The REAL battle of the Avengers: How male superheroes in new £694m Endgame movie enjoy three times more screen-time than female characters
The REAL battle of the Avengers: How male superheroes in new £694m Endgame movie enjoy three times more screen-time...
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>Watching childrens superhero movies
Pic related is your penis
The capeshit franchise as a norm started with Iron Man if I'm not mistaken
How can a manlet with a robo suit be so important for "super heroes"?
>get a whole girl power scene featuring captain marvel
>wahhh not enough
capeshits and media at the same time are truly something
I don't watch capeshit but I'm assuming the actresses get way less screentime than the actors.
>screen time = interesting storyline
Black Widow was fucking based and if she had more screen time, it wouldn't be fucking based
Based and redpilled
>only 6 minutes of Wong
>M'Baku not even on the poster
What the fuck
>The original three avengers got the most screen time
Imagine my shock.
I don't fucking get it. Honestly I don't. The last few years have been excellent for Hollywood diversity. Are they literally not going to stop complaining until white men are eliminated from the industry?
You know how at the start all the avengers were calling her out for being a selfish arrogant bitch? I thought there was gonna be some development there
Seems not but at least we didn't see much of her coz she really was the worst part of the movie. I wonder did they plan her to be even longer in the original .
Where's the witch ? Because her scenes were more badass than the entire Captain Marvel mobi and she appears for only 5 mins.
>The last few years have been excellent for Hollywood diversity. Are they literally not going to stop complaining until white men are eliminated from the industry?
yes lol, spend time around sjw circles, the long term goal has always been to remove white men from every industry
>implying normies go see these movies for the females
lol Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evan, and Robert Downy Jr are the only reasons people go see these movies, not females lol
females only go see these movies because Thor, Cap, and Iron Man
Take those away, you lose money and Disney knows this
Women btfo
Weird. Its like the makers of the films know that 70 percent of their audience are men who like action/superhero films
That’s the problem with leftists. They just want power. There’s no quantifiable goal so they attack whatever they dislike until it’s gone
This is the best advertisement for Endgame I've seen yet. It's as if Marvel knows I don't want to see a movie full of Okoye, Valkyrie, and Captain Marvel.
I only care about Thor and Hulk and maybe based Hawkeye
Its never enough with these idiots
The others were acceptable but holy shit everytime captain marvel appears, it really makes your eyes roll back
i'm not watching a 6 hour fucking movie. they should of split it up
>8 minutes
How and when the fuck?
>8 minutes for Valkarie
>6 minutes for Okoye
>15 minutes for Captain Marvel
More culture warrior superhero threads yay! I think the west needs to dies tbqh.
I only watch for C U T E buggirl
Wong should’ve got more, so shouldve Hawkeye and Widow, the rest is fine though.
captain america is blacked now to represent the united states of muttistan's true negroid character. wakanda forever, wh*te bois
Okoyo got 6 mins? I can't even remember her outside of the conference scene
War machine sucks and should not have this much screen time
>captain marvel 15 min
Did THE AVENGERS get more screentime than anyone in AVENGERS: Endgame?
>Nebula more screen-time than Hulk
That's why MCU is shit.
I'm skeptical Okoye even has 6 full minutes of screentime. She can't have more than 5 lines in the entire movie.
Wong I'm pretty sure has literally 1 line
>implying tecnology isn't mankind superpower
I shiggy diggy
They gave her so much screen time yet they didn't let her have the last word with Thanos which is supposed to be I no longer fear you father which is the most important development.
Talk about inefficiency
Did they cleared with Disney before posting this article?
That's how stupid they are. They think that eliminating white men = equality for women and don't realize that it makes them literally the exact fictional villain they've been trying to paint men as. This stupid shit is so bad for our society that it's like something the League of Shadows would pull: "instead of taking down your society with physical force or economically, we've decided to pit you against each other over bullshit injustices that don't actually exist!"
I'd be amazed if disney didn't pay them to write it
Wong actually has two.
Also no encounter of cap and red skull when he's returning the soul stone at the end, lots of missed moments traded in for hulk dabbing and fat Thor playing fortnite
>Posting an article from The Daily Fail
It's like I'm on /pol/
I've seen the movie. There's absolutely no way Black Widow only get's 33minutes of screen time if Carol get's 15
Captain Marvel just appears at the most convenient time every time. Every scene she's in reeks of desperation on Marvels part for people to like her
Based Nebula stealing the show.
>injustices that don't actually exist!
More like its so complex and unique for every person, that you cant protest or cry like they do, without looking like fascist from the opposite side!
>Only gets one line of dialogue
How the fuck could Russo's be so evil