Hateful 8 Extended Edition (NETFLIX)

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Hard pass.

You have to go back

Theatrical was already too long with the pointless flashback chapter. You can't stretch a one room mystery this far.

There was narration? What was it about?


He should do the same with kill Bill and include all the deleted scenes.

I hope there's more scenes of Sam Jackson forcing white guys to suck his dick at gunpoint!

>45 minutes of cut scenes

>45 extra minutes of the word nigger being said
oh it shows quentin

That scene that Jackson clearly made up to piss off an old racist so he could shoot him really got to you, didn't it?

So they show the murderer at the beginning of the movie now?

this whole bit, and nearly the entirety of Inglorious Basterds, really fucks with me.
Because its so egregious, it's such a blatantly hypocritical scene on the part of Jackson's character, you are forced to think "Tarantino is fucking with the audience here. He has to be making a statement about the nature of violence, he has to be comparing Jackson's egregious violence and rape to the Confederate's son's racism and violence, and throwing into the audience's face how they celebrate/ laugh at one as righteous punishment for the other. He has to be"

But he's not. He's just a dipshit. And it infuriates me.

Ummmm, no. WTF, me and my wife's boyfriend loved it. Bigot

the narration in the middle of the movie was after the 70mm version's intermission, so it made sense

When his editor died, it really fucked up his movies. Django and on have felt uneven, too long, and inconsistent thematically.

I hope he figures this shit out for the upcoming Brad kino.

It's actually kino

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anyone know what exactly is different? I think this movie is comfy af

>on Niggersetflix

what the fuck is this guy problem?

This. IB was his last good movie.

>and inconsistent thematically.
That's the worst part for me. Modern day QT constantly undermining the themes of his own movies. But to me it's often a case of bad/ lazy writing rather than bad editing. Though the editing still sucks mind you

Hello Netflix shills. This is two threads in a row today.

He could be getting worse at writing, but sometimes a great editor can point out inconsistencies and get rid of them to help create more cohesion. I've seen some deleted scenes in movies that would've changed the entire feeling of the movie. I wonder if his editor helped him in that way. He almost is a crazy George Lucas who needs people to tell him to cut away all the batshit ideas.

Except he is though. That is literally the point of Basterds (Full disclosure never saw Hateful 8)

The entire scene is about a roomful of Nazis uproariously laughing at an overly violent schlock propaganda film only for the real audience to do the same a moment later when the jew soldiers begin violently exterminating the defenseless Nazis en masse, including gratuitous shots of a bullet riddled Hitler flailing about. The entire scene is an examination of American propaganda films.

Holy shit I just found this, I'm going to watch. The comments seem positive.


The real question is how far can you stretch MY BIG BLACK DINGUS

So far there is a new exchange between OB and Warren at the beginning after John Ruth lets Warren ride in the carriage

random bits of dialog added in between characters

The whole movies made up faggot, doesnt change the fact that they showed some dude giving another dude head, even if it was "made up".

any torrents for it yet? fuck netflix