Lou Gehrig's Disease?

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They were more common in the 60’s and 70’s. There’s very few in the current millennium, even fewer on contemporary mafia activities. Now general crime/murderer shows and movies, those are everywhere.

How can we be friends? You have already found all yours in the TV. If you find those relationships satisfying, why should I have any expectation that you know what real relationships are like?

You have to be Italian to really appreciate Sopranos

>enjoying watching retarded boomers eating spaghetti
GoT is far better pleb

nice try amerimutt


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When this episode originally aired, a film critic for the Dallas Morning News wrote a review for the episode and didn't understand how Chris could be so stupid as to not understand LG's disease, and used this as an example to bash the writing team. He literally did not understand that Chris was telling a joke.

That review blurb still angers me to this day.

I love that Paulie does the double finger point in this scene, hadn't noticed that before

>tfw started pointing with double fingers irl

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Some of the best movies/ TV series happen to be about the Mafia so people instantly associate a mafia related product with quality film making


It's great but I prefer episodic television to serialized television. Especially now that everything is serialized, I'm sick of it.

There are other things I feel are acceptable to like more than the Sopranos. But if its not in their top 3 and written off as either boring or just more gangster nonsense they are definitely plebs and there is no hope for them.

Beautifully fuckin' illustrated

I'd put it in the top 3 greatest TV shows but it's not a favorite. There is such a thing as personal taste, I respect the show for being brilliant moreso than adoring it.

For me it's Dekalog

>My point is that the specific obsession with Italian-American mafia in the US is pretty strange from a European point of view
Mafia movies are great. Your pretentious point of view does not represent europeans in any way. So do the rest of us a favour and shut the fuck up

The Wire is better

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