Have sex

>have sex

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bruh look at this bih

wait til you see the....

Hope Solos leaks literally turned me gay

You can't make me

Not with her.


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See what?

her asshole is fire though

Is sex something you have? or something you do.


Can't tell, haven't had or done it..

post it

that's deep bro

>literally just came in my girlfriend
>instant regret

I do. After you fuck enough women though there's no amount or quality of sex that can make you overlook the massive deficiencies that most women and basically all attractive women have that end up making your life worse in the end.

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there are few feelings more primal and exciting than throwing one deep, deep, inside your lady, I miss her bros

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I'm thinking Arby's.


Unironically want to diddle her bum

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Imagine getting with a girl and she whips out roastie toasty arbys vag. I've only been with a few girls and I've yet to see it but how would you react? Would you still go balls deep or would you back out?

I hope I never live to see the day

I'd still do it, in practice it's not like anything bad is going to happen as long as it doesn't smell bad or whatever, just don't look at it. cunts are ugly anyway. if she has a nice personality then just accept the flaw and move on.

God I want to get in that meaty cunt

>disgusting roasties
Only pristine cunny for me.

I've been with quite a few and never run into that. Of all my friends only one ever said he ran into it and he exaggerates and bashes any minor defect in women so it's hard to say if it was really that bad or he was just honing in on something that wasn't immaculate. This leads me to believe it has to be really rare. Awful asses and awful tits that looked great with clothes on, but without clothes made me immediately think "how am I going to get rid of this one?" are much more common.



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Who is this hag?

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Have sex (with me).

get pretty


Balls deep

You are a fag in so many ways dude

Some Soccer player that Yea Forums is crazy about. I forgot her name.

Nastiest pic I’ve ever seen.

>disgusted by vaginas
>calls others fags

The abyssal trench between her legs

pump and dump
nobody wants a roastie long term so just her for what she's good for and move on

yes but the stress afterwards is not worth it.

hope solo

Dat filename doe
Based beefposter

Yeah that's the one. Thank you.


The pleasure lasts a few minutes. The stress is constant and lasts for weeks

I forgot how to have sex


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how do you even eat that?

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>hope solo

Her anus looked directly into my soul.
Can't lie, was slightly aroused.


would bury my tongue in that ass tbqh


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wtf I'm gay now

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She got Hank Hill ass


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dat asshole though

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noooo why did I open that?

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why are women so gross, bros??

MTF-tier pussy

A gentleman of fine taste.

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her asshole has a ravenclaw insignia for a hole lmao

>she took these pictures, looked at them, thought "yeah this is hot" then uploaded them.

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The guy he was replying to literally said vaginas are ugly.

I unironically would

You just know that fucking her will produce queefage of epic proportions.
*brap* *brap* *brap* *brap* *brap* *brap*

Who was she sending this to? Her doctor? I've never seen any other celebs or even whoores on Tinder with photos taken from that POV.

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haha why do I always expand this image

Fuck you guys, this is what a REAL woman looks like down there, not your fake anime bullshit

Is not even that bad, I fucked worst.


Normally, "pelfies" are hot as fuck. It's just hers that are, well, like this

i'm thinking arby's all of sudden

Come on, she doesn't even have pussy lips, she's malformed.


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women like to do that shit for some reason, the only time my ex did sexting with me she decided to send a close up of her vag all of a sudden, I laughed like madman

I dont care what you all say I think it's hot, but why did she take these photos, shes literally winking her asshole when will famous people learn?

>that confident smirk ASSURED that you enjoy what you see
pretty hot desu

You are the jester irl

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I fit all of those criteria except the single one. And I am not american.
Where were these bitches when I was single?

>all these replies
have you faggots never seen a pussy in person before?