Well...is he okay?
Well...is he okay?
Other urls found in this thread:
His clickbait gets hundreds of thousands of views, so probably.
>"Please give me some pussy I called out this autist on the internet please I cant get pussy any other wayyyyyyy!"
*unsheathes Colbert's Drumpf video library*
Heh, nothing personnel, kid
Oh man I want to call someone out but I’m too much of a faggot to actually use insulting language, better use a fucking ellipses and make it seem like I’m actually “saying” my tweet!
This pathetic passive-confrontational style of speech makes me want to buttfuck this guy to death
This guy is an idiot too. He wants attention so what does twitter and the leftist retards do? Talk about him all day.
but at what cost?
if people keep watching it
i instinctively hate people who begin their posts with "dude" "so" or "like"
Yeah like anyone cares. Thanks for sharing /s
god I wish I was that passionate about anything
add "yeah" to the list
>what is clickbait 101
>h-he can't stop talking about her, he had a problem right? Hahaha
The Quartering is a pretty boring channel, but he knows spamming 6 videos a day is how you get clicks and ad revenue. Hes basically doing quantity over quality, it's not for me, but I can't say it's a bad business decision.
that's not cool
Brie Larson was the best thing that could have happened to these faggots.
Clickbait culture warrior shit about things that literally don't matter. Yawn, how are people still consuming this horse shit?
>>h-he can't stop talking about her, he had a problem right? Hahaha
I mean, he obviously has problems
again, thank you so fucking much for posting screencaps of youtube or whatever instead of this guys face. thank you. thank you for not posting the ugly ass fucking mugs of these face for radio motherfuckers anymore. i dont care about the spam, Yea Forums is a garbage dump anyway but i don't deserve to have to look at people like ugly joe or the uglyening. thank you.
>fucking incels, why can’t they just respect all women
>show us on the doll where Brie Larson wouldn't touch you
>t. incel
>t. White knight
Look at views.
He is swimming in ad revenue bucks.
probably all instantly demonized
They found a niche way to profit from male virginity
Yeah, and since it's been talked about the whole time he gets exposure for it and views, making him money so he shits out more and more videos. I do wonder if it would simply stop or at least be reduced drastically if nobody would talk and give him free promotopn. Then you'd know if he has a problem or just likes to make easy money.
No reason for it, he just reading news out loud (like tim pool) and nothing more.
Well it’s better than trying to profit off of female virginity, since it’s hard to profit off of something that doesn’t exist.
>monetizing non-Leftist, non-SJW content
Fucking lol.
>Disney creates multiple scandals surrounding their movie that lots of people are talking about
>guy makes some videos about it over the course of 3.5 months
It's almost like he runs a YouTube channel that discusses genre-entertainment news or something.
Good to know this kind of shit still triggers you guys. Keep pushing for more Internet Censorship. Then you won't have to deal with the mean ol' wrongthinkers anymore.
Turn off your ad block.
Watch this video.
And you will see ads. But he has only 2 (in the beginning and in the end) so nice of him, usually greedy bastards put 10 ads on any 10+ minutes videos.
Imagine being such a perma-virgin that thinking calling someone else a whiteknight for pointing out your virginity is actually a hurtful insult.
I hate brie Larson so much
>make threads after threads about him on Yea Forums
what do they mean by this
>Imagine being such a whiteknight that thinking calling someone else a virgin for pointing out your whiteknighting is actually a hurtful insult.
I can do this too, faggot.
Yeah, imagine making multiple videos on the same subject more than once.
Is that the magic dude who became obsessive about a cosplayer?
>a late night talk show host talking about the president of his country vs a fat retard screaming into the void about an actress on a capeshit movie
>both people are talking about one singular subject on repeat
>"it's not an obsession when our side does it!"
die late
500+k views a day?
I think he's probably better than okay.
What’s the difference? They’re both retards screaming in the dark over something no normal guy cares about
the president of the country, some actress that triggers edgetards.
Totally the same thing, nice equivalence retard
I took me a second to realize that's a guy.
>other people are obsessed retards so I can be one too!
Based EVS.
I haven't given two shits about comics for over a decade now, but i love him and our boi Zack
>actress is clearly a miserable, unlikable cunt, not just from rumors, but because of how poorly you can see her interacting with cast members and how she talks like an entitled douche in almost every interview or internet video she's ever been in
>literally nobody made similar complaints about Scarlett Johanssen, Elizabeth Olsen, or any other female character playing a superhero. Not even Gal Godot, who played lead in a critically acclaimed, highly-successful capeshit movie not but two years ago; a movie specifically about a highly-feministic tribe of warrior women who don't need no men.
Yeah, no.
1. The Quartering's non-Brie Larson/Captain Marvel videos (stuff focused on SJWs) generally tend to get 100k views. For a channel with 500k, that's not great.
2. Because his overall content is political, when Youtube runs ads on the videos, he gets way, way less.
3. His Captain Marvel videos are exposing him to a new audience (of people who type in "Captain Marvel" and get his videos, or get his videos recommended to them from watching other Captain Marvel stuff).
4. However, I wonder how many will continue watching his videos when he pivots away from Captain Marvel (because with Endgame out now, she's just about a dead topic) and has to go back to making videos about whatever some crazy pink hair woman tweeted (which, as demonstrated, don't seem to be popular).
5. I'd also add that his long time subs are probably getting beyond tired of him making the same videos on Captain Marvel. I'd imagine OP is one of his old fanboys.
6. Looking into him, his Patreon got removed. He's got a subscribestar now, but it doesn't seem to be doing all that well.
7. He seems to have tried to follow pewdiepie to dlive, but his 500k subs didn't quite make the jump with him.
8. In fact, all signs seem to point to this guy being really popular and making a name for himself during Gamergate (fucking lols) and now he's struggling for his life to retain any sense of relevance in a system that actively hates him and wants him gone. The guy is grinding out videos, putting multiple out daily, on top of doing podcasts and livestreams, on top of spending all day on Twitter and in Discord (like a fucking dilating tranny lol) and elsewhere. This guy is basically living his life 24/7 online attempting to keep what little "career" he has left going, when he's a ban away from broke, all because he knows he has no real world skills.
9. But honestly, I think he'll get burned out eventually. The grind will get to him, particularly because it's a lost cause already.
The only thing more pathetic than a guy making these videos is someone else analyzing and obsessing over them this hard.
the quartering vs quinton reviews
who would win?
>president of the most powerful country makes a fuck up in every single minute
>a feminist in a movie
He has a lot of videos with over half a million views.
I understand how some literally who's are seething at him for making all that youtube money.
Stay triggered.
>Turn off your ad block.
Unless it's for a channel that actually provided something beyond "pwning the libs."
But the youtube random guy gets more viewers on average than the talk show host, the only people still watching TV are boomers
>post that single handedly BTFO incels and trannies
>no replys
Based user
just like trump is the best thing to happen to sjws
a balanced world
>"heh you spent a couple minutes writing up about a guy out of sheer boredom, that makes you more pathetic than a guy who spends every waking hour freaking out about sjws"
Only a few are from this year, which is less impressive when his output is considered. His average video is 100k to 200k views, despite having 500k subs.
hes so comfy and cool. his voice and personality relaxes me.
>guy is doing the same shit as lefties but targeted at "right" wing retards
>lefties get super asshurt
Subs means nothing on youtube, look at pewdiepie.
Only watch time means anything.
He collects funko pop figures and takes videogames seriously so he's a fucking retard.
Why do I hate Brie Larson? Because she's pretty, in an approachable way, and very successful but almost certainly wouldn't like me and would be offended if I ever made a move on her (and would probably make her disgust towards me quite clear and with much force). The fact that she also has a vocal political objection to successful straight white males makes me feel threatened in terms of the progress of my potential career on account of my identity. Because I am lonely and looking at her is a constant reminder of my own inadequacy in the face of similar women in my own personal life, I must call her a cunt online to channel my frustration and make me feel, if just for a moment, that I have agency and control that equal hers.
>8. In fact, all signs seem to point to this guy being really popular and making a name for himself during Gamergate (fucking lols) and now he's struggling for his life to retain any sense of relevance in a system that actively hates him and wants him gone. The guy is grinding out videos, putting multiple out daily, on top of doing podcasts and livestreams, on top of spending all day on Twitter and in Discord (like a fucking dilating tranny lol) and elsewhere. This guy is basically living his life 24/7 online attempting to keep what little "career" he has left going, when he's a ban away from broke, all because he knows he has no real world skills.
1mil views = few thousand dollars.
I think he is alright.
The extent to which he triggers Yea Forumsmblr makes me like his crazy ass for that alone
holy fuck based beyond belief