>your country
>did the audience cheer or clap during the movie
Your country
>the netherlands
Yes, at every showing I've seen. Some guy yelled out wakanda when seeing black panther and some other guy said YEAH FINALLY when Cap picked up the mjolnir
>at every showing I've seen
you've been to more than one? cringe
I go for basically free so it's whatever
>United Kingdom, Scotland
Just got back. Lots of laughter at the comedy scenes, silence at the scenes trying to be serious. The idea of people clapping or cheering in movie theatres sounds absolutely abhorrent to me. We do not tolerate talking and barely tolerate laughing, how on earth can someone enjoy a movie with everyone around them hollering like apes?
Portugal, just saw it.
People clapped when Cap lifted Mjolnir, and when all the portals brought everyone to fight. Especially on Spider Man.
Also when R.D.J's name came up in the credits.
It's odd, I never saw it happen in other movies here.
>United Kingdom, England
Yes when the film ended, first time in my life I witnessed clapping at the end and I joined in. The audience cheered really loud when cap uses mjonir for the first time.
We don't cheer or clap, but people laugh at jokes and think it's acceptable to talk with their friends
Yes, and a guy cryed all the movie.
Do Americans really do this? It's like capeshit transforms other people into amerigoblins
No, because here people generally prefer to shut up and enjoy the movie.
We clapped every five minutes or so
>United Kingdom
Yep, people went crazy when Captain America picked up Thor's hammer, clapped at the end and could hear people crying during Iron Man's funeral.
Yes and they where a bunch of 30-50 years old boomers lerl
Thought there was clapping but it was just automatic fire from the cartels.
> Third world narco state Colombia, midnight premiere, IMAX:
Everyone went fucking nuts when:
- Cap + Mjonlir
- Pissed Scarlet Witch
- Hail Hydra
It's a god damn live-action cartoon for children for fuck's sake...
have sex, incel
they did
No, full cinema about mid-day, but I had a fat black lady sat right next to me and well...you know how those goes. She was also apparently a huge nerd so she was reacting twice as often.
Zero clapping though and cheering happened maybe once when Cap grabbed Thor's hammer.
So you still pay
Britfag, ashamed to say there were a few cheers and claps in a 4/5th empty 7:45am screening.
you are confusing things, permavirgin manchild live-action cartoon watcher.
I've had and have plenty of sex. It's manchildren like you who watch faggots in spandex play pretend - which ironically prevents you from ever having sex.
>Wales, UK
No clapping
Why are all the best scenes Cap related?
Imagine being poor
I'm british and find him to be one of the better characters. I love his stereotypical Can Do American spirit. The jokes about his ass were great too. The Mjolnir moment was well earned.
>Cap retires, goes back in time, and lives with Peggy.
AHAHAHAHAH since when was time travel introduced in Marvel capeshit? I've stopped watching Marvel Capeshit after Iron Man 2. So it's a geunine quesiton.
This is the lowest low in mcguffin plot devices pulled out of an ass.
Who are you typing this for please? We've all seen the movie.
The clapped a little In the CamRip
the best scenes were unironically Hawkeye scenes but they were not really flashy
It's really rare (and I mean really as in it has never happened before in my 24 years of living), but when the captain america scene came some people clapped and cheered
really weird imo
time travel is a re-occuring thing in avengers comics dude. there's kang from the future first of all, then in the 70s there was a big arc that involved a cluster fuck of kang, rama-tut, and immortus who are said to be the same people from different time lines. so yeah it is a thing.
Nope, lots of people were saying this movie sucked compared to Infinity War after credits when moving out. Also people were disgusted at feminist parts, even women.
when cap got mjolinir everyone went crazy
People didn't clap, and during credits they were critisizing the movie saying it was inferior to the previous one.
Fucking americanization
They did when Cap used Mjolnir
They laughed during the funny scenes, but that's it.
They laughed during the Fat Thor reveal scene but no clapping, just a bunch of "of no im sad" at the funeral
I went to a press screening with about 20 of us, mostly tired 40-something film reviewers for newspapers that looked like they wanted to gouge their eyes out.
Except for one fat bitch that arrived in her Captain America shirt, spent all of the time in the cinema before the movie started loudly shouting about how Sansa is going to win the Iron Throne. During the movie she started literally hooting whenever Chris Evans appeared, and when he picked up Mjolnir she stood up and did a weird little dance.
When Tony died she also shouted "Oh nooooo!"
She tried to start a proper clap at the end but everyone just got up and left except her. I think she thought there was still a post-credits thing aside from the sound but she may actually have been crying.
>clap during the movie
Surprisingly yes, normally most screenings are very quiet, though I was at the midnight release so only proper fans attended, lots of cheering and clapping, loudest must have been when Cap caught the hammer
us Canadians only lol at the funny stuff no cheering
People clapped quite a bit which is something I have never experienced ever in a cinema not even for the force awakens
Sauce now!!!!
Yes, people clapped at the end of the movie.
This, UK here and it was the first time I ever heard people clap at the end of the film and people cheered when Cap picked up Mjolnir. I've never experienced this before and seen enough big films at the cinema, what makes this film different?
No. Clapping during a movie is rude here.
Laugh at every fucking joke.
Black crowd scream with Black Panther arrival at the end.
And i think someone cried at the end when the manlet died.
Jesus that movie was shit. Thor was the only good thing. Again.
Yes, both more than they should.
What made it worse is the friend I went to see it with agreed with me that it's a dumb US thing and shouldn't happen here and then he proceeded to do the same thing for half the movie.
Don't know, I haven't watched amusement park movies since the age of 16.
What was she writing for? HuffPost Australia?
Finland here too, and same. Never seen clapping and didn't see it this time either. Although that Cap scene did get people pretty excited.
Did anyone else sit through the credits and see some kind of audience reaction to the very ending? My theater had nearly everyone staying on their seats expecting credits clips. When the movie ended without one, lots of people made disappointed and upset "aww" sounds.
>Girl a few seats away made some kind of "fuck yeah" gesture when Captain Marvel showed up
>"oooh" sounds from zoomers when Hulk dabbed and Thor played Fortnite
>Whole audience cheered when Cap grabbed the hammer
>Whole audience cheered when Spiderman retruned
>Whole audience clapped at the end
UK, England, Midday showing, about 2/3 of seats full. There were gasps & laughs, but no cheering or clapping. I live in an area of England with a LOT of retards (Essex), but even here, we're more civilised & composed than Amerimongrels.
His ass really is nice, I'm glad it got the recognition it deserved
It was basically the finale to a long shared universe of movies that have been going on for years
Yikes, Australia really is a shithole.
>couple people clapped while laughing at the "...that is America's ass" scene.
>all these Yea Forums posters really paid to watch the premiere of the latest marvel fart
this place has changed
>MUH WOMYN scene came up, audible groans in the theater
I clapped when the movie ends
Why would I ever suffer through such a terrible film franchise? It's bread and circuses at it's finest.
>yes, I experienced this for the first time in my life and it was kinda neat
Its been like this for like 7 or 8 years retard
>I literally get in for free, why wouldn't I watch it?
No, it literally has never happened at a movie I've watched in theaters in Southern VA
You've always been a desert shithole filled with degenerates you dumbfuck
Never knew Poland was the incel capital of Europe. Guess I'm not very surprised
Read the thread. It’s not just burgers.
Everyone here is just as bad as what I would imagine the typical audience to be like in California with constant clapping and screaming every time a big fight happens or a new character comes on screen.
>People all over the world clapping and cheering for BASED Captain America
Best capeshit hero
Figures arabs are very misogynistic
If anything, this thread proves it's not the Burgers, it's the Aussies who do this
I don't even know the full title of this movie, let alone go to a cinema and watch it.
one guy stood up and started clapping after cap got mjolnir for like 5 seconds, realized he's the only one and sat back down
Yes, a lot.
IS this a thing in Europe? Clapping at movies.
I mean I get if an actor or director is in attendance, but what is the point of clapping at the pictures?
some retards actually clapped when Cap lifted the mjölnir
which is something that never happens here
though maybe 10-20 ppl of 200+ audience, max - it's really something that never happens here because normally people are too autistic to cause noises when watching movies, but i guess we dealing with new era of tards
apart from that, nope. some audible chuckles at the quippiest of the quips
No, but there were a couple of "yuhuuu" and "woah!" moments. Also audience was 95%+ a mix of male teenagers & people around my age (aka the people who were teenagers 10 years ago).
Now i'm done with this genre.
UK, no clapping, people cheered for that captain america scene but that's it
Yes but it wasn't obnoxious, there was 1-2 clap moments which lasted a couple seconds. No hollering or chanting shit so I was happy with it.
Adds to the experience, England btw.
The only time I reacted in any way during a movie was Interstellar. Everyone was laughing at how inane everything was.
Too cucked to do either
fucking underrated
> most where laughing for all the jokes.
> all went crazy for Cap using Mjolnir and Scarlet Witch going ragemode.
> a few eye rolls when Spiderman got backup from every Female superhero insted of a mixed team.
> i overjoyed as Thanos punched CM out of the screen!
Most where sitting until the very End and would say .. "Oh marvel you bat bitches" as nothing happened.
Imagine someone clapping or eating in your year. I honestly go to the worst shithole cinemas, literal ruins so that I won't have to deal with this. I sometimes watch the movie with my ears covered honestly. But I also watch good movies which require attention so that must be why.
What do you have against bread and circuses idiot, if you're being controlled by the man wouldn't you rather not be hungry and bored?
Holy shit there are English people CLAPPING AT A MOVIE SCREEN
it must be good
We don't clap but we like to boo.
yeah but now we're a desert shithole filled with degenerates that clap for shit movies thanks to you fuckhead
maybe things would have been better if the nips had invaded in the war and cut all our heads off
Not a soul was clapping
>did not go to a theater to give shekels to pedowood
>watched in the comfort of my bedroom
>did not clap
it's cool how they fearmonger about violent vidya creating psychopaths but never say anything about movies that have become literal mind control whose trailers are capable of making grown men break down in tears due to conditioning. i'm sure that plays no part in the rise of psychopaths running on deranged emotional pressure.
I saw Thanos the Mad Titan at a grocery store in Wakanda yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his Gauntlet shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like six Infinity Stones in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the stones and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each stone and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by snapping really loudly.
Thor just gave his entire heritage and kingdom away to a sheboon. Literally spitting on the face of his parents and all those who died for him in the face. Should've given it to Hela.
>they clapped at nu-spiderman
shits cringe af
>Didn't see it (and don't plan on it) just like EVERY LAST PERSON I KNOW
Clapped, cheered, gasped. Though most of the audience consisted of teens.
Do people actually cheer on/clap in cinema, like when you watch sports?
>Clapped, cheered, gasped
I read that as gassed. Too bad it wasn't.
>a guy cryed all the movie.
>paying for capeshit
watched multiple rips, nobody clapped or cheered at the fagnite scenes
guess that's a good thing
Yes, the onions-filled cheers when cap used thor's hammer was cringy af
Is that some kind of personal attack or something?
Portugalfag here. The exact same happened at my screening and it was also the first time I've ever been to a screening where people clapped. I thought it was obnoxious as fuck.
>Avengers: Endgame Release Date
>Russia 29 April 2019
I wonder why
Welcome to the American era poortugal. Enjoy your prosperity and higher quality of life.