In this thread, you may only post elder god-tier set design. The best of the best

In this thread, you may only post elder god-tier set design. The best of the best.

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>unbridled fincher autism

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so why did he tie them up before shooting them

not the best pic but i remember really being wowed by the scorpion fight in mortal kombat. they really captured the look of a crazy looking fighting game stage.

Attached: Scorpion_Lair_movie.png (1024x576, 788K)

because he stabbed them? Did you even watch the movie user, or ever read about the case

Attached: event-horizon-engine-of-spaceship-core.jpg (1574x805, 681K)

I just misremembered the webm I saw of it.

Is that a set? Did he build a hill?

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>classifying art with le tiers
Yep its re ddit

Yes, he also built the grass, trees, water, human beings, oxygen particles, etc, from scratch

both Blade Runner films have great set design

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>art can't have objective qualities
4channel is dead to me.

Fuck up you snarky cunt. This is a thread about set design and that looks like a location so I was wondering if he'd created portions of it to fully match an original crime scene or something.

Attached: Devils_14a.jpg (640x271, 32K)

inside of alien ship from Fire in the Sky

>the devils
excellent choice

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Good luck ever calling anything bad, then. Art can be objectively well or poorly made. The subjective side is what it makes you feel. I may not personally like Event Horizon, but I can at least say it has objectively high quality sets and designs.

The best part about it is that it's closely based on a true story.
This is the mindset behind modern art.


Attached: Event Horizon.webm (1169x497, 2.63M)

Was it really there, or its all a greenscreen?

Weir is seriously one of the best mad scientist characters in any movie.

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The quality of art is subjective but I don't trust anyone's opinion when they don't have specific reasoning.

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I think I remember seeing screenshots from this movie used for album covers from Ramleh or Genocide Organ.

can't believe no one's posted this yet

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one job lads

was the set designer god?

wahts this from

the whole dune movie

H.R. Giger is peak Hell aesthetic. I can't even begin to imagine the terrible things that man had seen.

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a shame we never saw the movie tourist realized

the mortal kombat movie

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you know why they call it a cockpit right?