Name one good film commentary

name one good film commentary

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Arnie + Verhoven on Total Recall

tropic thunder is the absolute best

Carpenter & Russel - all of them

Forrest Gump
Tom Hanks says what Forrest said at the Washington monument when the mics get cut.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker on Cannibal! The Musical

Spinal Tap

Dude, Where’s My Car?
Boogie Nights
Freddy Got Fingered
Any of the Jackass movies

All LOTR ones. Personal favourite is Merry and Pippin though.

Bad Day at Black Rock

Man. Imagine if she deepthroated your throbbing cock and her peach fuzz tickled your balls that’d feel weird haha

Scooby Doo the Movie, actor's commentary. They're having so much fun with it and genuinely seem tl enjoy each other's company. Don't tell me it's a work, it'll kill me.

Armageddon and Mallrats because both feature Affleck shitting on the movie.

Fight Club has a good one. One of if not the only commentary Brad Pitt ever recorded.


arnie praising himself for the entire extended nude scene in terminator 3 was worth a chuckle

>Arnie + Verhoven on Total Recall
>Dude, Where’s My Car?
Also Conan with Arnie and Milius

jim lovell and his wife on apollo 13

Resident Evil

David Cronenberg A history of violence.

>"That's me as a child"
>"Look at the slaughter"


a must see for anyone who gives a shit about space and shit
t. samefag

>tfw no ASR GF
Why even?

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I dated a girl that looked like her except not as pretty and she was fucking insane.

I came to say Arnie's Conan the Barbarian commentary is hilarious. Dude is a goddamned treasure

This. Maybe I’m biased because Milla a super cute, but it was a fun commentary. Clearly they just grabbed whoever was nearby, plied them with some shots and let them have at it
>twat shot!

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>0 slut

The Thing. Kurt Russell and John Carpenter are good buddies irl, so it's just two bros sharing good and bad memories from filming.

The thing with kurt russel and John carpenter

If you love Feldawg cringe then his Goonies commentary is great.

>she looks like a vaaaaaalkyrie

That can be a bad thing though. Big Trouble in Little China has one of the worst commentaries I've ever seen.

Do you think she could fit a whole sausage in her mouth?

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I sing "Let's Build a Snowman" every time we get snow in the winter. My gf has no idea what the hell I'm talking about.

depends on the size of the sausage


Big Trouble in Little China

>/thread on your own post

Return of the Living Dead. You get to learn about actual Indian skeleton farms.

Talledega Nights
>It's done as if it's 10 years in the future.

Nick Meyer's commentary track for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn.

>Freddy Got Fingered

There's shitposting IRL, then there's shitposting in a commentary in a shitposting film that you only acquired the funding for due to IRL shitposting. Marrying Drew Barrymore too, lucky bastard.

Anchorman Commentary was pretty good as well, they spent the first 15 minutes acting like they didn't know the mic was on and talking about shooting neighborhood dogs with BB guns.

Negative creeps


streamcucks and piratefags are missing out on kino commentary from the actors and directors.

I suggest watching this with friends, have a few drinks, smoke a bowl and prepare to laugh your ass off. Legendary commentary.

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>I dated a girl that was nothing like her

its great, also true to his character RDJ changes character as his character does

Lord of War is really really good, he mentions how much of the content of the film is based on things arms dealers have actually done in real life.
Lots of little things are done on computers to save time but you can't tell until he points it out. Also lots of it was done very cheaply and still looks great.

The plane scene, where they land in Sierra Leone and the villagers strip it down to nuts and bolts, was shot with a real arms dealers actual plane and the two Russian Pilots are the dealers actual crew. That plane crashed a few months after it was filmed carrying 'suspicious cargo' flown by another crew.

>John remember what Dino said, "you can't a-put da hands in-a da soup you're gonna gross-a out-a da people"

Michael Bay's commentary for Transformers 1 & 2

The Lord of the Rings extended cast commentary
Arguably even comfier than the regular film