
Dogshit. The only salvagable part is Tony throwing a tantrum because of Caps betrayal. Downeys carries the entire scene

Dogshit, all of it.

>final fight
Dogshit, most of it, especially all the atrocious fights that make Thanos look like some pushover. The only parts that are well executed well are
-Tony embracing Parker
-Strage refusing to tell Tony about the future
-Strage literally telling Tony that he needs to off himself
-Pepper telling Tony that it's OK, that they are safe now, that he can rest

So I guess, if capeshit actually had good actors it could be good, huh?!

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>killing off your main box office draw cause he costs too much
RDJ really hammed it up for this and the only other people who showed up to act were Hawkeye and Nebula imo

They can't find thanos but found an energy signal from his gauntlet. Only until nebula tells them it's thanos they go there.

Stark's aids-ridden tantrum was retarded. He was acting like Cap betrayed him and lied because he wasn't there to fight Thanos, as if Cap needed to magically know to be on an alien spaceship to go to some abandoned planet.

from what i hear the fight scenes suck and that is the only reason to watch this mindless dribble so do they suck?

He was referring to Civil War, brainlet

Mostly, yeah. There's a brief good one between Cap and Thanos, but you could see that from the webm that's floating about. And I say that as someone that rated Infinity War as the best superhero film of all time.

No he wasn't, retard. He was specifically talking about Thanos kicking his ass without Cap there.

The fight is good but keeping Strange stoping the water when he could have soloed thanos was retarded aside from that was a semi perfect movie

Cumberbatch was only in like 10mins of the whole movie and yet every scene he's in, he's very powerful.
[spoil]the Ancient One submitting when she learns that Strange knos what he's doing.[/spoiler] They really managed to show that Strange bosses things around down here.

>Infinity War
it was and if this is not as good i will wait till its on Netflix and just watch the actions scenes can you post this webm?


Do you hate slow somber scenes where characters just talk and deal with stuff? That's the entire first 2 hours and I fucking loved it. Imagine the Civil Wars scene where they just discuss the Sokovia Accords for minutes straight and multiply it to 2 hours.

There's also just life going on. After the timeskip it's in medias res into the team still doing snap damage control.

Rocket, Nebula, Carol, Warmachine, and Black Panther's bodyguard woman whose name escapes me are basically out there in space going on awesome missions, which is honestly a movie/series I'd want to see becasue that sounds asweome. There's bonding and implication of bonds having been formed. Then after Scot gets back from the quantum realm it's half an hour of just trying to convince Tony to join and not spend time his his family instead. Then team building, testing, and execution of the "time heist" (as Lang puts it). There's shenanigans going on like Thanos from the past realizing what they're doing because Nebula's consciousness is apparently in the cloud or some shit and the past one goes apeshit when the future one goes back into her timeframe, and Thanos gets to read her memories and realizes that he won in the future, and plans his own heist to get to the future to kill them.

The battle that most of the leaked scenes are about is just the final minutes of the movie. There's tons of shit happening before that. Hulk meeting the Ancient One, Tony and his dad, Thor and his mom. Lots of character shit going on.

It's a really good movie.

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ya think ill pass. i want action not my feels for 2 hours.

unironically this

Chris Hemsworth is great as Thor but this movie proved again that he really should only do light hearted comedy

>Do you hate slow somber scenes where characters just talk and deal with stuff? That's the entire first 2 hours and I fucking loved it.
No it wasn't. What the fuck are you on?

Was he good as fat Thor?

I wish Thanos death was better. Like saying something to his daughters before they die.

>Chris Hemsworth is great as Thor
>Was he good as fat Thor?
You'll love this movie because it's aimed at retards just like you.

what was it then?

Thanos was weaker than mcu wanda, captain feminazi and dr strange. Remind me why they had such a problem beating him in the first movie?

First two hours were Cap Marv rescuing Stark, them all going to kill Thanos, killing him, a 5 year time skip, about 10 mins of people moping about, then the "time-heist" which was just a fucking parody.

He has every right to be pissed at Cap's retarded ass after Civil War, which is the whole reason the Avengers were divided when Thanos came calling.

Why is anyone watching this capeshit when Cobra Kai season 2 is out?

Get fucked nerds

that sounds a lot better even reviewers are acting like its a fucking soap drama. i dont like soap dramas

it is a little bit of a soap drama tho
but only for the first hour or so

i can handle a hour not 3

Was Thor good at least?

No, it's not very dramatic at all. The majority of it is them making jokes (bad ones that feel out of place). The few dramatic bits are short and often followed up by some retarded quip session. Reviewers are paid shills.

Thor was great.

>Remind me why they had such a problem beating him in the first movie?
He had the gauntlet, and in this movie he was trying to put it on the whole time, and unlike in the earlier movie he never really got the chance to learn to use the stones/gauntlet properly in the first place.

>bawww we're divided because people fight me when i try to screw them over
reminds me of some other people i know

I don't know the consequences of Thanos' snap with Antman seeking his family, Hawkeye seeking his family, Captain going to that anonymous survivor club, Tony metling down, Scarlet crying over how they fucked up, Thor letting himself go and becming a laughing stock etc.etc. seems pretty dramatic to me.

As I said, those moments were short and didn't make up the majority of scenes.

He was referring to Ultron, wasn't he ? He said how he wanted to build like a big ass shield to protect earth after what he saw but only considered to be a dream and everyone prevented it.

Maybe it's me then, seemed to me it took a long ass time

That's the thing, it was written so poorly that aids Tony was mashing loads of stupid irrelevant shit together to complain about.

And yet no magical beings were even involved. What does the Sorcerer Supreme do again?

No I'm just asking lol

She guards the Time Stone ? I believe the magical realm and physical one are very differents and don't overlap each other. Just like Constantine manages his shit in DC, I guess ? (I'm taking a guess since I don't read his stories).

He wasn't weaker. He trashed Captain Marvel after getting beat by Captain, Iron Man and Thor. He only got stopped by Stark's snap.

For fucks sake, there's a lot of dishonest people in here.

He was fat, he cried and got slapped by the racoon, he was useless.

You forgot the best part...

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He nearly got killed by Wanda desu

Good for Mackie. But if hes the next Cpt than whose the next falcon?

No they dont suck, you get a glimpse at the future of the MCU and IT"S BEAUTIFIL!!!

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Well he was the best part comedically of this shit turd of a movie


Maybe you should become a fucking journalists and write about how a thirty-second scene from a comic book movie gave you feefees you manchild. Hardly any of the moments you mentioned can be called "dramatic" because any sort of tension is cut loose by some stupid reddit quip within one or two minutes or because the scene is an epic quip itself (like bum thor). Watch some more movies or go back to newfag.

Doesn’t he only have normal human ability along with the jet pack? Bucky actually gave cap a run for his money in Winter Soldier, even threw the shield like a pro... Seems iffy.

Dont' read much into it, it was just something symbolic, they are not making any new Avengers movies for a decade, they did it just because of mandatory minoritie hires.

They are focusing on Xmen from now on, which is what ive been witing for since i only saw the 2 first Brian "but i poop from there" Singer and i hate them, finally we will have some decent adaptations of the Xmen.

That retarded fucking beard.

nigger shut the fuck up

What about the most recent xmen coming out?
will they just axe the ongoing remake with their own stuff next year?

this part is better desu

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The Disney-Fox merger is happening next month i believe, this lates Xmen Dark Phoneix movie is the last on made by Fox, hthey are going to put that fanchise on ice for a couple years and start working from scratch... i hope for an OG Xmen team with the original costumes set in the 70sand im not talking about the First Class shit, but original origin story.

>t. underage nigger projecting his niggerdiness
I can smell you and your chicken-greased fingers from here, Jamal. Go rape your grandma or kill somebody for bus change, I can tell that you don't get paid to shill by how retarded you are.

no you wont you liar, you've got your tickets already, Stop being such an edgy teenager

I got strong "I'm so done with this shit" vibes from Gwyneth Paltrow in that scene, I didn't feel her at all in that moment.

Also, Fury should have had some real moment, might have had good wrap up potential.

What. Was that smithing hammer post-credit sound?

>What. Was that smithing hammer post-credit sound?
Iron Man making his first suit in the case from IM1.

Hammer sound was from Tony making the first iron man armor

>Infinity War as the best superhero film of all time.
so you're telling us we should just dismiss your opinion completely then

nigga calm down i'm calling the cops

Didn't like it in the comics but I'm on board with Mackie being the new cap in the MCU. Ngl was a little teary eyed in that scene or maybe it was leftover from the funeral scene.

I knew that the incels of Yea Forums would have issues with this part, lmao is it so bad that a group of superheroes who all happen to be female are fighting together?

Tfw huge jackman is already knocking on too old, if they gonna make xmen the next 10 years thing they gotta recast or skip wolvie in MCU

wakanda forever

You living under a rock bro?
Feige said no plans for xmen in phase 4

>i hope for an OG Xmen team with the original costumes set in the 70sand
can that work within the current marvel universe?

>you actually think they are making any more Cap America movies...

user...i... ok, yes, they are going to make 3 more Cap America movies and 3 more Avengers movies user... yes.

Scarlet Witch would've killed him, Thanos had to have his ships fire on his own men to distract her.
Dr. Strange also would've killed him instantly but had to hold back the flood.
Captain Marvel was damn close to breaking his entire hand with the way it was bending backwards like that, she was only stopped by him having to use the power-stone.

I have no problem with gamora or nebula being strong in the scene because they are thanos daughters and have proven their power level in the previous episodes. It's the irrelevant ones that feel forced.

But worst is captain marvel. I was actually scared she would actually beat thanos in a Yas kween moment.

>Making more cap movies
I never said that tho? He does however have a series on Disney+ that Feige says is canon to the MCU

Huge "i REALLY love those vaginas in women" Jackmann is done with that character, if they want to bring him to the MCU they have to recast him, but thats not happening until they do at least one Xmen movie, and maybe in the 2nd movie they bring Wolverine in, he wasnt in the OG team, it was Jean, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman and Angel, then Storm.


The thing that annoys me is the inconsistentcy.

In iw thanos whoops everyone ass except Thor with stormbreaker.

In endgame, thanos beats prime Thor, iron Man and captain america. Then somehow struggles against any female.

The first two nuX men movies were ebin

dont you feel that part a little forced?
like c mon why round upp ONLY GIRLS at the spot when you are fighting for the universe.
you round up the best people for the job not because their fucking gender.

It was just a small scene with no further buildup, stop getting twisted over it brah

The first half was better if you wanted fights. This was mostly a wrap up to the whole series so far as a whole. There are fights but nowhere near as good as anything before it.

No, the first one was decent, the 2nd was mediocre and the 3rd one i didnt even finish, it was so fucking retarded.

Those movies reminded me of the Grant Morrison run, and what i want is Chris Claremont or Lobdell's version of the Xmen... remember the 90's ? now THAT was a great time to grow up...

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Infinity War Thanos was powered by the infinity stones though, we saw in this film it only took 1 stone to send the strongest avenger flying away injured.

+ thor wasn't exactly in his prime, he was fat as fuck haha

>argued about meritocracy in a rule of cool scene in capeshit
unironically incel as fuck. Stop complaining about shit, you should be mad at them nerfing Thor because they have CM now and there's no need for Thor to be badass

What message would they be trying to "force" though? That girls can be superheroes too? That's not really a bad message to be telling people.

The time travel shit in x men 2 was great though, and seeing the old x men there was fantastic. Not to mention seeing wolverine, nuProfessor and Mystique done right.

It's not the message, it's how forceful it felt

Yeah I wanted him to do.. Something, anything, except just sit there. But I guess when you've been so completely defeated you just want to fuck off as fast as possible.

stop using spoilers like a bitch

>Fury: so guys, have you ever heard about these mutants that have always existed and been a political hot topic but we’ve never mentioned?
>the avengers: yeah haha mutant lives matter bro
How the fuck they gonna introduce mutants this late into the series?

Pepper wearing the suit was fucking based.

Thor had BOTH hammer AND the axe. He even used both on thanos but got slapped back.

Either full reboot of all the X-Men characters or multiverse shenanigans. If they want to be quippy they can just have Deadpool bring them in since he knows it's just a movie anyway.

Probably some House of M/Inhumans sorta way, random people start becoming mutants.

to blunt to all the fucking non comic book readers
scarlet witch is literally the most powerful hero in the movies.

She literally warps the entire universe at her whims in House of M.

She would DUNK thanos 1v1 without gauntlet, her powers are essentially control over probabilities / chaos magic / energy projection / one of the only beings in entire marvel universe who can 1v1 phoenix force and resist it.

Fuck off back to Yea Forums you fucking virgin.

Yeah you're right, Thor should have instantly killed him again the next time he saw him. Don't even give him time to summon that ridiculous army.

Not in this movie though. Shes not even as strong as captain marvel which is rather frustrating to watch given the comic lore. Like she wasn't even allowed to make a major achievement

Yes people who are not bandwagoners know about this, but they have to adapt those characters for the movies, since they just cant undo all the htings in the next movie and just say "remember that character who died lasy year? LMAO IT S BACK AND ITS EVEN STRONGER NOW LOL".

Did shitposting that make you feel better?

Honestly the bullshit in this thread... Speechless. In years to come Infinity War and Endgame will be watched back to back, as they should be.

They will go down as the great 5 hours in cinema history, and you faggots can only talk about a 5 second shot of several women.

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>Tfw no HOUSE OF M movie
>tfw no qt scarlet witch and vision just hamming it up with a family
>no uncle wolverine
>no cousin cyclops

why even live on this earth

days of future past is great, kys mouse.

>They will go down as the great 5 hours in cinema history

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I wonder how much Samuel L Jackson got paid for his 5 second cameo.

What was the rationale behind nerfing Thor like this?

Toxic masculinity

Toxic femininity

I've been thinking about getting into capeshit. Where should I start, Yea Forums?

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Not like he could have done much in the actual fight.

You should skip the MCU entirely and just watch:

>Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy
>first two Christopher Reeve Superman movies
>Michael Keaton Batman movies
>Nolan Batman movies

>doesn’t remember his badassness in Winter Soldier and CM

No, I mean I literally want to get into modern-era capeshit. Those you mentioned were good (3rd Spiderman was meh but watchable), and I've seen them all. Are the rest literally unwatchable, all of them incoherent disasters of filmmaking? Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc?

This Dunno what cave you live in but they force this shit for years. It's all so tiresome. They have done this so often now that it makes watching anything with this unwatchable. I can't even trust a doctor that's not white or asian because of the systemic racism. It's a god damn clown world.

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Watching now. The scene with Marvel saving Tony is a blurred mess.


Superhero movies were a mistake.

>-Strage literally telling Tony that he needs to off himself

What does it matter when he really didn't have a choice because it was either that or the entire universe being erased this time?

At the start of the movie he was beating Hulk's ass without using the Power Stone, wasn't he?

He was referring to everything. First, when no one believed him in Ultron when he said that "the Endgame is up there" meaning they'd get attacked from space and needed to prepare for that.

Second, Civil War. When Captain America, who had told him "We'll do it together" acts like a retard because of Bucky and gets the team split in half.

Which is the entire reason why the team wasn't actually together during Infinity War.

So yeah, Stark had every right to be pissed and everything he said was 100% truth.

Honestly, I'm relieved that retards like you who manage to miss the point of a kid capekino movie aren't Stark fans.

>bootlicker sees a conflict about freedom vs security and thinks the message was everyone should lick boots to avoid being divided
reminds me of some other people i know

I should make it clear that I know he had it but as far as I remember he wasn't using it right at the beginning, unless I'm misremembering in which case my bad please feel free to correct me if that's the case..