Post them
Scary horror movies that won't let you sleep for days
What was the point of it? No one learned anything, nothing changed, they accomplished nothing. They started miserable, were miserable throughout and ended miserable. What an utterly pointless film.
>No one learned anything, nothing changed, they accomplished nothing. They started miserable, were miserable throughout and ended miserable
Sounds like kino
Shouldn't films mean something?
>paranoia is the real enemy. distrust of others will lead to your downfall.
there you go.
Sounds like Lost description to me
very scary horror movie indeed. the point is to scare you
scary """adaptation""", so bad I lost my sleep
this movie actually got me pretty good, and Karen Gillan is a huge plus
Except that wasn't the plot at all? The dog fucked them over.
The house with the laughing windows
Disturbing stuff
Really, i'm not sure a film can be considered good if the hero doesn't look at the camera at the end and tell us what we've learned.
Lmao soi horror garbage, it comes at night even has interracial couples jfl at a24 cucks
Is tiny unreadable font on a movie poster the sign of a good movie?
Have sex
How did the dog fuck them over? I can’t remember the movie but I imagine even though they were careful disposing of grandpa, they eventually got sick from him. But I don’t remember shit about the younger couple who stayed with them other than the son dreaming about the redhead chick
There it is
Were you too busy shitposting to pay attention?
The dog ran into the woods and got infected. It came back and infected the little kid. He infected his parents. They infected the other family. Everyone dies.
atleast post the complete version
Huh I totally forgot that. I think I’ll rewatch it sometime
Children of the corn,Dabbe 4
I didn't like the movie that much, but that is one of the best covers of a film in recent times.
If rental places were still a thing everybody would be taking this from the horror isle.
Man what a boring movie
I was extremely engaged by it.
I'll say.
I haven't slept for days
love it
Galaxy of Terror. Truly a masterpiece of suspense. And giant space maggot rape.
Horror is onions genre.
Prove me wrong with no-onions horrors.
Spoiler: you can't.
haha I watched a horror movie the other day while me mom was making tendies with all the lights on it wasnt scary dude, nah that other one wasnt I watched with my pals and we were laughin our asses off
post the last horror movie you watched. was it good lol? what horror movie do you plan on watching next?
I just got finished up with The Bye Bye Man. it was terrible. and im gonna find a movie to watch from this thread. preferably on netflix.
The Descent
>hurr let’s make a Blair Witch knockoff but the twist is nothing happens after a whole bunch of nothing
What did they mean by this?
What's that
>Blair Witch knockoff
you fucking what
Top 25 horror movies of 2018. Starts from 20:18.
The game?
Shouldn't have been as good as it was
I don't normally criticize horror films for le ebin slow burner meme but this movie was super fucking boring and it had no pay-off at the end. You don't have to explain what the source of the horror is, Bird-Box didn't, but there should be some kind of final confrontation with it.
"Man is the true monster" stories are always boring.
Absolute kino
The climax literally has a family being murdered including a baby. How is that boring exactly?
Underrated movie desu. Also jacobs ladder.
It establishes pretty early it's an unreliable narrator scenario which kinda killed it for me.
A Quiet Place
It was pretty bad. We laughed through a good portion of the movie.
Might try Hereditary next.
The movie works best in a truly quiet place. I bet you fucks kept talking and talking.
It is hinted several times that the teen was a sleepwalker. He thought he was just dreaming when he went out to get the dog back, but he actually did. The teen left the door open, which lead to the kid being infected by the dog. The infection then spread to the others.
Movie was stupid as fuck. It got stupid from the very beginning.
>Letting a young kid run around the store when they know there are monsters with super hearing nearby
>Letting him walk at the back of the line while both parents are at the front
No sensible parents would do that. One would walk at the front and the other at the back.
Lake Mungo
It was the first time I've been genuinely scared by a horror movie. Anyone who's seen it knows exactly what I'm talking about
The type of people that make these images, and the type post them, thinking they are winning some sort of 'internet argument' must be the lowest forms of life here. I just can't fathom how depressed and pathetic they must be that THIS is literally the only way they can +1 their self esteem, albeit temporarily. More so, all this 'basedcuck' culture/meemery that has developed on this board is so damn cancerous and delusional, it's not even funny, it never was. It's /pol/ tier shit (a satirical joke board). Leave it there, it doesn't apply here. People are entitled to watch and enjoy whatever they want. It doesn't 'mean' anything. It's really unhealthy to fixate so intensely on something so meaningless and fantastical as Hollywood tropes. They are supposed to be that way, you aren't supposed to be getting some secret 'redpill' from it. There are no 'normies' and you aren't 'based'. You 'taste' in film is absolutely uselss to you. Grow up. Have sex.
Nope. We were quiet and respectful, until the movie made us otherwise. It was just me and my cousin.
There were a lot of issues with the creatures and their responses to sound: one minute, they show up instantly from miles away because of something relatively quiet, and the next they barely respond to something closer and louder. There were also a lot of unintentionally hilarious moments.
The production values and acting were good, but the script needed work. It constantly challenged my ability to suspend my disbelief.
>preferably on netflix
The Ritual
not really a horror but pretty unsettling movie
are you fucking kidding me OP? This movie mad absolutely no fucking sense from beginning till end other than to show a cuck fantasy
itt: lamers
get taste
What irritated me the most was that they didn't even explain what "it" was that came at night. About half way through I realize the shtick was to *never reveal* what it was. What this means is that you as the audience are supposed to sit there for 2 hours of some nameless, faceless, never explained maguffin that just kills people and wins in the end.
This is seriously among the top 5 worst films I've ever seen in theaters in my entire life
and here you are writing a paragraph of text on Yea Forums on a thursday
it is never revealed what "it" is that comes at night. Just like Blaire Witch. You just watch people do nothing for the entire film until the omnipotent maguffin wins
>What irritated me the most was that they didn't even explain what "it" was that came at night.
That's not the point, you pleb
That image obviously hit a sore spot.
just look up rosebud porn
Why do you shitters need everything explained to you? Stick to capeshit
This. They butchered an already mediocre book. Hollywood should stay the fuck away from any book that's not high fantasy
Then they shouldn't title the movie after it and base the movie around it.
This is like that one Omnaligh Shamnalamanala movie where the trees decide to release pheromones to make people commit suicide
Image is so fucking accurate despite me liking a couple movies on it.
I just explained the point afterwards you retard
I fully realize the point of the movie is to be "scared of the unknown and how that can make people paranoid" except this was pulled off in a dog shit way that made not give a fuck about any character and hope for all of their deaths in the end
how can you say that with a straight face? its a bad movie with one good set and one memorable scene, thats it
Also, it takes the dad FOURTEEN seconds after he hears the noise from space ship to drop his bag and start running. There was plenty of time for him to reach his son and throw away the toy.
What's good about being confused and disappointed?
Easily the scariest film I've ever seen, everything feels so off and it's like 3 hours, I felt dizzy by the end
Who made this gif?
Where are the boobs?
It's like I'm watching a living nightmare
So what horror movies ARE "good" then?
same i like horror movies but none of them really scare me. inland empire succeeded in making me very uncomfortable and i would consider it the scariest movie i've ever watched.
It's not even confusing, the Director is just all-black clothes wearing faggot who thinks hes smart but isn't.
I'll explain the entire film to you:
>advertised as a possible monster/zombie flick taking place in the post apocalypse with people being locked in a cabin
>Film takes places with family fleeing to a cabin, parents are already on edge with the father being aggressive to try and save kids, while mom wants to remain calm and logical
>barricade selves in cabin, strangers come knocking, "Do you trust them?" Woman convinces yes.
>Whole movie is hinting that some horrific physical entity is stalking them
>A literal cuck fantasy begins where the woman dont like her husband no mo and has scary dreams about fucking a black kid
>dog starts barking at "something in the woods" and runs off
>the next 45 minutes is of family drama and cuck fantasy because they are scared of something at night
>dog comes back dead as fuck mutilated from "something" CONT:
>People are the real monsters
Movies like this are the fucking worst.
The Ritual at least had an interesting monster design.
>I've been genuinely scared by a horror movie
There were only two scenes that made me feel chills, it was mostly depressing as fuck
The Ju-on series?
Even the American remake is good.
>everyone dies. the end. Literally thats it. The dog is discovered mutilated at night and everyones miserable fighting and cuck fantasies was literally there to waste your time, but this is cool because "you have to be smart to get it"
8 legged freaks
Aren't Basedguments just valid criticisms of this image that the creator couldn't refute?
>nothing happens its all in your mind also sad people or paranoid people
Based effeminate horror
Yeah, I just don't consider a movie whole unless it has told me how to live my life at one point or another.
I liked Parents a lot more than Jacobs Ladder. that girl was hot
What are 5 horror movies you would recommend.
Rosemary's baby.
Don't look now
Alice, sweet Alice.
Neck yourself millennial s-o-y.
You didn't understand the movie.
Sounds like your girlfriend's boyfriend picks your movies
The new Susperia. I thought it was great. Good body horror.
Unironically good movie from an actual kino director.
>Alice, sweet Alice.
such a lame villain
i liked the doctor saying "that horny 12 year old wants me to feel her budding tits" though
Not bad, but it's not as good as the original. Also it was a surprise to see the chick from 50 shades of grey can actually act
makes a great double bill with Society as well
yes I did, and it was a piece of shit and not entertaining or engaging at all.
'a plotless collection of snippets that explore themes Lynch has been working on for years.'
Which can very well explain any given Lynchism
out of focus little girl feet near the end. it was slightly interesting and I liked the guy, but the majority of the movie is slow
For the longest time I thought the main dude in this was Tom Atkins.
Is Bone Tomahawk any good?
Yes, mainly for Kurt Russel (like every movie he's in) and the gore at the end.
>A literal cuck fantasy begins where the woman dont like her husband no mo and has scary dreams about fucking a black kid
>getting scared of images on your screen
Yes but view it as a western with horror elements rather than a horror in a western setting.
I feel the same way. It was literally the biggest let down. Nothing fucking came at night except LE SPOOKY DREAMS and it felt like the story just went nowhere ultimately. Shit film. Even the VVitch was better
I only ever managed to have nightmares and hard time sleeping by reading books. I don't know movies just don't cut it for me. To me the feeling of horror is closely tied with the fear of unknown and the general mental stress and unease. Movies lose that charm by portraying the physical, violent aspect of terror, which combined with subpar acting can have the opposite effect of being grotesque and funny.
>taking the point this literally
I had nightmares after Hereditary and the last time when I was scared by a movie was when I watched first Nightmare from the Elm street on a vhs
I slept that night but it fucking unsettled me, I'm not gonna lie. The cast's overall performance gave the whole first half an uncomfortable realism that helped things stay grounded when the second half hit and you watched the pieces fall into place.
The pure goddamned evil in what Ellen and her coven were doing, along with the fact that it was simple fortune they were after from the start only made the narrative hit harder. Made me want to start going out and burning witches.
>when the son cant sleep after he killed the sister in an accident and you are waiting in a still image, hearing parents in the distance, waiting for them to discover the car in the morning
Yes, so instead of trying to provide counter-arguments, he posts Basedjack and insults everything. It's nu"Stop liking what I don't like."
KAIRO fucked me up because we are literally in the early stages of it happening with memes and viral posting.
Fucking kino, I hope Midsommar is as good
chill dude its just bait
That scene was very fucking well handled.
At first I laughed. It was surprising and kind of hilarious. Then he refuses to look behind him and just drives home and lies down.
Then it cuts to the next morning and you can hear his parents talking until Annie starts screaming. Even when it cuts to the funeral, which would've been days later, she still keeps screaming. There was no comfort and it just kept getting more and more fucked the further you went.
I'm definitely curious about it. Hopefully he can pull it off again. Ari's short movies seem about as fucked up in general.
Absolute madman got shit on for a short about a family physically destroying itself via incestual child abuse. Critics shit on it specifically because the family in question was black and black people shouldn't ever be depicted negatively.
>killed the sister in an accident
I legit did not expect that when it happened
>that entire final scene
Does anyone have Mega download link for Hereditary? Or any other non-torrent download link?
It didn’t make sense to me that despite having 2 white patents the son was some kind of brown [\spoiler]
Can’t help you there. But if you’ve got Amazon Prime, you can watch it there.
Alex Wolff is Jewish and probably got the part on those grounds. That he's the darkest complexioned major character is something of a step up these days.
Just use a damned torrent; nobody gives a single fuck.
Or stream it on one of the hundreds of free streaming sites if you're gonna stream it.
I fear that they start sending me letters.
I've gotten about 12 letters after about as many years torrenting.
They only ever give a shit about new releases from my experience, and then it's rare.
Not him, but I've only ever gotten one letter, and it was for torrenting the original True Grit with John Wayne lol.
kek that's fuckin weird.
I guess it just happened to get tagged.
Annihilation wasn't that scary but it did disturb me for a few days.
Those blacked scenes were unsettling.
True Detective gave more nightmares than any horror movie of the last ten years.
That sounds like a good horror movie
There was no real reason to believe in any "it". It was all just paranoia, which is ironic because if they had done the ethically difficult thing and not trusted that family (giving in to paranoia) none of the bad things would have happened.
The only good thing about It Comes at Night was the aspect ratio thing where they made you think the end was a dream but it was a living nightmare they don't wake up from.
Off the top of my head, Lovely Molly was pretty unsettling, to me.
What are some good horror movies with ominous robed figures like this? They are my deepest fear.
I'm still having nightmares. This creature is beyond disturbing.
Shit just made my chest hurt
The Void
This movie is awful and boring. It had one moment (you know the one) that was actually kinda creepy but otherwise the rest of the film was a slog. Probably the most overrated FF horror film.
Y’all niggas know any found footage horrors worth watching? I tried google but I suspect most lists were made by plebs and pseudo-smart rebbitors
Hereditary was good
Thanks for tricking me into watching this downright boring filth of a movie assholes
This flick isn't scary or interesting
scary movies?
my peanus weenus of course
that just made me sad
There was an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman that I saw when I was a child 5yo ish that involved a bear attack. Still have nightmares I am getting eaten by a bear 25 years later.
how did you watch it in 7 minutes?
This is my most recently watched movie that I literally don't remember a single thing from. How the fuck was it scary?
Hereditary was great. I love the scene where the old lady is just yelling at the kid from the street while he’s eating lunch. Last really great horror movie
Noroi is a good film though, theres literally no valid criticism of it there .
Imagine the insufferable cunt who spent the time making this?
Yea Forums needs more heroes like you.
Maybe you watched it wrong. Did you use your eyes?
Is Noroi the movie with the weird fetus spiders or whatever the fuck they were. That was the only good part, the rest was shit
Thanks, user. I’ll check it out.
how is Suspiria?
Make an image big enough to read, as a start.
Based eyelet can't read a 2300 x 2300 image
cope harder
>the 70 year old zoomer
I agree with everyone saying Hereditary is great, I can’t remember the last time something scared me that badly. I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t like it unless they’re specifically looking for cheap jump scares. Still, it’s a pretty eventful and creepy movie throughout. What are you people looking for in a movie that Hereditary didn’t deliver on? Genuinely curious.
I loved the music in that scene because it goes fucking crazy when he hears her clearly yelling his name.
Oh what scene? The one where they SEE SOMETHING IN A PHOTO? Or how about the next time when THEY SEE SOMETHING IN A PHOTO! Fucking ridiculous they did that shit at least three times in that snorefest. Only the cellphone video is good, the rest is awful.
something not filled with soi and "le scary monster"
Hereditary is a good movie but I really can't point out a single scene which could scare anyone, I recommended it to a girl friend of mine and she managed to watch it alone although she's really easily spooked and refused to watch Noroi. Says a lot. Nonetheless it's really interesting to watch and ending is great
Just pure fucking disturbing imagery, harsh topics, believable performances, and a soundtrack as tense as uncomfortable as the film itself.
watched this the other night and got some good laughs, recommended for anyone who hates subtly and wants to see some Rabbis holler Hebrew incantations
He said good. Not hot garbage that steals ideas from better movies then crudely stitches them together into a messy ball of shit.
It's literally one of the few horror movies (and movies in general) of the 2010's that I actually liked. Cinema got so shit after the mid-90s and it was refreshing to see great practical effects in an age of CGI.
It's literally just one of those movies you watch for awesome creature designs, dude
How can I add to my horror movie watching experience?
What should my setting at home be?
At what time of the day/night should I watch it?
Should I be sober while watching?
I wanna get as spooked as it can be over an horror movie.
>Hereditary is a good movie but I really can't point out a single scene which could scare anyone
What scared me was how efficient the coven was and how far Ellen was willing to go for the simple matter of what body her king would rather have had.
The first half putting the supernatural on the backburner to make way for a simulation of actual family tragedy, further reinforced by the cast's convincing performances, laid an exceptionally solid foundation for tension, discomfort, and upset before things started getting really bad. It felt designed to be emotionally weakening in its first half, only to nearly break you when everything that could possibly have gone wrong started going wrong and the family was destroyed with no survivors. Thematically this steady barrage of discomfort wearing the viewer down also marks a parallel with the coven emotionally weakening Peter in order to meet their goals.
Themes of manipulation, particularly familial manipulation, also expressed a real-world horror of its own, and addressed an issue that no blog journalist is ever going to address.
Watch The Guyver if you want to see some.good creature designs. Leave the void in the trash.
Giallo films, exploitation and slashers
That's retarded. Shit on it all you like in other areas, but The Void does have great creature designs. Literally the only area is was universally praised for, and for good reason
It was posted all over the ffg thread before
Been a while since I watched it but wtf was the point of the dog getting spooked and barking at “something” there was nothing, it was just a disease running rampant in the world. Wtf was it barking at?
Truth or Dare. God no.
lmao why would I sleep during the day you retard?
Funny you mention that. I’m half pajeet half white and my friend watching the movie with me even mentioned it as I was starting to have the thought myself. Why the fuck did he look brown and the rest of them are white as hell. Good movie though cult shit creeps me out.
I give the inconsistency a pass because his performance was amazing
Recently watched it because a snippet of the ending transmission was in carpenter brut's "escape from midwich valley". Can't say it was scary, but I liked it nevertheless.
Thanks to this thread I'll go check out Inland Empire now.
My ex loved this piece of shit. I did too but for different reasons. I thought it was hilarious
Yeah he was really good. I was just kinda wondering how the mom didn’t have any clue her mom was into some shit. Also the dad seemed way too calm, I get he’s a man of science and logic but wouldn’t you still have gtfo even for a few days.
it really is bad, but in the best possible way. at least it’s not boring
Annie I feel had her suspicions but understandably feared the truth. Like many victims of parental manipulation, she refused to see her entertain her mother's schemes. Accepting that your own mother, the literal first person you see and who you instinctively understand as your caregiver, is a satanist who will kill you without hesitation in service to her patron demon, is a very hard pill to swallow.
As for Steve, it was a similar chain of denial. He put on a stoic face and a logical front, but privately he was fighting like a motherfucker to keep his own sanity and composure in light of the tragic barrage that afflicted him and his family. This was illustrated in the scene where he broke down in his car after picking Peter up. He seemed calm because he actively worked on remaining calm despite his own instincts; he struggled to maintain control.
Worked and seething
user, that pic is unironically defending excessive jumpscares. It's bait.
Yeah putting it that way, user, you’re right the Annie pill is difficult to swallow when you learn that’s your reality of your mom. I’m looking forward to his new movie coming out.
I don't even understand what this chart is trying to accomplish, it just seems to shit all over every kind of horror movie. Do you just need to watch only the most obscure stuff to not be soi according to this?
Feeling that. It's supposed to be Scandinavian cult kino from the looks of it.
not necessarily
the absence of meaning is itself meaning you fool
How the fuck did hereditary scare anyone? Do you have to be religious or something? The whole time I was expecting some twist and it wasn't witches because that's just so fucking retarded but in the end, nope. Everything was just magic. How can anyone take that shit seriously?
horror is an inherently soi genre.
Just see it for the bait that it is.
Alien isn't horror, it's science fiction
Painfully true. Being irrationally afraid is a female trait.
Th ugly girls head popping out of nowhere spooked me real good.
>hating Noroi
I don't know if any of you guys felt this way but I was completely immersed in the brother's mindset during the aftermath of the accident. There's been many times where I've been absolutely dreading to go home because I fucked up (small things like getting into a minor car accident). I can't imagine having to go home and confront my parents if I fucking killed my sister because I got high at a party and left her alone.
I wish I could find a film that made me feel like this
>The Shining is bad
ok fuck off now
Try to watch Silent Hill, it should fit the bill.
>le ebin trollster man face
How about don't listen to this retard. Both those movies butcher the games stories like shit. It was literally made by people who didn't understand what made the games work.
Hear hear, sources say that there's not one, but two Silent Hill movies, next better than the last!
>super ultra mega ebin troller dude face
>I don't understand sarcasm even when it's directly pointed out in the same post
You know where to go.
that's right, sport
I really flinched at "Peter, I expell you"
You hear shit like this when a priest is trying to force demon out of the body, not when someone is trying to force the origin owner out of his own body
whether dark magic/occult is real or not is up for debate, but there are really witches out there (aka crazy ass women who want to hurt you and truly believe that devouring you, your organs, or your newborn children will give their life longevity) and that is what frightens me. the way they stalk the family in the background of the movie throughout the entire thing is what really creeps me out. it's like, once you're in their sights, there's nothing you can do to shake them off.
Based and accurate
Does anybody actually think horror movies are scary? What a shitty way to judge movies. Movies aren’t scary unless you’re an underage faggot.
Now THIS is bait
He looks like a pajeet but it’s one of the kids from the naked brothers band.
threads literally isn't a horror movie what the fuck
How dare you mock house of the devil that is undeniably a great horror movie
>t. pleb
>don't trust the tap-water...
>implying Blair Witch Project is more then nothing happening after a whole bunch of nothing
Get back in your Found Footage General thread faggot.