
Simpsons edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is this what we’ve come to? Is inviting sneedposting the only way to keep /trek/ bumped?

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Deep Space Nine (formerly Terok Nor)

to boldly sneed where no man has sneeded before

Fuck /trek/ you're all a bunch of shut-in faggots with no lives. You couldn't even discuss a real show if you tried. Have fun reposting the same three memes over and over again, I know how much you enjoy watching brain-dead garbage loop on endless repeat.

There's phoneposting applemorons, jannies who aren't roundly rejected and tripfags in every /trek/. The possibility of rejecting outsiders is no longer on the table, apparently.

una sneed trek...

Janny has been deleting my /trek/ threads all morning for some reason.

Just put these threads out of their misery already.

I don't like the simpsons. Too, what's the word, kind?

w-we're trying our best...

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Where do you propose I go then, user?

Is Star Trek a masculine or feminine series?

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Last time I tried posting one of the name fags bitched at me as if it had any sort of authority. It killed my enjoyment for the general.

What’s your favorite show user

Just go back to bed pumpkin, may your dreams not just be memes

It attracts transsexuals so, you be the judge.

Honestly, this. They should be shelved when there isn't a new season of STD (I know it's awful) on the air. Treat these faggots like they treated /GoT/. Take their unfunny, uninteresting circle jerk. away and make them go outside instead of having occasionally more than one thread (in addition to the snowflake threads) eating up board space.

Tripfags generate discussion tho.


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Ahh the classic shut-in response. Desperate for friends, forever alienated, truly alone. Doomed to circle the drain of oblivion until the end of time.
Without Star Trek, what do they have?

I'll repeat: I. have. no. where. else. to. go.

>Your existence must be a kind of walking purgatory - neither dead nor alive. Never really *feeling* anything. Just existing. Just existing.

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it's literally the same thing

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Then you should fucking die, useless eater.

Bit strong, innit?


t. seething capeshitter

>this loser projecting his frustration over his shit existence
Seek therapy

Tripfags venerate thirsty beta orbiters

At it's core, Star Trek is about humiliating virgins.

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This meme was never funny.

The internet was invented so nerds could talk about Star Trek without getting beaten up.

I'd gladly sip on some Bash-juice, to be perf. honest.

Then why do you grant it (You)s?

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That's piss, user.

There's a lot of abuse in these threads.

I'm not projecting, I'm pointing out these threads aren't even about Star Trek anymore. You're obviously one of the tripfags who attention whores here.
And after seeing this post it's obvious which one, Jess.

Why would you want to leave /trek/? I have hot coco and the fireplace blazing. Good times, brehs.

Words are not violence ya pansy.

Heroin was invented as a medicine. Your argument is shit.



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The dumbest part about VOY is that the showrunners felt they had to set it in a new quadrant, as though the Alpha Quadrant's been spent and there's nothing more to see there. In reality, One quadrant alone would contain far more worlds and species than one single show could ever hope to portray.

Seems like __ is having a tantrum

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>this is the type of unfunny, uninteresting retard who posts here every day
No wonder you can't make real friends.

He's the guy who causes a line at the convenience store over some made up bullshit just to fuck up your day.

~ T H R E A D :: C U L T U R E ~


>that one poster who comes here to vent his anger
Just imagine how impotent this sad creature is in his everyday life

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What's wrong with posting from your phone? It just means you're outside.

projection isn't a river in egypt

You're not supposed to take Yea Forums outside. It is known by the people who belong here.

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>There's a lot of abuse in these threads.

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You disagree? People say "kill yourself" if you like a part of the franchise they don't enjoy.


what is all this gay bitching
where are the bridge bunnies

Based boomer coping with irrelevancy. Zoomers are the most based chad generation since the Renaissance. STD is proof even with updated characters, sets, and effects Star Trek will never appeal to modern audiences again because it is inherently as outdated as Lost in Space, Babylon 5, and Mort and Mindy. Let it go, grandpa. The future is now.

>gay bitching
They're points of order. The thread needs to have them from time to time.

It's boring and gay.


>everything that indicts me is gay bitching
>where's all the porn on the internet, guise?
>Based boomer coping with irrelevancy. Zoomers are the most based chad generation since the Renaissance.
>he posts this multiple times per day in multiple threads in multiple boards
It's not trolling if you're not subtle, shithead.

>It's not trolling if you're not subtle
The opposite is true.

>They're points of order. The thread needs to have them from time to time.

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holy shit kys

Ironically, STD looks like the 1998 Lost in Space movie

>one person is posting the same thing in multiple threads on multiple boards
You are unironically a paranoid schizo.

I think the ratio of good voyager episodes to bad voyager episodes is probably around 1:9

Explain your reasoninzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I just come here to watch the dumpster fire, tbqfahwy

>nuh uh!
>i'll just pretend that i didn't wear it out
Saw you in a thread earlier. It's no use lying.

Sarah Silverman resting objects on her breasts in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

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Imagine hitting her, bros.

>I saw you, Anonymous, posting as Anonymous on another board and I knew it could only be you
You got me, detective. I confess to everything. Take me off to Yea Forums jail.

she looks bad in the nude. I wouldn't fellate to it

Rain should have joined the crew. 7/10, would eat pizza with her and raw dog her hairy bush.

this is why I love /trek/

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hehe, you still got it, /trek/

LIS was at least peak 90's cyber-organic shit, and had Gary Oldman, Heather Graham, and Jared Harris. STD looks like a repurposed brewery staffed by basic bitches.

uss sneedterprise


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Sarcasm is the realm of women and faggots. Why did your IP change? Are you ban evading again?

Better no /trek/ than STD posting

>this is why
he's trying his best you asshole

>watching someone have a schizophrenic episode in a /trek/ thread

Who needs friends anyway, heh?!

His best is never going to be good enough. He's just going to keep failing and keep consuming finite resources better spent on my grandchildren instead of doing the right thing and ending it.

>talking to the room passive aggressively because dad never came home and mom didn't teach him how to not be a female

>woman looks less attractive over a decade later
Imagine my shock

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You are legitimately delusional, user. Stop posting and seek help.

>didn’t mention prime Lacey

>says the apple fag

>IP changes again
How many times have you been banned today?

>tranny jannies having mental breakdowns instead of watching trek
what a lovely day
maybe a bit of suicide later?

guess who

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Take your meds , __

kys has been a thing since a while now

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You've already been addressed.

its to sneed where no man has sneed before

>this entire thread
Wew, lads

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No one ever replies to me...

I want to fuck 1996 Sarah Silverman more than you want to fuck 1993 Sid

Oh Gosh, it's Bash!

I want to feel your feeble arms struggling to escape me.

time for some dubskat

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>this tripfaggot outsider with a mental illness that leads him to pretend he's a girl and seek attention where none has been earned

have some sissy

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Without you, /trek/ is directionless.

>multiple people in multiple threads on multiple boards with multiple IPs
>all one person
Chasing boogeymen is sane, healthy behavior.

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hi, bash

Neat. I just want to feel any emotion and to stop living listless like a husk surviving from the shadows every waking day to day.

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Hi BF. You're my favorite.

I'm kinda annoyed that you've stolen my catchphrase. Maybe you should try and come up with your own OC?

That's so sad. Wish I could comfort you physically.

You should go to Disneyland with Jenny Nicholson

Uh I'm okay alone over here, thanks.

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>it's a /bashirfaggot/ thread

>giving a tripwhore attention
You'll never learn.

Don't you get it? /trek/ subconsciously wants this, needs it, even.

t. King Creep

You're romanticizing a thread on Yea Forums, it just wants to see the tranny's feminine penis.

She's post-OP. I've seen her in a bikini. Sorry for off topic but this has to be put to rest.

Of course you're a frogtard.

A post-op tranny is still just a delusional guy with their dick cut off.

It annoys me that his book starts from the wrong side.

*sighs and spits lazily* Do we have to go through this again? Surely, there are other matters on the agenda?


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That's the name of the show, yes?

Was Dr Bashir, you know...

>star strek
What did it mean by this

A terrorist? Yes.

Deepest tripfag lore confirmed.

you'd fok the poor lass, given 'aff a chance.

It's gross when you samefag, Beef.

/trek/ redeemed

You can't prove that and it has no bearing on my comment

well lah dee dah

He's so overbearing

>user points out /trek/ is shit
>tripfag ruins it even more
k I'm out

>k I'm out

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Any Riker fatfic?

Riker sits alone in his quarters and eats. He eats because he's sad.

Fuck this place. I've been coming here for ten years and we used to have god tier threads about ACTUAL STAR TREK now it's always shitposting and tripfags. I'm done. If this is the glory of the Renaissance Generation you fuckers can have /trek/. I gave so much to this place, for nothing.

it's thread culture dude, don't have a cow

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With a car

gross & pedopilled

Why is he sad? :(

is DS9 really a rippoff of Babylon 5? I never watched b5 until recently but the only thing that is the same is the fact that it centers around a space station. Of course there are many other similarities but I don't really count those as they can be found in pretty much any other sci fi opera. It would be like saying full house is a rip off of the Cosby show because it centers around a house and deals with family issues.

This can't be real. It was a different time.

I tried reading your post, I really did.


Each bite making him larger, more grotesque. He could stop at any point, he should, but as soon as he's scarfed more into his greedy gobbet he needed another, another! Soon, the plate was empty. He began to lick the clear edges, moaning as he -- suddenly, he remembered. Through the streaks on the plate surface, he saw it. The replicator.

>clicking links with no thumb

>that one poster who comes here to vent his anger

Babylon5 > DS9 =? Cosby Show > Full House

what did he mean by this

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Absolutely a rip off, they had J. Michael Straczynski's script for a year, all the major plot points and even character names are copied.


There is only one problematic poster. The rest of us are actually really nice, once you get to know us.

You're the problem. In the parlance of our new thread's culture, "kys faggot"

I thought we agreed as far as decorum is concerned.

Describe Riker's tummy.

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Sheridan > Sisko
G'car > Odo
Ivonova > Kira
Mollari > Dukat
Garibaldi > O'brien

>Character names are copied

From what I understand of the show, there is some major war with some alien race, then after that the next major plot point is a civil war among the earth people then it goes into something else. That isn't what happens at all in DS9

Not this time, we made it up

big, hairy

He's had a rough day, okay? And he's alone because of certain shortcomings, both physical and mental. I just wish he would go get help.

>babylon 5

Just search Babylon 5 DS9, there are a ton of articles and videos who go through point by point.

just trying to spice things up

Plump and fuzzy

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>There is only one problematic poster.
If you queers only knew.

Holy Fuck! Babylon 5 is in the memory alpha. Why is that so hilarious? Is stargate SG1 and atlantis in there too let me check.

>everyone that calls me pathetic is angry!

Knew what?

The number of people who actually come here to fuck up your friend simulator. There's certainly at least 3. Pay more attention to post style instead of being a sap all your life.

Are you Batman?

I am a detective, indeed.

He tried but there's no cure

Why didn't he call Romulus on his space phone? How did they know the holo recording wouldn't get blown up with the rest of the ship and only get slightly damaged enough to trick the Romulans?

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>it took him 13 minutes to punch that into his toddler phone

okay I found this


and its pretty conclusive, yea the similarities are uncanny. But I guess I'd have to really watch the show since from the few episodes I've seen it definitely has a different feel than DS9. also the production value doesn't seem to be as up to par with DS9 but thats okay

I don't believe you. Real detectives always say they work mundane retail and service jobs to blend in. They know announcing their presence puts everyone on edge so they pretend to be retarded and gay to blend in with normies.

How do you tell the shitposters apart? What's your secret??

did he know it was a fake by then?

List the similarities point by point, user. Don't leave the work half finished.


>I don't believe you.
Sentence structure, meme tendencies, phone vs. adult computer, when they show up relative to other identified posters. It's a art.

He gave you a fucking link, Jake.

they are in the link

Not him but observing post patterns like topics, memes, catchphrases, time ranges of activity, emotional responses and their triggers, they all help build profiles for the different anons here. A lot of the personalities overlap or are regulars pretending to be other people, the alt state, but once you figure out who's creating the alts it tells you more about the individual behind it. It's actually pretty easy once you know what you're looking for.

I use both a phone AND a pjuuah. Catch me when you can, Mr. Lusk.

Yes, hence his meme confrontation with Sisko. In the Pale Moonlight just needs a single line about comms being blocked or some shit.

I don't know, even though DS9 is a rip from B5, you can almost enjoy this show as getting to watch DS9 all over again for the first time since they are so similar. If you really liked DS9 its kind of cool that humans made a show you liked twice.

I'm adding your gay predisposition of using caps for emphasis to your dossier.

Jeez, I didn't realize it was this involved. /trek/ is such a fleshed out universe.

based jeez poster

it has its own canon and user will never find me since I don't post that often and I am sure I fucking up his dossier profiles because of it.

Isn’t Romulus on the either side of the galaxy? Can you skype from that far away?

i thought romulas was in the beta quadrant



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It is, far side of the Beta Quadrant

>its kind of cool that humans made a show you liked twice
W-who are you user?

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pretty sure they just copied her from android 18

edit. forgot to captcha

una sneeeeeed trekkk

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Posting is like the mating game. It's always the asshole who gets the most pusseh.

kys faggot

We've talked about being nice to attract new posters, user.


So been watching the original series and there are so many god like beings they keep running into, what happened to all these people in the Next Gen era and why didn't they help in the dominion war and how would they fair if the borg or dominion were able to take over the alpha quadrant?

Also just watched the episode where the aliens from another galaxy fake the distress call then take over the ship to take it back to their galaxy and plan to take over the milky way galaxy. They didn't seem all that advanced and I'd to know if they would have easily defeated the borg or dominion.

>Ivonova > Kira
Ivanova wasn't part of JMS' original plan for B5. She was created later, after DS9 had already aired. Any similarities between her and Kira are just examples of JMS stealing from DS9.


Fucking hell using the same actor to play the same role, doing the same things in both shows. Don't know whether it's just lazy or actually Paramount being ballsy and rubbing JMS' nose in it.

Attached: DS9-B5-6.jpg (320x202, 22K)

wait so what you are saying is JMS shopped an early version of his script around and gave it to paramount. Then paramount makes DS9, then JMS finally gets his show and by then he had already changed it a bunch and if anything similarities are either coincidence and/or they copied each other?

Which is kind of funny since JMS didn't want to sue because he was afraid it would hurt the reputations of both shows.

Does anyone even care about this Babylon 5 subplot the samefag won't let go? Christ I fucking hate autistic boomers.

its a glitch in the mandela effect and they forgot to delete one of the shows

Didn't it get settled out of court?

You have no way of confirming how accurate you actually are, so you could be wrong 99% of the time and think you're a genius. You're feeble minded.

If you hate autism then maybe /trek/ isn't for you.

1. its been brought up before and I never seen anyone else complain

2. What happened to all the DS9 hater trolls, thought you guys would eat this shit up?

3. What are you guys even talking about anyway, might as well have an interesting conversation from a different perspective rather than posting riker tummy memes.

4. If this general is to survive it will eventually need to incorporate other 90s era sci space operas otherwise people are going to get tired of the memes and people will stop caring about posting a new general

My arrows always find their mark, but you can keep believing whatever you want.

>calling people feeble minded
*puts notes regarding closetfaggotry in your file*

>people will get tired of the memes

>If this general is to survive it will eventually need to incorporate other 90s era sci space operas otherwise people are going to get tired of the memes and people will stop caring about posting a new general
Nigga fuck your gay ass Babylon 5 I'm tired of hearing about it
Stop spamming the shit you're interested in that has nothing to do with Trek here
You're literally worse than a fucking tripfag, retard
Fucking die already, gandpa

babylon 5 is in memory alpha and was the inspiration for ds9, it might as well be canon at this point

Calm down, dude. Don't have a kowabanga

>your average phonetard under 25

you actually could watch next generation, babylon5 and then voyager and wouldn't know the difference

>1. its been brought up before and I never seen anyone else complain

>2. What happened to all the DS9 hater trolls, thought you guys would eat this shit up?

>3. What are you guys even talking about anyway, might as well have an interesting conversation from a different perspective rather than posting riker tummy memes.

>4. If this general is to survive it will eventually need to incorporate other 90s era sci space operas otherwise people are going to get tired of the memes and people will stop caring about posting a new general

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/trek/ is on fire today!

Yeah, it's been a long time since/trek/'s been this good.

Stop posting and seek help, __

Of course you're a frogtard.
These threads are only interesting when I show up to admonish all of you. You're welcome.

It's virtually the same experience.

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can't we all agree that Babylon 5 is at least more trek than discovery? Rick Burman would have made a completely different show if that wasn't true


Canon is decided by studio ownership, not some sense of "kindred shows".

Being stationary isn't trekking. We've settled this with DS9.

Shut the fuck up you ruptured anus I'm the one kicking /trek/ in the dick today
Your idea of trolling is probably ranting about gay shit like Babylon 5

>the cuck jew answer
>every "sentence" on a different line
Mobile ISPs should be banned from the site. Average IQ would go up 30 points.

Technically, the station is moving extremely fast through space.

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I am sorry Geordi, but you must read the filename of pic related.

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But not relative to other objects. Hit yourself.

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Where did the goal go?

I'll tell you after you hit yourself.


this is the trek thread right? Or is it the babylon 5 thread?


Desperation is the most unattractive quality someone can posses, user.

Shut up, fag. Trek is over as a franchise and everything about the series' that matter has been talked to death. Being a whiny bitch isn't going to earn you any pretend friends.

I'll be his friend

How does one acquire a wrinkle nose gf? Asking for a friend.

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You're desperate. You'll be anyone's friend. I was talking about real people.

Gross Ro
pls go

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You don't have any friends. Everyone hates you and wishes you were dead.

I'm lonely.

Yes, but you still didn't answer my question.

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Way to kill the thread by being an annoying cunt of a person constantly.

Your tears delight and sustain me. Pray continue.

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JMS originally had a completely different vision for the Executive Officer on Babylon 5. But after they made the first episode, the actress left the show. JMS watched DS9, and then he replaced that actress with a new actress playing a new character who was veeery similar to Kira.

B5 stole from DS9.

I'm going to start uploading other scifi shows to Mega and sharing the links in /trek/. I'm counting on you to start watching them right away so that you can contribute to the discussion.

kys retard

>B5fags are seething ITT because their favourite show is even less popular than the literal-who /trek/ show DS9 which apparently copied it
Damn, being a B5fag must be suffering.

You blew your load calling everyone "DS9fag" for months. No one eats stale bait, little kid.

Nigger, discussing B5 vis-a-vis similarities to space mall going nowhere 9 is entirely valid in /trek/.

I honestly just don't care enough about Babylon 5 to reply.

>unironically using the term space mall
Yikes. Seething VOYlet confirmed.

Not who you think you're replying to but thanks for letting me know how you feel.

Fuck you man, I'm an ENTfag.

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babylon 5 was more successful than ds9 back when they officially aired to my knowledge. It was only because of star trek's name and longevity that people gave it another chance in more recent years due to netflix. They are both good shows imho

lol I pictured you saying that angrily irl but then also singing that too him

ENT really needed another season, they rapped that shit too soon

guys Babylon 5 guys let's talk about Babylon 5 don't you want to save /trek/ the only way we can do that is if we talk about Babylon 5 guys

ok who was your favorite character from babylon 5? Mine is Sisko

I liked Ivanova - I mean Kira.

I know the song is gay as fuck, but watching the ENT intro makes me cry evrytim, it epitomizes Roddenberry's aspirational vision of what humanity can achieve.

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A wrinkle nose gf would be pretty rad.

What procedure was he finding offensive?

its not gay at all, whats wrong with you?

The only place Bajorans are the Cardassian gas chambers.
The prophets can go fuck themselves.

Remember that one episode where that one Gul goes to the old abandoned Cardassian work camp to reminisce about the old times but ends up getting judged by the ghosts of all the Bajorans he tortured there?

No, that was Babylon 5, the episode where the Narn ghosts attacked the Centauri general. Fucking spooky ghosts, get out of my scifi!

Franxx was a shitty show.

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Ready for the season finale?

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It at least tried to be something more than season cash-grab filler. They wanted to make something good, and they took a risk, but there were too many cooks.

I love you

Why don't real weebs like Star Trek?

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Which TNG/DS9/VOY will they rip off this time?

Yesterday's Enterprise most likely.



Oh Bash... please seize my means of production. My proletariat bursts its chains for you!

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mk nu bred

go fuck yourself, fucking parasite

Sneed Trek

She has such a man face and a man's personality in a woman's body. I've never understood /trek/'s love for the hag.

>strong women frighten me
You will never tame wild horses at this rate, girl.

Strong women =/= bitchy cunts

Not like you'd know, shut-in.

A woman can be strong without sacrificing any of her femininity. Ro is just a guy in a girl's body. She's aggressive, hostile, volatile, and puts her own interests above the collective's. There are no redeeming qualities about her.

>man face
Based faceblind retard

How close were they actually?

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>Ro is just a guy in a girl's body.
Yes, they're called people and they don't always meet the low standard you need in order to tame them or convince them you're worthwhile. Weak people like you always recoil in the face of a challenge. You're probably the least alpha person in this thread, and that's including BF. Now snuggle into your body pillow and cry.

I made this one, it's someone else's turn

He's repressing homosexual urges, go easy on the little guy.

>puts her own interests above the collective's
Nanny stater detected. Gross.