>mfw several people including woman clapped when thanos falcon punched the absolute fuck out of captain Marvel
Mfw several people including woman clapped when thanos falcon punched the absolute fuck out of captain Marvel
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mfw Yea Forums warriors have to make shit up to validate their hate
Not the entire cinema like 5 or 6 people it was still funny as fuck
>mfw audible groans happened in my theatre at the 'GIRL POWER' scene
Also this even a few girls
why u gotta b such a liar man, do you not believe in the strength of your own politics?
>black panther appears
>guy behind me goes "here comes the nigger"
this too. My girlfriend made an uuugck face when she saw it.
>"he cute"
same here, im proud of this world today.
Imagine going on Yea Forums to call people losers and pretending it's important work
Many people expected her to deliver the killing blow then she gets comically knocked the fuck out. even at the end she stood alone like noone wanted to be next to her
the directors knew what they were doing, playing into that expectation by making her almost finish Thanos in the obvious final moment, only to be knocked out
best part of the movie for you right there
This really was the worst part of the whole movie. I know the Captain America handing the shield to black-man was pretty on-the-nose, but goddamn.
I'm black, I would have laughed my ass off.
Hey you. Yeah you!
Have sex.
Oh fuck off you neurotic weakling. Having standards is now “hate” to you creeps. She’s a dull person who is shit at her job playing a shit character. That’s not hate, that’s my opinion on low brow pop culture garbage.
heh. good thread. reminds me of the time I got my dick sucked by 2 10/10 stacys while watching kino.
Dubs and you die.
What's wrong with American cinemas?
Why are they like this?
Were they always like this?
>Black Panther appears
>light up a cigar
>Stand up towards the audience
>Inhale cigar all in one hit
>"Go back to Africa you baboon brained fucks!"
>black girl shouts "HE CUTE"
I enjoyed it, but that fucking "hurr durr gurrrl power!!!" scene was shit and forced as fuck. They already did the same fucking thing in Infinity War, in a better way.
If you were in cinema of Yea Forums maybe.
Everyone stood awkwardly at the end.
was the only part i laughed at
thank fuck captain sjw barely gotten the lime light
Captain Marvel is literally Super Man but the worst kind of Super Man.
So where's a torrent, my private tracker doesn't have it
So does iron man die or not?
Yes, he gon be replaced by a nigger
Falcon getting shield isn't a new thing so technically it isn't just played for the wokeness of it.
he cute
have sex
>so technically it isn't just played for the wokeness of it.
keep telling yourself that
>things that definitely happened you guys
Only a redditor would be so stupid to say this and not actually post a pic.
Only a redditor deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.
bend over sweaty
>mfw amerilards actually clap in a fucking movie theater
I can't wait for her to burn it all down just like Rian did for star wars.
>going to a children's movie without a child
>i'm going to kill Thanos
If I didn't knew about Engame, I would guess this is one of those shitty chinese movies.
It is
>copied cap's infinity war scene
>cap did it without fucking pusy powers
what a rotten cunt
That shit was underwhelming. Thor looked pretty cool though. Like Rune King Thor.
Is Billie a meme or do people listen to her unironically?
All her songs sound the same. I don't get it.
Same here.
I also had a good chuckle at all the blacks when black panther showed up. Its really a big thing for them
I usually don't care for this shit, but this was straight up shameless.
>Streaming movie last night
>Shitskins clap
So close!
didn't they get btfo tho?
You are on Yea Forums so thats you I guess
>tryhard women
Bet they were fat ugly white chicks in their 40s
My man, I was ready to see captain marvel blast through the entire army and laugh at spiderman's remark that it was a problem.
But instead, all the strong independent womyn literally teleport into the scene to throw in a "me too!" for you to have an all girls scene, that shit was fucking shameless, like it came straight out of a feminist's fever dream.
People actually want to watch this shit?
Why did stones kill Tony so fast?
>CAM quality still shit
Fuck capeshits, not gonna pay for a film with brie larson.
Have sex
They all charges and then literally everyone except Valkyrie and Captain Marvel get screentime. Valkyrie gets rekt and drops the glove. Then marvel grabs it and kinda fucks around before getting stomped by Thanos three times
It's cut together to fit maximum spoilers into a short gif
>can pulverize space ships made of super alien metal or whatever with her fucking forehead
>can't do shit to some alien dude made of flesh and bone
What the fuck is wrong with this industry? Why can nobody make a movie where anything makes sense?
Literally everyone besides Valkyrie and marvel DONT get screentime I mean
>to validate their hate
Hate does it pretty well by itself. Have you ever felt it?
Got part 2 where he punches?
may be where you live youre full of resentful scumbags
here when i watched it last night everyone clapped the fuck out when cap beat the shit out of thanos with thors hammer
>reddit spacing
My gf said "ahhhhh irrelevant scene".
Brie Larson does not even register on the list of things wrong with this movie. I'm glad I didn't pay for it.
Fuck marvel and disney, Nova (richard rider) should have been in endgame, i hate captain marvel so much.
Why did they nerf the stones and the gauntlet so much? Power scaling is DBZ levels of retarded. Actually scratch that, DBZ is more consistent than this
Based Strange
As I said during her movie, they have made her way too powerful. Thanos is stronger than the Hulk, and she doesn't even blink when he headbutts her. She flies through ships and explosions like its nothing. How the hell do you hurt her? What's the point in watching a hero with no flaws never be in any danger?
When cap give Sam the shield a girl yelled "noooo but Bucky"
it just looks all so generic and boring. sort of like that video game movie spielberg did.
forgettable trash
You dont know what mfw means do you mfw im reading this
He can only use the powers of the stone if he can close his fist. She stopped him from doing that. As long as his hand is open, the gauntlet is useless.
Pretty much everyone seems to be saying the same thing. Why Falcon and not Bucky? One has been you comrade in arms for a few years, but has no superhuman abilities except for a flight suit. The other has been your friend since childhood, is a trained assassin, got a robot arm, and has superhuman attributes.
I remember that from IW. It's still dumb. The stones in other movies could be used in staffs and the like.
Those weren't the actual stones though. Tfw you can't even comprehend capeshit.
They want a black Captain America. That's why.
>"we're gonna pull off a time heist, get in, get the stones, put them back without being noticed"
>get excited
>a couple of scenes later, timeline is irreversibly fucked
>movie devolves into regular Marvel CGI shitshow
>everything works out anyway, no explanation given
>no explanation given
are you retarded?
1. Who is the female Ironman?
2. Why is Dr. Strange making fucking tornadoes?
>Thanos has gyno
>still considered daddy tier
Well shit, maybe things aren't so bad after all.
To stop the battlefield from being flooded with water.
The fuck are you talking about? In GotG it showed the guy using the power stone to wipe out a planet and he had it in a staff. Faggot
>Mfw this incel projection
I guess the better way to ask the question is, since when did Dr. Strange become Storm from X-Men
kevin smith?
I don't want super gonorrhea.
>You will never be shota spiderman protected by capeshit mommies
why live
Why not open up a portal to the ocean instead?
this was a pretty good scene
her mad face was neato
Are you? Because they really gave no explanation for why the timelines are not irreversibly fucked. Their stated intention was to take the stones and then return them without their absence ever being noticed, and then the first thing they do is free Loki. How the fuck does that make sense? They can't undo that. They can't undo any of the shit they did.
>inb4 arguing with someone on Yea Forums does make me retarded
Fucking kek
So did spiderman get put back in his correct place? I can only imagine he did, seeing ned.
>What's the point in watching a hero with no flaws never be in any danger?
So what's the point of Superman?
Bruh the movie has a shitton of plotholes, this is why you don't write time travel, or omnipotent powers
>Huge battlefield
>Yet all female characters just so happens to gather at that spot
I heard some sighs and groans, even from girls. This is likely a hint of a future Avengers movie with all female cast.
Captain Marvel
Scarlet Witch
And She-Hulk?
You will.
dude you have like 80iq or didn't watch the movie
care to refute any of the points or nah
brie larson is the new face of the MCU
shuri is the smartest character
the new captain america is black
the new thor is a black female
i'm done now, it was a good run, marvel can fuck themselves now
"Sam. I want you to have this. And my wife and daughters."
>Reddit spacing
Go back please
>I'll take things that really happened for $500, Alex
Did not like it either. I'm all for some spotlight for some female superheroes but that shot was kinda cringy even for a superhero movie.
I recognize that gay picture
Thor is still the god of thunder. Valkyrie is just a super trained asgardian. Falcon is just a human with a flight suit and indestructible shield.
Got thor webm?
You know, despite only making up 13% of the population, we are going to cater to 100% of them.
>People cried in my theatre when IM died
>People clapped everytime Cap Marvel did anything
>People clapped when Blackyrie yass queen
>People clapped when Sam became Cap America instead of Bucky
>People boo'd Steve Cap America
Good lord, now I remember why I avoid premieres
The thing that burns is that they could have written it competently. They know they could have. They pretended to be competent for one minute, even making fun of stupid time travel plots... then proceeded to intentionally write their own stupid one.
Of course then they wouldn't have had an excuse to throw six billion trash mobs and some glowing flying fuckheads on screen for a final showdown, so what do I know.
i hate time travel unrelated where it appears
except with comedies who can pull it off right
Christ if a snap is going to take too long just clap your hands or something
>Sam. I want you to have this. And my wife and daughters.
Jesus Christ.
This, the scene where Bruce gives shit to Scott about basing his plan on Back To the Future, I thought okay, they're gonna be smart about it, but no, it was just another time travel plot.
Has anyone ever did a good time travel plot that wasn't a comedy?
that was so fucking forced, intead of being organically and natural, with girls and dudes fighting side by side...not, that literally in your face scene
Legit the best scene in the final battle. Probably top 3 of the movie, aside from Cap v. Cap and maaaybe the cold opener.
Still letting the movie settle in my mind, there's a lot that I find that I find just the faintest bit irritating. But I'm coming around to a lot of the narrative decisions that were made.
>Soooo...should I give my shield to my best friend forever, that one I was ready to die for, to fight everything I stood for...or the dude I jogged with a couple of days once?
Based Mel keep up the good work sir.
He has a weakness. Two actually.
Just came back from the movie theater. The "Girl Power" shit is probably the worst scene in this movie. Goddamn.
Similar experience bro. I paid for my kids comic book movie, already rolling my eyes thinking about the white genocide propaganda about to be beamed into my eyes as people in robot costumes punched each other (still paid to go see it though). To my shock, every time a woman appeared on screen the audience audibly sighed... I was taken aback. When captain marvel helped the team in any way, the audience started screaming and yelling at the screen, several women sat near me said how roasties were degenerate and they would wait until marriage to be submissive to a redpilled incel (got both their numbers). People also boo’d whenever a black person (or nigger as I like to call them here) was on screen. In the final fight with thanos I yelled “fuck women and niggers (actually just said black people) and the whole crowd applauded and called me based and then I had sex with those women I mentioned
>Thor with stormbreaker curbstomps Thanos with all gems in Infinity War
>Thor with stormbreaker AND mjiolnir gets overpowered by Thanos without a single gem
Wtf? this makes no sense
holy tits
The entire point of Superman is you get to watch him become Clark Kent at the end of the day. His vulnerabilities are his human side. We've gotten none of that with Captain Flatbutt, even in her own movie, only super-powered punching through literal world-killers.
Hottest girl in all marvel
Thor is a fatass now
>The thing that burns is that they could have written it competently. They know they could have. They pretended to be competent for one minute, even making fun of stupid time travel plots... then proceeded to intentionally write their own stupid one.
That actually sounds like they knew they COULDN'T, so they just made fun of time travel plots to make it seem like they knew what they were doing
>Captain America can punch and kick Thanos even without the mjolnir
>Thanos can destroy Captain America's with a helicopter sword
Hottest superhero is a tarp
This is funny because it just might have happened.
Movie legit seems like shit though, having the villain be killed and resolved in the lamest way possible just gives me a bad taste. Im more interested in what my friends think of this without any spoilers.
captain america's shield
>Thanos himself was the Thanos Copter
My dick is hard enough to impale Thanos but literally whomst'd is this?
A dude
>Dr. Strange in his solo movie can just reverse time like usual
>But now suddenly time travel is completely different and actually creates multiverses but they can be converged if somehow they "make it seem like they didn't change anything"
Nicole maines. Was born Male, since had a full switcheroo
who is this
Time travel via magic, vs time travel via quantum bullshit.
Who cares, Iron Man 2008 is still the only good marvel movie anyway.
Winter Soldier
Well shit, I guess I'm gay then.
>Thanos spins his sword in front of him to shield him from Tony's super beams
Thought that was an anime thing only.
12 monkeys, Terminator
Capeshit is Western anime, user
The entire franchise is fucked, but the first one is also reliant on a time paradox, so no.
>mfw I heard sobbing during the ending scene
I have a better story:
>before the beginning of the movie a lot of people are yelling to everything for the laugh (mostly black guys in the back)
>movie start, they shout one last time from excitement
>a white dude just in front of me shout a "WAKANDA FOREVER"
>nobody respond
>some laughs from the blacks in the back
>even his friends are laughing at him
People were literally crying their eyes off in mine, and I mean actual adult women and men (there wasn't a single kid), cringest shit
I NEED a standalone fat thor movie
Captain America sucks and every movie with him as a lead is boring. Stark goes through actual character arc in the first Iron Man.
Superman is the superhero with the single most famous weakness, Kryptonite.
>>People clapped when Sam became Cap America instead of Bucky
Sam became the new Cap America? Didnt hear about that spoiler, but how fucking retarded.
DBZ is more multiverse traveling, not time traveling, but I think you might be right
This, boomer Thor is based
I was getting some big lebowski vibes from him
Oh yeah, he tells how a great person and friend he is...and literally ignores Bucky.
>I don't want to believe it happened so I'll pretend it didn't happen!
pretty cringe bro...
Based Thanos poster
because the guy is fighting back while the spaceship is an inanimate object?
>Flesh is stronger than steel because it has will
Fuck off, Thulsa Doom
I'd go super gay for her
>guy next to me constantly explains shit to his girlfriend, she doesn't even know who Iron Man is and what happened in the last movie
>they left half way through the movie, probably because she was bored
Why are men and women like this?
>Oh yeah, he tells how a great person and friend he is...and literally ignores Bucky.
Disney just forget that fucking like two or three movies transpired because of Bucky and Cap America saving him? Why the fuck is Sam the new Cap. makes no sense.
Because Bucky is white and Sam is black
Same way why Blackyrie is the rule of Asgard instead of Siff, who is still alive but nobody cares enough to go look for her
What this one said The future of Marvel movies is going to be inclusive and diversive.
It's DBZ rules. Powerful characters are assumed to have powerful durability.
i honestly dont get why everyone is crying about this scene alone really, fair enough if you dont want an all female avengers but this scene is pretty whatever, girls like to get together and do shit so all the girls did their thing for a second nice little girlpower scene yes okay great
i can't believe you pissant capeshit babies care about this crap
i can't believe you all shit your diapers over spoilers. are you all literally 12 years old?
Also magic.
Well they do represent over 50% of violent crime so it makes sense to have the new Cap be black
crazy thing is that isnt even it, black people, suprisingly, are normal people. this is catering to sjws, specifcally sjw media, because thats what controls the mainstream
These movies are fucking dead. Disney won't admit it, but Chris Evans, RDJ, and Hemsworth are a big reason why people see these movies. Big names. Now they only have Larson.. and a lot of people hate her
I want Iron Mommy footage now.
So the new captain america is black ?
>and a lot of people hate her
They've pushed the narrative that everyone loves her though. We'll see how that works out.
Thor seems to be part of the Guardians now, he literally loled att his people, give Blackyrie the throne and went with the Guardians to space
Happened in the comics a while back as well. I think they're going to start treating the MCU the way Marvel did their comics not long ago. Female Thor, black Cap, female Iron Man(Shuri instead of Riri), asian Hulk, female Wolverine, etc.
Bucky was Captain America before and for longer time than Sam though
My gf is making fun of your post
holy shit so it's go full progressive
Marry her
I know, but just as they skipped Monica for CM, they skipped that as well.
Disney thinks they have infinite mutt bux in the bag to make whatever progressive shit they want. They'll quickly find out that's not the case.
Why ?
what is vision's face meant to convey
Everything I've seen from these flicks make them look like it's just non stop retarded CG action scenes for 3 hours.
>Captain Marvel don't need their help
>they are all together at this moment in a fucking huge war
>you already have a great scene for a female character with Wanda against Thanos before it and the scene with Marvel against him after it
It was just fucking forced, it put you out of the battle and movie for second.
There is a scene in IF with only strong females but you don't remember it for this, because it was not stupid and forced like this new one.
have sex
I personally think interest in them will decline if they actually do what I suggested, like the comics. It'll be Disney Wars all over again, where a large portion of the audience just moves on.
She has better taste than all capeshit babies.
It isn't really, unless you also take the other films into account.
There's no explicit statement that Kyle Reese is John Connor's father. He's not even the only guy she bangs in the movie. If you just don't assume this is the case, there are no paradoxes at all and everything is fine.
And then T2 comes out and ruins it, despite being a better film.
>All these replies
Lol this place is fucking sad now
have sex
This. I don't even hate Larson or anything but the only movie I will go is Asguardians of the Galaxy, I will wait for a torrent for anything else now that the whole Thanos arc is over.
Alright fellas, was he the only kino of the movie yet again?
Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.
The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.
For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY
>implying they wouldn't remove your penis and balls because they are a treat
the truth
As if anyone wanted Blacktain America in the MCU.
I wish they could use more props and not make everything on bigscreen. Like in pic related. The actress isn't even holding a pair of prop swords. She's holding two green sticks which later turn into swords after the CGI is done.
I'm not even against a black cap but Sam? Seriously?
I didn't even remember his name before this shit.
looks like that one Chinese movie
>hear clap
>"oh yeah. that was definitely a woman clapping"
>when tony meets howard
idk why but that scene was touching
Of course
By 2030 the only real things in movies will be VA lines and mocap.
This is the dumbest thing I've seen in movies. I can't believe people pay almost $20 a ticket for this shit.
I kind of want to fuck Nebula.
the shoulda just made it like dbz and have all the stones disperse when they're all used together like that instead of having some shit time travel plot
Not before she made him tear up in pain and he had to use an infinity gem barehanded to send her flying maybe 10 feet after unsuccessfully trying to hurt her with a headbutt
lol baloney nipps
Why did they throw all the Thanos development from IW through the window?
I hope Galactus comes and bitch slaps her to another galaxy.
because m*n already have too much screentime in this movie
girl power
*except Armond White
They didn't really, there just wasn't anything they could do with it except what they did at the start. Thanos destroyed the stones as the final point of his development - after that, the only place left for growth is in the heroes who oppose him
Bucky is a little mentally unstable to be captain america. But he is mentally unstable in general so he shouldn't even be free to walk around as he pleases.
Have sex
Me and my wife's 4 sons all fist pumped the air when Thanos blasted her away
Renner is the lead in this.
>prove me wrong.
Thanos was losing against Captain Marvel and had to use the Power Stone to punch her. What a loser without the stones.
Imagine what a loser she would be if she didn't have her powers.
Was he about to rip and tear?
was the movie good?
When did Sisco transition?
What I don't get is why he didn't use the reality stone and turn her and tony into mac and cheese or something. Or better yet, use the soul stone to make them kill eachother?
Cell Saga and Android Saga bring Trunks from the future multiple times and it makes very clear his future is set in stone. Zamasu/Goku Black stuff solidifies that the time interference is creating separate timelines with the entire multiverse existing separately in each timeline and you have at least 4 timelines interfering with each other.
based Cap
That why they gave it to him im the comics.
As shit as the movie is or isn't(I haven't seen it yet)the answer is "comics". The heroes and or villain will always be written as strong or weak as needed for the given story. This includes decisions like you just brought up. If he would have just done that immediately, there would be no movie. It is what it is.
If anyone was actually allowed to use their superweapons, there would be no plot.
You cant alter the past, but you can bring niggas from the past to defeat niggas in the present
Burger here. I hate that shit so much.
which is sad when Trunks doesnt stay with the gang at the end of the black arc and decides to go to a timeline where Black has yet to attack and Bulma still has her own Future Trunks. he should have stayed there in the past where he already has Vegeta and Bulma who see him as his son and brother of past Trunks
>mfw when i tell people thanos dies at the end
Same here. Friend reported the same thing.
Trunks is a faggot, Gohan best son
this place gives females to little credit, there is nothing that females despise more than another female thinking herself as hotshit. Marvel can lie all it wants but people dont like Lea
It's made even funnier when earlier in the film, Cap causes his previous time self to hesitate by telling him Bucky was still alive. Then out of the blue the lamest guy of the group get's the torch passed to him.
How'd they get a new hammer?
It's never explained, when Thor grabbed it at the beginning at the scene it's all I could think about for the entire fight
Now that I think about it though I went for a piss when Thor spoke to his mum that's the only scene it could've been in
A mix between sexual arrousal and disgust
mfw people like (you) think hate is ok when its directed at men and white people
Mfw this is what equality looks like
He summoned it when traveling back in time Asgard, hoping to prove to himself that he was still worthy of the title.
You’re either a triggered libshit or a retard. I’m going to go for the latter
Thanks for adding to replies, dipshit
I honestly feel like by the end of 2019 all the thirsty “tfw no gf” anons will finally wise up, not be so fucking retarded and see that women and their orbiters are fucking disgusting and pervertedly obsessed with sex
Then again you actually need to be with women to realize this; so maybe I’m being optimistic
Yeah he summoned it before he left Asgard in that scene.
They nerfed Thor by making him a NEET.
>gay purple man
fuck thats old
>It's never explained
Nigger are you blind or just retarded?
>Dr. Steange
He knows magic. And there are spells for almost everything. He can do it all. And yes, Strange is very op.
Already happened in the books, and on and off screen Falcon/Mackie has always been a cool guy. I'm bothered by how illogical it is since Falcon isn't a super soldier and it doesn't match his kit. I'm not bothered by his race.
Girl Power scene, esp. with the lack of an OG Avengers Assemble scene (sans Scarjo), was the real progressive bullshit of the movie. Got my hopes up that it would be a bunch of the new Avengers lining up to Assist Marvel (BP, Antman and Wasp, Wong, etc) and instead they really went obnoxiously overboard.
>you must realize
This guy needs to keep up his style. It's very funny.
I dunno why don't you read my whole post before calling people blind?
>Richard Rider
Jesus Christ, does Marvel really have a character named Dick Rider?
Fact of the matter is he chose to use the ONE stone that captain marvel would be able to resist.
Why ruin a good thing?
Is she a bad guy?
incel detected
Based on the replies, I think you hit a nerve.
Steins gate 1
basado y rojopilled
you people hate this scene? there's literally nothing wrong with this scene, isn't she supposed to be pretty strong or something?
The Russo brothers say ENDGAME was inspired by Antonioni. Not a big surprise to anyone who has seen CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR and RED DESERT, the greyscale and limited use of colour.
How could this be done, "organically and natural"?
Honestly I feel like in a few decades they won't even bother with specific mocap anymore. They will just have a huge library of pre-done generic sequences to pull from, and slap together movies just like that "The Movies" game from the early 2000s.
where did gamora go?
also would/could returning soul stone undo the sacrifice?
also red sun
absolutely based 1000 year old boomer thor
Holy crap this is amazing.
She is dead in the present timeline, and the stones were destroyed in the present so I don't see how that could be undone.
The worst kind of Superman is Henry "grimacing like he's perpetually jerking off with sandpaper" Cavill
Iron Man crushes him with a shit-ton of debris in IW and he basically shrugs it off
but Kryptonite is a complete ass-pull that just shows up when it's convenient. With Captain Marvel they could just make up any kind of unobtanium-style weakness whenever they like
Prime Thor blindsiding Thanos with a sudden axe throw is not the same as a full 1v1
have real sex
does anyone have a pic of him where the fatsuit is fully visible? I want to see how bad this shit is.
holy shit thanks for the nostalgia trip
Are the rumours true that the Hulk dabs, or have I been the victim of a ruse?
This x1000.
>all the women characters are serious stoic and heroic
>all the men are constantly goofy and humiated, cap sticks his ass out, thor becomes a joke
Kids today are constantly vaping weed and popping opiates, there's no accounting for the dumb shit they like.
He dabs.
So it looks like Disney TV Marvel is going to focus on an alternative timeline.
Marvel movies will continue 'present' timeline.
>the men were written to be real flawed people and the women were written just to push an agenda
1.- She didn't know the Dropbox folder in her head would sync with 2014's Nebula's.
2.- Why doesn't anyone ask the genie for infinite wishes?
3.- Because the Gauntlet was fucked, and it'd just produce someone else dying, or I guess an armless Hulk.
4.- At what point do you mean?
5.- She was fucking off in Space.
6.- They were trying to do the minimum amount of time travel possible, and only decided to get more particles when they fucked up one. Sending Scott to get more particles at that point and risk him failing (because he's a moron) would mean they also can't get the Tesseract from another time, so they tried to do a twofer.
7.- He went back to the past and lived a normal, linear life. He just knew to go and sit there that specific day at that specific time for maximum dramatic effect.
8.- Busy getting bombarded and then doing the A-Force thing.
9.- That one is good ok. Probably he saw that he shouldn't.
10.- As in, for 2012 her to go with Bruce and help with the rest of the story? She probably would have considered too much time fuckery.
Endgame is Clint and Natasha's movie in the way Avengers was Hulk's.
Kys redditor