Bond 25

Bond 25

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>opening scene will start with Bond looking out at the ocean from his villa while a black women lays in bed
screencap this

wow I've never seen this movie before

>tranquil life in Jamaica

oh i think they can do a little better than that

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The scientist is a woman btw, according to the leaks

Based Denis Villenueve turned down this mess for Dune 2020 kino

In a gated community away from the plebs :)

Black girlfriend confirmed. Betting my first born child there is a scene where he takes a hit off a blunt, leans back, says:
>This is some good shit
>Oh god I am so high right now
>I am so hungry right now, I got the munchies

Is the bond girl going to be a jamacian groid? Goddammit

Dr. Swann is coming back. Probably to die.

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>black woman
They already confirmed Lea's in

Hopefully they go full Austin Powers and she dies in the opening scene

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Bond picks his successor from Jamaica at the end of this film. It's Idris Elba.

based user losing his first born
but it's what they say
you can't lose what you never had

Still no title? Perhaps it's still a long time but if there's a script then why not the title? I hope it's not the same stupid thing that Disney does pretending that titles are massive spoilers and waiting for the last minute to reveal titles for Avengers and Star Wars.

Rumor has it it's "Eclipse".

Bond has always made a spectacle out of unveiling the latest title, though.


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No doubt rami malek the villain is gonna turn out to be Blofeld ala Ohmss and Daf after getting facial surgery to hide his identity.

it's gonna be Bond's daughter isn't it

>Producer Barbara Broccoli said Bond's attitudes to women would move with the times. "The Me Too movement has had a huge impact - rightfully, thankfully - on society, and these films should reflect that, as everything we do should," she said.

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better not be a nigger

is this legitimate? she wants to destroy the personality of the main character to appease (((women)))?

She cute

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Oh fuck. There goes James Bond.


Why did they bring Seydoux back?

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>inb4 Felix Leiter is the true villain

they have to have continuity in the series now

in the end they destroy everything

Oh it’s metal gear

Im happy hes in it since this is daniel craigs last film and i want to see them reunited

Maybe it's unironically time to retire the character. He is a relic of another time.

I mean, Kingsman already subverted and had an agent that doesn't sleep around and is commited to a relationship, there's nothing really new for it to do.

Just end it at 25 and be happy.

>"Of course, we wouldn't be movie-makers or creative people if we didn't have an eye on what was going on in the outside world."

Bourne 2 did that already.

I bet Craig has sex and makes out with the negro woman though. That is still ok.

The films are getting old and predictable and mediocre anyways since they take little risks. This makws it even worse.

I cant believe im saying this but besides cr and maybe a bit of quantum i dont like craigs bond films. I unironically prefer the brosnan days.

We've pretty much told every story there can be told with this character.
Bond isn't Doctor Who, he doesn't change as a character, he's stayed relatively the same for 50 years, and if times are changing maybe it's better to retire him instead of giving him a wild new makeover.

He's too iconic and old to do anything new with him. They should end it at 25.
Make new fucking spy films

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Any of Criag's is better than Die Another Day still. Goldeneye through World is Not Enough are good.

the coming out of retirement for one last mission thing is pretty lazy, sorry.

>franchise ends with Bond getting metoo'ed


Seriously though, they'll probably just have Moneypenny quip about sexual harassment like in Goldeneye

Ana De Armas is also in it so hopefully Seydoux gets fridged early on

What!?!? NO! God DAMN it, I’m so FRICKIN pissed right now bros! What can we do about this?

Of course it is, Bond doesn't rescue men.

Casino Royal > QoS > Skyfall > Spectre

Ana de Armas is going to be the Bond girl!
I repeat, ANA DE ARMAS is going to be the Bond girl

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I bet it happens the other way around. Ana is just what Bellucci was in Spectre. What a waste that she has to be in a Craig Bond film, especially when he's this old.

So she can die.

That was my point. Brosnans ACTUAL bond films. Gadgets hot women cars actual villain lairs and witty one liners... not over the top dad shit or the opposite lean and mean no bond elements that craigs films has.

Are they still using the Fleming stories or is the franchise way past that?

Would you be in favour of going the mission impossible route? Having a bigger team with the cast more involved?


I think they ran out of material from that a long time ago.

At this point MI has surpassed Bond


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All Bond plots are lazy

Craig is a great Bond. Not sure why everyone hates him. They need to stop the "i'm so old and the world doesn't need me anymore" thing they have been doing for the past 2 films.

ana is in it but who is directing it?

>Bond is a chocolate connoisseur

Absolutely based and dare I say, bondpilled


Oh, didn't even know this was being made. I'm happy to see Craig as Bond again.

>ei yo bond, bombaclutz! Butt dat blunt down leggo down da beach way, dat rough fucking yah gabe me last night left me black asshole hungry foh sum jerked chickehn

>The Me Too movement has had a huge impact - rightfully, thankfully - on society, and these films should reflect that, as everything we do should," she said.
So Bond 25 will have a female villain pedophile grooming an underage boy while pretending to be woke in public?

Here's your bond girls bro

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I like the chemistry between Moneypenny and Bond. You can never tell if they want to fuck or not.

That is sort of true but they seem to be retreading a lot of the same ground lately. It's always been this way with Bond but it seems worse now after 25 movies. On one hand, I agree with some that they should take it in a different direction to reinvigorate the series but then on the other you start changing too much and it's not Bond anymore so you're kind of stuck. I don't know what I would do.

No it hasn't


>he doesn't want to spend his retirement daggering obese jamaican girls

Fuck my sides

the best part is that everyone pretends craig films are "modern"
in spectre, bond literally fucks a widow right after her husband dies


>dude we're just gonna ignore the fact blofeld was behind every bad thing that has happened to bond and that he was his brother

hilarious shit. hilarious.

based and redpilled

fuck Craig

>supposed to be a lesbian
>bond just "rapes" her

the good ol days

Nope. Whats more hilarious is that theyre gonna pull an ohmss and daf where the new villain looks different but is blofeld after plastic surgeries

thats ok, james bond is known for its unrealistic plots

Jesus, Bond can't hit and kiss girls as he pleases with cheesy pickup lines?????

The travesty!!!

I personally hope its Kevin Hart.

the continuity always makes me laugh. bond meets blofeld in you only live twice but blofeld doesn't recognize him in ohmss. not as hilarious as that time when they lost the rights to blofeld.

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bond would fuck anything if it had a pussy

You people bitch over the littlest things way too much. James Bond movies has always changed based on when it was made, and the characters do not all need to be like it was in the 70s or the God awfulness of 00s

>that time when they pretended naomi harris wasn't moneypenny

embarissing times.

according to skyfall, dick too.

>Jeffrey Wright

Except as they changed they were good.

jesus christ

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Going by the leaks, Lashana Lynch is the scientist and Ana de Armas is the rookie MI6 agent who tags along with Bond.

Malek is the villain, Dencik and Benssalah are probably henchs, and Magnussen is playing a CIA agent who works with Felix.

main villain leaked

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>B-but Bond would never fuck a nigger
>Live and Let Die
>A View to a Kill
>Die Another Day
The absolute state of zoomers

Doesn't count. It was a different time back then and didn't have the stigma is has now.

way underrated

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I don't follow the stuff around the movies, I just watch the movies when I get around to them and I could tell fucking IMMEDIATELY she was Moneypenny. Fiennes as M was a real surprise to me though.

God, pure negros look so fucking animal like unreal, like if god forgot to give them a human shaped head.

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>D-doesn't count

>tranquil life in Jamaica
Thats an absolute shithole though, like any other Caribbean island would be better.

they also did the same thing with blofeld. literally everyone, EVERYONE KNEW waltz was blofeld. "um no akshually it's a new character". it was embarissing as fuck. the whole movie was embarissing.

Redpill me bros, I still don’t get the hate for Skyfall. The only criticism I usually see is that the villain basically predicted the future for his plan, but I mean it’s a Bond movie, not the most grounded works of fiction out there.

Granted I haven’t seen it in years but I thought it was bretty gud

Literally why? No one has any issues with how James Bond acts, women and men both like it. The 1000 people on the planet that might not like how he conducts himself aren't exactly people who would have bought a ticket for a Bond film in the first place.

mmmmmmmmmm sweetie get with times, a STRON BLACK MAN is waiting for him in bed

Are we pretending that Bond wouldn't fuck black girls now or what?

Based. Jamaica is amazing

I remember when eon tried to do a spin off with halle berry from die another day...good thing that didn't happen

The last couple MI movies have been far better than the last couple Bond movies, there’s really no debate

So Skyfall? Another "we gotta get you back for one last mission". Fucking stupid
I think there's only four or so more titles of Fleming stories they haven't used, including James Bond in New York. Even when they did have material they changed things around a lot

all the hate should be directed towards spectre not even quantum of solace is this bad....honestly spectre makes quantum of soalce so much better. it's such a garbage movie. it might be the worst bond movie ever made. even worse than the non-eon bond films


Sounds a bit bland, but I'll take bland over retarded at this point.

>James Bond in New York
Not really a good story to adapt. Bond going to New York, doing some tourist shit, thinks about S&M clubs, and then cooks some eggs.

Um wouldn’t it have been MORE stigmatized than?

My issue with Skyfall was the villain purposely getting himself captured. Literally stolen from the Dark Knight and done again earlier in the year by the Avengers. It was stale and predictable by the time Skyfall got to do it.

They have dark skin for a reason: to better hide their features.

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>The Me Too movement has had a huge impact

You mean that movement that has had zero convictions because its all baseless accusations.
Sounds about right.

So is this the Bond where he finally gets castrated?

>literally monkey neandertal
one race btw.

>At the launch, producer Barbara Broccoli said Bond's attitudes to women would move with the times. "The Me Too movement has had a huge impact - rightfully, thankfully - on society, and these films should reflect that, as everything we do should," she said.

this lol

blacks in bond aren't new

dumb trump zoomers

It's worse than trumplets, it's straight up nazi worshipping 14 year olds

but nazis are multicultural

Pretty much the finale seems to be the most hated element.
It's definitely my least favorite part, especially because the movie is already so long, but M's death was well done.

Who is distributing this one?

I know Sony is out this time

>felix leiter, bond's old friend, gets bond to sneak into the jungles of jamaica to rescue a scientist
>bond reaches the scientist, the scientist tells him that the villain made him develop a huge tank that can launch cruise missiles from any terrain
>bond leaving with the scientist but felix arrives, and reveals that he's defected to jamaica and he's with the villain now
>felix beats up bond and throws him off a bridge, leaving him for dead
>bond now has to infiltrate the jungle again, rescue the scientist, stop the evil villain and his missile tank, and defeat his old friend
Lea Seydoux would make a great Eva, I'm on fucking board.

It's because Fleming lived in Jamaica you retard. Don't know if he had jungle fever IRL though.

>copying a copy of your franchise

Most people who criticized skyfall usually are nitpicking cunts


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>bond retired but needs to come back for one last mission
didnt they do this for the last 4 movies now?

No. All you see in films and tv now is WMBF romantic relationships. It wasn't like that back then so it never felt forced to push an agenda.

Well Bond needs somebody to bang before the movie is over

>I personally hope its Kevin Hart.

Agent 4'7

yea im thinkin this is based

Have sex

I'd be fine with this if they spin it off as a new franchise with a different agent 007 not named James Bond

How can he be the main villain? Daniel Craig could fucking bash his lights out in one punch

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Kingsman ended its first flick with the hero getting buttsex from the damsel in distress as a reward, don't think it's the best example

Bond fights the henchman, not the boss. Also, Craig is a fat aging manlet. Remi would fuck him up.

Yeah but in the sequel he's in a commited relationship with that girl. He even marries her at the end

does this idiot not understand that we're living in a society?

I got your new Bond

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>MGS is a copy of Bond

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Also terminator

Craig looks like a bloody toby jug of a chimney sweep

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It could be worse

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>it's a bond goes rogue episode

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>It could be worse

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The last Bond movie was Die Another Day. Everything after that is fanfiction

Bond is now a middle aged lesbian with bad plastic surgery

Bond is the Chad's Capeshit.
>knows some of the best entries are complete trash but enjoys them anyway
>thinks that changing up the formula every so often is healthy and keeps the series fresh
>wants a new movie every couple years, instead of every couple weeks as to not over saturate it or get sick of it.
>based on novels instead of picture books
>25 movies over 58 years, not 12.
>advertises users on Omega watches, Aston Martin Cars and tailored suits, instead of Action figures and childrens toys.

also forgot
>no lore.
You are alright user. I dont hate the idea, but he already did it a quite a few times recently.

>Not Idris Elba

All he said was that it was a woman, you triggered cucks

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand James Bond is now James Gone

pretty much this. But it is the norm. Lip service achieves all the benefits without artistic compromise.

>The scientist is a nigger and a woman

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>everyone with a (male) penis is a Nazi now

the woman is ana de armas

>implying Remi is not a manlet

Shut up incel

Come ~JOIN~ the official 4ch live chat user

That sheboon is bonds new squeeze? Ah hell no. Fuck this

Idris Elba will be next Bond Girl.

I'm only watching it because of the director, but it's gonna be awful anyways so they can cast a black or a woman as a the new bond for even ruin more the franchise next time. Fuck new movies.

>be in one of the best bond films with Casino Royale
>every other entry you're in is terrible or lukewarm
with a slight exception to Skyfall in areas, as it was clear pandering to the 50th anniversary

Die Another Day was fanfiction. Everything about that movie was taken from a blog and it showed

not clever enough to be bait.
what unironic faggots.

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