Cobra Kai

What did I think of this new season? Did I like it?

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Where can I watch it for free?

>The last time I went four rounds with him I took a foot to the face

Johnny is kinda getting over it, huh?

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the pirate's bay

Johnny is the bigger man, as seen when he didn't rise up to Daniel's provocations. Compare this to Daniel's behavior:
>antagonizing Cobra Kai in his commercial
>blaming Cobra Kai for the sabotage with no proof
>coming to the dojo with his shoes on
>kicking down Johnny's door in the last episode

This man is my favorite thing this year after Alita

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Danny has always been the bad guy pretending to be good

Johnny pretends to be the bad guy but he's really good

When they aren't having misunderstandings and actually talk or bond over drinks or food, they actually have a pretty good broship going.

Jesuuuus.... Christ.

>he pulls a miyagi fag and throws him to Hawk to catch
>hawk high fives Stingray and pounds on the guy

So good

That would've been perfectly possible in 1984 as well if Daniel hadn't started throwing his karate kicks around to attack Johnny at the beach.

I feel bad for Miguel. I hope he doesn't stay in a coma for the whole next season or become vengeful

I don't think he's gonna hold any grudges. I'm sure Robby boy is gonna beg for forgiveness and he'll just forgive him. He's gonna be the bigger man and follow his sensei's footsteps.

>show honor and mercy
>get crippled for it
Fuck Miyagi-Do

They're both grey area.

Hawk is the cobra of the sky. Stingray is the cobra of the sea. Who’s the cobra of the land?

Miggy is my niggy. Did literally nothing wrong all season except get played by some thots, and now he's suffering because of it.

What if because Johnny is having a sad and runs away

And when Miguel wakes up Johnny's not there, he's going to come back to Cobra Kai with Kreese and give up being merciful and go full NO MERCY

When Johnny finally comes to his senses it will be too late and he will be reunited with Robby who he will train

A cobra (punished Miguel)

Alli is going to fix his spine. He'll be mobile by the 3rd season tourney.

Aisha or Bebop.

It used to be Aisha because she was a large land base, but she's not with Cobra Kai anymore.

>And when Miguel wakes up Johnny's not there
Just like he wasn't there when Robbie was born.
Harsh but poetic.


That's why Johnny is so into Karate because deep down, he is a big pussy

Well Miguel's mom told him to fuck off forever. I really don't think he wants to go against her wishes.

The final episode is literally Top Ten Anime Rivalries and I loved every second of it. Just wish Danny and Johnny put aside their differences this season instead of making us wait until next year.

I desperately want him to be there, but I know he's not gonna be, and it honestly hurts.


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finishing up episode 5 now and enjoying it

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Fuck Tori, fuck ely and fuck robbyi

>Stingray is the cobra of the sea
The name is a misdirection. He's the true cobra of the land.

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But most of all fuck Kreese and FUCK DMITRI

Season 3 Kreese Kais. Johnny is blocking Hawk. These are Cobra Kais Kreese handpicked for his faction.

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Is pudgy jewfro dude Bebop or Rocksteady?

Will they get fleshed out or not?

I knew my boy Bert couldn't be a bad guy.

Avoid the thread. You might get spoiled.

They did at dinner even though they kept taking snipes at each other. Last season they did when Daniel's hot wife made them eat together and made Daniel give Johnny a replacement car. Also when they were at the bar.

They're actually pretty good bros when they're both drinking.

He got beat by the smaller Asian kid

He was fodder

I certainly hope they do. I need to care about people to root for them. and I need to know about them to care about them. I already love tory and hawk though.

I've been calling him Bebop since Bebop has historically been former white guy and Rocksteady has historically been a former black guy.


Dimitri is the most Reddit character.

>I don’t want to be Drake

No weak links in the Kreese chain

Was trusting Kreese the biggest mistake in Karate history?

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Fuck Demitri What an asshole.
Hawk took mor than he should have.

Robbie did nothing wrong.
He was a reformed good boy.
He tried to stop the final fight.
He was good to Sam.
He was a good pupil to Daniel.
He made peace with his dad.
The fight only went on as long as it did because of Miguel.
Repeat after me: Nothing wrong.
Except the medal thing, but he had a good reason for it and even confessed in the end.

he's done

It's all Sam's fault. W*men really ruin men's lives.

Even if he hadn't forced himself in Johnny's life somehow, Kreese would have fucked him over some other way. It might've taken longer, but he was always going to be able to take advantage of the fact Johnny didn't get a clean break from Cobra Kai.

>but he had a good reason for it
Nigga what
Gtfo Robbie shouldn't you be running from the cops and your responsibilities

>The fight only went on as long as it did because of Miguel.
Except the part where Miguel won and showed honor by not dislocating his shoulder and to thank him, Robbie paralyzed and possibly killed him.

I'm pretty sure (Steven Seagal) is coming back to assist Kreese in the next season, or maybe train Robbcuck into becoming a Robbchad! OR BOTH!?

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Stingray still being part of the Cobra Kai under Kreese is interesting, he looked strong despite being comedy relief, but in Season 3 seems that he will be a more serious character.

Only four now
soon to be three when Krees' actor kicks the bucket and they have to write him out of the show

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Notice how Dmitri is always the instigator and never backs down until it's too late.
>goes to the dojo and mouths off at Kreese like a sperg
>puts up a Yelp review knowing full well it would offend the Kais
>starts revealing Eli's embarrassing problems to humiliate him publicly and hides behind his friends because he's too much of a pussy to confront him like a man
Hawk had a tougher life and him because of his deformity and he shaped up and made something of it without trying to play mindgames and humiliate his old friend. Fucking hell.

>and to thank him, Robbie paralyzed and possibly killed him

Cobra Kai: Season 2 aka Robby, Sam, and Dmitri ruin everything.

This is the way of Miyagi-Do now.

>s1: miguel wears the skeleton costume to the dance
>s2: miguel wears the red cobra kai jacket
What classic look will he war in s3 bros?
>boomer and zoomer unite

I mean it'll be a funny story at the wedding if Johnny manages to patch things up with Carmen

>yeah I remember that time my step brother almost killed me

what are the consequences for robbie next season? definitely expelled, no more karate,

It's just like how the J-ws destroyed G-rmany then Hitl-r destroyed the J-ws then the J-ws destroyed the world. I feel so fu-king sm-rt right now.

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>comic relief actually gets a win over a serious character
Kino af

Nothing because his two dads will forgive him at the expense of their other relationships.

>but in Season 3 seems that he will be a more serious character.
Possibly. But that actor really can't help stealing scenes and generally being the funniest part of anything he's in.

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>some bitch is hitting your girlfriend
>push her away
>"stop, settle down, I'm sure we can figure this out"
>Miguel responds to your attempt at deescalation with more violence
Robbie did nothing wrong.


Probably jail time with his priors.

Whacha doing there, slick?

>tfw you will never attend a karate-obsessed high school in California and win super hot babes with your badass moves, over the top fights, and gratuitous borderline school riots
It hurts to live bros
Wheres my moon-fu

>hawk is gonna fugg torry
What a fucking champion

All Miguel saw was Robbie threatening his girl.

sasuke retrieval arc, Miguel as Naruto, Sam as Sakura

>tfw you're too old to care

So does that make Robbie Sasuke?


The ending was a shitty cliffhanger.

>run to break up a cat fight between your ex and current gfs
>see your exs new bf with his hand on your gfs throat and shoving her into a locker
>kick his ass because he just goes along with it and never tries to "deescalate" again because he hates you and wants nothing more than to fight
>somehow the bad guy

use spoilers please, you ruined the end of humanity for me

If only it was a stairhanger, Miggy might have a chance at walking again

is he ok?

Miyagi spinning in his grave like a jet turbine


the body bag

He never should've trained Daniel.

yep. >inb4 season 3 is cobra kai: shippuden

>he should of trained me

Is paralysis ok?

Conbra Kai is literally the only thing worth watching on TV, in theaters or streaming

He's fine he'll walk it off.

It's really hard to believe that Tory used to be on Disney shows.

miggy are you okay
miggy are you okay

are you okay miggy

Top kek

>It all would've been (relatively) fine if Miguel got there before Robbie.

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Who the fuck calls a Miguel "Miggy"?
I'm from a Spanish speaking country and I haven't heard "Miggy" once in my entire life.
Is that an American thing?

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shiggy diggy my Miggy

The show works so much better if I pretend they actually hate each other and have had a ridiculously petty rivalry since their acting careers faded decades ago.

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I see you're not familiar with the eternal Chicano.

he isn't mexican you fucking wetback

I have a friend named Mickey and we have called him Miggy for as long as I can remember, so yes?

He booked it toward the end of ep. 10 so he's going to be m.i.a next season. Miguel's in critical condition and he already has a criminal record

>he touched moon's boob
Confirmed romance for season 3

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Gonna say this now before these threads disappear into an endless sea of capeshit, nuwars and GoT until next year... I love you guys.

Bad triumvirate when?

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How is Tory not in jail?

I LOVE YOU TOO FELLOW COBRA BROS! in all seriousness you're the least insufferable thread I've come across in a long time. Stay frosty my dudes.

In season 3 Johnny and Danny are going to unite to oppose Kreese. Mark my word.

>S5 taking place in Japan
Modern Japanese watching these white people pretend to do karate would be so fucking cash

I really want to create a fake Johnny Lawrence Facebook account and just constantly boomerpost. Share clickbait about how millennials are ruining this country, Russianbot news posts that simple googling would disprove, make typos in all of my posts, etc.

>coyote creek
>johnny stands with team black (miguel) and kreese stands with team red (hawk)
>team black appears to win, before stingray sneaks up and attacks from behind, stealing his headband and winning
>just like kreese snuck into cobra kai and took it from johnny
cobra kino

>learn karate to manifest inner chad
>become white knights and suffer from defending wimmin

better to learn sooer than later. the whole history of miyagi and cobra kai is about guys trying to "muh pucci"

they need to HAVE SEX

>I feel bad for Miguel.
Fuck him. He deserved it.


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Charges haven't been pressed yet and literally 3/4 of the school would have been arrested.

cobra kino

>Danny has always been the bad guy pretending to be good
Daniel was and always will be a good guy.

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only for robbie since we see the other cobra's under kreeves's training when johnny walks in the dojo.

After the end of new season, the power league should be updated:

The students:

No 1 Miguel - Undisputed however got a potential career ending injury.

No 2 Robby - Still kept losing to a few random street fights, but constantly appears to win against the Third - Hawk.

No 3 Hawk - loss againt Dimitri is a stink, but Coyete Creek is a clear indication.

No 4 Tory with a y - fought with aggression.

No 5 Sam - more and more likely that she could spar squarely with No1 n 2 because they were easy on her.

No 6 Aisha - more experience than newcomers, but not much fight scenes

No 7 Stingray - winner in Coyete Creek and impressive performance in the final fight.

No 8 Dimitri - win against Hawk

No 9 Mitch - perfect lacky

No 10 Black Mitch (Chris) - big boy but little bitchy.

No 11 Asian Bert - impressive win against Bert and some serious moves on the dance floor.

No 12 Bert - after 1 year of practice still lost against the new kid, should feel ashame.

No 1 Daniel - controversial, but their fight just a tease, and better or worse he keeps moral high ground than Johnny.

No 2 Johnny - still in evolving stage, but in a fight with Daniel has teased he had learned some sick moves else where (so promising in the future).

No 3 Kreese - old man, lost it but still knows dirty tricks to keep him relevent.

I wish Terry shows up in S3. I mean he already did in flashbacks.

>tfw the gay karate ex-world champion of Reseda peace guy was always right right all along
now I understand how you na-is feel about h-t--r

>No 1 Miguel
lol no

Daniel is a fucking douche.

He's Ecuadorian you ignorant slut

Miyagi-Do students suck. Even Sam, who is supposed to be trained since childhood by her father.

WE /Bruminating/ now?

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>Daniel is a fucking douche.

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>No 7 Stingray - winner in Coyete Creek and impressive performance in the final fight.

Stingray, while based, did not have an impressive performance in the final fight. He literally ran around destroying fighters who were already engaged in fights themselves like someone pushed the assist button on a Marvel vs Capcom game.

Ending of S2 was kinda shlock-y

pretty much these threads will stay for a week or so and disappear

Why is Black Mitch not last?

>eyo man I be wantin ta join NIGGY-DOE
>err, its Miyagi-do
>ey whateva man fuck you Italian ass lookin white boy, who dat skinny whiteboi ovah dere? Can I karate him? Also damn yo daughta got a fine cornbread ass SHIIIIIIEEEEEEETT


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I'm going to take everything I learned from karate kid to learn how to become a killing machine. Wish me luck with my training with ghost miyagi sensei. I will be best.

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>Robbie kills Miguel with the same move Miguel uses on him to win the all valley tournament

absolute pottery, nolan can't compete

user, are you okay?

>coming to the dojo with his shoes on
Stealing a medal of honor was really low. Daniel still keeps moral high ground than Johnny and his jerks.

I just want there to be a moment when Daniel realizes that Miguel is the most like him and that he was wrong about him all the time. And then tells him. "I guess you are the the new Karate kid. and I was wrong all along"

He still did a lot more than the others

He needs to return

2nd season became full blown live action anime

So Robbie will join Cobra Kai now since Daniel kicked him out?

So, about Kreese's backstory...

Could any military anons confirm whether or not Kreese would have been blocked by screening in the late 80's/early 90's? I would have bought it id he was some low level army grunt, but he was:
A. a Green Beret
B. a Captain with combat exp
C. Karate champion with experience in training teenagers.

If not for nepotism from high ranking buddies, wouldn't the Army overlook his issues in favor of his experience, skills and teaching method, which would be infinitely more valuable in combat?

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>Ending of S2 was kinda shlock-y
Remember ending of Karate Kid part II? Where Daniel has to fight to the death.

>Miguel, it is time for you to become Karate Kid 5: The Ressurection of Miyagi

Danny always hides behind "miyagi-do is only for defense" and "never strike first".

But he's constantly trying to provoke and antagonise people into fighting anyways, yet keeping his fake honour.

Danny is and forever will be the bad guy.


Robby will leave the country for attempted murder. No way he's staying after that

Just finished it.
Can we all agree that Sam was a fucking bitch all season long and deserved everything bad that happened to her?
>accused Tory of being a thief, started a fight with her and never apologised
>seduced Robby even though she knew his home life situation and how them being together might fuck it up - did it anyway
>accosted Tory at her job after acting like a bitchy customer before she even knew it was Tory
>ruined her friendship with big girl cause of Tory
>got really drunk at the party because she was insecure and then kissed Miguel, ruining his relationship and cheating on Robby
>convinced Robby to help her go behind her parents' back, hurting Robby's relationship with Daniel and Jonny
>still thinks she's in the right
And that's just this season. Let's ignore all the shit she pulled last season...

This, he the most he got going for him is his size and adult strength

when he was first introduced, I was a bit worried that he'd be a stupid recurring character that was some meta joke
but they used him really well I thought by having him only in the background

I know he's from Ecuador you retard, I'm talking about the form "Miggy", because that sure as shit isn't used in my Spanish speaking country and I know like two dozen Miguels.

Miguel did nothing wrong. He's a kid still learning his way, and he has more honour than literally every other character in the show.

Honestly in my head I feel like these seasons are just long form Karate Kid movies, especially since I watched both in one sititng. So it feels like I just got done watching Karate Kid 5. Forgetting about that really shitty one that I think they retconned(They've said in multiple interviews that "anything from Karate Kid 1,2,3 is on the table")

>Forgetting about that really shitty one that I think they retconned
Karate Kid 3 is 100% canon

Pretty sure the age restrictions are lax for prior enlisted no matter what you've accomplished.

I also remember Kreese mentioning a psyche evaluation or something like that preventing him from reenlisting, which is the standard today.

Something probably happened on one of Nam tours that kept them from letting him re-enlist. Pic possibly related

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fuck bitches fuck tricks

I hope it ends after S3. It is great, so it needs to end on a higher note.

I agree with everything except ruining Robby's relationship with Johnny. She ruined Johnny's relationship with Daniel, but Robby and him have never been closer. But yeah even all those tight leggings couldn't redeem her this season

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We're not in a Spanish speaking country idiot

Aren't Kreese and Silver too young to be Vietnam vets?

He'll use the addict mother, troubled childhood defense. Daniel can lawyer him up with the best attorneys money can buy. Plus he's white.

Why Daniel kids are so fat? He is scrawny, but his kids... Maybe his wife cheated on him.

Thought for sure when Johnny kicked out Kreese that he was going to come back with Silver and do a hostile takeover of Cobra Kai (Silver owns it anyway). But I guess what they did works too.

He's talking about the Hillary Swank Karate Kid, I think which is not canon. 3 is canon although it wasn't very good.

>miguel: hey, about coyote creek the other day, are we cool?
>hawk: we were enemies for a day; we're cobra kai for life
s3 is gonna be miguel going with johnny to miyagi do, and hawk feeling betrayed by his best friend. Hawk-ino coming soon, get hype.

I don't think even Daniel hates Cobra Kai enough to let Robby get away with breaking Miguel's spine-scot free

I agree with you 100% but just wait for it.
COMING SOON "THE NEXT COBRA KAI" or "COBRA KAI STRIKES BACK". But seriously you know ralph macchio is in control and wont let the kikes ruin it. I have faith he'll Honor Pats memory with a good ending.

To be fair, that latina trash attacked him first

The actor who plays Kreese is 73. If the character is the same age, he definitely could have fought in Vietnam.

I was talking about the psych evals. Which I assume would have been much more loose in that time.

>Hillary Swank Karate Kid
I hope she will have a cameo. I mean what Hillary Swank is doing nowadays? She could do this

Neither him or his wife are jewish.
Sam is,
Go figure.

Seriously some things that went unmentioned in these threads.
>Danny acting like a snooty cunt about Johnny ordering Coors at a trash mexican restaurant.
>Doesn't tell Johnny that his fucking minor son is now staying at this house just because he saw someone he doesn't like.
>Breaking into Johnny's apartment and not listening to Johnny explain they just crashed there because they were drunk teenagers.
>Pulls the whole "I guess you are a Lawrence" card on Robby out of now where. Which would be one thing if he wasn't trying to be Mr. Cool and Balance.
>Doesn't mention FUCKING ANYTHING that HIS student almost killed Johnny's after Miguel showed mercy and apologized to Robby, but still acts like Mr. Honorable and wants to continue attacking Cobra Kai even though it was his student that almost murdered someone. He still wants to hate on Miguel who was the "troubled new kid that learned karate by an old handy man" that Danny basis his entire life around.

No matter what camp you're in now you better do what's right and pay your respects. The man was a fucking legend!


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>He is scrawny
Have you seen Daniel in KK3?

Miyagi Kai will be the dojo that emerges in season 3 to go against Kreese's Cobra Kai. Johnny has no dojo and Daniel has no time, they'll combine their styles into a new style and win the all valley against try-hard Hawk or maybe based Stingray (please not the girl though.)

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>they had to make Ralph Macchio look extra dorky and older to play an older Danial LaRusso
>even though he's the oldest out of everyone (not Kreese)

This man ignores ageing.

Was 22 during the first Karate Kid movie, and he's currently 57.

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Yeah, I stopped rooting for Cobra Kai after they stole a medal. This was really low. It's good they didn't trash Daniel's old car.

Dude is an adult fighting kids, of course he is strong.
I know people like Dimitri, always instigating a fight and then backing down and acting like a victim once he got his shit pushed in. I fucking hate those people.

Cobra Kai didn't steal the metal, that was very obviously Kreese-Kai.

There are some lines you just don't cross and they crossed it.

Fuck this, I'm done playing. I need more Piper in whatever context I can get. she is just INCREDIBLE to look at.

>Stingray in the all valley
>Late 20s to mid 30s guy in a high school wrestling championship

>Miyagi Kai will be the dojo that emerges in season 3
That's how this series will end

Because if the police were ever involved it wouldn't be a fun tv show and just a bunch of lawsuits.

I was kinda hoping for a season set in college or something.

I would be ok with this. They let men compete as women, boys compete as girls, so you mind as well let man children compete as children, amirite?

Yea generally been rooting for Johnny but those parts made me sad. Especially the car part with the flashbacks.

Ah yes because this is a show that very closely follows the rules of Martial Arts. Was just a suggestion though, will more than likely be Hawk or le bad ass female.

I mentioned this in another thread but I think stealing a war hero's medal of honor was Hawk acting alone. Miyagi was a member of the 442nd Infantry Regiment which is literally the most decorated regiment in US Military history. Even though Kreese hated Miyagi, they were both military men, and that's a line I don't think he'd cross or condone his student crossing.

Nah, the show's called Cobra Kai and Johnny's entire arc/goal throughout has been to change Cobra Kai into something better.
If they go to Miyagi-Do, then Cobra Kai becomes the shallow evil antagonist that they have to take down.

I reckon he'll make peace with Daniel but then go independent and make a "New Cobra Kai" or something

How come Miyagi can barely speak English but is somehow a soldier of the American Army while they fought against his home country? Shouldn't he speak better English if he lived there for 30 or so years, and shouldn't he fight for the Japanese army?

Looks like s3 is going to be the end then, boys.

I would prefer Kreese-Kai to use Stingray as some sort of wrecking ball monster adult who terrorizes much weaker teenagers and then on the sidelines rooting for heel Robby in the all valley.



It's fucked up how literally everything you said is true.
I can't tell if we're supposed to hate Daniel and Sam or if they're supposed to be the actual good guys

Yeah I didn't mean Kreese himself stole the medal or told Hawk to, just that it was very obviously his tutelage and attitude showing through those actions.

I live in America for almost 10 years and I can barely speak english. I just don't care.

You have to be pretty fucking dense to think that having Stingray make it to the finals of the all valley wouldn't be pretty stupid. I would love a joke of him trying to compete and then being found out as an adult.

what does "kai" even mean

Ok, but in a war with your home country would you fight valiantly for America?

Look up the history of the 442nd infantry. They were completely made up of 2nd generation Japanese-Americans, most of whom had family in internment camps. They weren't allowed to fight in the Pacific Theater. They were sent to Southern France, Germany, and Italy.

America first buddy, maybe you've heard of this before? Anywho I can't understand ni--ers 90% of the time and they're born here so eat my a-s.

Now I need to know. Those tits are delicious to look at.

Why is everyone saying season 3 is going to be the end?
Did they announce something or is it just speculation? As youtube's only successful show, isn't it more likely they'll drag it out for at least 5 seasons?

It was just a suggestion, you'd have to be pretty fucking autistic to take this much offense to the idea. Relax dickhead, it's a tv show about highschoolers doing karate.

Here it is used as "club" but it also means a meeting.

if we go by villain kino route then there will be 5

Be Robbie:
>have an alcoholic whore of a mother and a father that cares more about a beaner kid and his hot mom
>get adopted and seduced by your foster father's daughter who still has feelings for the spic kid your father loves
>Be forced to cover for your gf because she is unable to tell her parents she drank this one time
>Be the model son and still get dumped by your foster father because you didn't play nanny to his daughter
>your gf cheats on you and refuses to tell the truth with you having to learn it in front of the entire school from the local bimbo slut
>try to separate the cat fight anyway, only to be maniacally jumped by the spic kid that is ruining your life every step of the way
>forced to defend yourself and now everyone hates you
>probably end in a detention center were 2 black guys are waiting for him
That kid can't catch a break

So we all agree that the last episode of the entire show will end with Jaden Smith cameo'ing, right?

lol you're the one getting defensive. Just shitposting myself too dude, sorry your idea was dumb.

I mean anger aside, it was pretty fucking psychopathic of him to be shown obvious mercy and then still spinning kick the kid off a balcony.


Speculation. I just don't want it to drag. Season 2 is good, but I am afraid that it will grow tiresome really soon. Better to end on a higher note.

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith are both Executive Producers of the show.

>kung fu

anime shows with teens end at senior high

>Jaden Smith
Nah, they better bring up Terry Silver of Hillary Swank for a cameo.

It's obvious he didn't mean for him to fall off a balcony

As long as the quality doesn't dip, they keep the half hour episode format, keep the same writers, cast, and crew, I think it could go on for a while. I have never met anyone who doesn't love the show.

Besides, it isn't like Ralph Macchio and William Zabka have shit else to do.

The bad thing is that that angry spic will play a victim card.

>be Miguel
>fight Robbie
>clearly win and have him in a submission hold
>remember what your sensei father-figure taught you and show mercy
>suck up your pride and apologise
>get sucker-kicked off the side of the railing, knocked unconscious and suffer spinal damage
But yeah, poor Robbie

Yeah but the spin kick was completely uncalled for in the first place.

Jaden Smith is owned by Netflix.

It's not his fault Miguelito doesn't have any sense of balance

This season only covered like 2/3 months of their summer vacation.
They won't cover the entire school year in a single season unless they rush. The standard format is a season for fall to christmas and then another from new year to the summer

Yeah I'll agree with that, but what kind of martial arts practitioner (who spent all of season 2 studying movement/placement/surroundings) can't realize "Hey, maybe I shouldn't perform this move that's gonna propel this kid towards a 15 foot railing?"

>Besides, it isn't like Ralph Macchio and William Zabka have shit else to do.
You can't re-igniting their rivalry every season. Season 3 needs to be the finale.

>get surprise kicked off the side of a ledge after being the bigger man
>"woah man, not my fault you can't balance yourself on a railing"

Man, I would love to see behind the scenes of filming process, or at least know more about the performances
like the floating platform? and did zabka break those bricks for real?

>It's not his fault Miguelito doesn't have any sense of balance
This. Besides spic started it all.

Or they could grow as characters? You know, maybe they finally put their rivalry to bed and work together against Kreese and Silver.
And then at the very end of the show, for old times sake, they can finally have their final fight

They are a long ass way from reconciling with one another. Besides, it is all but confirmed that season 3 will bring back Alli who was the original powder keg between them.

The floating platform was very clearly connected to a support underneath that let them tilt it however it was needed.
I would bet money that the bricks were something like polystyrene/pvc/paper-mache painted to look like bricks

There is really a lot they can do with the leftover stuff from Karate kid 2 and 3.
Would love to see that bitch girl return as a member of Kreese cobra kai. And maybe 2 episode arch where Johnny and Miguel go to Ecuador and have an experience a la karate kid 2. Even though it's the student from that country. Really want to just see heel Robby trained by Kreese, Barnes and Nichols as the new bad guy.

>bring back Alli
I get why Johnny still thinks about her, but Danny? What about his "Glory of Love" with Kumiko?

Trolling aside, I've yet to here one cogent argument defending Robbie's actions. It's all Robbiefags arguing to Miguelfags that Miguel should have moved/etc.

It is objectively fucking crazy of the kid to go out of his way to keep fighting after Miguel literally apologized and spared him.

I got it confused with Terry Nichols. The terrorist. My bad.

>io9: The first season, to me, felt like, “If we don’t get a second season, this is everything we’ve got.” But watching season two, I really felt like the story was digging in for the long haul. It’s really developing the characters and setting a bar for much more to come. Was that sort of the mantra the whole way through? Am I taking the right thing away from the season?

>Ralph Macchio: Yes, that’s the dead-on right take away and it’s great to hear because you’re one of the first I’m talking to that didn’t work on the show, that has seen the whole show. It’s really cool.

>Listen, we always felt we wanted it to go on for several seasons. Whether that’s three, five, seven, or 15? I don’t know.

tl;dr: They plan on making as many seasons as they can until they run out of story or quality drops.

>Miguel literally apologized and spared him.
In the middle of the fight, when blood is hot? Yeah, good luck with that.

I could be happily married to a great woman but if I saw my first love again, there would still be something there. I wouldn't act on it but there would still be some fire burning.

Zabka continued on with his Karate after his acting career and taught his kids.

It's quite possible he could do it for real, but given that it's just a show and they need to do multiple takes, it was probably soft stuff.


That's what actually happened, though. Not Miguel's fault Robbie didn't take Danny's lessons about self-defense to heart.

I have no idea what you are trying to say because that literally did happen so.....

Attached: 1262.gif (272x210, 32K)

His first love was a girl in Jersey

That means that spic is an idiot.

Biggest question I have, what's gonna happen with Ali, is she gonna be a filler character just for nostalgia pandering or will she actually have an impact on the plot?

So like I was saying before, not a single cogent argument has been brought up in Robbie's defense. It's almost as if Robbiefags just gotta swallow that their boy was in the wrong here.

>believing Kreese's lies

/pol/ harder you filthy white 'suprumuceest'

She's a pediatric surgeon, maybe she comes in to help Miggie?

Few episodes at most. Like Danny's mum sorta thing.

I do think there would be a time skip for Miguel's recovery if he is still meant to be a martial artist. Otherwise he will be a cripple whole season.

Yeah, it's better to end after S3.

Attached: yiks.png (569x305, 139K)

Well, seeing as how she's a pediatric surgeon who will be able to fix Miggy's spine and the show is about a rivalry between Daniel and Johnny, and she was the original cause of that rivalry, I'd say she's going to make a major impact on the show.

Attached: 2-8-2.webm (1242x1844, 2.96M)

Her actress is too expensive. And she doesn't like Ralph, so I hardly doubt she will be involved. Maybe for just one episodes like that cringy episode with Johnny's friends. Wow, the "get him in a body bag" guy ended up in a body bag. So cringy.

Attached: PromoImage.png (1760x904, 2.69M)

There is no way they can't use a timeskip here, his spine/neck is FUCKED that's at least a year of recovering+PT probably more than that.

Unless Miguel is just meant to be a walking lesson for the rest of the kids and their actions which would be total shit.

remember okinawa

>people with valuable opinions
Pick one.

You shut your whore mouth about Tommy.

51st All Valley Tournment predictions? They have enough main characters that even the final villain against presumably Miguel is up in the air.

You seriously think YouTube can't afford Elisabeth fucking Shue?

kek why does the final fight scene sound like anime

>And she doesn't like Ralph

>walking lesson

Attached: smellovision.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

the entire season was anime

if Yea Forums knows anything it's that it isn't hard for a decent show to overstay its welcome


based and willpilled

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You saying Kreese is only pretending to be homeless?

I watched this last night. She initially doubted he could because he was a scrawny kid who didn't look like he could carry these fight scenes but she ended up being impressed with him. She also admitted that KK1 absolutely stood the test of time.

Attached: avangemiguel.png (612x844, 478K)

>literally nothing
So you did pull it out of your ass. Nice.

Wow Danielfags are pretentious.

No. NO. Fuck you. Take your capeshit memes and leave.

Zabka confirmed that he does all of his stunts except for the motorcycle scenes. So, yes, he broke the bricks himself.

>So, yes, he broke the bricks himself.
It is so obvious that writers favor Cobra Kai more.

Shit, i forgot this was coming out. Gonna go watch now.

Stay away from here until you do. You don't want spoilers.

Huh, it's almost as if it's the name of the entire fucking show.

Alli only serves as closure. Daniel is happily married, and Johnny wants to win back Carmen and be a good dad to robbie and miguel. Alli can come back just for johnny to finally get over her and let it all go.

Tory ( passionate, survivor, hard worker, warrior )
Sam ( dad's little girl, spoiled, the classic naive pretender THOT )

It's campy as fuck and I loved every minute of it


>Get jumped on by Miguel while trying to break up the girl fight.
>get beaten up and humiliated because tge spic kid decided to be "merciful" even though the whole thing started because of him

>"HEH-heh, it's cool bro, i apologized. No hard feelings?"

That's just a meme. Original Daniel was just a normal teenager.
Johnny almost killed him if it wasn't for Mr. Miyagi.

tory is straight with you
sam plays games

When you get your ass handed to you in a fight and your opponent decides not to break your arm and even apologises, it's generally considered bad form to sucker punch your opponent when their guard is down.
Especially when you try and take the moral high ground pretending to only fight for self-defence

Johnny also went full asshole against him. If anything, both are to blame.

Not to mention Miguel released the hold and just whispered "Sorry" while Robby was face-down in the middle of a crowded hall filled with screaming teenagers.

Robby was in the wrong to flee the scene, but what happened was understandable given the context. Plus they were both unleashing heavy kicks over that rail, it wasn't like Robby suddenly escalated.

If Robbie isn't in jail or a fugitive next season, this show will be completely divorced from reality. Best case scenario is that he'd be tried as a minor and Miguel survives so the charge is felony battery, not manslaughter.

Do it

Tory was easily best girl. It wouldn't even be a question if she hadn't taken out her knuckle duster in the final fight. But even then, considering the amount of times Sam had been a bitch, honestly she had it coming

Whether you're a Robbiefag, Miguelfag, Johnnyfag, Danielfag, Kreesefag, etc etc...
We can all agree that this bitch is to be blamed for the shit in season 2 right?

>accuses Tory of stealing her mom's wallet with no proof
>goes to party where friend wants to mend fences between CK and MD, cries when she sees CK members there
>proceeds to get drunk (despite shaming Tory for it earlier) and act like a bitch
>pushes Robbie away when he wants to help
>goes out of her way to kiss a clearly confused Miguel when she is there with Robbie and Miggie is there with Tory
Fuck this bitch, absolutely no redeeming qualities to her. Not even her chubby tits and weird ass.

Attached: Slarusso.jpg (916x1053, 154K)


That could tie into a time skip as people above have theorised. Robbie in juvie and Miguel recovering.
Or they could jump the shark and have Robbie go on the run

>Show goes out of the way to portray both Daniel & Johnny and Miguel & Robbie as flawed and both in the wrong in regards to their rivalries.
>Lays it thicker than blood than it'll all lead to them teaming-up against Kreese Kai.
>Yea Forums insists that Johnny & Miguel are clear-cut heroes and Daniel & Robbie are clear-cut villains

Attached: I dunno.jpg (1698x1131, 214K)

not bad kid

Her ass makes up for a lot of thigs, though.

it did look really funky in the shot
oh cool, that's really great
but it was cut in a really weird way, either taking away at it or actually concealing something

DESU I expected Peyton to graduate from The Disney Channel to Disney's Marvel. Tory was quite a surprise.

I don't see season 3 being the end. Maybe one more season with Terry Silver showing up


There's two sides to every story. My side, your side and usually in the middle lies the truth. Daniel wasn't without fault in KK1 but Johnny's attacks were borderline attempted murder (throwing him off of his bike down a hill for example)

>dad's little girl, spoiled
It's not Sam's fault that Tory's parents are losers. Daniel was also a poor kid, but he never gave up and in the end became rich.

Damn Robbiefags don't even make it hard.. Quite the selective memory here. They're in the middle of a school-wide brawl and the moment Miguel gets on the scene there is a loud SLAM, the crowd goes ooooooooh damn and Miguel sees Robbie pushing Tory against a locker. So naturally Miguel tackles Robbie (after Robbie kicks the first guy who tries to help Tory to the floor) tempers are high, it's only natural.

Despite all of that though Miguel still spares Robbie's bitch ass. Also the apology was from 2 feet away and there was next to no crowd noises going on at that moment (they made a point to highlight all the crowd oohs and ahs) so let's not act like the little psycho didn't hear it.

So what? You should suck your attacker's dick just because he said sorry while beating you and humiliating you with the "bigger man" shit? I prefer to have my arm broken or dropped uncouncious than getting pity from a guy that was quite clearly the aggressor. The same guy that exploited Robbie's injury to win the first time

Johnny literally spelled it out in one episode that no one black and white. Everyone is a shade of grey.

Girls are always the problem off all problems between men. Even the very first Karate Kid showed this.

>tempers are high, it's only natural
Like you said it. Spic attacked first, so of course Robbie was pissed.

Our boys Miguel and Hawk will still be friends r-right??

While KK3 is considered canon, the show distances itself from it because it was horrible. Ralph Macchio said that his lines in that one episode were absolutely tongue-in-cheek and direct reference to how bad KK3 was.

>I was a Cobra Kai.
>You never told me this.
>It isn't something I'm very proud of.

You should have humility in defeat. That's why Hawk is the literal antagonist of the show. And why Robbie is apparently no better

That's why she'll train in Kreese Kai next season, so she can be a winner

>the show distances itself from it because it was horrible
Writers adore KK3 tho, because it was about Cobra Kai again

Martin Kove was born in 1946, so if the character is the same age and he entered the military as an officer with a four-year degree, he could have arrived in the 'Nam around the 1968 Tet Offensive.

To be fair, the film makes no sense
>Be Silver
>Want to humiliate a teenage boy for mentally breaking your war veteran buddy
>Decide to genuinely teach him your form of karate to show how much better it is in order to stop him winning the tournament (where you've hired the best kid in the state to compete to kick his ass)
There's zero logic to it

but it's true

Robbie made one mistake and will obviously atone for it someway somehow.

Hawk is making several mistakes and digging himself deeper every time. And even then he's not entire beyond redemption.

By your own logic, Robbie "attacked" first and Miguel was retaliating.

You think Miguel wasn't pissed this whole time? Yet he still spared Robbie when it was all said and done. You can try this all day but there is no argument you can make in Robbie's favor here besides "lol he was mad spic deserved it". So like I originally said.. still waiting on a cogent argument defending Robbie's psycho ass paralyzing Miguel.

That would be the best outcome
>Kreese recruits punished Robbie
>Johnny and Daniel team up to teach Miguel
>Sam follows Robbie to Kreese

Nah that's gonna be Tory.

Not that guy, but they were both angry and not thinking clearly. Robbie made a mistake in the heat of the moment, but to act like he went out of his way to deliberately attack Miguel after surrender and throw him off that railing is just character-waking for Miguel.

>Because if the police were ever involved it wouldn't be a fun tv show and just a bunch of lawsuits.
Why couldn't Cobra Kai Season 3 be a courtroom drama?

It'll be both. Then after Miguel and Sam inevitably get back together Robbie hooks up with Tory.

Earlier at that party Hawk dumped his drink on Dimitri just for trying to have a friendly conversation with him (probably because Hawk didn't like how it was poking a hole in his Alpah Chad Definitely Not A Nerd persona). Dimitri was probably fed up at this point with Hawk's shit so he decides to go up on stage to air his dirty laundry as a form of payback.

Macchio also said most people haven't seen it. When he was watching season two with his wife and he said "Because I was a Cobra Kai" she screamed at the TV and said, "No you weren't!!" His own wife had either never seen it or forgotten it.

My nigga Miggy deserves better than that whore

>"but to act like he went out of his way to deliberately attack Miguel after surrender and throw him off that railing is just character-waking for Miguel."

Bro the fight was over, he lost and was shown mercy by the guy who beat him. So what's he do next? Scream like a nutcase, spin around and elbow him in the neck and kick him (despite what the ending result was). You literally can't slice this is a way that makes Robbie look "ok/good" he should have taken his sensei's teachings to heart and accepted what happened and moved on.

>that's a line I don't think he'd cross or condone his student crossing.
Eli said he's "on the spectrum" before becoming Hawk. You think an autist would be mind-modeling Sensei Kreese well enough to know he'd kick his ass if he caught him showing off the stolen medal?