Yeah this is going to be shit
Why is jeweywood so unoriginal?
More like niggers in black
Mmm excuse me it's Men and Women in black
Thor said it for a reason
Now's a good time for Liam Neeson to be racist again
In the end of the movie they gonna change the name of the organization to PiB - People in Black. I'm calling it.
Eh, looks alright. I think it's a bit dumb that they're making a big deal out of MIB being "internationally" when it's an organization that deals with fucking aliens.
But there's non-people aliens in MiB, too.
It was pointed out in the first one that they were global anyway
Real talk though will it be worse than 2?
People in Color.
was pretty good until the "men in black....men and women in black!"
that's racist. People of Color is no different than Colored People. But dont tell the far left retards that
>didn't watch
>down rated because of racist nagger
There's a similar line in the international trailer too.
>Welcome to the Men in Black
>MEN in black?
>Yeah, I know, we're working on it
I'm not kidding, go search it out
Who the fuck is Tessa Thompson?
>buy ticked to MIB to support Liam Neeson after he said that he wanted to kill a nigger after finding out a nigger raped his friend
>don't buy ticket to MIB to boycott tessa thompson saying she doesn't want to work with white people
Straight to Korean VOD.
iTunes in less than 2 months after release.
how about don't watch it because its shit regardless of those two people
>empowered negress finds MIB to join them and gets accepted instead of just getting her memory wiped.
>goofball hemsworth
>dumb looking aliens
>calls negress a queen
>we're the men and WOMEN in black
its all so tiresome. I miss happy go lucky Will. I'd much rather have will instead of hemsworth, hemsworth is a cucky fagboy. Will could probably get away with being a dick to the negress.
>men in black
More like white men in black women
I think she might have been in some capeshit flick.
Why would you pay for this shitshow?
I want to fuck Tessa!
Also, if MIB came out around this time, you'd bitch that Will Smith is only there because he's black
All that being said, the movie looks awful
I want to see Tessa Thompsons little tiny bee sting boobs
>They still think the pug is funny
Wait a minute aren't these the same actors for Thor and Valkyrie?
This one will be exactly the same as the original MIB; shlocky and bad.
Tessa Thompson has negative charisma, she must give really good head.
>Will Smith
he actually has charisma and charm and brings a warm smile
sorry bitch, you thought wrong
>This one will be exactly the same as the original MIB; shlocky and bad.
hello zoomer
Fuck I'd rather have the MIB-Jump Street crossover instead, that sounded kino
why do the aliens look cute then weird