Jamie pull up those crime statistics

>Jamie pull up those crime statistics
>scroll down a bit please
>13% of the population commits over 50% of violent crime?!
>Wait a minute what are they talking about Jamie scroll back up please

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Other urls found in this thread:



>look at the arms on that Nigger

>does that 13 percent include women and old men and toddlers?
>really isn't it more like 5 percent then?
>this can't be right

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>scroll back down please, where are you reading this?
>fbi.gov holy shit man why isn't anyone talking about this??

Ya think the left knows that a lot of minories like this site?

But then you have to subtract out the women, old men and toddlers from the rest of the population too. Retard.

It's about 0.5%. 1 in 10,000 for blacks vs 1 in 100,000 for whites. Large gap, but you it's still highly unlikely any given black guy is going to try to hurt or kill you even moreso given most victims of black crime are black.

Acknowledge the issue, don't overstate it.

Explain why.

>don't overstate the fact that 5% of the population is comiting nearly 50% of the violent crime
Its probably white peoples fault somehow.

You are far more likely to be randomly attacked or a victim of violence by a black individual than a white one. Such a large percentage in fact that its entirely reasonable to walk on the other side of the street or move out of a neighborhood they enter.

Breitbart is moderate.

>haha ya this tjny percentage of the population of the country commits an overwhelming amojnt of violent crime
>but you probably wont be a victim so who cares
Libcuck logic everyone. This is why thinking men no longer side with you.

Omg are you literally kidding me??

you've been using statistics to lie to me

It's a spooky thought that I'm browsing the same board with people as stupid as you. Holy smokes.

Socioeconomic factors

It's mostly blacks vs blacks because nobody wants to live near blacks, becasue they are violent.

Imagine pitbulls getting deserted by other dogs, and then pitbulls just kill each other

>asking someone to explain themselves is stupid
Weak. It indicates you are not confidant in your thought process and are not open minded.

Teachers ask you to explain yourself. Explain your reasoning otherwise you may as well be a racist Nazi who believes blacks are disproportionately criminals.

>so who cares
I explicitly said that it's worth caring about, just not misinterpreting.

like you're doing now

>You are far more likely to be randomly attacked or a victim of violence by a black individual than a white one
>Such a large percentage in fact that its entirely reasonable to walk on the other side of the street or move out of a neighborhood they enter.
No, not at all.

>1 in 10,000 for blacks
For committing violent crimes? lol no
its like 1 in 4

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Blacks commit the majority of violent crime despite being a fraction of the population. That isnt a lie.

Partly yes. Brought about by cultural and biological factors.

reminder that 50, yes 50% of black males never even graduate high school

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that's because the police are racist sweetie :-)

my sister is dating a black guy and he is the nicest guy i know, he even let me massage his feet one day and touch his hair

Then you should stop whining, discord tranny. You have been BTFO befkre you wmeven went on your low IQ autistic rant


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It's time to stop posting


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Explain your logic? Why wouldn't you put your seat belt on when driving just because there's a high chance you won't be in an accident?

Why is it not reasonable to minimize the chance of being attacked. We are also making the huge assumption you won't generally harassed or bothered by them, a statistic that is not recorded.


I knew you were wrong, i was just hoping youd be brave enough to expose yourself for me.

it's time to stop dilating, tranny

My favorite was the A. Wyatt Mann episode

There is no logic, that's why he thinks that way

Socialists are literally incapable of prescribing individual responsibility

>No, not at all.
Your libtard is showing. Have you ever taken an IQ test?

Black crime aged men are still only 5% of the population.

Why are incels obsessed with statistics?

>t. Discord tranny who got BTFO
Cut yourself

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I'm a male and don't have a Discord account

why do lefties hate the truth so much

"She" already ran away when he figured out he was actually laughably incorrect.

>We are also making the huge assumption you won't generally harassed or bothered by them, a statistic that is not recorded.
>go to take the bus to a job interview
>living in the ghetto because my life has fallen to shit
>sitting at the bus stop alone when a literal crackwhore approaches
>looks like a gorilla in a miniskirt
>raises her leg and props it up on the bus stop bench to try and get me to look up her skirt
>ignore her and luckily never have my soul eaten away by gazing at the abyss
>she grumbles and walks away
>immediately after this cracked out old nigger with dark yellow eyes sits next to me
>looks almost in my direction and mumbles some shit
>try to ignore him, don't even know if he's trying to talk to me
>keeps mumbling, getting angrier and angrier, still don't know what the fuck he's saying
>thank Christ the bus pulled up then
>get on ASAP
>hear him behind me saying "Yeah I fucking knew you had money you lucky I don't fuck you up."
>never take the bus again

>black guy
>camouflage cargo pants
>utility belt
>boots that aren't tims

How do you expect me to believe this image?

>"male" using twitter journalist buzzwords when BTFO on basic stats
Sure kid, youre "male"

Wtf kind of screwed crime stats are these?!

if you don't mind the truth why being called an incel offends you?

what do you mean?

This is clearly a problem of toxic masculinity, has nothing to do with race.

You didn't deny being an incel though lmfao. That lefty sure got you.

Why are leftist shits so obsessed with denying reality?

>deflecting this hard
Have sex.

are you even white?

Oh, he knows all about that. He raised one of their kids as his own.

The reality that sex is a necessity for human beings and involuntary celibate can lead to dangerous and serious consequences.
How you like that reality.

>engaging with retards means they are correct
Based discord tranny backing up "her" e-buttbuddy

Dont let mommy find out about your mental illness

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>socially and economically oppressed people
Based retards

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Not him but this is a deflection. Leftists ITT went totally silent as soon as they realized they couldnt argue the stats. Now you discord faggots come in to change the topic.

Nobody is admiting to being a tranny though
I'm a heterosexual male. That other dude is probably a male

You sure are dodging the question about being an incel. I wonder why

Nice sjw argument, discord shill.

wow this thread is gay as fuck

There's no way black people are only 13% of the population. They've been at 13% for the past twenty years. That's why this stat is fucked up. We're not getting the real numbers.

>dude it doesnt matter if a tiny fraction of the population does half of the crimes, look they keep to themselves
>also there's a low chance of that happening to you anyway
>so who cares lol
yeah while we're at it lets give the niggers more cities to act as their gangsta playground and see how many years it takes it more it to become Detroit/St Louis/Baltimore/Flint 2.0
who cares that we're handing over literal pieces of our country that would be subsantially cleaner, nicer, more profitable and safer if white people lived in there instead

>Hey Joe, how many of these people do you think commit these crimes while in a marijuana-induced haze?

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>Why is it not reasonable to minimize the chance of being attacked.
It is. A lot of bad areas in American cities are mostly black. I wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't want to enter that area.

But are you saying that you'd cross the street every single time you saw a black man? It's not a proportionate response; race isn't a particularly useful heuristic on the individuated basis.

>Socialists are literally incapable of prescribing individual responsibility
You're arguing that the entire race is defined by criminality and should be written off, how the hell are you advocating for 'individual responsibility'?

If you investigate other "socially and econmically opressed" people, theycdo not commit crime near the same rate.

It is also extremely prejudice of you to assume all blacks are "socially and econically" opressed. You are very ignorant.


I'm okay with giving them an entire state as long as there's a wall around it and all blacks are required to live there.

If you don't believe black people are opressed in the first world you are anti science and akin to flat earthers, holocaust deniers and other kinds of tin foil hatter deviants. The numbers are there, literally look them up

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>accuses others of deflecting when "she" was the one who dodged the question first
Have sex incel.


If you look at a black country, Jamaica (known for being laid back stoners) for example, their murder rate is 47 a year per 100,000 people.
Now if we compare that to a non-diverse white country, Norway this time, the murder rate is 0.51 a year per 100,000 people.
Based on these two examples, black people are 100 times more likely to commit murder than white people.

>so who cares
Once again, I never said that.

lol another retard that doesn't understand how percentages work

i bet you believe in "white genocide" too

What is abortion?

>doing crime on marijuana a drug that makes you lazy, complacent, and barely able to function

the only crime that goes down on marijuana is 7-11 pickpocketing

>It's not a proportionate response; race isn't a particularly useful heuristic on the individuated basis
>retard tries to sound smart
>fails epicly
You cant even understand a simple percentage, dumb fucking cuck lmfao

Most of the time anyone tries to win a debate with statistics, the statistics are wrong. When you point this out, alt-retards tell you it's just you hating "the truth" and of course anyone who challenges them is just "a leftist". There's no point in engaging with them, and in a few years they'll all grow up anyway.

In order to enact that sort of stagnation, you'd need a lot more than the 300,000 black abortions that have been reported in the past decade
Okay, they've been at 40,000,000-45,000,000 for the past 10 years.

I dont much care for jews

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>muh opression = social studies = science

No way you have an IQ above 100. It is therefor statistically more probable for you to be black than white (not really true due to population sizes but you know what i mean, you would be denying science if you dkdnt)

Genocide as defined by the UN describes the replacement of whites in their own countries, so it is accurate in a sense. Youre far left though, so there is no reasoning with you

blacks are first class citizens
whites bend over backwards for them, to be nice to them and accommodating
there are even special laws for them for jobs and education

>give the rat an inch
inb4 'we starvin cuz past oppression' refugee wave, with fuck wypipo ensuing 4 months later

>h-haha these fbi crime stats are wrong
>muh alt right
>*runs away*
Have sex incel.

>Ctrl + F "replace"
>0 results

oof. thanks for playing!

they also get away with more

Rich blacks commit crime at a higher rate than poor whites.

i'll further add that the guy that came up with the term "genocide" is jewish.

the irony is fucking hilarious

The US population is growing. Abortions and crime are preventing the black share from rising at a greater rate than the general numbers.

Men commit a lot more crime regardless of race though

fucking retard

>r3ddit quips
Thats cute. But you dont understand how definitions work. Thank you for admitting whites are being replaced in their own countries but please try to act more mature.

>You cant even understand a simple percentage
Post the stats, I'll go through it with you.

>I don't believe statistics when they don't confirm my beliefs
Based cultist

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yes, but the race factor increases it exponentially

Never said they didn't?

It's like you're all arguing with the expectation of what I'm saying.

Why is that funny? What is wrong with jews?

>more than half of that is female
>more than half of THAT is too young or elderly to be committing any crime
>we're talking more like ~3%

replacement is the method
like you can genocide people with guns, but it doesn't mention guns on that page

so do men, being purposefully misleading is still a type of lie. It's not like black women are a problem.

The stats have already been posted, you fucking retard. You are too stupid for anyone to value your opinion.

>stats you cant find = opression

Kill yourself tranny

not a genocide. again. we're using your UN definition right?

>whites are being replaced in their own countries
not a genocide

a bunch or racist paranoid schizos using a term coined by a jew isn't funny to you?

there are more white people alive right now than ever in history, and in the USA there are more white people living here than ever in it's history. i can prove it to you. the census numbers don't lie. look them up or i can spoonfeed them to you

white people not wanting to have kids while hispanics have a bunch is NOT a "genocide" you stupid fucking retards

who gives a shit
you cant have black females alone, you have to get the male niggers too
what a moot fucking point, why even bring that up

White counties in Appalachia are way poorer and produce much less crime.

Try making a point next time and use fewer memes, I might reply then. Until then I accept your capitulation

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No, the full FBI table. Not just the statistic in isolation.

If one in three black men are or will be criminals at some point, it might be best to avoid all of them.

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Black and hispanic men. You are being purposefully misleading, men constitute a much larger percentage of the population and are genetically predisposed to violence and aggression more than woman. What are you inferring about blacks then? Hmmm

Get fucked you pseudointellectual faggot. Dont kid yourself, youre fucking stupid and any kid who browsed pol for a few hours can see it. Cope.

Would you like to know the percentage of Pakistanis that are inbred?

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>hurr it has the same results as genocide but its not technically a genocide checkmate bigots
call it whatever you want, the result is browns displacing whites from their homelands and turning everything into a brown shithole dictatorship
the name is right there: replacement migration
go dilate

Do you assume the justice system is infallible?

>marijuana a drug that makes you lazy, complacent, and barely able to function


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>I'm hungry so I must rape

I have no problem with Jewish individuals. You assume too much. You are very close minded.

you cant deport blacks either
why sperg and obsess over it then?

>not a genocide
It is by the UN definition which you failed to post. Try again, tranny faggot.

"Oppression" is a shitty buzzword. People should be way more specific when they are talking about these things. I guess you could say that blacks are indeed faced with a systematic bias that assumes that they carry certain negative attributes. That's not because we are all evil, it's simply because that's how humans work. You can't turn it off just by wishing for it. You also can't cancel it out by giving certain advantages to blacks. You will only make it worse, far worse.

Anyway, there are more important and more direct contributions to why blacks are struggling in America, one part are cultural aspects, the other unpopular part is biology. Difficult to say what the relative contributions of those are, but they are both nonzero. I think "black culture" is the most significant one though. Especially weak family values are a huge problem.

I dont care how you want to frame it
white people being a minority in their own countries is not good for whites.
Where ever the shitskins go, crime, poverty and social unrest follow.

you're so fucking mad right now

you literally can't look at me with a straight face and believe that despite the white population being higher than ever before, you're somehow a victim of an on-going "genocide"

it's absolutely incredible that people fall for this shit. you must be a room-temperature IQ high school dropout.

Do you believe that a white person getting away with a crime means a black person should too?

laws are there to reflect a society's mindset, and that can always change
rome wasnt built in one day, and weimar didnt turn into the third reich in one night

>FBI table
Are you fucking retarded?

Kill yourself low IQ tranny

you certainly can deport some of them. Haitians in particular have been getting deported and started fleeing to Canada to escape it

There are more people who get away with their crimes than there are innocents who get locked up for crimes they didn't commit. The system was set up to work that way.

>deflecting this hard

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The amount of single parent households skyrocketed AFTER the civil rights act. WOAH

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>white people not wanting to have kids while hispanics have a bunch is NOT a "genocide" you stupid fucking retards
if no non whites were introduced, the society would level out to a point were whites had kids again
I am convinced you are a white hating shit skin

imagine being this close to self-awareness then missing the mark entirely

>common core

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Not him but you sound way more angry. He simlly said his bit with a cool comeback at the end, you ranted for multiple lines of personal attacks without actually saying anything.

Its funny how the leftist discord shills are always much more emotionally unstable. Makes tou think....

whites in England are a minority in their 3 major cities
we are being replaced

nice reddit spacing dude
>what is per capita population
>implying shitskins being the majority wont turn any white country into a shithole
>implying shitskins wouldnt go through haiti/rhodesia/south africa tier ethnic genocide all over again
i'd rather have a 100% white country of 100.000 people than have a 15% white country of 1.000.000 people

UN definition of "genocide" per their website:

>Killing members of the group;
not happening

>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
not happening

>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
not happening

>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
not happening

>Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
not happening

"white genocide" doesn't exist. deal with it

i'm not, i love my gf and her family

>remove the attractive guys so girls have no choice but fuck ugly dudes

So you're not open to the possibility you might be wrong, I see.

still not a "genocide" m8. you guys keep shifting goalposts when confronted with the evidence

"white genocide" is not real and is easy to disprove with public census information. look into it

>white people not wanting to have kids while hispanics have a bunch is NOT a "genocide"

So you introduce a population that breeds like rabbits, and suddenly white people have to go against their nature and do the same if they don't want to lose their nations? Sounds like an attempt to dispossess whites from their own homeland to me.

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>heres an argument
>“lmao just google it“

You said race isn't a useful heuristic to use if you encounter an individual black, when it's the second most useful marker available.

you keep strawmanning
the point is whites being displaced leading to them being bread out to the point of becoming a dwindling minority in their own countries
the name doesnt matter you thick cunt

>cant actually post the real definition or "she" would be BTFO

At least you admit whites are being replaced. I suppose flooding the country with third worlders was entirely unintentional right? The govts and companies that lobby them are judt really incompetent...its just a coincidence that it directly benefits those in power right?

Please kill yourself, tranny.
Based schizo tranny

>>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

>>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

>well i guess it's not actually a genocide .b.b.bbut
lol stay btfo

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kikes are the smartest race on average in the world. Obviously they won‘t play directly into the definition

Fuck lookin' cute, I'm strictly Timb boots and army certified suits

Most white people still don't race mix, even if they're not having kids, so it's clearly not that.

It's lack of faith, user, and I don't just mean religion. People lack faith in the future.

No you just can't even reference the correct source, you fucking retard. Nevermind go out and actually find it, since you were gonna prove how wrong all the racist nazis are by showing how poorly they interpreted skme stats. Just fuck off, you've already discredited yourself.

that's not genocide

>post pepe
>i win

If it is intentional, which it is, itbis genocide by all definitions. If uninentional, it is by some. Shut up moron.

>White people are so socially oppressive of black people they voted one into the presidency twice

Based racists

It's genocide when it's done to anyone else. But white people are special. An entirely different kind of logic is required to determine if bad things are happening to them.

i disproved your conspiracy theory with statistics. there's really nothing left to say, you can whine and shitpost all you want. "white genocide" isn't real. if you still want to (You) then by all means

>which it is
but it isn't
you're paranoid

>when it's the second most useful marker available
Yeah, if they exist in a statistical and situation void, which fortunately most people don't.

Use context clues.

it is causing mental harm to people that now find themselves in black or muslim ghettos or victims of their crime

When muslims become a majority of a place they commit violence and genocide on the new minority.
Millions of shitskins will lead to more and more physical harm of whites

nice troll.
Japan has no migrants and they have a birth rate problems because they have reached a sort of peak, given time this will level off and start having babies again
Migration would only get in the way of all of that

>cant come up with an argument
>i-i win

Kill yourself discord shill

Misandry is not welcome here you sexist

What is the correct source then, seeing as the FBI table is the one consistently referenced both in this thread and as the basis for the '13%/50%' claim?

>ad hom
>total inability to understand geopolitics
Discord shill identified

Have sex incel

>decades of whites telling us there's nothing wrong or different about being a minority
>now whites are afraid of becoming minorities

Poetic. truly poetic. dare i say.........pottery?

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>i-its just a conspiracy theory goys
>the results are exactly the same, but still a conspiracy
imagine being this retarded

Why dont ypu read through the thread? Or just go tovany big coty police department website? Im not going to spoonfeed you, tranny shilll

Give me proof there's a plot to replace white people with brown people

Pretty much all the problems mentioned in this thread, from people on both sides of the argument, are rooted in the neoliberal protection of profiteering by major capitalist organisations.

>the results are the same
you mean how there are more white people alive right now than ever before? and how the white population is continually growing?

hmmmm that doesn't sound like a "genocide" to me.