Are arthouse films inherently feminine? You need to have feminine sensibilities to enjoy slow art. I don't know any macho, high test muscular guys that like art house films.
Are arthouse films inherently feminine? You need to have feminine sensibilities to enjoy slow art...
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Tarkovsky would fuck up any capeshit manchild today easy.
beating up children is a sign of low test
Tarkovsky isn't arthouse. Arthouse isn't a real genre anywhere but the US. This is because the US was the only nation whose cinema was considered a product more than it was considered art. The idea of masculinity you believe in is a child's vision of masculinity. It is what greedy and cynical producers presented to immature minds to make money. Consider that the current generation is weaker and more effeminate than previous generations. Prior generations liked slower movie. Casablanca is a more masculine movie than Die Hard. Casablanca portrays the fantasy of a masculine man--protecting a defenseless woman. Die Hard portrays a female fantasy masked as a male fantasy--90 minutes of a strong, muscular man
overcoming pain.
ghost story was pretty rad
So is browsing Yea Forums and pretending you're manly. Actual men aren't schizo about it due to insecurity. You write like a black kid, by the way.
>I don't know any macho, high test muscular guys
That's because you're a sperg with no friends and no future.
fuck that movie was lame i only got 30 mins into it
>So is browsing Yea Forums and pretending you're manly.
where is this happening? i'm not pretending to be macho you fat faggot. stop proejecting
>You write like a black kid, by the way
reddit as fuck
having a future is feminine
Sucessfully asking the hard hitting questions about metaphysical qualities is a masculine quality if you ask me
I'm guessing your IQ and low income parents are the reason for that.
>where is this happening?
>"you're low T!"
>"having a future is feminine!"
>"no u!"
You realize we can read all your posts, right?
no, and your post is obviously driven by insecurity. you're deliberately trying to conjure up some image of a meathead type frat bro and act as if this applies to all guys with better jaw lines than you, but lots of "macho", "high test", and "muscular" guys don't fit that stereotype. there are directors of arthouse films who are themselves very masculine, john cassavestes for example.
I wish I had a bait image. Excellent work, almost pasta-caliber.
only feminine men have ever claimed that pondering metaphysical shit is masculine
stop projecting. art house is for losers
14-22 year old confirmed. Come back when your beard fills in.
t. discordtranny
You don't know any women that like them either so that doesn't prove anything.
>Are arthouse films inherently feminine?
yes, they're basedcore
you see chad watching terrence malick? no
"smart" movies are for incels who dont excell at anything physical
>only feminine men have ever claimed that pondering metaphysical shit is masculine
When you grow old and have no wisdom to show for it, you're only going to be soaking up the resources of the young. Soaking up resources like that is a pretty feminine quality if you ask me
So you're basically saying that thinking is a feminine faculty? You must hate men.
>when you're subhuman, so no one else can be both athletic and intelligent either
Read Plato. Exercising is not a goal in itself. You only do it to strengthen the mind. Plato agrees that studying excessively without doing physical training weakens the mind though.
>this much cope so he can continue watching braindead kiddie capeshit flicks without feeling like a manchild
yikes oof and everything else
very specific age range. did you just turn 23? being an "oldfag" hasn't been cool since 2012. zoomers are infinitely more based than millennials
t. jordan peterson fan
being wise is not a personality
no im saying arthouse films are feminine
if you're athletic you dont need to be intelligent
studying is the estrongen male's way to cope with his lack of social life
Have sex.
procreation is undeniably a feminine trait
why are you even having this discussion if you believe thinking alone is feminine
aren't you growing tits with each post you write
Have sex
>very specific age range. did you just turn 23?
No, generally people aren't real adults until their mid twenties these days and it's exclusively non-adults that post that meme. Your defense of the most cucked generation is further proof.
>claims to be intelligent connoisseur of arthouse kinos
>doesn't get ghost story
brah do you even know how to watch movies
Tarkovsky was born in 1932, he grew up during the stalinist terror, ww2 and post ww2 famine. And he made slow, sentimental, intimate art.
You were born in the 90s-00s and grew up during the peak of consumerist society, with vast amounts of different forms of entertainment available at any given time, you never knew hunger, never knew any real hardship. And you crave entertainment that adheres to your perverted idea of masculinity - cruel, unemotional, primeval - almost homosexual in nature.
What does it say about you?
Is fapping to gay porn a feminine quality?
shitposting and bait =/= thinking. bait is masculine. why do you think the term is fisher"men"?
>Have sex
Have sex
zoomers are the most chad generation since the rennaissance
its not hard to get. it's just that it's shit. wow a long shot of a generic looking woman eating pie for 20 minutes.. so masculine
ITT: everyone taking the middle school zoomer discord bait
>still doesn't get ghost story
>tense scene
>something is wrong
That movie fucking sucked. Just because it's artsy doesn't mean it's automatically good.
>stalinist terror, ww2 and post ww2 famine
s o y-tier """"tragedies"""
>And he made slow, sentimental, intimate art.
>You were born in the 90s-00s and grew up during the peak of consumerist society
unironically more bleak and goddless than living through meme war 1&2 and stalininst terror. being able to live under walmart and disney's rule is a bigger sign of perseverance than under stalinist terror
homosexuality is feminine
Was it too intelligent or too feminine for you?
But isn't liking women feminine? You are what you fuck.
it's quintessential starbucks art house
Extremely based & incredibly redpilled
seeing the funny side in life is the only masculine thing left
thats the most cold take generic opinion you could possibly have
this. i'd rather fight in stalingrad or whatever than be forced to go through this clown world where all women are too corrupted to ever be wife material. Look at all the people becoming doomers with no hope for the future. There weren't any doomers back then because their life was spiritually easier, war or not.
too Reddit
exactly what about it was "intelligent"?
hey user
What the fuck is memebucks memehouse you fucking retard? No wonder you couldn't understand ghost story, you're literally mentally disabled.
whats up user
it's one degree removed from mcdonalds arthouse
it's a pretty straightforward term
guess you're not as smart as you think
>mcdonalds arthouse
>waaaaaaaaaaaah women don't want to have sex with me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I wish I was in ww2 stalingrad I bet it was exactly like my le epic video games waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
absolutely pathetic, I'm telefaxing your post right to your father so he can see how much of a worthless failure tranny his son has become
you sound like you should clean your room. the end of the world is not quite near yet, you'll die before it.
i want to solicit from you a sneed
just wanted to tell you I hope you slit your wrists
doesn't high test at some point turn into autism? so we have to find out what movies autistic people like and that'll objectively be the highest test, manliest movie
It's because you say shit like this that your dad is beating you to begin with.
no. much of our current ideals of masculinity and machoism are shaped by capitalism and industrial society, which require breadwinners (mostly men) to be tough stoic and the likes. Going back to classical times, most men were expected to have some sort of appreciation for fine arts, especially poetry, which throughout history has been very male dominated.
35 year old children.
>can't understand ghost house
>calls it starbucks mcdonalds memehouse
>still doesn't get it
kys retard and come back as a ghost maybe then we can discuss ghost story
>Going back to classical times, most men were expected to have some sort of appreciation for fine arts, especially poetry, which throughout history has been very male dominated.
you're going back to an arbitrary time in history. you go back even further than your "classical times" and it was still breadwinners/tough stoicism
i like how all your posts fail to respond to the people you're arguing with. is it an aesthetic choice?
>AbbVie aggressively marketed Androgel on television, despite the fact that testosterone treatments were causing elevated rates of heart attacks.
>4,500 of the nearly 7,000 lawsuits involve AbbVie’s Androgel, which is considered the ‘Low T’ market leader. It is notable that AbbVie promoted the Androgel drug off-label. In fact, a former FDA head, David Kessler, told jurors in an another testosterone lawsuit, that he believes that AbbVie illegally promoted the testosterone supplement to aging men, without testing the safety of doing so. To quote his testimony:
>“What the companies in essence did was to take those indications of low testosterone in men for specific reasons [and] the company in essence broke that link,” “It was no longer [being marketed] for specific diseases; it was for low testosterone for a broad range of issues.”
>The drug companies pushed to market the drug off-label, regardless of whether ‘Low T’ was a scientifically valid condition or simply the natural aging process.
"High test" meme on Yea Forums and in gym culture is an astroturf by big pharma.
>Side effects include strokes, elevated risk of heart attack and blood clots.
formerly buck-o
>>being able to live under walmart and disney's rule is a bigger sign of perseverance than under stalinist terror
but you can just stop watching disney and stop buying from walmart.
Name a high paying profession that doesn’t require patience or concentration. Enjoying landscaping my yard, you zoomer homo.
based boomer mindset poster
landscaping is unironically one of the most masculine arts
>this guy is somebody's son
You make a strong case for vasectomies, lad.
go back to china
did you just run out of insults?
>an arbitrary time in history
I mean if you consider the dawn of civilization to 1900 AD to be an arbitrary time period then yeah, I guess. Even the oldest known piece of literature, the epic of Gilgamesh (about 4000 years old) portrays men, even heroic men as being much more emotional then what we would consider to be normal in today's society. You could say the same with Achilles in the Iliad, he was heroic and "manly", but also very emotionally sensitive, and the Greeks and Romans saw him as the masculine ideal.
What documented mental illnesses do you have OP?
>so braindead he can only think in buzzwords and memes
fuck retards like you
why is it considered a "boomer mindset" to not watch one set of movies produced by one company and not buy from a specific supermarket.
nice poorfag cope
attention craving.
you don't even know what art is dumbass
>memes, buzzwords, low effort bait
>still doesn't get ghost story
calm down
Yes. Look up the extreme male brain theory.
story of gilgamesh was a cia propaganda project to make you think that procreation turns you into a limp and shriveled old man. google search "epic of gilgamesh" i dare you to find a single article or mention of it before the 1960s. it was written by them in the 60s. not hard to convince idiots like you it's an ancient piece of """lost""" literature
its boomer mindset to think that boycotting and not using a product is enough to stop these companies from fucking every hole you have
it sure as shit isn't a video of some retarded looking kid making a glass of milk fall on the table without touching it with classical music playing in the background
based ghoststory poster
>landscaping is unironically one of the most masculine arts
ay pedro fetch me some agua
how exactly are disney and walmart fucking you up.
Yes everything is effeminate, the only cool high test thing is having hard anal sex with big muscular men and consume their seed
>Gilgamesh is a CIA psyop
This is going to be good.
Is OP inherently a fag?
>story of gilgamesh was a cia propaganda project
Nothing is more beta then worrying about if what you enjoy is manly. Reminds me of this faggot
>their seed
their sneed
Stop falling for bait you retards
>are arthouse films based on illogical premises and fantasy’s that only exist in the minds of the sheltered?
>Name a high paying profession that doesn’t require patience or concentration
underwater welder, only pays high cause of high risk, which is manly
It's not bait, it's truth. The Greeks were fucking gay, and that's why they had so many muscular naked statues all over the place. A truly masculine man desires the feminine. The feminine desires the masculine. In fact, these are the essential definitions of masculine and feminine. A man who desires the masculine is effeminate.
>A truly masculine man desires the feminine. The feminine desires the masculine
Then you should absolutely love Tarkovksy. He multiple times acknowledged how he hopes for every female to embrace and nurture their feminine side and for the men to embrace their masculine side, not to deny it.
Yeah dude art is dumb, not like my le epic capeshit
The only intelligent poster itt
>diss out a movie director because his movies don't appeal to testorone roiding retards
>assumes this means movies are directed at feminized audiences
>posts a movie that a women or an emasculated man would never EVER be capable of grasping because of how interlinks philosophy, existence, faith and sacrufice in such way that only true men can feel and digest
what are those dunes in Stalker supposed to be? How did they form like that? It has always bothered me for some reason
i assumed its snow, and dunes form naturally because of the wind after a certain amount of time so i just thought it was part of the space-time hijinks
>people stop falling for his bait
>starts samefagging
>still doesn't get ghost story
I do love Tarkovsky. Perhaps one of the most courageous filmmakers of all time. To make deeply Orthodox films under Krushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov? I can't imagine the personal resolve necessary to survive such a system.
>I don't know any macho, high test muscular guys that like art house films.
it's ash from the future-world ruins
>implying “art” isnt a low effort call for people to pretend being enlightened for a huge price tag for an almost zero effort product
>implying both aren’t bad
You can hide behind the veil of anonymity in Yea Forums, but as soon as you type a derogatory piece about anything, your true self comes forth.
Tarkovsky's films reflect his life lived and yet, a twentysomething from this century claims to know more about Tarkovsky's work than Tarkovsky?
What have you OP, done to make a mark on this world other than your childish OpEd? If it can even be called that. More like a childish rant.
Shame, shame.
>zero effort product
Tarkovsky literally died because of films. His crew aswell.
>story of gilgamesh was a cia propaganda project to make you think that procreation turns you into a limp and shriveled old man. google search "epic of gilgamesh" i dare you to find a single article or mention of it before the 1960s. it was written by them in the 60s.
Rilke talks about it a lot though you fucking idiot. He loved that book and so did many authors who came before him
Arthouse films and their directors are the most onions things in the medium I can imagine. The only "arthouse" director I can respect is Herzog because he's a chad, everybody else is a faggot
Pretty much this. Stalker and Solaris go a great lenght trying to portray this. Stalker even moreso with the wife consciously aware that her feminine role is being played and ennacting on it for the audience. Tarkovsky tries really well to put men and women in their respective places during the movies as a separation of this egualitarian bullshit from marxist culture.
t. ignorant middle school zoomer
Yippie ka-yay motherfucker
>a smart movie is feminine
STALKER is one of the best mosfilms ever made. As far as Russian films go it's up there with Solaris and Come and See. STALKER is one of my favorite films, it touches on what can define and change the nature of a man. I can understand someone arguing that it may be boring, but feminine? Never. It's a film about responsibility, environmentalism, altruism and morality, and fatherhood.
that's a very optimistic reading of a film where three nihilistic men and a overzealous stalker set out through an apocalyptic wasteland to find meaning and come out of it with no hope or redemption (particularly the stalker who doesn't even 'get it' at the very end)
Can we agree at least that something, in let's say, after 1970, 1980, 1990 has done something to men that broke them?
I'm not baiting, I'm not suggesting anything, it's just something that is destroying men.
Both the so called söyboys, manchild capeshitters but also the keyboard warrior "right" wing culture warriors that have this fantasy of masculinity created from movies (I include me).
There is a saying in my language, "war is the father of anything" (it's actually by a famous historian), maybe there is some deeper meaning in this phrase.
Wasn't that beautiful, user? How the Zone rewards a man his faith with the future? Had the Zone made a conscious attempt to want Writer and Professor walk into the room, Stalker's resolve might have been answered and allowed others to see it the way he did - as a Garden of Eden. But by denying those things to Stalker, it forces him to move on with his life and takes him on his role of responsibility to care for his family.
It's that "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times" meme
Actually the phrase is "war is the father of all" and has been said by a famous philosopher.
>war is the father of anything
Asking the real questions
It's by Heraclitus and the full quote is
>War is the father and king of all: some he has made gods, and some men; some slaves and some free.
Did we watch the same film?
It's nice that other people see it the way I do.
>bait thread
>124 replies
Come on anons. This one was pretty obvious. Also sage.
Yes, this is basically the same, manliness it seems requires hardship, otherwise it is destroyed.
did we? maybe you should watch the ending again and tell me exactly what positive thoughts you can take from it
men have shit taste in general
just look at hollywood's capeshit domination
>men have shit taste in general
Not as shit as women.
>double indemnity in top 20
Fucking nice.
order of the phoenix is the worst one too, wtf
Women suffer from tall-poppy syndrome far more than men, at least in the united states.
arthouse action exists. it's rare as hell but it exists.
Did you ever stop to think that Rilke was a CIA project? Have you ever heard mention of Rilke before the 1960's?
Goodness, you sound like a one of those sophomoric teens who thoroughly enjoys transformers and all of Capeshit. There is an age limit to post here, kid.
Do black kids talk like this or just most immature teens? I say this cause I'm black.
That looks manly af tbqhwyf
If by femininity you mean intelligent, then yes. Art-house requires a certain level of brain capacity to understand that everything you see shouldn't be face value. Also, a persons interests also factor in. Does a guy who seriously goes to the gym and watches his diet have time to watch 3 hour films more than once a week? Also probably has a job/student/social life, it's hard to juggle all that and fit art-house films there. People who have time for art- house? Single/students/solitary
>implying his dad stuck around
>tfw too dumb for arthouse
ive tried but i just cant recognise symbolism or understand the meaning behind the unconventional or experimental filming
I'm not watching that video but bread makers are pretty neat. It's not hard to make bread in the oven, but it's nice to have a magic box you dump ingredients into, push a button, and have hot fresh bread ready to go.
The trick is having people you can unload extra bread on, otherwise you're going to get sick of bread after a month or two.
Tarkovsky approaches filmmaking in such a way that every plot point casual literally isn't able to process it, which I am assuming you are in a similar position.
For most of these plot point casuals they are only consuming films, not experiencing them. Films are merely plot points for you that you need to decipher, while you literally can't spoil a Tarkovsky film, you can read the plot synopsis on wiki all you want but it will not be spoiled, because the actual experience of the visual narrative is the focus of it, as it should be in a medium like film.
Stalker and pretty much the rest of Tarkovsky's work is great because of how he executes and creates the experience, the dream-like setting and portrayal of emotion with themes of spirituality. Think of it more like visual poetry than a puzzle which you have to put together in a certain kind of way to "get it".
Be aware that there is no definitive answer to every frame in most great films, start to think of them as an actual experience and treat them like that.
Most of the time u don't need to. Feel them.
Yes. The Apollonian is inherently feminine. Don't expect brainlets on Yea Forums to understand though. In their little insecure heads they have equated masculinity with "good" and they like arthouse films so they'll feel insulted at the suggestion. Real men are out there slaying dragons, not making "deep" movies. Not that there's anything wrong with that. You need a balance of both to enjoy life.
Thinking is inherently feminine yes. Thinking is reflecting, it's lunar -- as opposed to solar. Literally, reflecting. The moon is a reflection of the sunlight. Men are beasts of action, not thought. Compare the warrior to the priest.
There is no symbolism. It is pure visual language, not hieroglyphics. Tarkovsky is THE level up director. As soon as you "get" a tarkovsky film, the entire history of cinema will unfold before your eyes and you will never be able to see Hollywood in the same way again.
Well, at least we agree on one thing--you are completely incapable of thought.
>Not the thinking man's general
They feel insulted at the expression because it's groundless.
You people who associate masculinity with something bestial and being opposed to thought exhibit the most detestable kind of self-loathing. There's no reason to chain masculinity with the image of a warrior slaying a dragon, to do so means to remove all obligation of current men from pursuing their traditional paths in society. Instead we should look at the essence of what it means to slay the dragon, what qualities does the warrior exhibit that we can generalize to any circumstance. That would be bravery, honor, a desire to protect, the resolution of conflicts, and often times leadership and the problems that entails. A man can still exhibit this today, simply in different ways to how obviously it was presented in the past. In the same vein, an arthouse film can do so also.
There's no reason that slaying a physical dragon should be more masculine than slaying an abstract one, so long as they both impose a threat to he who does the slaying. Many films capture this in different ways.
glorified music video
If you're actually interested I suggest you read Nietzsche's principle works on Wagner which double as the exposition of his theory of aesthetics (in so far as you can call it a unified theory). The Birth of Tragedy, The Case Wagner and Nietzsche Contra Wagner. He works with a lot of dichotomies. Apollonian/Dionysian, heavy/light, feminine/masculine, life-denying/life-affirming, etc. It's not literally about men and women.
Certainly everyone today would agree Euripides is one of the finest tragedians to have ever lived, but according to Nietzsche's parameters set out in The Birth of Tragedy he set in motion a decadent movement, of heaviness, of rationalizing, of femininity that would poison all art to come. He saw in Wagner a revival of the former glory of art, the perfect balance. A view which he later renounced, of course.
In any case, if anything at all characterizes the stereotypical arthouse movie it would be heaviness, weariness, etc. Compare Wagner to Mozart or Rossini, and look at how depressing "deep" art tends to be. To Nietzsche, this is feminine. Contrast Parsifal with Carmen.
>It's not literally about men and women.
But men and women, with their roles in society, are where masculinity and femininity are subsequently derived, are they not? I can't see how you would reasonably add anything else onto this, unless you were intentionally trying to obfuscate these concepts. They might differ from culture to culture, but there are certain root threads that are always the same and can be distilled down. To that end, I fail to see why a depressing nature is inherently feminine.
>I don't know any macho, high test muscular guys that like art house films.
Zack Snyder.
It's ultimately pretty esoteric. You have to think in terms of polarity and the symbolism of the male and female. When you talk about "heavy" music for example, the music is not literally heavy. But you know what is meant by it. You can imagine the opposite - light music. Traditionally, the male is an active entity in the world. The male creates, destroys, molds the world to his will. The male is action. The female, as the polar opposite, is inaction. Passiveness. There's even an element of symbolism in sex: the male penetrates, the female receives. The male moves, the female accepts. Male active, female inactive. Look at the sun again: the sun is an active agent, he illuminates the world, he creates. The moon simply reflects the sun's light. Reflection is a synonym for thought, that's not a coincidence. Depression is inaction, it's closing yourself off from the world. It's heavy. It's feminine.
It's hard to put this stuff into words but keep in mind that you need to read these concepts not as simply the concepts, but the entire fields of meaning they evoke.
Again, compare the warrior to the priest. Are there venerable, influential priestly types in history? Sure, probably most of them. Are they at the core feminine? Yes, definitely. The priest closes himself off from the world, he does not penetrate. He's stuck in his room, in thought. The warrior is out there slaying dragons, not thinking too much. Probably not being depressed.
Femininity is itself a Male abstraction invented for women.
>compare the warrior to the priest
>not being both
Wew lad, what qualifies you to talk about masculinity or femininity you sentient human shaped wad of circus peanuts?
>You need a balance of both to enjoy life.
so marines are lving a female fantasy? i agree what you are sayig in parts, both genres are fucking self absorbed losers
low test is only thinking, high test is thinking and more importantly acting
Women have fantasies about Marines. Marines have fantasies about women, (and also getting fucked in the ass, but that's beside the point). John McClane is masculine. Die Hard is a feminine fantasy.
>compare the warrior to the priest
>not being both
>Wew lad, what qualifies you to talk about masculinity or femininity you sentient human shaped wad of circus peanuts?
You're both out of your depth. All archetypes of masculinity are built on the foundation of fatherhood, and all feminine archetypes are built on the foundation of motherhood. It's not esoteric, it's primal and instinctual. Thinking vs. not thinking, giving vs. receiving, no dichotomy like this is strictly masculine vs. feminine. There is feminine thinking and there is masculine thinking. There is masculine receiving and there is feminine giving, (after all, it is the mother who gives birth, who gives life.). Both the sun and the moon give light, and if you're trying to get traditional about it early societies were completely unaware of the moon's reflective nature. Masculinity and Femininity are not the possessors of other qualities. Other qualities are changed by Masculinity and Femininity. A masculine ruler is a king, and a feminine ruler is a queen. The quality of ruling is changed by masculinity and femininity. The Sun is masculine light, and the moon is feminine light. Masculine and feminine are not things we learned from the world, but first from our parents, and then from our peers. They are living traditions. Your attempts to formalize these relationships in such crudely symbolic fashion destroys the vital element of each. In trying to create a more usable system, you strip the ideas of their meaning, which is personal and intuitive.