*Makes your blu-ray collection obsolete*

*Makes your blu-ray collection obsolete*

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this format will go extinct, literally no average human being can tell the difference. unless you have a home theater with a 4k projector its pointless

good old movies look best in 1080p anyway, film restoration is a meme for now, but who knows maybe in the future neural networks will make a better job. even today most movies are mastered in 2k, you can count real 4k movies that are worth watching on your fingers.

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No user. It makes the raid array of my media PC obsolete.

>he doesnt know that Japan and South Korea are already showing mainstream TV in 8k making 4k dead in the water

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the sales of 4k TVs and movies is so low that the industry expects it to die off. people dont even care about blu-ray that much, the only thing keeping that alive is the Playstation 4.
DVD will outlive it all, because most of the planet is piss poor and will never be getting internet streaming TV, ever.
enjoy buying a dead rubber with your 4k MemeTV.

Its literally nothing

because based Japs are already onto 8k then they are the ones pushing the technology, 4kUHD is literally nothing over there.
USA is about a decade behind, cope.

>blu-ray collection
What is that?

You still have yet to explain how japan making tv in 8k is going to affect 4k movie sales in the US

>buy cutting edge tv
>watch news or sports
>it looks like a 240p video from 2006 youtube bcuz tv networks are 15 years behind in tech
but yes goy, at least you can watch the 40 bucks paid saving private ryan 4k on your new tv

>most of them are just upscaled 2K masters
no thanks

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sophisticated = retarded?

>makes your dvd collection obsolete

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>he doesn’t understand WCG and HDR
If you watch capeshit, yeah most of it is 2K for the effects. Any 35mm film from the past can be scanned in 4K though.

>DVDfags actually believe this

4k looks exactly the same as Blu Ray because they fucking crop it to widescreen regardless.

imagine watching tv or sports lmao

Film can be scanned in 8k, but anything past 2k will be grainy shit. Restoration can only reduce a little, digital noise reduction speaks for itself. Like I said, we need specilized neural networks for that.

Not really, as only a small percentage of older movies are going to be re-released in it. I don't expect to ever replace most of my Blurays with 4K any more than I've ever upgraded all of my DVDs to Bluray.

There are some very good 4K remasters out there, but they are probably the exception rather than the rule. We're definitely still at a point where you should research a particular release before you buy (we've never completely gotten past that with Blu-ray, either).

You know, I thought that until I actually got a 4K TV (which I got for the HDR, not the 4K). It is indeed a slight difference, but I do find that I can tell (it does depend somewhat on the content, though). I'd still say that HDR is a much bigger benefit, than resolution, though.

This. Mainstream movies aren't shot at 8K and aren't likely to be any time soon, so there's no benefit to releasing them that way. And as challenging as it is to produce a quality 4K remaster of old film movies, it's going to be unlikely that we'll see many of them make it to 8K for decades to come, if ever. And TV in the U.S. is years away from 4K, aside from live sports. Over-the-air broadcasting is still currently limited to 1080i in most markets, and will probably remain so for a long time since the FCC has made the transition to ATSC 3.0 voluntary (unlike the digital switch-over), and requires stations to continue transmitting a ATSC 1.0 signal as well.

8K is a very-high-end enthusiast niche, even in Asia (the house/apartment of the average Japanese or Korean family isn't even big enough to easily accommodate a 80" TV), and is likely to remain so. At any rate, if/when 8K comes to us, it's going to be mostly new content (and may not even be available on physical media. which will be a problem for the large portions of the U.S. with Third World quality Internet). As such, there's no reason to wait for it.

8K is going to be very challenging, but 4K can work just fine when well done, assuming that you are of the school which understands that a little bit of film grain is normal and even desirable.

Not always. I have some that are the full cinema aspect.

I can tell the difference. The resolution itself looks fantastic but the frame rate is completely fucked up. It's distractedly uncanny, regardless of whether it's "true" 4k or an upscale. I can't see why videophiles have rushed to adopt it seeing how utterly bizarre it looks. I wouldn't call it a scam, but it's terribly overhyped and a waste of money.

>I don't expect to ever replace most of my Blurays with 4K any more than I've ever upgraded all of my DVDs to Bluray.
Buying first the DVD, then the Blu-ray and then the 4K of the same movie.


Dude how much money have you spent in plastic?

That looks so awful

well, they need more pixels to make up for the natural lack of field of view

Jokes on you, as I get older my eyesight diminishes, in the next 10 years i wouldn't be able to tell the difference between dvd and 8k

That's essentially the entire market of 4K. It's a gimmick to most, but you'll see the benefit if you have a huge ass 4K TV. I think most people are fine with upscaled DVDs in 1080p, DVDs are still made, after all.

its great once when you watch something like the revenant which is fucking crazy good in 4k
but you arent really watching the movie anymore you're just watching a tech demo and thats the whole problem

4K TVs are dirt cheap right now. Maybe not all of them except the high end models have the much needed good HDR, but a 4K 50 inch TV is about half the price of 1080p 40 inch from a decade ago. The one thing I don't like is the reduction of IO, most models reduce it down to just HDMI, maybe a coax or one component. I miss when TVs had like 10 different input options.

Yeah it makes it a pain in the ass if you want to hook up old equipment.

Also hate how most manufacturers have cut it down to 2 HDMI ports now. Some even only having one. IMO 4 should be standard.

What blu-ray collection? Never bought one, streaming or fuck off.

Oh, wait, did you fall for the marketing plan by Hollywood to make you rebuy your collection, to make up for plummeting DVD/blu-ray sales?

LOL. You dumb, broke faggot.

Honestly good 1080p sets are still made and my 65inch 1080p set still likely has a decade plus of life in it. Not really planning on replacing all my normal blurays for 4k ones. (Of the stuff that will even see 4k, 90% of most back catalogs are going to top out on normal bluray)

If I do, I'm sure you'll be able to pick up stuff cheaper. I remember the days when bluray was 30+ compared to the bargin bin 5-10 a lot are now.

I'll be playing the savings game.

>not getting a vpn and torrenting full blown bluray iso's.
>pissing away so much money when you legit can pirate and get everything free.

LMAO at you losers.

I don't want noise reduction and I particularly don't want invented content from some neural network.

>intentionally listening to lossy compressed audio versus true master quality lossless audio from the disc

It's like listening to crappy 128 encoded songs all over again.

>in my workplace there is this 1080i tv and a digital antenna
>I set the resolution to 480i
As the whole company got merged and reorganized before they hired me, many properties are orphaned now.
I like the fact that the "obosolete" services are still available, so these "obsolete" equipments can continue to function.

>lossy compressed audio versus true master quality lossless audio from the disc

For...digitally fuckered soundtrack music? That's stomped on hard in post-processing to be as boomy as possible in a theater?


Audio snobs, always funny.

What do DVDs look like on a 4k tv?
They already look like shit for me even with madvr or mpv upscaling on 1080p tvs.

Terrible. Especially if they are older non anamorphic DVDs

Yeah, that's especially ridiculous because it's way to easy to have a digital cable box, and a few consoles.