TFW the schoolmaster from The Wall was based

>TFW the schoolmaster from The Wall was based

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Why do brits act smart when their most holy band says not to go to school?


my girlfriend went to a Roger Waters concert in 2017, apparently he had all sorts of graphically obscene anti-trump shit pop up on the video boards throughout the concert
good to see that a 75 year old man has the maturity of an edgy college campus socialist

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he was too pure for this world

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>mfw squeezin' a shit as I read this
The Wall is the best Pink Floyd album, unless you liked Barret more than Waters.

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I don't get the hype around this guy. I've listened to all the early Floyd albums with him, and while they are kinda cool in an overly experimental way, they are so obviously overshadowed by the bands other albums after his exit. It seems like people focus too much on what he could have done, and not enough on what he did do, which wasn't that impressive to be honest. I like the guy and love the band, but the amount people lament his leaving is laughable, the second iteration of Floyd is clearly the superior band.

Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
Get them up against the wall
There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me
Get him up against the wall
That one looks Jewish!
And that one's a coon!
Who let all of this riff-raff into the room?
There's one smoking a joint!
And another with spots!
If I had my way
I'd have all of you shot!

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Based and Wallpilled

and what's the IQ of a Roger Waters fan who gets upset that he's not a right winger?

no one cares about him in relation to the band really, it's just that he was a tragic figure, his decent into madness was really something alongside the kind of emotional person he was, probably helps that he was really handsome when he was young too

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don't know, I don't listen to shitty surface level music for 2deep4u teen girls and geriatrics

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and what's the intelligence level of someone who complains about an old man he doesn't even care about

measured at circa 146 when I was 15.
A decade of drug abuse and menial labour whittled it down for sure.

well back then schools were still kinda Victorian getting you ready for the factory's and mines

>The ban on corporal punishment came into force in 1986 in British state schools (private schools took a while longer: until 1998 in England and Wales, 2000 in Scotland and 2003 in Northern Ireland).

schools were really trying to stop you being individual

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I'm not triggered, it's that it wasn't smart or clever in any way
it was ORANG MAN BAD tier in terms of the commentary

Apparently he did the same for bolsonaro in Brazil and it triggered all the Boomer BR's in the audience.

>only edgelords disagree with my preferred US president
What an obnoxious faggot you are.

thank you very based

>putting up stupid cringy bullshit
One of these things is not like the other

>spanking kids bad

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Roger Waters is a literal commie, he supports Venezuela bolivarian socialist regime

I think it's mostly that the band probably wouldn't have been noticed without him in the beginning. It's kind of like Jamiroquai, the real talent is in the band but without some spastic dude singing falsetto and wearing crazy hats its doubtful whether anyone would care.

Your gf got fucked at that concert bro

It hasn't been the same without Syd or David. ;_;7

>"Orang man bad" bad

he's been doing this same ham-handed shit for literally decades, every single tour there are furious boomers who didn't know what they were getting into

Syd left decades before you were even born, why would you pretend to know what it was like then?

>I got news for your kiddo...*crack* sip

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