Movies that men are allowed to cry at

Movies that men are allowed to cry at

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pick one, faggot kike

marley and me

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You'll be crying in a moment m8

fuck that dog

Hachi. You know it to be true.


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That part where his brother dies in a canine drive by shooting got me

Real men do whatever they want whenever they want to do it.

Manchild cope, this guy plays Nintendo games in public and gets zero pussy.

Didn't they forcibly drowned that dog in the movie?
any of these

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>dogs reincarnate
I fucking hate this stupid shit. Idk how the fuck it got a second film. I can't imagine being so retarded as to lose one dog and get another one and act like it's the same fucking dog.

What is the most kino interracial relationship and why is it BMWF bros?

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The only sad part was when he was chained in that shithole yard for months/years.

The only movie I can’t watch twice. Wonderful movie but it’s too excruciating watching that poor dog wait at the station

this was the dumbest movie ever

You can put on a hard face, but we all know you're blubbing back there.

>that scene where the guy realises it's his dog from childhood

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Didn't they change it up from the book where he only thinks that because he's old and senile.
In a twist of the classic the dog dies at the end stories, it's the boy that dies at the end.