Endgame webm thread #2

Accepting requests for webms, please repost any requests I missed from the previous thread.

Also, plot discussion and plot hole questions.


Attached: return of the jedi1.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for ant man

Based boomerthor

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Requesting all the Thanos deaths

Attached: return of the jedi2.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

imagine unironically legitimately caring about capeshit

Attached: i am iron man.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)


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Isnt there a third?

The only way Pepper makes sense coming back with the dead ready to go as Iron-Estrogen with suit and all is if she's an alt-verse version.

how is a mere human supposed to outsmart/outspeed the most powerful being in the universe?


Strange picked her up with a portal, mate

so little screentime for all the best characters

This isn't people coming back from snap. They snap early to this scene. They use those magic portals from Doctor Strange to teleport everyone from around the universe to the fight. They all came back like 15 mins before this

Where's this camrip from?
The one I'm watching is extremely low quality.
And also slightly sideways.

Attached: RepinI_Sadko.jpg (1960x2772, 2.22M)

5 years time skip you stupid fucking mutt.

with the power of friendship duh

Private tracker

Avengers Endgame 2019 720p HDCAM-xBay.mkv

Cap, Thor and Iron Man vs. Thanos 1/???

Attached: 3 guys 2 hammers -1.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

that one is on pirate bay with 2K seeders


Attached: 3 guys 2 hammers -2.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

I downloaded it 15h ago, it prolly spread since then. That's the best quality one with ads cut out unless the piratebay guy is a fag stealing the name.

>General Ross was invited to Tony's funeral

Attached: the_fucking_the_what_the.jpg (384x378, 82K)

>scene where bad guy is finally defeated makes no sense and is never explained
Thank you, Marvel.

How's the audio?

didnt like all the asgardians die

how many radical character shifts can thor go through before its too much

1. She's a cyborg that knoews daddy thanos can read her mind, but this is like the least offending plothole

2&3 Not an argument, the whole thing about hte infinity stones is that they create an infinite feedback of power, allowing the user to do literally anything, reality warping, time travel etc. They can even destroy themselves, as seen in the movie They couldve atleast used a throwaway line to explain it

No answer for 4?
5. I'm not complaining, but it makes no sense that carol wasn't even considered useful.
6. They didn't, they stole like 4 vials? Why didn't scott go, or record a message to the guy like hey man we need this shit for timetravel, put away your hateboner and autism about your particles and help save half the universe

Attached: frodo.jpg (600x599, 45K)

And mah boi Bucky fought in the last battle?

they got better

Excellent. It's superb quality for a camrip desu.

Thor saved a bunch on the spaceship remember

this lmao
the ones that didn't die in Surtur's Ragnarök boarded the space ship and Thanos killed all of them

>Apparently a handful of them survived. Otherwise Thor would not even have had a fishing town of them.


he killed half, explicitly stated in IW

Yes he got like 3 shots in the entire battle, and contributed nothing. He fired a rifle once maybe??

Also reposting the plotholes from the previous thread

Attached: endgame.png (1181x263, 26K)

>he killed half

the ship was destroyed

He was shown for like one scene. But he was there.


He killed half then snapped half of the remaining.

So who died?


Attached: 3 guys 2 hammers -3.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

le epic fortnite references

They're some kind of 5d super beings. Thor was floating around in space too and was fine. Maybe the others survived too.

because Thor is a god

Half the ship, please don't argue with me go rewatch it. Explicitly stated that he killed half just like on any other planet.

this shit is so fucking bad and laughable, holy shit...

What tracker you seeing it on? PTP doesn't have it (prob a rule against camshit).

He's an alien. And they're the same species. Is it safe to assume the average asgardian is stronger than the average human?

why didn't the army use the serum to make infinite captains america? ironman could make infite suits for all them, too


Continuation here

Attached: 3 guys 2 hammers -4.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Nat's death/soul stone?

That's what I thought until I watched it. Tis pretty good.

He shot a gun a couple of times.
What a fucking waste of a character and actor...

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Here, let me save you 3 hours.

Attached: Avengers Endgame in 120s.webm (320x180, 2.96M)

Are you a Disney employee?

Damn, i hope Bucky gets more screen time on the next movies but with having that faggot of falcon taking the shield i dont think so

Didn't see that from the tears.

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Request: have this thread on /wsg/ so we can have sound.

he should have recieved Cap's shield like it was blatantly foreshadowed

holy shit, you just saved me 3 hours of my life

They did make fun of Cap saying Hail Hydra atleast, that was neat

it looks like a different Justice League to me

yet it's currently rated at 9.3 on IMDB
which earns it the #1 ahead of Shawshank 9.2 and Godfather 9.2

>Is it safe to assume the average asgardian is stronger than the average human?

I mean there are no (natural) humans who are even close to even the mundane shit that people like Heimdall or Thor has.

>thinks this is the first camrip to exist on the internet

Disney doesn't care now that its out in theaters.

shawshank's redemption is a terrible, corny, formulaic movie. endgame's probably better

>mfw I use feabie

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>All those 12 year old's "I didn't pay attention to the movie" and "Why didn't they just use the glove to make world peace" questions
Rewatch the movie whenever and don't browse Yea Forums during it and maybe you'll be able to follow a simple fucking capeshit plot then.

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what does that even mean


Nah man

Attached: scarjo death 1.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

Fucking idiots, wasting everything brubaker had writed iwth Bucky as cap especially now that Red skull is back

>Stop using your brain and enjoy the product, then get excited for next product

ok shill

can you make one in real time, like this?

Attached: 2001 full.webm (1920x840, 2.87M)

No memorial for Black Widow

Are they fighting on who's going? That's kinda cool.

What else do you expect from mass entertainment?

Kinda defeats the point of a 'sacrifice' though.


Attached: scarjo death 2.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

I want my 2 minutes back

Not really. One is sacrificing themselves still.

The only reason they killed her is because she would have killed the feminist agenda in this movie by going to the final battle with only a pistol and some martial arts bullshit

But my post is about using your brain, not the opposite. No reading comprehension, no ability to follow basic plotlines, what the fuck are you even doing here?

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But isn't the point that someone else has to make the sacrifice? If you aren't making the sacrifice then you shouldn't be worth of the soul stone.


Attached: scarjo death 3.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

It's a site for fat fetish centric dating and hookups

Thats a lot of talking lmfao

I mean feel free to answer any of those plotholes after you get tired of the lol u dum insults plebbitor

He makes it. They are hanging on the edge and he lets her go.

None of those are legitimate plot holes tho, just questions from someone with a short attention span. All of it is answered plainly in the movie, but you are too stupid to understand it (no offense).


They tend to go to shit if the movie is too long, with the 3MB limit.

2001 gets away with it because it's slow as balls.

How could thanos lift stormbreaker?


Okay so what was the explanation for Steve doing fuckall for like 60+ years, when he could've saved Nat and also Bucky?
What about Carol not going with the gang? She has one line of "I'm busy in space" but you'd think reversing the snap would be important enough. Like she alone could've gone back to the past when Thanos was already on earth on infinity war, she would've avoided meeting her past self too.

it's not enchanted like Mjolnir which was established in IW...

Already explained it in several threads and you ignored me, not falling for it again.

The fuck's wrong with him?

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>that guy going for the pee break at scarjo's big moment

Like I said, watch the movie again, maybe with less of an annoying little cynical shit attitude and turn off your phone.

Mjolnir worthiness thing was just Odin putting a spell on it before throwing it after Thor. It was part of the test. He just never took it off it.

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I'm not the same user, you can just screencap it or give me a post number and I'll look it up in the archive faggot, take that disney cock out of your mouth

>"Cool" battle stances

depressed fat thor


>Saw tweets about dabbing and Fortnite being in
>Think they're bullshitting
>They were telling the truth

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dude there's a woman in the final battle fighting with a spear

>0.10$ has been deposited to your Disney(tm) viral marketing associate account

My headcanon explanation is that he lived his life in a divergent timeline with Peggy, and probably did all the hero stuff to prevent Thanos in that timeline.

Then after Peggy died (whenever that was) he used the time device, now as an old man, to return to the prime universe. Just at a slightly different location/time than planned.

I didn't even like the movie, but whatever you say


capeshit isn't for you, bro
go watch some arthouse faggotry

She's a blunt instrumen she wasn't needed for the time heist. She does come back she just arrives fashionably late.


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>adults actually watch this shit

I would've been fine with that if it was actually in the movie or hinted at. Mos of those plot holes could've been explained away in exposition, but they didn't even try, instead we got shitton of exposition for 2 of the most boring characters, only so that their sacrifice actually has some weight to it

Final death count?

I think he didn't. You still come out at he portal when you use the time device to come back. He didn't and he didn't have the suit on.

Nanomachines son.
No, really. Tony armor is nanomachines and the Gauntlet probably is too. He didn't really need to take the stones himself, he could have probably commanded the nanomachines from the gauntlet to swap to his armor.

doppio pls

What? Prime universe? What movie did you watch?

He went back, put back the stones and lived a life with Peggy, then he went to the park at the exact date when he had left to meet his friends.

How is this hard to understand? It's goddamn comicbook shit lmfao.

Tony, Nat, Vision, Gamora

Tony, Black Widow, Thanos, Past-Nebula, nameless goons.

Also Gamora didn't come back really, only her past-coutnerpart is now in the present I guess. Probly will be the macguffin for GOTG 3

Bad woman joke reinfoced by basedboy and beta writers.

Any torrent link for the full movie?

Except that completely contradicts the entire rest of the movie's explanation of how time travel works, dummy.

You're right about the non-glove questions but there isn't any reason why they couldn't just fix everything with the magic glove that can do anything other than 'there needs to be a story'.

Wasn't greened widow and hulk supposed to be an item or something? is it ever mentioned again?

>lamest characters fighting to death
why not just killing them both?

>Cap didn't to shit for literally a lifetime when he could've avoided the snap, saved bucky sooner, saved black widow, etc.

Also Bruce explains that changing the past has no effect on the present, hence why they don't just kill Thanos as a babby which was a smart, so they wouldnt have to deal with time paradox bullshittery, but then Cap happens at the end. Did you not watch the movie?

I don't think past-Gamora is in the game. Returning the stones to their respective universes reset those timelines. She's back in the past, just meeting Quill for the first time.

if you can't find a torrent for the most requested movie in history, you can't find shit

Give me Webm of Ant-Man punching a whale

What if Tony killed her with the snap, since she could've been considered a part of the Thanos army

It literally doesn't. They were only parallel universes as long as the stones were taken from them. They melded back into the main timeline after the stones are returned.

widow has too much sex appeal and her love with hulk is too creepy

Can someone explain me why did Thanos become a DS2 PvP metafag

Endgame really ruins all the kino Infinity War had going for it. I knew they'd asspull Black Panther, Spider-Man, and Memelord back in but it still doesn't alter the fact that they made death just a thing that can be reverted.

You could have had Endgame end with Tony, Widow, and a couple other characters die and still had a tragic amazing movie. Instead what we got is the same Comic Book logic that eventually made DC and Marvel insanely niche because asspulls everywhere. Fuck Time Travel.

>this level of Batman V Superman cope

>put back the stones
Think about it for a second. How the fuck could he possibly do that?

They have minor interaction, and after Scarjo's death Hulk says he almost undid it when he had the chance.

So close.

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Damn bruh looks like me fuck I'm sad now

are asspulls and contrived logic really why comic books are so niche?

>they made death just a thing that can be reverted.

XMen did it first with Days of Future Past.

Thor got nerfed so fucking hard

It would still all reset when Cap returns the two stones to that timeline. Funny thing is, the final battle wasn't about killing that Thanos, that was just a crisis situation they needed to mend. That past Thanos is back to life in the past the moment Cap returns the stone to that timeline, nobody there will remember any of this and history just plays out as it did. They kill their present Thanos at the beginning of the movie.

How exactly? It's perfectly consistent, once you take back the stones there is no divergence. Pay attention.

So.. you did not want a movie? Why didn't the eagles take the ring to Mordor?

How low is your IQ? Honest question.

Not him but they did that, that's why steve went back, the SS said that if the stones are put back the instant they were taken, no split timeline memery would happen. She didn't specify that they have to be in the exact position, so they probably just dropped it off anywhere. If Steve had to put them back to the original place, that just opens up another can of worms

>the greatest contribution she makes in all the movies is dying

It still had no effect on the present. Old-Cap was ALWAYS around in the background, you were just never shown him, because it wasn't relevant and he kept his head down to allow the events to play out as Doctor Strange foresaw. It's an irritating thing to believe that he never stepped in for anything after he went back, but it doesn't break the causality.

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I'm amazed how well Disney has been able to trick normies in to watching anime.

>Returning the stones to their respective universes reset those timelines.

There are no universes or timelines, it's all one thing. Pay attention. Past Gamora is in the present now.

Yea Forums wanted a character they could identify with, so................there you go

Isn't identity politics fun?

>Strolls into Asgard
>"Hey, Thor's Mom! Not dead yet? I'm just going to jam this back into Hershlag over there. Don't mind me."

>"Look I've got the Hammer, I'm cool!"

The movie gets bonus points just because Elizabeth Olsen shows off her superb cleavage again.

At the end

So the most important avenger and the one who saves everyone's ass ends up being a regular human rich dude with a power suit?

If it's all one thing, Gamora died when Thanos got the Soul Stone.

You can't have it both ways.


>hurr durr stop nitpicking just turn your brain off dude like lmao stop hating things

yeah fuck us for wanting well written stories. This is why you avoid Time Travel when you write sci-fi/fantasy

everyone died in DoFP, the only survivor was wolverine, which escaped to an alternate timeline

There is no reset, please pay attention.

Whoever made this needs money. Disney copied this shit.

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this is embarrassing

*regular human rich WHITE dude with a power suit


Are you doing this on purpose?

Once you put the stones back into their past times there is no divergence, timelines, resets, etc. Everyone that ahs traveled through time stays wherever they are as in Cap in the past and Gamora in the present unless they travel again.

Jokes on them I was already watching anime.

Comparison is really uncanny tho. Literally a 5 year time skip with everyone changing and learning new powers and becoming different people? Get the fuck out of here with that shonen shit. It was great.

Attached: simon.jpg (624x348, 72K)

how much fucking talking is there???? jesus christ.

2 hours. It's really great.

Did your theater clap at that one scene where all the FEMALE I HAVE A VAGINA avengers posed for an epic shot?

how does far from home make sense after this


Audible groan in my theater, thank you eastern europe, very cool!

why wasn't there a similar scene with all the nigger avengers?

Didn't Cap get into a fight with himself the first time they went back in time?

I get that he thought it was Loki but you'd think he'd have mentioned it.

>oh yeah the timeline just snaps back when you return the stones
>everything still happened and the heroes remember it though
>but of course none of that happened because the timelines converge and shit, lmao
I don't care what the Schutzstaffel says. This makes no sense and is bad writing.

Some zoomers next to me went nuts during the entire final battle

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just came from the cinema...

holy fuck the movie was garbage... why the fuck couldn't they keep the camera steady any time? always fucking movie the whole film...

fucking garbage...

there is no snapping back, I don't know what retarded head canon you got going there, but the thing was explained to you a hundred times, are you daft?

Why couldn't he? He had Mjolnir, and therefore all of Thor's powers. All he had to do was out Mjolnir back last.

are those naturals?

I'd argue yes. 90s were the king of asspull years with a bunch of bullshit like The Death of Superman.

And now if they're really daring to go far past early 90s Marvel and head into 2000s Marvel shit they're going to fuck things up.

The shot of him running up to Thanos and uppercutting him with the camera is really well framed, why do the Russos have to cut every second in their fights? Evidently they can frame a scene well (or at least they hire cinematographers who can), but they refuse to maintain the frame.

was it depression?

This. Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel going full power against Thanos in an entirely CGI fight scene is some toonami-tier shit. I'm almost certain they're slowly pushing the boundaries to see how much they can get away with.

*uppercutting him with Mjolnir, fuck me

>no split timeline memery would happen
>there is no snapping back
Pick one, Anthony.

Some decent camrip?

Am I the only man on this bitch of an Earth with a fetish for girls with glowing eyes?

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The movie has to go zoom zoom all the time or people won't like it.

holy shit, it's true

Attached: md.gif (367x265, 558K)

>be disneyshit
>biggest movie in the history of cape shit
>ruin it with a faggoty time travel plot and le epic big battle at the end
>killing off thanos at the very beginning and introducing thanos from the past, who never went through the development of thanos in infinity war
>time skips are actually still being used in the world of cinema as a storytelling device
>not focusing strictly on thor, iron man and cap

good question user, I feel Infinity War was not this shaky

Thanos didn't have any development in either movie, he was always about the business.
It's true that we, the audience, get to learn more about him, but he doesn't change throughout.

How did Cap return the soul stone? Did he go up to Red Skull and go "Here you go, old pal."?

Did he look over the cliff and see Black Widow's corpse still splayed out, or do you think Red Skull cleaned it up first?

Thanos' ship stops bombarding the planet cuz something has entered the atmosphere gong for it. I wonder what could it be?!

Attached: toxic feminity 3.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

She brought the party to him.

Frigga and the Ancient One probably can help because they know about the timeline fuckery
the power stone and soul stone just get thrown back where they were really
How did Steve turn the space stone into the tessaract again? I don't think he remembered to bring the staff that the mind stone was in either. Did he have an orb for the power stone on him? Where did shield come from?

stop being retarded

It's a film you retard

I have never lowered myself to watch a camrip, what compels people to do so?

looks like it's captain marvel

Did they save coulson when they go back to 2012??

Can you post the one where she puts her feet up on the table and they're the main object in focus for like an entire minute of screentime

If only. Winter Soldier is basically Metal Gear Solid.


Attached: Winter-Soldier.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

honest answer: he's not even in the movie

he was more mature in IW, too cocky in EG

People who intrinsically don't have any taste or class at all.

That moment was pretty hype. I wish it was a bit better animated. Human being flying around in the superman pose is goofy as shit.

>a cgi alien is more emotive than a real human bean


>a cgi alien
You sure about that?

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Why didn't they just portal Mantis on top of Thanos and let her magic hands do the work like in IW?

Also why the fuck was thanos harder to defeat without the gauntlet/stones than he was WITH the stones in the previous movie?

well yeah because josh brolin isn't a 7 foot purple alien irl

Webm related is just before Fungus overpowers Thanos here , to drill into your head that Cap, Thor and Tony are nothing in comparison.

Attached: thanos op.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

He'd watched all the Infinity War spoilers from Nebula, so he knew all their tactics.

They brought back that retarded rock one-liner machine?

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I'm really sad about how Russos are treating Thor after all this

He's still acting, though. The facial expressions you see are not "animated".

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A man of taste I see

Attached: scarjo feet.webm (1280x720, 2.11M)

>Wanda solos thanos
This was such bullshit
Also maw should've done more

I just wanted to see Thanos kick Cptn Marvels ass with the infinity stones like he did with everyone else in IW.

Boomer Thor was the best part of the entire movie and the second best part is Thanos falcon punching captain Marvel

god she's still so sexy

What a lame movie overall.
I wish they had come along with half the universe being dead. That was way more interesting than the shit we got.

>blonde hair ends

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>Also maw should've done more
Maw was underused both in this one and IW

They didn't have Strange looking through 14 billion futures to come up with the bestest battle choreography.

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>it's a film

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>Hyperspeed Ramming, pt 2
>Revenge of Hyperspeed Ramming

Someone requested the hammer/axe scene

Attached: hammer time.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)

Why not just shoot the lightning at Thanos?

Is Strange just the absolute MVP of all of these confrontations?

Just a cameo or will he inherit the armor?

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my nigga he took the stoneses off da niggas hands bruh

I saw the kid in the movie. Who the hell is that?

Lil iron boy

Can't see shit

so was that really hershlag or a stand-in?

arya stark?

Attached: scarjo still sexy af.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)


Maybe the true infinity stones were the lesson that pride comes before the fall!

Also for point 3 it's well established in Infinity War that the gauntlet is capable of healing mortal wounds. Thanos was on the brink of death after Thor cleaved his chest with Stormbreaker.

literally how is this sexy in any way

Hey guys, isn't the timeline supposed to fucked up since Thanos destroyed the stones? The bald woman said that just taking one of the stones from the time would fuck it up.

roastie detected

Tony made the gauntlet thus had easy access to the stones.

Probably some nano thruster bots stealing the stones bullshit.

Okay, but when the fuck did he build another gauntlet? Did I just miss that scene?

The gauntlet in the final battle is augmented with StarkTech in order to facilitate exactly what happens you brainlets. Tony learned from the battle on titan and modified the gauntlet to be easily removed by a third party

Wouldn't it have been obvious for Tony to hook his gauntlet like a hand from his armor? Making it change forms and go to him if he called, or even making it lose its form when Thanos took it? Also some kind of GPS so he could find in the middle of all that destruction would've been obvious too.

When they killed Thanos in the start I could only think this:


Not everything is about muh feminism you sensitive retard

OP here, gotta go wagecuck, thanks for these threads lads, have fun.

You simply have shit taste

I interpreted it as that they can't actually be destroyed. He just atomized them. The atoms still exist, just no person in existence might possibly use them now.

Yeah that could be true, but in the start then they four people are discussing with Black Widow Captain Marvel says something like "Things like in the earth are also happening in other planets", I thought that would be a set up to that this universe would be in someway fucked up because of the stones being destroyed.

Correct. In the comics they can go from one state to another - solid, liquid, atomized, etc.

Have fun wagie. Thanks for the webms

holy shit.
this is so gay i can't believe adults watch this.

why do people care about spoilers when they already know what's going to happen?

Yes, you did. It was part of the first snap scene

All capetard should be shown like this.

They graduated from wwe film school

>why didn't carol tag along during time travel
because no one likes her, so Disney chose to go with the cut with less Carol in it

Have you got the bit where SWitch and Thanos are locked and the camera nearly goes down her cleavage.

I would like to see that bit again.

>no fun allowed
ok dcfag

I think he was the kid from iron man 3

Requesting the funeral webm.


thanks for saving me the ticket cost
not like i have anyone to go with anyway

>they made death just a thing that can be reverted.
That didn't bring back Loki, Heimdall, 2018 Gamora or Vision.

My first thought when he grabbed tony was this panel. Don't know why but Thanos felt more brutal in this fight, like an actual threat

thats exactly what he did, in the scene before that he grabs the gauntlet and tries to take it from thanos but is pushed back, since the gauntlet thanos is wearing was made by stark he simply had it transfer the stones to his suit during the struggle

Every single plot hole is BTFO by what Strange did in IW.

I always lol - they always show Sentry among the Avengers and NEVER show how the villain killed him, same shit was in Old Man Logan.

Thanos did say some shit about arrogance a few minutes before which was probably meant to be ironic in retrospect

Do you read comics? You seem like you do. Who or what the fuck are the beyonders?

a lot

the first 2 hours is talking + time travel

First iteration - some fuck-powerful aliens
Second iteration - dudes existing outside the Multiverse and as powerful as sum total of our Multiverse (the flamboyant dude in white was one
Third - they are sentien cosmic cubes - reality warping artifacts in infancy
Fourth and latest - ayy lmaos from outside the mutliverse and even outside the void around multiverse who are almost all-powerful and conduct experiments on our multiverse.

So is Tony already dying long before the sacrifice? Just saw the scene where he falls down after yelling at Steve.

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I went to watch it by myself

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Where were all these people? Just waiting to come back?

No, unrelated. Watch the movie.

no, thats after he contracts AIDS after being on the ship alone for weeks at the beginning of the movie

just watch it for yourself

I agree. I hate her lips. I hate her eyes. I cant believe it took this long to kill BW off

Pepper was never snapped in the first place. She survives and Tony references that he's been trying to persuade her to suit up for 5 years - which she finally does at the end

Remember that Tony built that gauntlet

Probably had like a release button for the stones

this is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is peak performance

why didn't she just fly through thanos?

to me, she looks fucking gorgeous in old stuff like lost in translation or ghost world, but still pretty fine on recent suff like GitS, lucy, or under the skin
is just in avengers movies that she looks kinda old and washed up for some reason

Attached: 26-04-2019 00-41-54.jpg (693x314, 31K)

The only real plothole in Endgame isn't really in Endgame, but it's this:
Endgame shows Captain Marvel outclasses normal Thanos and could kill him.
Thanos is a famous warlord who commits planetary genocide across the galaxy
Captain Marvel was in space for 30 years saving people and planets that 'didn't have Avengers'
Why the FUCK did she not take it upon herself to go and murder the purple cunt at any point in that time?
He's been wiping people out since before Gamora was a child for fuck's sake.

Will be next week. I wanna take my mom, but her health isn't great, and will need more relaxed showings.

Thanks user. Was just curious. I don't really care all that much personally outside Cap, Thor and Spidey. RDJ is the closest I've come to ever liking Iron Man, so it will be sad to see him bow out.

Because she looks like an actual woman. Like a person and stuff who I want my genitals near.

what should have been

Attached: Captain-America-2-Official-Photo-Chris-Evans-Scarlet-Johansson-Costumes.jpg (2000x1333, 323K)

Cool man. My mom passed last week, enjoy the time with her.

kek. based google

If true sorry user

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Thank you, that was more informative than all the wiki crap.

Fourth sounds the most interesting to me.

Thanos had the power stone all along

>tfw care more about flashy fight scenes than how thanos loses

where is the DAB Yea Forums??

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but weren't these like the non-warrior types, it seems retarded to bring them to a fight.

not sure if this will be possible with the current quality of leaks, but I don't want a webm, just an image in the best quality you can manage.
there is a spectacular shot near the start of the final battle - captain america is a tiny silhouette in the bottom left as thanos's army approaches from the right. if you've seen the movie you'll know the shot, almost took my breath away. unironically want it on a canvas print. best quality shot of that you can get would be great thanks.

The answer is that capeshit is capeshit
Individual movies work alright but once they start layering everything on top of eachother like this it just becomes retarded and full of plotholes

Who has the webm of captain marvel giving the fuck me eyes to peter parker?

the universe is pretty big bro...

Anybody have a webn of Thanos punching Captain Marvel out of the battlefield?

she cute

this one?

Attached: hulk dab.webm (1280x720, 1014K)

Just imagine the children....

Have you got the part where all the female superheros pose together before they charge at thanos?
I laughed out loud

Thanks user. Your always there.

It's this one, but current quality is shite

Attached: vlcsnap-00018.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

That's why scar jo nope'd out.

hereOP posted it last thread

thanks fren


all the good scenes are in the previous thread and some in this one, save the webms and you got pretty much everything

I'm going to start watching movies like this.

Well Loki gets to do alternate timeline shenanigans and with his forte in magic he might wind up in the main timeline eventually.

>ywn caress Scarjo's supersoldier babybump while her stockinged feet lie across your lap.

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there are no alternate timelines...

So we have a villain Loki that took off with the Tesseract?

Yeah, in hindsight given the poor quality it might work better as a gif/webm of that shot, it's like what 2 seconds?