Do Chinks have good taste in movies or shit taste in movies?
Do Chinks have good taste in movies or shit taste in movies?
I don't know, do Americans not worship Disney and Star Wars/capeshit?
As I recall, Chinks worship capeshit, but not Star Wars.
What a shit poster. It's all blacks and women. Where's Tony, Thor and Cap?
Tony's dead and Cap fucked off through time to a better past
Never trust any numbers from China.
So 143 million dollars
Cinks are just distracted by loud noises and bright colors
Then why did Basedlo bomb over there?
Chinks aren't that different from mutts. Both are drone insectoids
didn't have enough bright colors
have you seen it?
>1 billion reminbi
That's 150 million in real money
>says the burger while his country is in trillions of dollars of debt to the Chinese
The Chinese just love spectacle. Aquaman, Avengers, Venom, Transformers. It's all the same to them
>and his poor soul was still safe from the torrent of badly animated cgi xanxia the chinks already shat out by the dozens.
Damn. China sure loves white people, huh.
Chinese movies are kino
What's Happy doing in the back? What a random poster.
Watch a few chink movie and see for yourself.
Who cares.
Whats with China? how has there not been a revolution if the entire country is getting fucked in all directions by their government?
Same way burgers haven't revolted against the jews.
Hero is one of my top 5 movies
do chinks know thanos dies?
Their lives have improved. Just 50 years ago they were eating monkey brains
>Aquaman does 1 billion thanks to China
>Avengers Endgame breaks 1 billion in China while Shazam flops
>"ugh who cares really? h-ha"
Yeah? And what are the Chinks gonna do about it when we dont pay them? Nothing because thats all they can do and they know it
trillions of dollars not RMB
It's $1 trillion which is nothing. The American government owes $20 trillion to the American people
For some reason, Chinks really love underwater movies.
The Chinese poster. Lol imagine posting this on Twitter instead of that fan fiction bullshit drawing.
Disney is owned by China so I would say they have shit taste
ANNNNDDD HERE we have the AMERICAN poster.
Where are the black ppl?
The government is not really that bad, Tiananmen was actually some stupid zoomers getting BTFO, Chiang Kaishek was an impotent cuck, and the Jews are betting big on China so what else is new.
>only 35 minutes of seeing black people
They foolishly think it's their government that if lifting them out of poverty. It's the lack of government that's doing it.
Which it won't be able to pay without hyperinflation.
I can't wait for the collapse.
This is the highest-grossing Chinese movie.
I didn't get a chance to see that. How was it?
Chinks will watch any old shit with enough spectacle and CGI.
I lost my taste for modern Chinese blockbusters after OPERATION RED SEA. I don't hate myself enough to subject me to more of that.
They literally have the worst taste in movies and will kill blockbuster cinema. Exhausting long, incoherent CGI action sequences are the gold standard.