I wish the actual murder and disposal of the body had been more horrific

I wish the actual murder and disposal of the body had been more horrific.

Attached: laura-palmer.jpg (800x450, 48K)

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Why? Wouldn’t have changed anything, sicko.

NO way.
It’s supposed to be beautiful in the scenes of her death to make it look like she was an innocent girl

If even they could get away with showing that on TV, it wouldn't have fit the show's atmosphere.

Do you get off on hurting girls?

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Whoa, what an incel thing to say.

Just you wait until the Maddy scene

>"I find everyone's intellectual intelligence far less superior than that of my own."

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>Twin Peaks is my favourite show ever
>travelled to a bunch of the locations in Washington
>have gf
>we share the same taste in everything
>decide to show her Twin Peaks
>she can only handle 2 episodes and thinks it’s boring and doesn’t want to watch it again


kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

I thought the movie was okay, but I wished I had never watched it. Imagining what Laura was like and how she was murdered was way more effective than actually seeing it.

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the whole show IS just waiting for Cooper & James scenes to start/end respectively

I wish Lynchtards would've stayed on reddit.

I thought it was filmed in California and not actually Washington tho

it is fucking boring though

The Pilot, Exteriors, and Season 3 were shot in Washington

The pilot and FWEM was in WA same with most of the exteriors. Snoqualmie Falls and the Lodge are in the intro and stand ins for the Great Northern, the RR diner is a real place, the school, Laura’s House.

That’s also partially why the pilot looks so much better and moodier than the rest of the series

>Whoa, what an incel thing to say

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Rural Washington is so comfy

>tfw you were lynched by the series finale

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I was Lynched by S3 in general.
I think it should’ve been shorter and focussed a lot less on the FBI agents and misc plot lines that went unresolved.

Based girl.

Attached: dern to yah.jpg (5000x2500, 371K)

>James isn't his favorite character

absolutely plebeian.

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His hairline gives me anxiety

This is the purest of kino.


Are you 17?

I just never understood why does everyone on that town cared so much about that coke fiend roastie and why did it affect everyone

people who live in towns that aren't infested by niggers and spics generally go their whole lives without knowing anyone who was murdered

Murders in small quiet towns are quite uncommon. Everyone in this town knew Laura and thought well of her. They had never imagined such a thing would happen.

that's why Lynch cast him

He was truly the purest character on the show

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