Supernatural Thread

Season Finale Edition
>season finale tonight
>no thread
I'm appalled. Let's get this going.
Buffy/Angel, X-Files and occult lovers alike are welcome.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe a little later?


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reddit: the show

Too early it's only 3pm. Also more bunker episodes

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You seem to know quite a lot about this Reddit culture.
You must be there quite often to have such extensive knowledge.

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oh it's finale already. good i guess. thought it was gonna be 22-23 episodes

havent watched any of the episodes this season
i'll piece it together im sure

Don't think I can make it tonight lads, I fucked up my sleeping pattern by binging Buffy and Angel last night, I haven't even slept yet.

Might nod off soon.

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Nap now and set an alarm 10 minutes before it starts

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Man my long hour drive took 14 hours roughly and I’ve fucked up my sleep pattern. I’m checking in now to bump the thread but I need to try to catch some more sleep since I got lots of shit to do later after the finale like watch Endgame and visit my irl Sammy best friend

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how long till it airs

another lame OP pic

don't worry lads, at least i remembered to get a pie today

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shut your piehole

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looks like it's going to be a ghost town tonight

Dead thread for a dead show

Finland fag here, where can I watch it live?

lol did you make a thread about this?

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not me

I’m back. Still fucking sleepy btw

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post what you think is not a lame pic

someone needs to post that stream link that never disappoints

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Delete that pic right now.

Link is either or but I'm on my phone so can't link it.

is that five cents or five bucks?

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less than 2 hours

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Missed last week's ep. What happened?

good, then Yea Forums will love this

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jack finally went full evil because sammie and dean tricked him into locking himself in that blagh or whaterver was it called box

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im at end season 4 / start season 5
really starting to lose interest

i liked episodes from earlier seasons contained with like 1x road trip, 1x new town, new monster from urban legend, guy gets the girl, funny bro moments

it seems like each episode now has NONE of that
just angels and demons playing le tricks and stuff. huge plots that span series, and twists etc.

should i continue watching..?

the bunker needs to burn, they need to hit the road and live in motels again like in good old days

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no, if you don't like season 4, you will not like 5-14

season 4 and 5 are considered the best

If you don’t like the mytharc of 4-5 (which by the way are peak mytharc seasons) then you better just stop now. Stand alone monster cases still happen but the mytharc takes over most of the story from here on

Watch til the end of season 5

Season 5 is the TRUE end of the series.
Everything after is just a cashgrab and milking the concept for all its worth.

It was even more retarded than the previous episodes.

I can’t believe it’s the season finale already.

time to start believing user

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Nice one

>no more occult show with based leads after this
>probably bound to rewatch Supernatural and Buffy/Angel and LARP/root for Dean Winchester and Spike forever

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Is Buffy as good as Supernatural?

No, fuck you.
I want the boys to have some kind of stability by the end.


MOTW episodes can become stale pretty fast, mytharcs are neccesary in a long running series.

*dabs at the hater*

Angel is better

its entertaining, id say overall its a worse show, but its also more fun. also angel is more like supernatural since it was slightly "aged up", and it has a lower % of bad episodes than buffy

>I want the boys to have some kind of stability by the end.
then they should just quit hunting, become normies get wives and all that shit. bunker is not the answer

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47 minutes before the episode starts right?

Thats why i never will be able to take this show seriously, its been like what? 6 seasons and they still havent bothered

dean stopped being the cool guy like in season 6 when the writers started gaybaiting him and castiel together
>f-fuck off destiel is a tumblr fantasy!!1!
cope & denial. destiel might not be canon but you can't deny the writers have baited the shit out of it, especially from season 6 to 9. Last few seasons have had less of it.

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Why are these threads always full of tumblr whales and gay cunts?

I'm only in season 3 atm with buffy

compared to first two and half seasons of supernatural, I'd say supernatural is definitely a better one.

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I need a working stream link you fucking faggots

Kill yourself faggot scum

Just watch on your tv dummy it’s on CW

because that's literally the target audience. just accept this and move on.

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Slightly different themes and set-up but it’s very similar in entertainment value. I personally don’t care about the romance crap between Buffy and Angel but the MOTW, the L O R E, and group dynamics is pretty damn good. Probably the most similar occult show you can find (bar the X-Files although TXF has more sci-fi than both Buffy and Supernatural)
Ya Angel 5 especiallt is very similar to Supernatural— like Sam and Dean but instead of the bunker in Kansas, they have the Wolfram & Hart HQ in LA. Conversely, I have sold Supernatural to Buffy/Angel fags as Angel and Spike taking the American backroads in an Impala instead of the Plymouth

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>they still don't know that less than 10% of the posters here are actually from amerikkka

All poofters are whales should fuck off. Also buffy wasnt aimed at gays when it came out.

>unironically being an american

ever since women discovered fantasy, capeshit and pop culture in general, everything has turned to shit, fact.

Are you claiming your country has a higher proportion of homosexuals?

Queers should be executed

openly admitting your nationality to be faggot.

They can rebuil a MoL/hunters network.
That's what I want for Sam, Dean is probably dying by the end.

The xfiles and buffy are from the early 90s. Before the rise of the 90s born queer.

>especially from season 6 to 9
Season 8, season gr8

>23 posters
>66 posts

this is the most supernatural thread ever

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Then get in line faggot burgers

everyone hates faggots

You not only cum in gay, you come from gay?

Stop replying to the baiting user

Is there a dedicated stream for this? Want to watch it with you guys.

less than 30 minutes

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fuck off homo

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May or may not work, ask admin

>all this humorless faggotry
kinda makes me wish the grimmposter would come back

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90s born queers were a mistake

Thanks. Actually found another one in the archive. Always good to have another option.

See It does it all the time to occult shlock threads like these

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feed 3 is the best one there, currently streaming previous ep

19 minutes

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so what are the chances that jack dies and never comes back?

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Stopped watching this show at season 6. What did I miss?


what are the chances we will get another lucifer vs michael battle tier unkino scene?

just the best written female character in any show ever

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I forbid it. This wee spell ought to shield us from such abominashuns

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I hope nobody makes a joke about Moriah Carey of some sorts.

>MOTW episodes can become stale pretty fast
not for me. it's what i enjoy most.


We had 75 posters last January


Almost time bros!

feed 3 not working is feed 2 gonna stream it too?

>something new each week

Use the

What is it about this series that had kept me watching it since S1?

>not tumblr


the friends we made along the way

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Feed 3 IS lol

Kek really i had no idea i barely bothered with that link/group of streams


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>supernatural ends 10 years too late
At least they are choosing to end it so we won't get a cliffhanger or some shit

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- Every CW show ever.

Is Death showing up?

Just another monster


>suggesting the soul bomb would only hurt jack not kill him
Did they really power creep on god and the darkness

Amara reference

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when will they learn?

Manlets btfo

manlets BTFO lmao

Sam finally get good bants for once

>actual cucks

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The format and formula becomes stale, boring and repetitive, dumbass.
It's ok for short series, not for long ones.

sammie likes CELINE DION

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wtf jensen and jared could have at shaved for the season finale

>cuck joke
>drumph joke
*double cringe*

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That bit with the anchors was priceless.

Trump making a deal with Crowley, kek.

Crowely reference

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>suddenly Chuck

Who wrote this fucking shit




the word dean wanted to say was zoomers not geeks, the writers need to do their research

Reminder that trump isnt the president in supernatural and its just a joke to trigger people.

they made it canon earlier this season and somehow fake bobby knew who trump was whjen they told him. lazy fag writing. just couldn't keep the show apolitical as it's always been

Let's be fair if lying was suddenly impossible within a day every single politician in the world would be outed on a laundry list of things.

Stop fucking complaining this is barely anything compared to the newer shows

jack is such an autist

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They literally made a reference to Trump being president last season while also having an in-universe president the season before. It's shitty writing courtesy of Hollywood leftists.

Or Rooney stepped down

>where have you been
Keeping Amara from murdering creation out of spite?

>Chuck shouting
What the fuck.

Or it WAS Rooney.

>British MOL are kinda weak

Reptilians are real, holy shit.

Did god make reptilians?

another magic gun?

made me kek out loud

>random gun given by God
Now that is deux ex machina

>Leviathan reference

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>not exactly
nigga please

what a hellish office space.

why did millennials have to ruin every fucking thing in the world

based dean smashing stuff...that would have been in the updated supernatural bingo

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What did he say she liked? I swear I heard "kino" lmao


it's a boomer bingo type game you play in casinos

>inb4 it breaks for some stupid ass reason

Keno as in the gambling game

>the son of satan makes the world incapable of lying so God gives two brothers from kansas an enochian Beretta that shoots Nephilim killing bullets.
Supernatural is simultaneously the coolest and lamest show ever

If nothing else we can take away from this it's that Chuck is the original troll
>inb4 next season Chuck and Amara vs Jack and Empty

Is that Chekhov's gun?

yeah, makes you wonder who the bad guys really are and have always been since the beginning.

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Chuck, you are the worst god ever. Holy shit this is fucking contrived.

So it’s a Mutari generator that weakened Illyria?

I swear it sounds like chuck is making excuses to fuck with them

>God hates new Death

>Chuck hates nu Death

nice reference user. that ba degree paying off ;)

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>death into tickle porn

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Did Chuck say squirrels or squirtles?


Why does a guy with no feelings get so salty?

Squirrels, obviously.

In Chuck's defense sam and dean choose to jump in

>All I ever wanted was to be good, but now I'm just... Empty.
Shit. That hits a little close.

jesus christ the self sacrificing again, the show has become a parody of itself

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>has become
has been for ages

this episode is top kek so far

also chuck is either an asshole (what kind of fucking gun is that anyway?) or he actually can't control or eliminate jack, maybe jack is chuck level

Dean comin yo.


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Chuck is multidimensionally fucking with everyone. If shit pans out and everyone lives it was his plan all along, if Dean kills Jack it was also his plan all along

christ-fag detected

>God is the real villain all along

>chuck fears jack because he can go off script

Please tell me that's not really Chuck.

RIP Chuck

so? enjoy burning in hellfire heathen


>The plot of the next season is literally about trying to end the show

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formerly God

>killing the guy that takes everything down with him when he dies

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power fantasies

This turned into some pure kino


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This really brings into question where Amara is and if he didnt backstab her again.

Amara in spite of mostly everything else would have come down like a shitstorm on his head for fucking with Dean like that

this is the first time like in forever the show has surprised me

Wait they can’t do that. The universe will die too

This is only what Chuck has always sold everyone, could be like the shit in the Underworld movies where Marcus sold that lie to Victor about the vampires to keep himself alive

I saw one of them firing at Chuck but no way in hell did I see him killing Jack. Next season better be Chuck final boss. I've been wanting it for years.

Amara for all her offensive power doesn't have Chucks omnisense

Chuck final boss confirmed

>welcome to the end

Fucking based end the show with the world literally dead

>He's a writer. Writer's lie.
Stop being so meta all of a sudden.

is there an alt-universe Chuck?


based woman in white reference

everything is undone now...

no, chuck made all the universes

No. No no no. Do not do this greatest hits shit.

This is perfect.


welp, we're fucked now lads

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Episode started off as shit and ended good for once


Would you say that this one is redemption for S13's piss poor finale?

The world is full of ghosts and zombies now? Do they have to rekill all the old enemies again?

we the walking dead nao

I think they knew they weren't allowed to fuck this one up.

Song choice was absolutely based

Did the Empty draw a smile on his own face or did I imagine that shit? I'll have to watch it again

This gave me First Evil vibes from Buffy 7 when all the old big bads showed up in the last season.

Do you think Chuck was pretending to be weak in the Amara fight too?

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Not really, but at least this was interesting, even if it took a lot of literal asspulls to get there.


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No telling but it looks like new Death and the Empty have got a plan of their own.
>inb4 kill Chuck
>replace him with Jack
>all the Angel's and demons get to come back in exchange Empty gets to keep Chuck

>God vs Death, Jack, and the Empty vs Sam and Dean vs Every supernatural being ever

He was smiling. I think Death is gonna bring Jack back to fight Chuck. Maybe for the series finale we'll get Jack as nu God.

i prefer title card pics
it was 5 bucks fren, but i also had a coupon for 2 bucks off ;)

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Meh. First half of the episode was pretty bland and I don’t really love what they did with chuck.

What exactly was that ending btw? Was god evil all along and controlling the world and everything that happened the first 13 seasons as part of some entertainment for himself? I got lost

>kept hinting that someone unexpected would return for the season finale
>everyone thinking its Mom and Dad Winchester
>jk its every damn ghost and undead person they killed that went to hell as a ghost
Wonder if Purgatory and its world full of monsters killed by them is on the table too?

I wonder if the gun he created would have actually killed Jack or would he ended up in the Empty anyway? It looked to me that Chuck really really really fucking wanted Dean to kill Jack almost as if he couldn't do it himself even if he wanted to.

It's going to be an interesting ride.

pretty much confirmed that series will end with jack being the new god, which is quite lame

No, sounds like you got it.
In the face of God, the all-powerful creator, Sam and Dean realize that it's all entertainment for them, and decide enough is enough.
Im sure though it will all end up being some test of worthiness in the end for God to pass the torch to the brothers or something stupid.

What was going on in that scene where it showed jack in the empty with that blob thing and Nudeath?

nu-death and empty team up with jack to stop god from destroying the world

Chuck is amoral more than anything creating and discarding entire realities on a whim.

Amara is about the only time he didnt have things firmly within his control and even then we cant be 100% sure on even that since Chuck has lied and deceived everything so much.

Chuck is such levels of bullshit that it's very well possible he created Amara, made her memories then made his archangels just to lock her up for pure shits and giggles, and his entire fight with Amara was him just pretending to be retarded to further the story along

yeah, everything is pretty much arbitrary and whimsical at this point.

I think I kinda get it now. Cas woke up in the Empty because Jack wanted him to and Jack is basically completely on god power level and apparently equal to Chuck. When Lucifer was juiced up on Jack's grace, he apparently didn't die because a god's grace can't die. Now Chuck killed Jack in his sandbox, but gods can't be killed so he woke up in the Empty. Kinda makes sense now.

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with season 14 over now how do you rank the seasons?

2 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 11 > 1> 7 > 6 > 8 > 12 > 14 > 13 > 10 > 9

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I have hope season 15 will be decent

I'm glad this show is finally being put out of its misery but I feel like they could've kept going and refreshed it by getting rid of the bunker, excessive side characters, and introducing cosmic beings.

>almost as if he couldn't do it himself even if he wanted to.
but then he did it anyway. I think jack just has the ability to go off script but Chuck's addiction to stories kept him from smiting him outright

>happy ending with Jack beating Chuck and imprisoning him in the Empty
>last minute or 2 of the series finale
>suddenly cuts to black with Chuck just standing on screen laughing followed by End and him walking through a door into another universe

i could see that, but i really hope they don't ruin this beautiful story with tripe like that.

What was the song?

With hell being bust open does that bring original Michael back on the playing board?

So I guess we'll never get to see the Shedim?

God Was Never On Your Side by Motörhead

Nope still in jail

>he apparently didn't die because a god's grace can't die

i didn't consider that point. good catch.

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This. If they had contained power levels and kept changing the scenery, this show could have gone on forever.

1-5 > 11 > 6-7, 12-14 > 10 > shit > 8-9

1-5 > everything else

Nice, never thought of that

Little drunk right now and I feel like I should rewatch to get a better opinion, but 5>4>3>2>11>1>14>13>8>9>7>6>10>12.

...And now things come full circle for I was forced to miss one too. FUCKING HELL, CHUCK DAMN IT.

>watch Endgame
three hours of sleep right there

I miss when supernatural had that real grainy look to it


my take


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35mm > digital
also fuck them for ditching the desaturated look

I don’t know why Sam even bothered to shoot chuck, did he seriously think that he’d just hand them weapon capable of killing him?

buffy gets better as the show goes on though, peak supernatural was 1-2

I just want to appreciate how coherent seasons 11-14 have been so far. There are flaws but overall there is finally a feeling of build up with the narratives coming together
>the empty and Billie
Started season 11
>Amara and Chuck arcs
Season 11
Season 12
>multiverse and the failed drafts
Season 12

dubs lie!

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Lel Supernatural has multiple peaks. Buffy peaks are 2, 5-7. 3 is overrated

sam never liked chuck much. dean was always chuck's favorite. and sam has always has a bigger suicidal death wish persona than dean

They forgot how OP season 4-5 castiel was didn't realize that if something like that did exist sam would never have reached the gun in the first place.

Any rips?

this thread died fast just like my will to live

>Supernatural just turned into Shin Megami Tensei in a single episode
I honestly was not expecting God to be the villian

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>Next season will be 20 episodes
>Some of them will be shitty monster of the week episodes
Fucking what a waste. They better have better fucking sets too, Im sick of seeing Hotel room with decorative support beam, overgrown road with a crossroad and diner room

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God seemed really out of character

Good taste user

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wait what?? i thought this pretentious tv show ended like in 2011

>Every act of self-sacrifice God made in season 11 was a fucking lie, since it is clear he doesn't really care about this universe
>the scene between him and Lucifer was probably an act to get him on his side
>Amara might not even be real
>Lucifer was right
>Michael was right
What the fuck. I hope Amara is real, and comes back to help fuck God's shit up

>still havent watched the episode
>read everything in the thread because Im a retard
>He 100% out of character
It doesnt seem right to me

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Which would prefer. Gd being defeated and replaced by Jack. Or god being defeated and replaced by jack but that too was just an episode of Chuck's favorite show but it was at least the finale. He then stops setting up shit for his entertainment

The first. God getting what he wants after it is confirmed that everything is just a show to him would leave a bad taste in my mouth

It's just bad writing because they want to shoehorn God into being the final villain

>God being banished from the Milkyway permanently with Jack dying in the arms of Cas.
At that point that better be the very last episode and the boys die before it

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It was, if everything up to now was an act then chuck got really shit at acting. Everything felt off from jump, just by how little empathy he showed. He appeared to care about everything in season 11 even when he was refusing to step in.

it's just a rewrite user. it's always just a rewrite

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before he destroys us or leaves, i just pray that God will bring Layne back and cease his suffering

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If literally everything in Hell was just released, does that mean Adam and Michael are out of the Cage?

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I hope its every big bad since S1
I cant imagine the boys getting out of this one so they might have to either; abandon the world, or make & manipulate soul bombs all over earth to only destroy monsters

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It wouldn't even matter if they were. Lucifer said Michael's a whimpering child at this point. Adam's probably been reduced to nothing.

Revenge is the greatest motivator. I'm sure Michael would want to kill God as much as AltMichael did if he learns the truth

the shedim have never been dealt with and now that the hellhounds have become extinct i think they could spice things up a bit

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dead thread is dead. i hope some user creates a thread this weekend so we can digest this stuff and ponder on next season

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I'm not sure how to feel about this. God felt wildly out of character, and I will fucking hate it if season 11 turned out to be a very elaborate act on his part.

>mfw Chuck has been lying the whole series, even orchestrating his own near demise with his "sister", just to get his jollies at watching the Winchesters jump through hoops saving the world
>mfw God was the true villain after all
>mfw at the end of the series he actually explains THIS finale was just an act to force their hand to do the right thing for the final battle.

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what is the cosmic sense of what chuck is doing? on the one hand it doesn't matter because of his infinite creations, but on the other hand we know this is "favorite show" so he will obviously play a main part. i have to feel that chuck/God will reveal next season that THIS is the baseline uni/story and that everything else has been branched out failed builds. so maybe amara will be the one to come back to knock some sense into it all

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Promotional image for season 15
If it turns out Amara is real and not an elaborate hoax, then I can't imagine that she would be happy with God ending the world she first saw beauty in

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Jack wasn’t a problem back then. It did seem like Jack could be a threat to Chuck

He effortlessly killed Jack, though. The gun wasn't even needed. It was just another classic Winchester ending for him.

Maybe Chuck was fibbing about the ending and he wants the Winchesters to defy him

It makes a grand ending if his favorite boys stood up against him. He was happy when Sam and Dean fought demons and angels and even destiny itself in Swan Song

Like some user said earlier, Jack basically gained the ability to break the script. No one, not even Lucifer, had been doing anything that wasn't out of God's realm of control up to this point.

Jack's power is essentially that of rewriting God's handiwork. God doesn't like the sound of that.

Billions of people will die though. God is the villain in this story regardless

Then why didn't God stop Jack's conception in the first place?

I think because of the alt-universe stuff his story started to get muddled. He probably didn't foresee Alt-Michael coming to the Prime Universe to start shit, as he pretty much had given up on those realities. He wasn't sure what was going on with Jack, from his conception, to his depowering by Lucifer, to his restoration by smiting Alt-Michael. When it looked as if he was becoming a true threat to even him, he had to step in.

ep is out now for any lads who missed it

where tho, the CW website still has Jack in the Box as the latest

i think we can all agree on that point
i don't see how now that they can abandon that arc. God is the ultimate big bad and somehow they will get him to leave and let his creation mutate into whatever happens next

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>mfw it was probably God who set free Alt Michael in Dean's mind to fuck with Death's plan and keep his story on track.

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But new Death seems satisfied and seemed have anticipated Jack’s death

>the first episode Chuck was in this series was named, "The Monster at the End of the Book"

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places, do we have to do this every week? get out their and find it son

I'd say Death was more accepting of the situation as it was. If anything, Death moreso anticipated having to deal with God once and for all, as he/she has mentioned back in season 5.

See this is what I like about Dabb’s era he ties back to older seasons far more than Carver ever did

Makes me think that hallucination of Lucifer Jack was talking to was actually God now being a shit disturber.

>all those episodes over the years related to TV shows
>the French Mistake
>the episode when Gabriel put them in TV shows
>the Scooby natural episode
>they literally had to fix it so the Scooby gang thought that ghosts and demons DIDN'T exist actually, to keep things on script
>to keep things on script
>to play the roles given to them

We talking next level meta shit here friends.

All the Universe's a stage.

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Will Supernatural go down as the most meta genre show ever?

Just remember how Chucks 4 sons have been handled and Chucks feelings on em in the long term, not to mention hes made a multitude of em throughout the multiverse and hes abandoned them all.

Chuck himself has mentioned hes presoul,much like a soulless human he just feigns emotions. He just does whatever he wants to get his jollys.

Up to now everyone has been toys in his sandbox but now his toys are telling him to go fuck himself they dont wanna play along with a new kid that can potentially take the sandbox from him.

Really good episode. I want literally everyone to team up to kill Chuck next season. It's the end so might as well go balls crazy.

I like how AU Michael’s motivation was still central to the season even if Michael himself died already

I do love the idea that everything is just a script and them defying god still appears to be part of the script, even if God was lying about it going off script. (considering God snapped his fingers and bam Jacks dead)
>tfw the first episode Chuck/God is in is called The monster at the end of this Book
>have to put up with all those shitty seasons just to get this actual good writing finally

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I wish there will be a permanent sticky for the finale season

Bong here going to watch episode now just woke up

so much for TEAM FREE WILL eh? i suppose that could be nerferd into stating that this is only world where that possible but after the meta storm anything is possible

about time bonganon; you'll havre a lot to digest fren

I guess theres no free will if its all to script? The only one with free will was Jack as he was the only one able to break script, and the only time that was when Jack stopped everyone to stop lying, that setting off an instant alarm for God, but what if God wrote all of this to happen, it all going off script, him being almost killed by Amara, him and Amara being a family again, the boys going to the Alt worlds

It fucking hurts my head and I doubt they will answer it next season

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you guys are talking about basically the original theological debate, If their is free will then how can God be omnipotent, if God knows all how can their be free will? this has been argued over for thousands of years
protip: you are not going to crack it today

thats an awful idea, sticky are page 1 first thread, anyone and everyone will just jump into shit post because its their

>Chuck mentions not liking Billy
>Empty seems to absolutely fucking hate Chuck

calling it now, Billy, Empty, and Jack are going to team up to get Jack to replace Chuck

Jack will be the new God, but unlike Chuck, Jack will have his human soul back

The Trio will head to Reno after fighting their way out of the zombies and also team up with Amara, and Amara will get pregnant by Dean

I doubt there will be a sticky for fucking supernatural of all things

>Longest-running scripted U.S. primetime television series

Supernatural deserves a sticky

This debate always confused me since it always seemed pretty simple in my head

God forfeited his own omnipotence in order to create free will, because it was the morally right thing to do

Being morally right often involves making oneself less powerful; not even God is beyond that simple truth.