Scenes women will never understand

>scenes women will never understand

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why didn't he yell for Frodo to turn back and pick him up now all his shit is gonna be wet

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Women dont understand sacrifice for a friend, only for their child.



That scene is the prime example of Hackson going retarded with the digital color grade in the films (not just the extended editions).
In literally every single cut of that scene the grading is different, the sea is in one cut light blue, the other deep green, then grey and so on, absolute retardation

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Why didn't they kiss once they made up?

If you left your basement once in s while you'd realize large bodies of water change color drastically depending on small stuff like depth and in which angle the light hits it.

>dude it's just the angle of the water lmao
yeah and the trees turn from teal blue to deep green aswell depending on the angle am i rite

The scene becomes warmer. I think is intentional.

Water is a semi-reflective, semi-translucent fluid. It never looks the same from shot to shot, because in real life, water never looks the same from one angle to another. In fact, that's true of most things in life. You just don't notice, because our mind is more concerned with unity of space and time than unity of color. Because we see that the object is the same, we assume the color must be the same, even when it is subtly different. With films, you are only able to notice because you can hold one angle of view next to another, which you can never do without a photographic medium.

Based Oxygen Destoroyah.
Based Japanese Cyclops Doctor.

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Ofcourse it's intentional, I'm saying it's lazy garbage second hand filmmaking just spewing digital grading like that instead of using lighting and the set itself to represent the narrative.
Cope all you want, trees don't change colors depending on the angle you look at them.

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>what is cinematic language

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FUN FACT, the actor trod on a piece of broken glass during shooting this scene and had to have it pulled out of his foot lel

You there, Ephialtes.
May you live forever...

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>they think it's intentional "cinematic language" and not because the time of day naturally progressed on a semi cloudy day while filming a fairly long scene
LotR has always been an aesthetic mess and I will never not laugh at the tasteless retards who praise Hackson or the likes of George Lucas.
>Sam was dripping wet but the boat's side is completely dry

It is intentional, Jackson is proud of his digital color grading in LOTR. I'm just pointing out how bad it is executed.

>scenes non-homosexual males will never understand

None said Jackson is a genius, and any good will people used to have is gone with the Hobbit. There are nuances, if someone likes or dislikes something does not mean automatically the author is a genius or an idiot. Grow up.
You are being too autistic here.

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>the sea
>clearly a lake

>Sam was dripping wet but the boat's side is completely dry
I'm not going to dig up the scene but judging by those screencaps that wasn't the side he climbed onto the boat from.

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This whole movie really

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This one is "Women will never understand kino"

Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049, the whole films. Watched them with my sisters last weekend and they misinterpreted everything.

Why? what did they say?

Because what better way is there to prove yourself as master of the craft than with a Cinemasins tier criticism?

I think it’s a “male” movie but none of my friends picked up on it. To different people it can mean different things I guess, even critic interpretations are all over the place.

Cinema is only about emotional communication. If you want reality, go to the lake.

this user gets it

That's out of their control. Realistically they would kill their child otherwise. See just about every child homicide ever.

>water is the same as trees
jesus, someone was homeschooled

Captain Amerca was fucking ripped in those first movies. What the fuck happened

The Oscar period of PTA isn't moralistic, or thematic. They are reflective character studies. The Master is simply about the relationship between an expert manipulator and the broken man he keep like a pet dog.

I guess you are a women.

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>Sauron is kill
>middle earth is saved
>movie should be over
>jk nvm here’s forty five minutes of maudlin “closure” and faggoty singing singing
even the Ewok party was a better ending to a trilogy

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Obviously. They are not hard-coded to be expandable like men so they have a healthier view on their self-worth.

I don’t think it’s that simple, there can be more under the surface. I think it’s about the inner conflict of godliness and beastliness that exists in people. Just a thought but Dodd sounds like God and the meaning of the word quell is explanatory given the relationship between the two

Women don't understand sacrificing for their child considering abortions are a thing.

Obious answer

bare, landing strip or bush re:your sisters? if you had to guess

it’s funny that your immediately family is your only reference point for women

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the most important question, right here

Is there any way I can obtain a copy (preferably HD) without any grading?

You're problem is that you think that explanation is deeper than an observation of a complex relationship. A window into pathological dependency is more revealing about human nature than symbolic moralizing, and unlike your explanation, remains irresolvable.

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Why didn't Sam use the other boat?

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That was for Boromir to go home on. But he didn't sail so good.

this reply is wrong on so many levels all of my keks


Been a while since I've last saw some TUUUUUUUUBES

There isn't any, literally from the start it was graded. How it was screened in theaters was exactly like that with a lot of digital color grading.

movie isn't even out yet you fucking shill

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Why didn't Sneed just provid Feed?

nitpicking technical shit like that which doesn't get in the way of the film is stupid

man this was a great scene. This dynamic was definitely the best thing about this movie

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John Cazale's performance in this movie completely overshadowed Pacino and De Niro.

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saved for baiting autists kek

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he got off the juice

yeah my gf absoluted hated "p0a3njja2 "

respec wahman reeee

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Unironically based and Godardpilled

>There is only one thing people want in life. For women, it is money. For men, it is women.

Was Godard /ourguy/?

not all men sacrifice for a friend either, numb nuts. stop failing basic logic


You can only blast roids for so long before it begins to have serious impact on internal organs and your endocrine system when you get off it.


The federal government began regulating Super Soldier serum

Nigger answer him. Also what do their panties smell like.

He's right though. Women make the worst mothers, since women are inherently selfish.

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