A psycho pretending to be a hero.
A psycho pretending to be a hero
A hero pretending to be a psycho
Incels are cowards
Quartering, don't you have anything better to do with your day?
have sex
Fukin ur mom maybe xD
A little sociopath.
Who has ever said this in their normal speech? You’re just a lonely incel who got his precious snowflake mind hurt because you saw two gays online (because you don’t go outside) or an interracial couple in a Yea Forums despite jacking off to cuck porn. Why are you like this? Take a break, go outside, breathe some fr
Iron Man?
ding ding ding
we need a new word filter. i'm sick of seeing this shit. at least be creative in your name calling
Add the filter yourself you dingbat
Based soi entity
I have no idea why "incel", "yikes", "oof" and "thot" haven't been filtered already.
They are used exclusively by dumbass millennials straight out of Twitter.
you should get help emcel
She looks like she cultures her own yoghurt using her vaginal bacteria. Might be the most hated woman in Hollywood, which is a deep pond of scum to float to the top off.
I'm fine with it. You get used to that shit in a month max. People barely react to it anymore
Can add
>Oh no no no no no
>dude weed lmao
Half you are just meme parroting punk kids
A greedy attention-hungry bitch that doesn't even try to pretend being a team player. She's the Lebron of capeshit.
same energy
Nobody wants to admit shes /ourgirl
- unlikable
- treats real life like a message board, reacts to everything as if shes being trolled or shitposted
the ourgirlest girl that ever ourgirled
Chuckposters rise up.
What’s wrong with her face bros?
It used to be a good way to spot tourists from reddit and twitter but Yea Forums started using it ironically at first, and then unironically.
Now you have to pick them out with reddit spacing, filenames, syntax etc
what exactly are the qualifications of a "body language expert"?
>Now you have to pick them out with reddit spacing
Doesn't exist newfag
Most decent browsers save files with the original filename
>syntax etc
Good luck with that
reddit spacing isnt a real thing.
You know some oldfags use "reddit spacing" to antagonize posers
nah, shes more in the circle of pic related
they're teenagers and people in their mid 20s from gaming """culture""" and twitch
teenagers love nigger culture and use the words unironically. the mid-20s gamers adopt the lingo to keep their discord girlfriend happy. if you catch any of these filth outside of Yea Forums, they'll sperg out and insist the word came from their favorite streamer or that it's always been used on Yea Forums
I hate her because she's pretty, in an approachable way, and very successful but almost certainly wouldn't like me and would be offended if I ever made a move on her (and would probably make her disgust towards me quite clear and with much force). The fact that she also has a vocal political objection to successful straight white males makes me feel threatened in terms of the progress of my potential career on account of my identity. Because I am lonely and looking at her is a constant reminder of my own inadequacy in the face of similar women in my own personal life, I must call her a cunt online to channel my frustration and make me feel, if just for a moment, that I have agency and control that equal hers.
>Most decent browsers save files with the original filename
>doesn't know how filenames work
>calls people newfag
>master troll
>triggers incel to oblivion and back
She fucking ruined a masterpiece for me. -1
Excuse me luv, you're not supposed to be overpowered to the point that you can single handedly destroy the fucking mothership. Sly Dumb cunt making everyone seethe.
Black Widow literally had to die for this.
what i don't understand is the clear cut lie, she didn't do her own stunts, you can check on every fucking page with the movie details, brie had several stunt woman help her, including pic related, why is she lying and why is nobody exposing her?
One night, I'm gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm going to cut your throat.
It's taken from someone's analysis of the body language in that interview. Brie wants boys to like her.
Id fuck a chick like this in her ass
PHD in behavioural psychology.
God imagine coming home to this wearing nothing but an apron
Have sex
At the very least it's quite obvious that they don't like each other. Especially her and Cheadle. After Disney ordered some damage control some actually believed that it was just friendly banter.
Jfc why isnt she the star and weirdo lady the stunt pleb????
How could she possibly be a worse actress???
cast without her
I've never really had feelings about her one way or the other. But in this picture she looks a LOT like my mtf trans friend after he decided to grow out his hair but before he learned to put make up on.
Not a troll, not even kidding. I guess that's a compliment to my friend.
That video made me feel sorry for her.
She doesn't understand how to make friends from a position of power. While this is why some women make horrible man managers, in thi scenario it's just a bit sad.
Hemsworth is humble and affable and she genuinely seems to not understand why he doesn't like her. It's not because she's inherently unlikeable, it's because she doesn't layer her banter with self-deprecating humour because she are focusing too much on being taken seriously as an actress. Off the set, interpersonal relationships with the cast and crew are more important.
they look so happy, what happened? i mean cp marvel feels so shoe horned in... not trying to be more autistic im unironicly trying to find out if around that time there where shifts on top brass, maybe some shares where sold to a new guy or something, because feels like all of a sudden they had to impose and insert her into the storyline, being a little autistic it almost feels like the marvel series has been raped and infected with aids that killed it.
Based chucklad
are you implying that brie is a man?
Id screw this babe in her poopshoot
i remember when some one leaked that they where going to hire a butt double for brie larson.
Have sex
Halls of power hear AOC's heels click
Smashing the patriarchy brick by brick
Slender strides lure pages' eyes luridly
She dangles Loubs by deft dexterity
Dipping her toes in slippers velveteen
AOCs feet unites all the Levantine
Laying to rest centuries of squabble
Her anklets adorned in gilded baubles
Greed and pride departed from in haste
"To AOC's Feet, I pledge myself chaste"
And so eclipse Zarathustra and Yaweh
Alexandria triumphant, hurray!
Chinamen, Rus and Turks fell prey too
Her feet on the bow melts resolve to goo
Soles likened to lattes, a smidge much milk
Earning pledges to never again bilk
That melody sung by her toes wiggles
Now haunts through Eurasian-wide epistles
Pashtun warlords and Chinese oligarchs
Fall abject to AOC, her youth stark
Supine surrender, betraying intent
To creep on AOC's feet sans consent
Memes then banners to nations, then churches
AOC's fans buy counterfeit Converses
Who discern by the absent scents piquant
Her fumes peppery, said more than frequent
Too floral or fruity, an acid musk
"Ain't AOC's shoes, sorry to be brusque!"
>They are used exclusively by dumbass niggers and spics straight out of Twitter
do squats
Cause theres a leftist bias. "S-o-y" gets filtered cause actual fags complained to mods but their gay lingo is allowed and is on par with the soi spam way back then.
she could dropkick me anytime
what music album would describe this body type?
don't be autistic or retarded
Anyone else getting the Last Jedi flashbacks with captain marvel? Like both ended up selling well but the long term effects completely torpedoed their ability to make profits in the long run
Have sex please
>ebin pewpew colouring books
Grow up you disneynigger
Sneed is literally the chemo you falseflagging disneyshit
Yea Forums will never shut about her, will they?
Is she Australian, that smile looks Australian for some reason
How big is his feminine penis ?
>reddit spacing
Speaking of "spot the tourist", huh retard?
>no credentials
>literally linking to his paypal.me like a little bitch
E-Celebs are the cancer that is killing the West
Oof. Get a thot you incel.. yikes
calm down Brie
There are conspiracy theories that a lot of Hollywood actresses are really mtf trannies.
Both should have sex together, desu!
have sex
Go donate to a twitch thot's patreon you faggot
>>no credentials
>PHD in behavioural psychology.
hey emcel, learn to research
>people who stop at yellow lights
>people who dont tip
In one sentence
And where does it say that he has a PhD in Behavioural Psychology, retard?
Thank you VEEEEEEERY much
>I get asked a lot about credentials. There is no ‘Body Language Degree’. As the world is so polarized, I prefer to keep my personal details to a minimum.
Hey idiot, learn to research
>same energy
You have to go back.
Watching too much "Lie to me"
Your so-called "body expert" is a scam. They pretend to be experts and tell you exactly what you want to hear. Then they ask for your money. And you give it to them because you're a cücked bitch with not one independent thought in your head.
To think that i've come to the point where i'd be agreeing with the Heritage foundation. Absolute clown world.
didn't know amy schumer was in endgame.
newfwag op not putting
>an hero
>DEFEND BRIEBEH!!!!! DEFEND BRIEBEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aced and briepilled
>a psycho hero
Sounds like a good movie.
lol, they’re off their leash
Fuck Brie, fuck capeshit and fuck e-celeb frauds
Sounds pretty acurate to me, why dont you make a refuting video?
>Sounds pretty accurate to me
That's called confirmation bias, look it up.
>why dont you make a refuting video?
Hehe if you don't like Captain Marvel why don't you make a better movie? Checkmate
Well for one the "expert" somehow believes actors doing a promo bit for an upcoming movie is a good enough sample size for an analysis of one actor's entire personality.
>cultural appropiators
oh boy, only miss commies for full bingo
She does indeed appear to be an Australian.
Ozzie face, jewy body(without the K-milkas)
>I don't need to be a master chef to know if food tastes bad.
>I don't need to be an expert in human behavior and body labguage to see that Brie's costars cant stand being around her.
They're all transsexual commie-anarchists.
Don't ask me how that works.
I don't need to be an expert in human behavior and body labguage to see that Brie's costars love being around her
Trust me dude I have a phd in body language
>How does it work?
Trannies want to chop their dicks and kill themselves.
Does a body of government work?
They're at war against their own bodies.
They're obviously not concerned with whether anything else works or not.
>They're at war against their own bodies.
So are fa/tv/irgins
You've convinced me. Anarcho-Communism works & Trannies are wonderful and sane.
To help support trannies I'm going go see Brie Larson' s new film.
Being an anarcho-commie and being a Yea Forums shitposter aren't the only two paths available to you, my very young zoomer friend