Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#420 dude weed
Previous Thread:
Reminder to the lurkers. Yea Forums DOES NOT like this pleb trash
The cycle is never wrong
>plebs come to Yea Forums to talk about it and spew their optimistic and positive opinions about it
>the patrician regular posters either wait for for the rip or are in the minority
>the plebs leave because they have other boards to shitpost on
>all that's left are the regular Yea Forums posters
>they usually hate it since movies like this tend to be shit
Reminder: Flopped
Reminder: Rosa is for smoking with
>I have a new favorite food!
>isn't Hugo sweet for buying me so much of it?
when the fuck is a decent quality torrent coming out holy fuck i am tired of waiting
#420 reppin
General should be moved to /trash/, it's just full of waifu and /soc/ faggotry.
Hey, it's been awhile!
>still no Blu-ray date
Hello new bread
Please be healed by Alita’s favourite chocolate
The date is June 25h, a WEB-DL will probably be out end of Mary or early June.
Is this movie even good or just memeing?
The movie sucks. These cancerous Alita generals are spammed by paid shills and twitter tourists. They will be gone soon and so will these threads.
> kissu
This, I'm just waiting for my paycheck from Cameron and then I'll be on my way.
What happened to the final champions who went to Zalem? Did Vector turn them into porkchops too?
Who /weed/ here? I quit and went totally cold turkey straight edge recently for Alita, but I did do my fair share of the weed dude
Weed isn’t horrible if you’re smoking it rarely. Never smoke to when you’re unmotivated or feeling depressed, that’s going to worsen it
i wish i could make you eat dirt
No, because Grewishka went up there. Nova calls him his champion.
Champions as is someone who fights in his behalf. Nova picked Grewishka from the underworld as stated in the movie. He never went to Zalem.
>I forgot a detail therefore it can't be important
Alita finds he body. Ido refuses to unite her to it because he knows what it is. Therefore Alita gets mad at Ido, registers as a Hunter-Warrior, and goes to the Kansas looking for help and/or a fight. She ends up starting a bar fight. Grewishka learns about this and comes to get her. He kills a dog and makes a hole in the floor down to the underworld. Alita is angry so she follows, looking to kill Grew. She tries hard but gets sliced into pieces and almost dies, but Ido and Hugo save her. Ido realises that she needs that body and unites her to it, and they have a touching father-daighter moment, showing they still care for each other despite disagreeing occasionally.
None of that would have happened if Alita had attached herself to the body in the URM ship.
"My champion" just means his number one fighter, a bit like Gregor Clegane is Cercei's champion in GoT. (Also Grewishka is a diminutive of Gregor - which is a nice little parallel.)
Well, Vector mentioned Nova especially wants minds that he admires so I'm guessing they went on to become shit chandeliers since winning the championship proves they're exceptional individuals.
GRADE: 420/10
Vector says the only way anyone gets to Zalem is in the form of bodyparts and that Nova wants brains he admires for experiments. Pretty clear that the champions get sent up as disembodied brains to be used in experiments, I'm guessing Nova uses the competition to find the toughest people in Iron City so he can try making them into cyborg warriors or something.
>can’t even remember my name lmao
Few people have seen the knockoff movie HAUTAI
The Final Champion would be somewhat famous in Zalem. Even if Nova were to have some kind of authority up there, it's not a given that he can take the Final Champion in plain sight.
Vector might be telling the truth, or he could be imprecise as regarding the Final Champion.
>Forgetting one of the best scenes in the movie...
Its just seems like your trying to hate the movie for the sake of it....
Jerome itt
>google HAUTAI
>an actual company exists with that name......
There's no way Alita loses in the Championship race of Motorball in the sequel, considering the rules of how to get into Zalem in the sequel.
Unless they go to the "welp, he died, SHE WINS" route
Why is Elon Musk in a cyborg body?
>The Final Champion would be somewhat famous in Zalem
I doubt that, or at least that's ambiguous. It's a sport specifically made for the plebs in Iron City and everything in the movie implies pretty heavy restrictions in interactions between Zalemites and people in Iron City. Nova is obviously an exception since he seems to be in charge of orchestrating the whole tournament, but even he never personally deals with the common rabble, but instead uses telepresence chips implanted in his servants' brains to communicate.
just tell me if the manga has nude scenes
The movie does.
>Am I too late?
>I don't mean to be rude, but am I supposed to know you?
>*Joey hits the blunt* So I'm back in the pits with these Motorballas, these cocksuckas are all fuckin' using for the pain and shit, I've got some 180s I'm passing around-
>That's legal in Iron City?
>Joe, Zalem don't give a fuck, why would *cough* *cough*...why would they give a fuck?
>Jamie, look that up. That's crazy.
>You wouldn't believe some of the shit those cyborgs cook up. I did a line of neocoke with this guy Gino - wild motherfucka - and I swear to you my hammer was up for two days straight.
>*Joe notices Alita getting woozy* What the fuck was in that chocolate you gave her?
>*Joey's voice drops to a whisper* I'm not gonna lie to you Joe Rogan, that was a five-hundred.
>*Joe doubles over in laughter*
>I'm sendin' her back to fuckin' Mars.
>I forgot my own name lmao
The movie implies that he somehow rules in Zalem, but they're a bit sneaky with it: Nova's never stated to actually be in charge up there, and he might be a sort of Laughing Man figure - a genius hacker. The closest thing to it, is when Ido says that Nova is responsible for his family's exile to Iron City. But that might be Nova ratting out original Alita to the Zalem authorities even as non-biological as they might be and that Ido blames Nova for it.
Why would Zalemites even know the Final Champion is supposedly granted entry? For the most part Zalemites never have any interaction with the surface, I think there's a taboo against it. Nova talks to surface-dwellers as part of his job, but only a handful ever speak with him. In the manga they say that the motorball finals are broadcast in Zalem, I don't know if this is still true in the movie's world.
If the movie canon on Zalem turns out to be anything like the manga, Zalem is like an ant farm, an almost totally controlled society, which is the main reason they don't let outsiders in, and they also have a strong prejudice against cyborgs, so it's unlikely that champions would be allowed to become citizens.
Alita should ask Ido if he ever met any champions up there...
>you get to meet Alita for real.
>You ask her out on a date
>"Let's just stay friends user."
What do you do?
>hey kid
>pass that shit
It's well known that final champions "go to Zalem" in Iron City. If Zalemites watch the sport then surely they've heard the announcer say "final champion yada yada and going to Zalem"
She has to lose in order to do Jashugan properly, and to keep her on the ground for berserker Zapan and Barjack arcs.
Ido does seem to believe that the Final Champion is allowed up there. As a Zalemite and former motorball tuner, her should know that better than anyone. Chiren deluded herself that you could scam your way back up, though - so Ido could be just as mistaken as her about the Final Champion.
"Leeta? What are you doing here?"
"I've been reading this thread and like, yikes, I can't even. Do you have any idea how problematic this is?"
Drink myself to death
Best most wholesome smile in movie
but i want robo titties
Do you think Alita can finish an entire batch of cookies in one sitting?
It has a few.
Best thing you can do is this scenario is move on if you can’t control your feeling towards that person and learn to take no for an answer. Plenty of other fish in the sea
My prediction is that both Arcs (Motorball & Berserker Zapan) will happen on the same time frame, with Zapan clashing in the last race
They could have their own announcer much like how IRL different countries have their own announcers for sports broadcasts.
leeta a slut
That would take too luch away from Joshugan and be a repeat of the first movie. I'm fine with them doing the arcs intertwined like in the first film, but the Zapan climax needs to come after the Joshugan climax. Personally I'd have Zapan come back early on but get killed, end Joshugan in the second act, and do berserker Zapan in the third act.
"Don't you know that cannabis is racist and white supremacist? It's not fair that rich white men like Zapan can have vaporizers built into their cyberlungs while people of color have been murdered by bounty hunters for possessing a single joint. Remember when Tanji (say his name!) was cut in half the other night and they found a dime bag in his pocket?"
"That's why I'm campaigning to make drug use a Class-A crime. White cisgendered shitlords won't dismantle the hierarchy of privilege that protects them until hunter-warriors start decapitating them too."
say “what are you a fuckin lezbo?!” and punch a hole in the wall. peel out in my 5.0 blaring dokken and go drink 15 light beers. chicks respond to manly shit like that.
I've actually thought they might switch the arcs around and do Zapan before the final battle with Jashugan. So Alita would be rising through the ranks of motorball, Zapan would go nuts, get nearly killed, then brought back by Nova and installed in the berserker (which Alita stopped using for the sake of motorball).
Zapan would start rampaging and Alita would have to step away from the game to take him out. Maybe Jashugan would even help out. Alita wouldn't get sentenced to death for using a gun, maybe she would use another weapon to inject the collapser or maybe she just wouldn't get caught.
Then Alita would return to motorball for the final battle with Jashugan, she loses, "cheers for the man become god," then her wrecked body is collected by Zalem and she awakens in the white room. Roll credits.
>heavy restrictions in interactions between Zalemites and people in Iron City
Vector alludes to it becomming more common for Zalemites to use telepresence chips in Iron City for virtual reality entertainment. They never explicitly show other Iron City residents watching Motorball via POV, so that might not be carried over from the manga. But Vector doesn't seem that surprised to have some random Zalemites getting their entertainment from watching Grewishka roaming the streets.
yes. but if she mistook raisin cookies for chocolate chip she’d pull your head off.
It's an interesting take, but then you can't do the fake-out of her getting sentenced to death for using a gun and cutting to credits, which I really want to see. I also don't think Jashugan would be in shape to help out against berserker Zapan, unless they drop the whole "going to die within weeks and regularly faints" thing.
Oof, just got back from a job interview. I bullshitted practically the whole thing. I'm not sure how obvious it was that I was making up all the scenarios as I went along. Then again I'm not sure if they are trying to weed out people that do that or if the interviewers expect people to do that and just grade them on their bullshitting abilities.
I did bullshit better than I ever have before though, so I think the healing has had an effect.
>mfw inventing the fifth story of the day
At'ta boy
Vector mentioned "watchers behind the eyes," and Ido later describes Nova as "watcher behind the eyes," so maybe it's a title. At least going by the version of Zalem in the manga, I don't think they would allow ordinary citizens to sense-jack cyborgs as entertainment, it would expose them to undesirable ideas.
I figured Vector meant that Zalemite enforcers would be watching through cyborgs, not regular citizens.
>will you take me out once you get your first paycheck?
It doesn't have to be people, Zalem has AI.
Ayyy I didn't miss the 420 thread
As a Colorado user I feel like it's my duty to be here
Robert seems like such a friendly nerd, like he can talk to others and be friends with others, but he also looks shy with sharing his thoughts, as he thinks so fantastically and absurdly.
It's the best way to merge the two arcs I can think of. You have to sacrifice something either way since both motorball and Zapan have such climactic endings. Alita getting executed for using a gun to save Iron City is great, but you have to either sacrifice that or the impact of "the man become god."
I can't see them just sticking Jashugan's final battle into the middle of a movie, it's gotta be at the end. Unless they want to make a 3-hour epic, even then they would need a good deal of time to frame the event so its impact isn't diluted.
I hope they include Zapan's final shared vision with Alita. That was the most haunting part of his story.
>mfw rare Rosa in the wild
Is it still playing in Denver? Lucky bastards.
Reposting from last thread:
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'm right about this: early on Alita goes all "haiyah", but after Grew kills the dog she gets so angry she just screams, and after getting the berserker body she also just screams, which to me signals she's grown beyond childish interpretations of martial arts.
When Stinger has Alita pinned down during motorball, is that a Hertza Haeon she uses to push herself up from the track and out of his grip? The sound effect makes it feel like more than just a push.
I'll pick the food and you pick the movie babe
>on second thought, I think I'm just gonna stay home with my dad
Technically yes it's still playing in a few places but they're all an hour or so away from us
She hi-ya's at all the Centurions
He looked up top ten bar fights, to make sure he didn't copy anything....
Same, but so far I haven't been able to land a job. Dunno if they see through the bullshitting or it's something else.
Here's your date Scott, compliments of the mouse
I got my current job by taking the boomer advice and just walking in asking if they were hiring
What field are you looking for a job in?
Yeah, sequel would end with Alita walking past the yellow door.
>I can't see them just sticking Jashugan's final battle into the middle of a movie, it's gotta be at the end.
Motorball arc ending in the middle of the movie fits better than berserker's arc, it would make sense to destroy Iron City in the middle of it.
I think this will be like this
>1rst act
Re-introduction of Motorball
Zapan attacking Alita and dying
>2nd act
Motorball Arc
Zapan's resurrection
>3rd act
Final Race
Berserker Zapan vs Alita
I don't know how Disney allowed that photo to get published
JESUS user, please warn us next time. I was not ready for that....
“Well, my girl, you certainly exceeded my box office expectations.”
>anyone who doesn’t like these shilling threads are marvelfags
Rare Rosa's, best Rosa's
You couldn't have both the final race and the berserker battle at the ending, they're both such dramatic events you'd have to space them out. If you're keeping the manga's events order you'd have to do Jashugan in the middle, then dedicate the second half to the berserker.
I agree with your movie bullet points but I want the Sonic Finger story in there somewhere (even just 10 minutes) because it shows Alita's interaction with the locals and the other hunter-warriors and her reputation after Motorball, I think that would add to the sense of loss because we actually would have seen her living her life before Zapan destroys everything.
>>When Stinger has Alita pinned down during motorball
I saw Aquaman and Alita on the same day, so I was reminded of how Arthur brakes against the environment when he is pinnes by Orm and going down towards the lava.
combine this
with this
She’s so cute
Real rare Rosa :o
where are her nips?
The “two mooks hit each other by accident/because of the protagonist and then they start fighting each other” gag betwen Gamgsta and Screwhead is a classic trope of bar fighting though. Still laughed at it.
Good question, got no clue.
404 nips not found
Edited out for the final public release
Oi. Well they fast-tracked me through the interview process (skipped the phone interview) so I have a feeling they are looking to hire me anyway, which would make the interview more of a formality.
At least I hope that's what's going on.
Rosa has quite an eclectic wardrobe
She doesn't, she just screams.
I'd rather not
stop lying
>channel awesome review pops up
>don't watch their stuff but it's a video i haven't seen
>it's two guys talking over each other while attempting to discuss the movie
I don't get this format
Oh well, at least if my interview tanks I still have my meetup to look forward to
This is a very good point. Some slice of life human interaction can do more than one thing on the story.
They sort of fell apart. Check the live stream on Rekeita Law (lawsplaining the internets) tonight for more on the inside of Channel Awesome.
This thread is moving slow, ya'll are slipping
i know alita is our girl and all....
but the other girl is fucking hot as hell
Nice try Jerome, threads have been way slower than this...
Hmm, looks like a Korean chick I knew in college
I wanted to pound her ass, but I got the friendzone instead
If they keep the sequels PG-13 that probably means there won't be any firearms in them? I kinda want the 3rd installation to go R-rated so there can be a talking gun sidekick and gratuitous gun violence.
Koyomi's hairstyle really does her no favors, damn.
She needs some bigger titties, change my mind
She has worn that pants+tights combo before
hello friend user
There are plenty of PG-13 movies with guns, hell the first movie had (limited) gun usage.
I think the lack of guns in the first movie had more to do with the setting/plot than the rating.
Sometimes smaller is better.
not on latinas
Naw. Big tits almost never look good on womanlets. Her tits are perfect size for her body type.
We're high, bro, lmao
but i do regular pauses inbetween, sometimes a month or two, to get my tolerance down and to avoid forming a habit.
I stopped smoking weed 4 weeks before watching Alita in cinema to maximize the effect of the kraut. It was awesome (i basically overdosed and felt bad for 10 minutes but the rest was trippy). I haven't been this stoned in a cinema since a while. I am off weed for 3 weeks and Alita is still playing (in 3D even) in a Cinema nearby. Guess what i'll do tomorrow night.
Eh, I'm unfamiliar with American rating system. I thought the PG-13 rating was the reason why almost everyone who died was a cyborg and very little blood was shown on-screen.
If they add in Sonic Finger, Zapan and Sonic Finger should be its own movie. Sonic Finger would be a great way to show Alita's day-to-day life as an adult in Iron City before the berserker destroys everything.
Of course, then the entire trilogy would be dedicated to Iron City and there would need to be more movies covering the Tuned arc. Not that I'd mind...
That was true, but it had more to do with the blood itself and the manner of the deaths than the types of weapons employed. Also language and nudity were pretty tame in the whole movie, which is the biggest thing in PG-13 flicks.
mee LIKEY *slooberibng sounds GREATLY intensify*
but if the script had called for Alita to use an AR-15 it would have been an instant R rating, because our media has a major vendetta against that specific gun for whatever reason
nope, she does need to post more feet though
Dude... what if... someone invented martial arts... for cyborgs... Pantsu Kunst...
Rosa's got the biggest pair of eyes
You can show guns in PG-13, Alita beheaded the deckman with a minigun. Graphic violence and sex are what bump the rating up. If the blood had been red instead of blue it would have guaranteed an R rating.
I literally watched that sequence 4 hours ago, user. I'm 99% sure she doesn't hi-yah at them.
I know you think you can't self-terminate, but I need you to try.
Shit you all make good points. I retract my statement, it would be absolutely fine to have something like pic related in a sequel and still keep it PG-13, especially if they played off the gun as a comic relief character.
why? there are 100 other guns available that are as deadly, effective and affordable...what is the exact problem, has it become symbolic?
They would probably count a FAL, G3, Sig 551, SCAR or ACR as an AR-15 too. Have there really been cases of ratings bumps for ARs? I would think AKs would be even more problematic.
Because the US liberal media has a gigantic hateboner against the AR that they use to fuck it and its owners at every opportunity...according to them, it is the one gun, that if eliminated, would nearly eliminate gun violence in the US overnight.
nevermind that it is used in maybe 1% of all shootings in reality, and is basically the backbone of the 2nd amendment at this point
fucking adorable
just rewatched it to check
she does one "yah" and the rest are more like "grrrr"
it may not be an exaggerated "haaaiii-yah" but it's definitely a "hyah" and "eeyah" which is the same category
frankly I feel like you missed half the movie, go see it again
Ooo, she is so cute.
>go see it again
well if you insist...
Those guns are not considered anywhere near as ubiquitous as the AR in leftist circles, and their war on guns has to do with disarming the populace and seizing total control, not reducing violent crime. Therefore the popularity of the AR makes it the primary target of opportunity.
Hence why every time a shooting happens, media tend to report an AR was used, even before they know anything about what was used. The reporting may (or may not) change later if the facts are found to be different.
What software do you use to make those edits? I'm a computer illiterate that hasn't done anything of the sort in 10 years
An extremely old version of photoshop, primarily. You don't need anything really fancy, but it should be able to do layers.
Pretty sure Zalem watches Motorball.
"Look at those savages ripping each other to pieces just to get our attention."
Final Champion is just the bone they throw them to get them to do it. Who knows what happens to the Champion after they gey up there?
For me, its Rosa Salazar
Maybe they laugh at the idea of the champions being used as material to experiment upon, like a final fuck you to the plebs who thought they could ever be equal to them. After all, motorball is already pretty much torture porn.
To be fair, an old version of photoshop is all you need.
Adobe stopped innovating 10 years ago, so an ancient CS2 will do the trick just fine, even for professionals.
Lol I use photoshop 7.
The only problem is once you get into the really old versions, they start having stability problems in current operating systems. I have to save my photoshop projects constantly because I never know when the whole thing is just gonna crash.
Just pick up GIMP 2m its free and has most features, not as nice as photoshop... but still.
Rosa a cute
I'm saying they would count those as an AR because they're idiots and can't tell the difference. I guess they've finally become aware of the AR's existence, they used to call everything an AK-47 and AKs were the devil gun.
Why did they do it? Why did they have to come along and remind me how great films are, and were, while I'm watching cinema be destroyed by Marvel?
FUCK this cinema chain is the only one still showing Alita in the UK, so guys I need help looking 60+ years old.
I'm 19 btw, think I'm fucked
Ah, misunderstood you, yeah that's true.
It's amazing how many based anons hang out in /Alita/. Great minds truly think alike.
Damn that is brutal man, I guess it's time to start doing meth.
I am still on Windows 7 and i probably won't upgrade on this machine, CS2 runs perfect on it.
Gimp is cancer. But there is an professional alternative: Affinity Photo. It cost around 50 bucks.
You should look into virtual machines. They're extremely easy to set up nowadays and will allow you to use downright ancient operating systems on top of whatever you're using right now.
Yeah I'm on Windows 7 and photoshop 7 just barely runs on it. I will most likely have to switch programs once this computer finally shits the bed. I'll look into that Affinity program.
Fake ID and beard. Just do it man
>my name is Rusty Shackleford and yes, I am 65 years old
>user shows up in his grandpa's cardigan and a shitty fake beard
>"one for Alita, s-sonny"
I want to see Rosa kick Brie's flat ass in the octagon
Take your grandparents to see it and tell the cinema staff you're there to make sure they arrive and leave safely.
>Nice ID, but let me see your AARP card, old man
threadly reminder
I'd pay to see that
Looks like its the only way....
If you just using it for fun, just pirate an Photoshop CS5 or Photoshop CC2015, these are totally fine versions without the bloat.
Newer Photoshop versions are cancerous since they install 12 other programs which always run in the background. I hate this kind of shit.
But 50 bucks for an Pro Image software isn't expensive either and you'll get a permanent license for Affinity Photo not that subscription shit.
dude what if we make them yell hiya like in old kung fu movies
God bless Eugene Stoner.
Would do but the cinemas like in the middle of London and I need to get the train and the Tube to get there. And they ain't doing that shit for sure.
Are you jerome or the actual owner
I would stay away from posting that pic in the future since it is known to be compromised
our girl would stomp the shit out of that jabroni
Also that looks like a facebook filename so they're most likely not his guns.
I like to do things on the level these days so I'll probably look into the cheap program I can obtain legitimately
Owner. Fuck the haters.
I use messenger as a file resizer and as a way to transfer them from my phone to my computer.
By that I mean everyone on here knows that somebody else has been using this pic to pose as a gun owner.
I think the first time it was posted here was legit, but Jerome hijacked that shit lickity-split.
>no "#99 Alita" custom dust cover
try harder bruh
Is Ido going to have sexin the sequel?
If you do this you need to get a video of it somehow, I want to see the reaction of the theater staff
I have a template to make one that says "I do not stand by in the presence of evil". Have been too lazy to actually make it.
I always liked the idea of one that simply says "FUCK YOUR MERCY."
though I entertain a slight worry that if I'm ever laying wounded on the field someone might see it and use it as an excuse to finish me off
Sure, kid. No worries.
>Jerry! I know how we can see Alita one more time!
>There's a 60+ senior screening, and i can get us some fake beards, i know a guy.
Show her my gun. If she is the real Alita, she will then have a dream about it, and the juices will flow.
That would be an honorable way to die.
So help me, I want to kiss that face.
It was the last scereening in my country, seeing it again isn't an option, but as said, she doesn't go hai-yah there. However, she does it when taking out Grew's eye, so I think it might be more of a rage thing.
No alita
No life
What is this!?
>ayo Alita, you know why they call it the "skin shotgun"?
>'cause it can shoot twice before needing time to reload
I hope Rosa's seen this or gets to see it!
The one for fighting or the one for gun?
Rosalitas are highly disturbing, this is the face of evil
I implore you to reconsider
>stay friends
>after just having met
hey what's your problem
Either one would realistically do, but probably both for good measure.
Uncle Biden approves of this message
you wot mate
OH NO! Looks like Rosalita is sick. Quick, heal her with kissus!
that looks really comfy
We're just gonna have to suck all that bad juju right out!
>*gets tackled by security*
she's fine see it was just a trick
>*succs security into submission*
Too cute, wtf.....
Bad angle, fire that cameraman, he had one job
Her cheeks are squishy
Here you go.
but why
weed lmao
>runs into kansa
>screwhead is the only one who stops fighting
As a Coloradoan I don't know whether to be amused or shake my head at this thread
kek, can screwhead even get pregnant tho?
no way
I'd assume cyborgs can only get pregnant if they install the parts, which shows intent to do so, meaning they wouldn't really need Ido's services anyway
Most cyborgs seem to keep enough organs to keep their digestive systems more or less biological, it's not implausible that some might choose to retain their reproductive systems at least on some level.
I love the movie, but i wish the score was more epic and memorable. I wish the soundtrack was more synth like bladerunner or tron legacy.
Robert rodriguez usually does good scores but this one was too plain. Not cool or futuristic.
Theres not a single song i remember after multiple views
If you write to the actress that plays her on instagram she usually replies. Shes very nice
how do you even get pregnant with a face like that. She looks like a 6th wave feminist.
>119 times
That's almost 10 consecutive days of nothing but Alita.
Robert didn't do the score, Tom Holkenborg (Junkie XL) did it.
He did do a few songs like the one the three-armed cyborg plays and the bar fight scene.
Yeah I'm sure that would go over well.
>oh what's this
>a letter from some random dude
>"Hi, can your character get pregnant? Asking for a friend"
>doesn't show up for work the next day, found in her bathtub covered in Jack Daniels bottles
But this is exactly what they wanted. The film made enough money, and audiences who've seen the movie love it.
>"If audiences love it, and they want us to do more, we'll do more!"
You don't have sex with Screwhead, Screwhead has sex with you.
>implying you don't remember the theme played softly on piano keys in 'with me' and 'i'd give you my heart'
Wanna know how I know you're a fibber?
I'm not criticizing it, I'm in awe at that kind of dedication.
I have mixed feelings about the score. It's very uneven, sometimes within one track itself. There are some gems, and some very forgettable misses. The first few tracks are great, when it's about Alita's sense of self-discovery, and the final ones are energetic and reminiscent of Mad Max, as expected from Junkie XL. The middle tracks are the weakest part imo.
>tfw listening to Swan Song 1 hour version while watching porn
I don't know what I'm becoming
As a straight white male swan song doesnt interest me.
Sounds like katy perry and adriana grande.
Sorry but im not into girly pop.
As another straight white male, I'm the same way about Rosa, I just don't get why everyone has a giant hardon for her.
Swan Song, however, I love.
#99 speaks the truth, the popo music is unbearable. The last "song" should have been thrash metal or something like that.
As another straight white male i have to doubt your sexuality if you don't find pic related attractive.
Are you secretly gay or something?
It's not the kind of shit I'm usually into, but it's somehow been stuck in my head for two months. Alita messed with my brain in quite a few ways.
>11. Grewishka's Revenge.flac
>Alita will never be your only opponent
I want for Alita use her plasma to burn the sleeves off of her top when she gets into a fight in the next movie. It'd look cool
girly pop is the best pop, they have the best vocals for it, unless you want the guy to be falsetto the whole time
Oh, I think the score is brilliant. I'd say my favorite tracks off the score are
>I Don't Even Know My Own Name
>What's Your Dream?
>The Warrior Within
>Grewishka's Revenge
>Broken Doll
>With Me
>Unlocking The Past
I'd Give You My Heart
>What Did You Do?
>In The Clouds
>Raising the Sword
>I See Church
>Centurion (very underrated track)
So, I'd say 15 out of 22 tracks. Pretty good if I say so. A lot of movie scores, I only listen to one or two tracks. It grows on you, a lot, Junkie XL's signature drums, but his imitation of Cameron's other orchestral pieces is fantastic.
It would be her magic girl transformation. Just spasma burning her sleeves and revealing the berserker body.
I think a male/female duet works really well in pop music.
Although I also find it "just okay", I swear to you that "just okay" is better than 95% of modern music.
based and gentleman post
that works for most any genre, but in terms of pop yeah but you can't always have a duet
Damn, that actually look quite good.
Oh, Christ, this is going to be one of those things. Amazing.
Wait, is that the official hot toy?
Are we getting the sequel bros?
hot toy?
I will make it happen.
This thing. Now that I look at it, the hair is different.
Considering the amount of dedication that went to the 1st installment, all the foreshadowing in it and the overwhelmingly positive audience response I'd be surprised if we didn't get a trilogy.
I didn't think too much of it after my first viewing, but it's grown on me to the point where half the damn tracks get me all emotional one way or another.
That was an early prototype
concerned/curious alita is in the top tier of alitas
I'm amazed he actually got to 99 but just kept on going anyway
Once you develop your tolerance and coping strategies to the level necessary to see a movie 99 times, there's no reason not to just push as far as you can go
who here /selfemployed/
I've read that in the voice of Johnny Depp.
any tips for growing my own? I'm in cali and wanna buy a plant or two
She’s basically rage-screaming at this point, so I couldn’t even render it as text if I tried. (I left a screening 15 minutes ago.)
Is it legal there? Do you live in an apartment or in a detached house?
Huh, at the Kansas bar, justice is always on the menu. What else is always on the menu?
Shit, I'd order that every time.
you either gotta decide between doing hydroponic or soil. Soil is definitely easier and probably cheaper if you're just doing a few plants.
I went hydroponic route. Built a rig with a big roofers mixing tub, and a plastic shelf thing that I drilled holes into that were the right size for the cups. Then had the reservoir under with the nutrient mixed water being pumped up.
In pic related I was doing a gravity meme where the top layer dripped down onto the younger plants. Eventually ended up doing 2 big roofers things side by side in
If you aren't ordering sukku, you are a tasteless pleb
a solid punch or kick in the face?
rosa is probably always on the menu
lol why am I so turned on right now hehehe?
How high are you right now?
But I ordered the sukku last time and still feel a touch lightheaded.
Hopefully bread is on the menu, it's time to sober up boys, 420 edition is kill
powerful weedpost to close out the thread
You mean dog meat?
If they did, wouldn’t Ido know that?
Wouldn't it be great it Robert and Jim announced the sequel while we were all high? Thinking it was some kind of joke?
new bread new bread new bread
Where is new bread?
I'm not high, I'm about to go to work, but chances are, if Robert and Jim announced anything here, nobody would believe them without an extreme amount of proof being posted
Wouldn't that be a big part of why Ido tried to keep Alita from participating in motorball at all?
(In the voice of John Cleese): “Are there any young people here today.”
(Young sounding voices that suddenly sound older): “No. No. No. Heavens, no.”