Was this a good movie or not? I just watched it and thought it was abysmal and boring. I enjoyed Infinity War, but this was just Marvel rubbing its own nipples. Feminism shoved down our throats. very mediocre garbage. am i mistaken?
Was this a good movie or not? I just watched it and thought it was abysmal and boring. I enjoyed Infinity War...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Was this a good movie or not?
>I just watched it
God forbid people to have their own opinion without needing to look for validation.
if you are a cuckedeboi or underage, you will think it is the greatest movie ever.
I feel like im supposed to like it. It's so huge and epic, but it was so tiresome and i wanted all the characters to die
did characters remain dead? did any die? gib me spoilers please. i also want to ruin the experience of some retarded friends of mine.
>Watching childrens superhero movies
Pic related is your brain.
>I feel like im supposed to like it
I genuinely believe that the only thing that saved this were Downeys performance and the Iron Man send off. Beyond that, it was a terrible flick.
can someone explain to me in a dumbed down version of what happened in it because I really can’t be fucked to go see it
>watching capeshit
Your parents miust be so proud that their child hasn't emotionally developed past the age of 10.
Like seriously, imagine dying in combat while cutting some barbarians heads off to defend your country and then you're in heaven looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and what is it doing?
Watching manlets running around greenscreens pretending to be comic book superheroes and shooting CGI beams at each other while quipping. If you could commit suicide in heaven, then you probably would at that moment. You would regret ever having children, having dozens of generations of descendants, all because of one manchild in the 21st century. Atleast you could rest assured knowing that your genetic lineage dies with this incel ass.
Female supremacy you mean.
Say what it is..
>did characters remain dead?
Vision did, Gamora kind of came back
>did any die?
Black Widow, Iron Man. Captain America went back in time and is now super old so he's out of the picture but not dead. Thanos and all his buddies got dusted.
*saves half the universe*
>Was this a good movie or not? I just watched it and thought it was abysmal and boring. I enjoyed Infinity War, but this was just Marvel rubbing its own nipples. Feminism shoved down our throats. very mediocre garbage. am i mistaken?
Femenism was not as bad as I thought and all the women just came off like Disney Princesses except without any of the charm or character development.
Black widow was the only semi decent one
Also nobody brought up vision or events from avengers 2 got completely retconned
If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?
>They go kill Thanos but he destroyed the stones
>5 year time skip
>Antman comes out of the quantum realm and suggests they time travel to get the stones from the past
>They do that, Black Widow dies getting the soul stone and evil past Nebula sneakily replaces good present Nebula
>Hulk snaps everyone back, evil Nebula lets past Thanos come through to the present
>Big fight scene, everyone trying to keep the glove away from Thanos
>Thanos gets the glove
>Iron Man steals the stones out of the glove and snaps Thanos to death, but he dies in the process
>They send Captain America back to return the stones to the past, but he then runs away to 1940 and shows up as an old man, gives shield to Falcon.
>Ends with Thor joining the Guardians, leaving Valkyrie in charge of Asgard.
>Gay people still alive post snap
Damn so Thanos actually failed
I've been a bit down since I watched it.
Coming out the cinema I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't as good as Infinity War but the longer I think about it, the more I think it was a mediocre film hidden under the hype/fanservice.
>>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
Because he remembered the date and time and waited 80 years
>>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
Cause it was an Iron Man microbot glove
>>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
Cause it wasn't an Iron Man microbot glove
>leaving Valkyrie in charge of Asgard.
LOL some nigger bitch is the queen of asgard now.
Captain Marvel rescues Tony
They all go and kill Thanos who destroyed the stones
5 years later Ant man escapes the quantum realm and convinces everyone time travel is possible
Tony invents time travel and they go back in time and collect the stones
While in the past, past thanos realizes what's happening and kidnaps future nebula and sends past evil nebula back in her place
They all return with the stones
Hulk who is smart now snaps half the universe back
Evil nebula opens the time machine and past thanos arrives with an army
Dr Strange transports all the heroes from all the old movies and there's a huge battle
Tony gets the glove and snaps Thanos' army away killing himself in the process
why're you reposting your brainlet questions that have all been answered?
No one here watched this
>Iron Man
-invents timetravel
-earths best and only real defender
-sacrifices his life to save the universe after being entrusted to do it by Strange
-invents a way to harness the power of the stones
-helps invent time travel
-saves half the universe by sacrificing his right arm
>Captain Cuckmerica
-says "Avengers... assemble!"
>dr strange literally telling Tony to kill himself
That part was kino
Wow, this recap makes it sound better than it actually is...
I think the final ending part the big brawl of all of them was so cringy.
>He actuallty unironically watched this jewish propaganda.
Absolute basedboy.
>thanos destroys stormbreaker Thor, mjolnir cap and stronger Iron Man without stones
>Captain Marvel destroys him until he uses the power stone
>Wanda almost solos him
This. This is bullshit
It was good
why is every negative thread about this movie based on feminism, are you fucks so myopic that you think peoplr will see that you dislike it because of your politics and agree that surely you're not just a jaded fuck?
A fucking time travel movie. Jesus fucking shit, I thought the goddamn lazyass garbage MCU couldn't get any worse. No, I'm not some fucking DC fanboy, their movies are worse, and that's pretty fucking bad given how bad MCU movies are.
who gives a fuck, Asgard by this point is literally some small village of less than like 500 people
Need a small thing explained. Maybe it was nothing.
Dr Stranges finger up gesture at to Tony at the very end. Was this referencing something that was said at some point? Or was it just a kind of, dunno, "go to heaven = sacrifice yourself" thing
It was their 1 chance out of like 14 million outcomes he checked, he's reminding him that it's literally their one and only option
one timeline
the one they win in
I really try to be on the feminism side when I find it reasonable, so I challenged myself why I cringed at that scene. It think it was simply too blunt and too forced. Like too much happenstance that all feminine characters would appear at that place in that formation.
That simple thing is what grinds my gears, so I don't count it as a "win" for feminism. It's remarkable what they assembled female superhero wise over the years, but that scene was just too blunt in your face and disruptive for that sequence.
D'oh, okay, of course. I was daft, thx.
>movie has x I don't like
>movie is automatically bad, I FUCKING HATE IT
lol time travel is fine ya cunt
I really enjoyed it, a good funny action comedy with a nice ending. I also liked the scene where all the women heroes come together to save Spider-Man because it will make incels and MAGA virgins angry
>Also nobody brought up vision or events from avengers 2 got completely retconned
Wanda mentions Vision to Thanos and again at the end to Clint.
It's the Islamic concept of Tawhid, meaning that God is One.
>they undo the snap in the middle of the movie and the rest is just a more retarded Thanos trying to do it again
what were they thinking?
Honestly time travel is never a good idea for a movie (except MAYBE a movie about time travel). Especially this kind. In this case it's cheap, it's basically cheating and it means noone is really dead = pointless
they were thinking time travel was a good trope to go after
Even worse, they made a time travel movie...
Where did you watch it user? Can I get a link?
Iron Man could've just run away when he got the stones instead of using them
Thank you. Fuck loltimetravel movies. Fucking cop out every single time. Unimaginative bullshit that should be banned from use in movies.
Pretty good, suffers from the fem bullshite, and lack any stakes whatsoever.
Get a life, it's just a movie for kids. Just enjoy it.
What was everyones thought on fat Thor?
It was kinda jarring and now he looks like a fat weed bro
It's a fine kids movie
Wasn't bad. Final fight scene was the most disappointing part to me. Loved all the emotional scenes
They handled him badly for me, he should have taken the same road as Tony and be hopeful but disillusioned and let him go really when he meets his mom
Do you have a link to watch it?
if it was a kids movie it would be Rated G
Now go back to watching Frozen for the 15th time
Frozen is actually rated PG
Average children’s movie. The only problem is the stupidity of American public that they treat this and Harry Potter and shit like it’s for adults.
I'm still mad they ruined Thor
>you're a grown up now! Forget about watching fantasy shite or having fun
i feel ripped off knowing that. The must have cut a sex scene or two
bet you are a Libra
when tony goes back to earth he complains about how he was right in avengers 2 about needing an army and throws the line about losing together in captain americans face dude
>Was this a good movie or not?
it was a movie, a loooooooooooooooooong one
ITT I just saw a movie, did I like it?
OK brainlet. Enjoy the kid shit.
Wired didn't allow Brie back
It was shit, cliched, cheap overrated garbage except for Spidey, Tony, Strange and occasionally Cap but his abysmal, depressing end ruined him.
>tips fedora
I get Tony was supposed to sacrifice himself but I preferred if Thanos daughters did it as revenge.
Or at least give Thanos some last words to them. He just vanished
This, it’s deflating because it was built up to be so good.
Because feminist cancer is literally spoiling Western art & entertainment.
It’s fucking Asgard. It’s Norse culture. Go back to sleep.
>very first second of the video
>guys look presentable and nice
>nigger whore wearing bodyhugging dress with giant cleavage
Why are women allowed?
Loved it.
Before you call me a zoom zoom:
>Star Wars, ESB and ROTJ are GREAT
>The prequels are sporadically great
>NuWars is shit, thoroughly, with Solo their best effort regarding entertainment value but still containing robosexual Lando and making Solo an actual descriptive surname
>IW was also great
>Ragnarok was a terrible tonal whiplash, the soundtrack is great and Hel is still exy.
Yeah going the full clown route, just felt jarring compared to the rest of the movie.
>tonal whiplash
Who put this idea into underageb&s heads that you're not allowed to have comedy in a serious film and vice versa?
The best bit was Thor ]joining the Guardians.
>undermining every serious moment with a piss take so the audience doesn't feel like they're out of the ironic joke of watching capeshit
I strongly detest capeshit and Ragnarok is the only Marvel movie that actually made me laugh out loud a couple of times. It has actual jokes instead of quips
Only capeshit I laughed more at was Suicide Squad and Justice League, but for very different reasons
how did tony died why cant they just snap him back to life
>did characters remain dead?
Everyone who died before the snap or was crucially involved in getting or handling the stones.
Fresh corpses:
>Iron Man (snaps Thanos and his army out of existence but can't contain the power)
>Black Widow (becomes the sacrifice to the Soul Stone)
>Nebula's evil 2014 version
Still dead:
>Gamora (replaced by a 2014 version prior to meeting Quill, who ran off)
>Loki (though a 2012 version of him portals away, that might've been undone by stealing and returning the Tesseract in 1970 instead)
Here, have my answers again.
"This is the one. Do it, Tony."
>why cant they just snap him back to life
Because anybody that doesn't have eternal-level endurance will literally die if they attempt to use the stones. I mean in reality Hulk could just use his other hand and probably be ok, but yeah.
Ragnarok wasn't a serious film with some funny lines, it was a comedy from start to finish (also when jokes didn't land like 'Y U DRESS LIKE A WITCH LOL') but dealt with the death of the Norse pantheon. Thor didn't react at all to the death of his friends. At least he prayed for Odin in that endless hallway.
"This is the one"
>I mean in reality Hulk could just use his other hand and probably be ok, but yeah.
The glove was Starktech but not nanotech, only built for the right hand.
Hela killed like every warrior in Asgard and you want Thor to separately mourn Gimli, Hot Hick, and Chuck the Shazam? He's focused on his goal
Why? Anyone who has read comics knows how broken Wanda is supposed to be, I was actually satisfied that she's slowing getting to that level. Apart from Dr strange she's supposed to be the strongest avenger.
Something something aliens so its okay for there to be niggers in asgard
She can satisfy me
Thanos destroyed stormbreaker?
I must have missed that
why cant stark just order the glove the disassemble when its in thanos's hands
No, what user meant was that Thanos defeats Thor, who is weilding Stormbreaker. The axe is fine.
The glove isn't nanotech, it's just made by Stark. His suit imitates the glove at the end because it, in turn, is made of nanobots that can do basically everything.
how did he ordered the inifity glove bot to auto move to his hand
*auto move the stones to his nanotech bot
considering he made all his tech to be able to be controlled wirelessly you'd think he cant just do that to the glove bot? make it disassmble or disable it when its in the wrong hands
The nanobots interfaced with the Starktech glove when Tony was hanging off it. Physical contact was apparently necessary. It's not illogical that the replacement glove didn't have a remote activated If_Thanos_Auto_Eject_Stones.exe because they killed him five years ago, were eschewing his presence in the timeline and Past Nebula only summoned him when they were busy causing the Unsnappening.
Why did they kill Thanos? Haven't they averted the events of Infinity War now that the 2012 Thanos is dead? If not, why did they bother returning the stones back to their original time periods?
>Also nobody brought up vision or events from avengers 2 got completely retconned
Nothing was retconned, Cap went back in time to return the infinity stones to their place. Everything goes back as it was supposed to be. Ultron happens, Civil War happens, IW happens and so on.
Steve staying in the past and marrying Peggy was also meant to happen and is part of the current storytime.
Why the fuck was it told in a flashback who the fuck edited that shit.
Most of the cinematography and editing was fucking dreadful as well so many cuts and shakycam
>>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
Consider it the same as Futurama's "Fry was his own grandfather all along" kind of thing.
He's so focused he's quipping nonstop.
Then she should have done a lot more in IW during the first place. The sudden jump in ability doesn't make sense even if lore wise she eventually becomes the strongest.
>Haven't they averted the events of Infinity War now that the 2012 Thanos is dead?
No. 2014 Nebula poses as 2023 Nebula to pull 2014 Thanos into 2023. The snap still happens, the world still has been half empty for five years. 2014 Thanos and Nebula die, but they become alternate timeline versions of their normal selves because they (the regular versions) were never pulled into their personal future, they only went back from their present. The original timeline is preserved because Steve returned all stones and Mjolnir on his way to the Fourties. Everything still happened as we saw it, because if it doesn't, the time machine is never built. This universe just creates duplicates and averts paradoxes.
how is present nebula still alive despite the past nebula being dead
It's not more that she got buffed, it's that Thanos got nerfed. He was OP in IW with the gauntlet but they showed here that some people can stop him. With just one stone captain marvel got btfo and when he came to earth in IW he had 5.
It was amazing and I am tired of capeshit. Sure it's Marvel stroking its cock, but fuck it, it's great
"Kill yourself, Tony."
And yet iw thanos lost to stormbreaker Thor.
Yet somehow he whoops Thor who has both mjolner and stormbreaker without the gauntlet.
The power level really becomes inconsistent as hell between the two movies.
I don't know about you OP but Thor joining the guardians KINo is pretty okay
Present Nebula was never pulled from the timeline and placed in her personal future. That means 2014 Nebula is treated as an alternate version by the universe, as Present Nebula is involved in the events that need to happen for Past Nebula to ne displaced in time, which doesn't happen if she gets displaced ja herself in time.
This universe doesn't do paradoxes, just duplicates in alternate timelines.
As Ant-Man puts it:
>Back To The Future was wrong!?
Btw, the universe in Looper does both duplicates and paradoxes, which is what makes timetravel shit there.
>And yet iw thanos lost to stormbreaker Thor.
Caught off guard, mid snap, element of surprise.
shhh, don't ask question and consume Marvel products
>just duplicates in alternate timelines.
then how did old cap showed up in the end of the movie.
They literally have a 5 minute quip session explaining that's not how time works here.
Turn off your brain bro
Because he stayed in the Fourties with Peggy when he was done delivering the stones and Mjolnir back to their proper places and never interacted with the heroes again in any way that would alter the outcome of him traveling back from 2023.
I hate it
You're welcome to.
Doesn't change the facts.
but that means that actual back to the future style time travel actually works in endgame and its not just them jumping through different universes that takes place in different timelines.
unless of course the old cap decides to use the time travel multiverse tech from the cloned universe he lived with peggy to warp to the universe he originally came from exactly on that bench just to give black bird guy the shield
>but that means that actual back to the future style time travel actually works in endgame and its not just them jumping through different universes that takes place in different timelines.
The timelines don't branch until something changes the outcome and if that thing can be returned immediately, the timeline reintegrates with established events. So taking the stones from the past would've resulted in 4 different universes, but the only one that comes to pass is 2014B because Thanos and his affiliates can't be returned.
BTTF timetravel means effects on the timeline immediately make themselves felt (Marty running over one of the pine saplings eventually responsible for the name Twin Pines Mall in 1955 makes it Lone Pine Mall in 1985, for example).
MCU meddling with the past never has an effect on the present you came from and also injuries inflicted into your displaced past self don't magically transfer to you because you weren't displaced when you were at that point in your life.
That's what I'm saying, if the Thanos and Nebula that travelled to 2019 are clones that are independent from the timeline, then why aren't the infinity stones?
Well they are, but leaving them in the present fucks the pasts they came from, so returning them is a courtesy.
Putting them all back makes it so only one timeline exists and allows Cap to simply live his way back to regular 2023.
the infinity stones in this movie were just borrowed from the past, the first ones are destroyed
So Dr strange arranged all the reinforcements in 15 minutes
that scene with all the female heroes made cringe in my seat, stop being so goddamn blatant about it. Other than that I thourougly enjoyed it. It was a good way to end an arch that spanned 10+years
They reappeared where they crumbled to dust and Strange knew from checking timelines he would open portals to the Avengers compound. So he did.
thanos woud never have given up coming after the stones
New Gamora must have went with the anti snap that destroyed thanos armies as at the end Quill is looking at a picture of her wistfully
The only thing that made me confused about the time travel thingy was at the end where Steve when back in time and become old in the current year
I'm working on a script ware they are transported to Mojo's Jello world
Those are all standard zoomer opinions
Instead of coming back through the time machine he decided to live his natural life from the 1940s and took the bus there 80 years later
Yes but Thanos and the Stones seem to abide by a different logic.
The stones need to return to the past after they are used in order for the timline to make sense. However 2014 Thanos can die in the future without contradicting the events of Infinity War, what should happen is that the timeline changes compeltely now that the past has no Thanos.
Nah, felt the same. Infinity War atleast managed to entertain me on my first watch, this was bland and boring.
Fuck off, coping incel. Movie is trash but so is your existence.
Alternate timelines are only created if they're not fixed, but it's okay because killing thanos in an alternate future just saves the alternate thanos-less universe anyways.
>Why did they kill Thanos?
Thor killed Thanos. They killed him again because 2014 Thanos's plan is even crazier
>Haven't they averted the events of Infinity War now that the 2012 Thanos is dead?
They didn't. What they had done to 2014 Thanos doesn't change their current timeline state
>If not, why did they bother returning the stones back to their original time periods?
Because Tilda Swinton said so
Does Yea Forums really that much of a brainlet for not able to understand a simple capeshit story?
>yfw Banner said he can take as long as he wants
>he actually does
>it’s all okay because the stones are in place and him being cap is still there just like how Scott could change ages too
But they can't change the past, why suddenly Captain break that rule? It's okay if it's for the drama but still
Last I heard, according to this board, zoomers called TLJ and Marvel as a whole great and preferred the prequels over the OT.
The past isn't changed by Cap being in it, he becomes Peggy's husband and lives a quiet life under an assumed identity.
>can’t change the past
>they literally do, but we don’t know the repercussion if there are any
If the Ancient One is right then the stones being back where they are means everything is okay. She’s the time master, she has to know for sure.
Future staying in the past Cap was always there from the beginning we just didn't know it
>They didn't. What they had done to 2014 Thanos doesn't change their current timeline state
but 2014 thanos died in retrospect preventing him from existing in IW
Movie was fine, I only want to know why none of Spider Man's friends aged and why they are still in school? Same cast will be in Spider Man far from home, so did all 5 of them get snapped or what?
>thanos died in retrospect preventing him from existing in IW
Yes in that timeline, but it still happened in the main timeline.
>watched today
>theatre was filled with soilads clapped when Cap got the hammer and when he said Avengers Assemble
Movie is good for what it is, although I'm pretty sure if someone nitpicked it they'd find plenty of plot holes with the time travel storyline
Why do people do this?
Oh so there were always 2 Steve in the main timeline? One young and old? Makes some sense at least
>but 2014 thanos died in retrospect preventing him from existing in IW
It's different than the main timeline. 2014 Thanos being killed doesn't make IW Thanos also killed. Hulk literally explains this in the movie, this isn't BttF.
No! He gets displaced to 2023 through a device that wouldn't exist if he hadn't deleted half of existence in 2018. So 2023 is a fixed point. His displaced version can't be the same version that succeeds in 2018 as it wasn't displaced, so the universe considers him a clone and makes his timeline branch. Back. To. The. Future. Is. Wrong. Say it with me.
>Oh so there were always 2 Steve in the main timeline? One young and old? Makes some sense at least
It sucked the three daughter did not come threw a portal as the super loli squad, Pink Arrow, Lady Bug and Iron Maiden
>Was this a good movie or not?
You need to ask other people?
They could just use the actual glove instead. But for some reason Stark dusted it too.
Can you share the link or something? I want to watch it too
I don't have premiere tickets, so fuck it
>that might've been undone by stealing and returning the Tesseract in 1970 instead
Did you not pay attention to the very simple time travel explanation?
That timeline's fucked.
you know what this whole time travel thing is fucking confusing bullshit im just going to pretend they cloned universes with different timelines and take this excuse as why old cap is on the bench. its the only explanation without paradoxes.
And some how it is 5 year later but all of spiderman's same friends are still in HS
It was pretty depressing the whole way through. Begins with hawkeyes family being snapped out of existence, the middle has black widow and hawkeye fighting one another over who will commit suicide, then black widow dies, also reminding us that the original Gamora is also dead and the new one kicks Quil in the balls (is punching women in the titties "funny"? Because being kicked in the balls feels about the same), The Hulk is weaker and less kick ass, Thor is fat and hands Buttguard over to a black woman who enslaved him, Captain america is now an old boomer and hands the title of captain america over to a black man, iron man kills himself fighting Thanos and is now being replaced by a cuntfaced brie larson who is as strong or stronger than Thanos, they are no longer the smartest, now it's a 16 year old black woman from a strong black invincible country named Wakansa, Assguard is totally destroyed, the people of assguard (who are apparently multicultural from the begining) and how half destroyed and living on earth, Thanos dies without much more explanation as to why he was doing what he did, which is ridiculous, and the movie ends with a funeral and Captain America dancing with some roastie who didn't give a shit about him until he started taking supersolider roids.[/spolier] Kind of depressing direction for the MCU if you ask me.
There's definitely a chance of there being a third universe with Loki having the tesseract.
I liked seeing Jarvis in Endgame, it was a nice little moment that fully canonized the Agent Carter TV show.
None of the other Marvel TV shows have been acknowledged by the movies.
I mean that's not exactly wrong i guess
Wouldn't Cap going back and living out life mean he wasnt ever brought back in the present to be a part of the avengers? Seeing him old was kind of like seeing Mickey at Disney world without his head on. I wish they'd just flashed back right after they couldn't bring him back to show him happy. Still the same plot hole though.
Yes, if this can be answered then I have no problem with the movie. MJ, Ned, Flash and that blonde girl are still in his class in Far From Home, so did they get snapped too?
Is it his time?
Yeah they get snapped, if 7 billion people flip a coin on whether they live or die, sometimes entire groups of people will lose.
Luckily they were dusted together with him so they're all perpetually 5 years behind.
Then Cap couldn't have showed up on the bench as the tesseract goes missing in 2012 when Loki up and leaves with it. There'd be a branching point preventing Steve from living his way back into regular 2023, but he did.
It's a movie set for children. Go have sex
That old Cap is the one in Avengers, there was always 2 cap but we never knew that before. But your idea is something I really wished they had done instead.
>Wouldn't Cap going back and living out life mean he wasnt ever brought back in the present to be a part of the avengers?
There are two Caps, one that came back from the 20XXs, and one on ice that is doomed to wake up and suffer that same loop eternally
Okay, by the looks of the Far From Home trailer, the teacher is the same, and the kids he is with besides Flash, Ned and MJ are different. It is rather convenient but it is what it is I guess. I rewatched the Far From Home trailer and it appears half of the science club got snapped which is why half of the cast are different, the ones from Homecoming already graduated. I guess I will just settle for believing this until Far From Home comes out anyways.
>Wouldn't Cap going back and living out life mean he wasnt ever brought back in the present to be a part of the avengers?
No, because the Cap who went back in time was the one they thawed out of the ice while Old Cap is the one that Cap becomes after traveling back in time. That's why I wrote he lived under an assumed identity. Presumably with a big fake mustache and some really shitty alias like Roger Stevens.
Not sure why people don't understand this. There are two Captain up until he goes back in time. Meaning the old captain watched himself go back in time, it is a closed loop.
>and suffer that same loop eternally
No, he lives through it once. Then he dies an old man. He's looping the decades he skipped previously and experiences 2012-2023 twice, that's all.
Young Cap has to go through it for Old Cap to observe it which means Young Cap goes to become Old Cap and see Young Cap do it again and again
Just preorder tickets online and get there earlier enough to get in the front of the line to get seated. Like at my theater there are two lines, one to enter to take sure seat and one to buy tickets.
people already explains it but to make it simpler, I'll use meme arrows instead
>cap was "made" in WW2 era
>in 1945 he got iced
>awaken in 2012, joined avengers all the way to 2023
>in 2023, he went back to 1945, just shortly after he got iced before, to live his life with peggy
>he lived a good life from 1945 to 2023 where he appears as an old man
It was always the same person, but they're 2 captain (same person) existed at the same time from 2012 to 2023
>Lakesha Baboon
>Joanna Aborted
Confirmed Thanos snapped unborn fetuses and animals?
Buy more onions so your body can produce more serotonin to prevent yourself from literally shitting your pants over another Marbie Moobie. If you go, be sure to bring a diaper so you don't leave any shit on the seat for the person after you.
I thought it was good but a step down. Some great individual moments but the pacing and overall tone wasn't anywhere near as good as Infinity War.
You failed to understand the very simple multiverse theory explanation of time that was given to you.
I'm streaming it now and at the Hulk dab scene.
>WTF have people been posting about this garbage for 3 months straight over?
what about peggy? she was in death bed shocked seeing young cap
Don't try to explain it to these people anymore, they will never understand. Some people can not mentally understand it. They don't have the brain power.
But wouldn't he be living in another parallel reality? But isn't going back into time like going into a parallel reality? Why is he still in this reality? It doesn't make sense.
>she was in death bed shocked seeing young cap
When was that?
thanos fucking died in the 20 minute mark. after that the entire movie becomes a buddy movie with predictable plotlines.
It is a closed loop you god damn retard.
>her family name didnt change
The multiverse theory doesn't explain cap on the bench.
He changed history and created a branch dimension, he wouldn't have existed any more in the old dimension unless he returned via the quantum realm.
I know that it's a closed loop, I'm asking WHY is it a closed loop you dense motherfucker. The sorcerer supreme said going back in time splits into an alternate reality. Banner even points this out that it's NOT like back to the future, that going back in time doesn't change the outcome of your present.
Shit movie, but made me question even more if thanos did anything wrong. He literally did everything right, even his past self wanted to make a new good universe without niggers etc..
The scene with Ant Man going back in time coming back as a baby and shit was stupid but funny.
to explain: old cap warped back to his original timeline. theres no time travel going on.
>unless he returned via the quantum realm.
ding ding
Man these bait threads just get worse and worse...
That must be a massive oversight, considering Russo bros raging hardon for Cap. That or she just lying to hide old steve identity
Not enjoying the Stark/Cap animosity but the scenes with Stark inventing shit has been good so far.
>Never seen one of these before but it is a solid 5/10 so far at the 'inventing the time machine' mark.
>Marvel suddenly finding Stark is stupid
>Nebula knowing about 'the Garden' and the sudden realisation is stupid
>Hulk is stupid
>Cap/Stark story is stupid
Is my opinion so far.
> "warped back to his original timeline".
> No time travel going on.
Can you elaborate on this? It doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. How you do "warp back in time" without "traveling in time"?
There was a steve that got frozen, and there was a steve that peggy married. the steve that grew old with peggy lived in secret with her. the other became unfrozen and joined the avengers. there were two steves up until the point that frozen steve goes back in time. at that moment, the old steve we see is now the only steve. no paradox, no bullshit. old steve still has ALL the memories of the one we have watched in the movies because it is him. it is the "same steve"
>The timelines don't branch until something changes the outcome
The mere presence of someone in the past who doesn't belong there is a change in the timeline that should branch a new one.
>The sorcerer supreme said going back in time splits into an alternate reality.
No. Going back in time is fine, but taking important stuff away from the past and not immediately returning it (from the past's POV) turns the past into an alternate timeline.
>>Banner even points this out that it's NOT like back to the future, that going back in time doesn't change the outcome of your present.
Yes, it doesn't. That's why strangling baby Thanos doesn't work, as your timeline's adult Thanos won't pop out of existence consequently, there will now simply be an alternate timeline where a baby raisin boi was mysteriously stangled in his crib.
If the 2012 they go to to pick up Mind, Space and Power from is fucked from Space going missing, then returning Mind and Power to that timeline isn't really important, as the course of history is forever altered anyway from that point on. That's why I said stealing Space from the Seventies must've partially reset 2012 or Steve was almost dragged into a fucked timeline from living into it from 1945 onwards. Or he actually kept Power and Mind. They're hard to put back into their original casings anyway.
It's okay to put things in a timeline but it's not okay to take things from a timeline.
It is the only timeline we know though. The timeline we know always has Steve go back in time to be with Peggy, he has always been there we just did not know it until we saw it happen. There has always been two steves living up until the point that he goes back in time. The old Steve is the only one we have now. They are still the same person, however. It is not confusing at all, not sure why some people can not understand it.
But can you satisfy her?
Not if they only interact with people who will keep mum about their presence (Ancient One, Frigga). Which they did or at least managed to not reveal their existence to people who might not've been able to handle the knowledge (Howard Stark).
> There was a steve that got frozen, and there was a steve that peggy married. the steve that grew old with peggy lived in secret with her. the other became unfrozen and joined the avengers. there were two steves up until the point that frozen steve goes back in time. at that moment, the old steve we see is now the only steve.
Yes, this is obviously what they are trying to say happened my point is that it contradicts the earlier points by Banner and the sorcerer supreme when they said that going back in time DOES NOT EFFECT YOUR TIMELINE, it creates a separate alternate timeline. So, in the newly created timeline there would be the closed loop and two Steves and in the original Steve should have just disappeared (because he LEFT and went into the other timeline). Do you get it?
>no paradox, no bullshit. old steve still has ALL the memories of the one we have watched in the movies because it is him. it is the "same steve"
What you are saying is obvious, I'm talking about what Banner and the sorcerer supreme were saying. The film must have cut to the other timeline I guess, it's the only way that it makes any sense.
No it was half arsed and full of plot holes.
I will have to watch the Banner scene again. I might have missed something, many niggers in the theater being loud.
>young cap returned the stones back to the universes where the avengers took them as a sign of good faith, the avengers can choose not to return them and affect nothing but good guys have to be good guys
>after doing that, instead of returning back he decided to warp himself to a timeline way back in the past where peggy was young and single so he can make babies with her, fulfilling his dream
>after enjoying all those years with peggy in that timeline he decides to go back to his original timeline to give falcon the shield
All timelines that were created were clones of the past of the original universe ie they are different universes separate from the original.
its tough to explain but imagine going back to kill baby hitler then you come back to the present where you came from and didnt change shit because you killed baby hitler in a different universe that happens to have to the past of your universe as its current present.
ie multiverse
Going back is fine as long as you don't meddle. Else you get stuck in an alternate timeline.
>I feel like I'm supposed to like it
So pic related really is just a meme, huh?
There is no way the average Yea Forums poster has more than a double digit IQ.
>All timelines that were created were clones of the past of the original universe ie they are different universes separate from the original.
They weren't clones because stuff was put back in place and they reintegrated.
>if you’re missing you’re presumed dead by the decimation
What did they mean by this? And who does all the reporting on the missing? The avengers had a fucking counter going up. How is that even possible?
> No. Going back in time is fine, but taking important stuff away from the past and not immediately returning it (from the past's POV) turns the past into an alternate timeline.
This is not what the sorcerer said and it is not what Banner said from what I remember. They both explicitly said they were already in separate realities. They didn't say an alternate reality would be "created". Banner explicitly said it was not like back to the future. Don't you remember that scene where he said that?
>then returning Mind and Power to that timeline isn't really important
Sorcerer surpreme implied that not returning the stones automatically dooms the timeline,
it's not about altering the future or making it an alternate timeline, just returning the stones, I don't think cap even needs to return them to it's original place just actually put them back into their rightfull timeline so shit isn't fucked, and by shit being fucked I mean in the way that the universe might shut itself down or some weird shit will happen if one of the stones is missing.
Because the timelines are already fucked and alternative just by the avengers appearing there. One timeline doesn't have red skull anymore, one has a free loki + cap america beaten by himself, also has sorcerer supreme knowing what she shouldn't know and so on.
So I don't think making an alternate future is the problem, just not having the stones.
Yea Forums has to be among the dumbest board. It only talks in memes, constantly trying to force memes, and attempting to make a serious discussions only resulted truly dumb opinions
>They weren't clones because stuff was put back in place and they reintegrated.
such as?
They are time branches.
Old cap living in the main branch is wrong. Since Peggy married and had kids and was surprised to see Steve. He also made out with his own niece.
Why is it not possible that, Cap returned all the stuff then went back to to 1945 and created another time branch where he lived with Peggy went back to the main one and said goodbye.
For me that makes the most sense
>Hawkeye slaying the gook was good
>Ant Man time travel shit was good
The fifteen minutes between Ant Man coming back and Hawkeye testing the shit have been 7/10
>Sorcerer surpreme implied that not returning the stones automatically dooms the timeline,
doomed the timeline of her universe.
she cares about her own universe not the universe that banner comes from.
ITT: Baby's first multiverse theory fiction
not for the 4 next years
Yes, and?
What's your point?
It's not possible because it is the same Steve from the only timeline we know. Peggy is married, to Steve. If she told him on her death bed it would have altered the future. She knew better, she acted surprised.
If he created a new "branch" we wouldn't have seen him as a old man, he would have never known Falcon, or never met the Avengers. He had the shield Tony gave him. Same time line.
I'm glad they limited captain toe rot's role, she's horrible.
Thor presentation was good. This while Infinity Stones shit it quite good.
40mins-1hr 10 mins is brety gud. Blue bitch is annoying.
You do know they explain time travel bullshit in the movie right? They say “back to the future time travel is bullshit”
Final fight would've been kino if it was purely just cap, thor and iron man vs thanos. Having "LE BIG EPIC FIGHT SCENE" completely ruined the end of the film for me
I keep repeating that there are no alternate realities where the stones where taken and then immediately returned to. TAO shows the timeline branching only in the absence of the time stone. Hulk says they'll put it back immediately and ensure the timeline goes back on track that way. He even showed it in the graphical representation TAO conjured up by waving the black branching part of the timeline away, leaving only the golden streak. Meaning the timeline will now be virtually indistinguishable again from the one he started out from. Reintegrated.
Or are you saying that all timelines are roughly the same anyway but the ones he went to are the ones that are so infinitesimally different (like a single person scratched his ass that morning in that reality but not in the one our Avengers come from) they basically follow the same path?
There was already meddling happening (Thanos, Gamora and Nebula and several others all straight up LEAVE their timeline and never come back as well as many other subtle changes that take place) and A) Banner said it was not like back to the future and that they were not altering their own timeline B) the sorcerer supreme said that her reality was different than the one they were from and spoke about it in those terms. She never said it would "create a new reality" if they didn't return the stones. She was just concerned about her reality not having the stones, she never said it would create a separate timeline/reality she already spoke as if she was in a separate reality.
Wrong again, she was just wrong at first. It is the same time line because he freaked out when Banner told her Strange gave the stone to Thanos. You people have such low IQ. Marvel should not make anymore movies that require a IQ over 85.
The stones that were borrowed and Mjolnir.
And what's yet another fuckup is that if the stones are returned to the other reality and Thanos1.0 destroyed the stones in their reality why isn't their reality "doomed" like she warned?
Them splitting up is cool, too. So far Ant Man and Hawkeye have saved the 35m-1hr20 portion of them film and it's been ok after a shitty 10m-30m
>Having "LE BIG EPIC FIGHT SCENE" completely ruined the end of the film for me
The worst part is Thanos just randomly giving up his Ideology because people weren't grateful to him just so he is evil enough to actually want to destroy earth with his own forces and create said big epic fight scene.
We don't know, it's just le capehero movie, why think hard when few think do trick?
It's cool how you can pretend the real avengers did everything she did in this.
>Tony fixes the ship and rides home
>Thor destroys the big cannons
Thank you Russo brothers
>muh balls kicking
Why are incels so fucking offended by this
It was just okay. The group fight was really well done and RDJ was great as usual though.
I know it's the same, but I mean Steve A returns the stuff in timelineB, goes to timelineC has a family with Peggy comes back to timeline A as an old man with the shield, since shieldA was broken.
this one is kinda fucked up since technically you can bring back everyone to life with no ill effect to your timeline.
you want more pym particles? use the one you got and steal it in the past where hank got jugs of it stored.
you want gamorra back? go back to the past where shes alive and kidnap her. want tony back? do the same thing. black widow? loki? odin? hell you can even bring back thanos and stan lee if you want to.
infinity stones? how about an entire closet full of them since you can just steal them over and over by spam cloning universes. power scaling just got fucked big time with the existence of multiverse in MCU.
Look, let's just say that when Thanos destroyed the stones he also fixed the universe so it could work without them, alright?
Don't question the deus ex machina stones. Sometimes they can wipe an entire universe and sometimes they can create an entire universe, I'm sure they could also fix it, reviving someone is too much though.
>was hyped for Infinity War
>watched it
>thought it was even better than my expectations, and possibly the only time a Marvel ensemble movie was actually good
>was hyped for Endgame until a couple days ago
>read and hear people saying "eh, it went as expected"
>read spoilers, and indeed it goes pretty much as expected
>hype levels are borderline negative
Fuck. Worst part is, I don't really care about what is going on "next". I'll just watch Guardians of the Galaxy movies because the first two were rather good, and possible stand-out movies, but I really don't give a shit about Captain Marvel, Black Panther or most of the other newly introduced characters. Even Spiderman is rather "eh, fuck that".
And holds Thor's hammer. That's it. Though honestly, I don't think MCU Cap is actually worth it, so that was just fanservice.
Did anyone notice that top down shot of scarlet witch's tits when she was fighting thanos? She's got a nice rack I wanna fuck her.
>If he created a new "branch" we wouldn't have seen him as a old man, he would have never known Falcon, or never met the Avengers. He had the shield Tony gave him. Same time line.
That part is wrong. The Steve going back still lived through 2012-2019 and so has met Falcon, Bucky and receives the shield from Tony. If he had created an alternate timeline going back to the 1940s, he'd never have ended up back on that bench in that reality, though, but instead in a parallel universe. Then our Hulk, Bucky and Falcon wouldn't have seen him sitting on that bench, even if he walked there on the right day in the right year.
>technically you can bring back everyone to life with no ill effect to your timeline
Thor has been good, too. Only bad bits so far
>Marvel saving Tony and being shit in the group meeting
>Nebula knowing the garden leading to Thanos
>Hulk dab scene
Basically from going to Thanos's garden to where I am now (1hr 08) has been pretty good.
That is literally how multiverse theory works though, it's not fucked at all.
No matter what you do on another timeline, it will never affect yours.
This movie was great and i really enjoyed it, but god fucking damn they completely fucked up the time travel stuff.
>Thanos from 2014 left his timeline and dies in the present year 2023, meaning all the events from GOTG1 onward never happen in that timeline
>Loki runs away with the tesseract after Avengers 1, changing the entire course of history from that movie onward in this timeline
>Steve steals some of the time travel juice from before Tony was even born, probably having some impact on that timeline too
As far as i am concerned the other timelines shouldnt have impacted as long as Steve put Mjolnir and the stones back where they were (even though it would be weird to inject the Aether back into Natalie Portman but whatever), but all the other timelines now all have alternate futures.
Dont tell me entire cast of Spider-man Far From Home was dusted? There is no fucking way. Such a stupid oversight.
On another note, i guess our Loki really fucking died when Thanos snapped his neck, but at least 2012 Avengers Loki got away with the Tesseract, which they probably added to the movie so that Loki can come back in another installment, but thats dumb as fuck since there is more than Loki still alive in other timelines anyway.
Apparently sif got dusted in IW
>there are “people” here actually paying money to go see S*yvengers
but now people will have more reason to say "why cant they just steal it from the past durr it wont affect the current timeline anyway" if some stupid shit comes up in the next mcu movie. unless if they have to face dormammu that is
If this were true wouldn't Thanos, Gamora and Nebula leaving their timeline and going into the future and dying effect the timeline? They literally vanished. That would be a pretty big split in the timeline especially considering all the shit they went through, fighting ego, GOTG1, and the events of Infinity War as well, etc...This just doesn't even make any sense. The timeline must have shifted dramatically if it's just one timeline.
They indeed will, and they will be right.
It's why you're not supposed to actually introduce time travel as a device in your story without knowing how to use it.
Matter is not created nor destroyed when the stones are, the universe remains in balance.
Yeah in the timeline Thanos left the universe is saved because Thanos goes and dies in a different future.
To everyone saying that Cap always went back to the past, that's wrong.
Peggy literally gets over cap, marries a random dude and has children with him. This is in the MCU's canon.
So what Cap did is screw all of that over to get her. He basically created a parallel timeline when Peggy never did any of that and just got with him instead.
Caught off guard
Previously hit with big ass lightning and tried to laser the one thing laser resistant, wasn’t a fight it was an ambush
In endgame thanos is ready with his weapon knowing he’s gonna fight Thor, also weapons don’t make the man, Thor is sloppy and hasn’t fought is five years only drinking so he’s probably a bit slower, endgame thanos is a conquered who’s fought or at least trained everyday, you see how serious he is just by the fact he’s got his armor on
What a shit dab desu
Except it was cap all along which is why she didn’t really move on.
Yes, them dying in 2023 changes THEIR timeline but because the time machine only exists because of Thanos being successful in 2018 the universe considers the 2014 versions expendable clones, especially so since they never left their time the first time around.
There now exists a timeline where the snap never happens courtesy of and depending on a timeline where it happened, but they are separate from each other.
Here are all the timelines from Endgame.
I suppose the red one should be completely unaffected by the events of Endgame if Captain America put the Aether and Mjolnir back, but all the other timelines are their own seperate universe now.
Most Hilarious explanation award
i didnt pay shit lol i just pirated a good rip off tpb because im too lazy to go to cinemas.
Guys explain to me how Steve was on the bench.
I wasn't paying precise attention to the time travel stuff. But from what I got they return to a different time in another universe/dimension. So they altered each place they went too somewhat.
Because doing things in past does not alter stuff in the future. So it's not like back to the future.
So there is a timeline where Loki got the tesseract and one where pym particles got stolen and one where Steve got old with Peggy.
After he gets old he returns to his main dimension and sits on the bank?
Because if there would be 2 Steves that would create a lot of problems
No. You literally see Peggy have a talk with Cap in one of the movies and it's pretty damn obvious she moved on and thinks he should do the same.
It's not Cap. He created a whole new parallel timeline for her because he was never able to move on.
Imagine having a pusy game so strong, that someone literally breaks time to get it.
Your reply makes me think of comic book Hulk's regen and DBZ, Hulk can recover in time and bring Tony back. Infact Infinity Stones can be used like Dragonballs.
Or it was Cap but she didnt want to tell him that out of order because it would fuck up he time line.
>old man Steve Rogers sitting on that bench the entire time while Hulk, Young Steve Rogers and the black dude do their time travel thing
>no one notices him until young Cap goes back in time and doesnt come back
>Old Cap universe is separate from the mainline universe
That makes no sense.
Basically, because of the watch thing they built they are always meant to return to the same timeline at the exact same time they started the time travel.
Just like Hulk said, for those who stay in the timeline the time travel only takes "5 seconds" but for the person who time traveled, "It takes as long as they need".
I can't fucking wait, he's gonna be the most based villain of all time if done correctly
It was a big ruse. If you know about the future you can't tell someone or it won't happen. Strange said so.
It’s only the one Steve. It’s not said that you have to use the pym particle to come back anyways. You could just wait.
>Feminism shoved down our throats
Triggered bitch
>After he gets old he returns to his main dimension and sits on the bank?
Na, auch Deutscher?
It wasn't Cap. There is absolutely no indication of it being Cap and if they ever say it was, it'll be a retcon.
Cap created an alternative timeline then went back to his own because that's where the watch's coordinates lead. It's a round trip. It's as simple as that.
Strange only said this because of what it specifically required, he ends up telling him anyways.
If Peggy was hiding future Steve all along and no one ever fucking noticed her living with Captain America, and the scene in Winter Soldier was just an act on her part, then yes, its not a new timeline.
Would the MCU events of happened though seeing Steve knew Hydra infilitrated Shield?
Cap didn't use the clock to go back.
>so viele deutsche auf Yea Forums
Jo mei des is ja fast wie dahoam
>If you know about the future you can't tell someone or it won't happen
Strange literally broke his own rule by telling Tony this was their only shot with the 1 finger gesture.
Those events dont happen anyway because Loki got away with the space stone.
>reddit spacing
>is it to much to believe that an entire high school got dusted?
Wha sort of est could’ve possibly determined these results? Is this a meme?
This, what the fuck? This means the Strange he saw from the time stone vision had also looked into the future which makes no sense, where does it end then?
Huge oversight. Bet they will just brush it off like nothing ever happened, or they actually want to make us believe that the entire cast of Spider-Man Far From Home was dusted lol
It’s not actually since the stone is still in its own timeline just a different location, what would fuck it is if the stone was in the main timeline
so we were seeing the old cap universe all along and not the main universe?
So we establish that when someone goes back in time (the avengers) and fuck with the past it creates an alternate timeline. If the answer is (YES) this means Captain America going back in time and remarrying would happen in a separate reality parallel to this one...but not this one. If the answer is (NO) this means the events of GOTG1 and GOTG2 and Infinity War never happened in the original timeline (back to the future). Since Banner points out that the second attitude is not correct this means Captain America must have ended up in another reality when he chose to stay in the past because in the reality he was initially in THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Or are you saying it did happen all along, that the whole time he was an old man hiding? This also makes no sense because it's not recursive, there must have been SOME initial reality when Captain America did not go back in time because he hadn't done it yet. Either the entire MCU is happening in that second reality created by Captain America or its happening in the initial reality and Captain America creates a second one. You can't say "he was aways there" anymore than you could say GOTG1 and GOTG2 and Infinity War never happened.
Almost popped a boner right there in the theaters
its based on how gullible the posters are to bait.
the easier they are to bait to give you you's the dumber.
I meant fucked as in Loki's free and is going to cause trouble.
Not fucked in the sense that it's doomed.
Got a bit shit with the stone retrieval scene w.Cap and the Nebula/Green bitch bit but the Thir Mum scene was strangely emotional.
Fuck knows, they should have done a Nolan and actually consulted scientists that know what they are talking about when making this shit instead of thinking everyone would be too dazzled by the pew pews and characters all on screen to notice it doesn't make sense.
>and fuck with the past it creates an alternate timeline.
Just going back to the past already creates an alternate timeline, no need to fuck with it. That's how multiverse theory works son.
>Tony dies
>Peter is all emotional and cries and doesnt want to let him go
>Pepper almost seems like she is glad that he is finally gone
>Tonys daughter doesnt give any shits, she just wants Cheeseburgers
top kek
>Deliberately ruining something your friends have been looking forward to for like a year because it makes you funny/edgy
You're shit friend and a rude selfish asshole. People who go out of their way to give unwaranted spoilers deserve to get their ass kicked.
because thors mom knew that her death is close and was trying to calm present thor to get a fucking grip with reality and stop being a fat bitch
However it’s explained it’s the shittiest, most depressing ending for this beautiful character. I actually hate Marvel today. And no, Marvel, 1000 Mary Sue cunts and woke racist Valkyries and black panthers can’t replace Chris Evans as young Cap.
Nevermind the plot; what's Stan Lee's cameo?
Best review I’ve seen yet
>"just return the stones to my timeline afterwards senpai"
>she doesn't know that once they return they're going to give the stone to another timeline they created that is also missing the stone and not hers
>mfw she doesn't understand timetravel but is the supreme sorcerer
So what is the expected trajectory for future movies? Doom as the big Avengers/Fantastic Four villain in the next ensemble film, then Kang and Galactus?
>Thanos uses the snap twice
>stones are destroyed
>Hulk snaps
>Tony snaps
>Stones are fine
So the stones only get destroyed when you want to destroy them? My impression kinda was that snapping twice is what destroyed them in the first place, but whatever.
So you are telling me, Peggy had kids with Steve, Steve made out with his grandchild,Peggy mindgamed Steve so he thinks she married someonelse and the main timeline is some Terminator shit.
I find the theory that cap just came back old from another timeline better and more consistent except that he didn't pop up at the exact spot and rather on the bench and that would mean that there were always 2 caps in a closed loop?
>thinks he understands time travel better than TWO sorcerer supremes
>to get a fucking grip with reality and stop being a fat bitch
Funnily enough, remember that the Aether is the reality stone, but the one to retrieve it is Rocket.
>Thor literally can't deal with reality
It was a really nice scene.
Shouts make love not war at the military base when Capt and Stark go to the 1970's, it's shit doesn't even look like him lol.
That's right, I understand timetravel better than all the 5 sorcerer supremes.
Imagine being in heaven and looking down at your legacy posting shit like this on an anime forum.
>So you are telling me, Peggy had kids with Steve, Steve made out with his grandchild
Agent 13 is Peggy's NIECE.
That's literally my point. I'm the one who has been saying this. Banner explained it this way and the sorcerer supreme explained it that way also. People in this thread started trying to say Captain America "was always there" in hiding because he went back in time, that would mean time travel is recursive which I explained is contradictory because Nebula, Thanos and Gamora all leave their timeline and I assume the events of GOTG1 GOTG2 and Infinity War still occurred and didn't vanish like Marty McFly's hand in Back to the Future. So, if this is the case Nebula, Gamora and Thanos vanished from their reality and din't go to the future of their reality but to another reality (because if they had those events would not have taken place and nobody would have remembered them. It would just be them appearing out of thin air and nobody having a clue wtf they were doing) and Captain America likewise must have gone to another reality.
His second snap was to destroy the stones my G he literally states that.
That's right, I understand timetravel better than all the 8 sorcerer supremes.
He purposely set out to destroy them, but its really shit writing that he does it right around when they find Tony.
The Nebula/Cap retrieval scenes are dragging a bit and I am not too invested in them. They could have cut 30mins making these scenes paced better.
Except that scarlett which is top 10ish as far as all of marvel goes.
That's right, I understand timetravel better than all the 11 sorcerer supremes.
Why didnt Dr. Strange fist Thanos out of his body like the Sorcerer Supreme does with Bruce?
>Thinking you'll ever see Kang
Lad they've fucked up time travel so hard in this movie even normies are puzzled they'll never touch it again.
This dude knows his shit.
The point is that you can fix the timeline diverging by putting stuff back. Thanos could have won in 2023 and chosen to go back and there would only be one universe.
Because that's her signature move.
Because she spazzes out seeing him in Winter Soldier, old Steve isn’t at her funeral, Sharon has no idea her aunt married this exact Cap clone down to the hairstyle, it’s confusing because it’s utter lazy bullshit writing.
Why didn't they just trap Thanos in an endless time loop like Dr Strange did in his first movie after getting the stones.
Just watched it. Wasn't sure it was him at the time
Hawkeyes baseball glove and Capts Shield say otherwise
I am more shocked they literally chopped his arm off to get the gauntlet off him, like fucking do that shit 5 years ago.
They should of had him as OLD SCOTT LANG would have been funnier.
> putting stuff back
This makes no sense. Him living his whole life with her vs him not is a big change in the timeline. How the FUCK is it possible not to split the timeline if the events of the timeline are not the same?
They’re already making films for retards, which is why time travel plots are used and eaten up.
>Dont tell me entire cast of Spider-man Far From Home was dusted? There is no fucking way. Such a stupid oversight.
didnt even consider this wtf
>Sharon has no idea her aunt married this exact Cap clone down to the hairstyle, it’s confusing because it’s utter lazy bullshit writing.
>change hairstyle
>grow beard
>only shave and grow it back out when you know you're meeting your old buddies again and your wife died 5 years ago
Perhaps getting the stones back to where they were taken from means the timelines merged to make one cohesive timeline, one where thanos dies in 2019 and also again in 2024 captain America going back just means he replaced peggy’s husband everything plays out the same except a different man is in a different family, Sharon carter still exists because she was there only difference is cap giving falcon the shield
So main timeline and old cap timeline are interlinked and cap A goes to timeline B and cap B goes to timeline A.
They are a closed loop? I guess it makes sense that those are the 2 timeliness where they win against Thanos
Especially because the fat dude seem to have acted like he wasnt dusted and was surprised and glad that Peter is back, what the absolute shit?
The whole Cap/Stark 70s scene felt like fan-service, and the Nebula/Gamora shit is actually terrible. This + the 5-20m section where Marvel saves Tony/they quibble are the worst bits thus fat (1hr 45)
Soul Stone probably made him passively immune to that
also from that they all just go back to school like 5 years hasnt past? it would be an administrative nightmare
This makes perfect sense. It's literally a different universe like I said. Maybe it's very very close to the original one but it's still a different reality. This means that either the entire film is about that reality or when he goes into the time machine the film transitions into that other reality with Steve Rogers to show us him sitting there.
Agreed. That baby/old man bit was actually funny. There's a section from when they first kill Thanos - They head back to get them that is genuinely watchable. The Ant Man arrives/Hawkeye kills the gook/they discuss Time Travel/meet Thor shit was 7/10. There has been a lot of garbage too, though (Nebula/Hulk/Cap and Tony retrieval scene)
I'm just at the Black Widow death scene now and it is already dragging on. I like Renner in this role, though.
Now they’re pretending it was cap all along but nobody in the world figured it out despite him looking exactly like Steve Rogers and married to the shield agent who fell in love with Steve Rogers. I’m sorry, I cannot drop my in low enough to accept any of that shit. Marvel fucked up. This is nu Star Wars level shittery or worse.
Would you still be a sex offender even though technically 5 years have passed if you banged one those high school sloots.
Oddly, this means in the original reality Captain America steps into the time machine and literally vanishes into another reality, never to be seen again.
Wasn't the putting the stones back a thing you have to do because the stones are the essential building blocks of the universe and it fucks up the universe if you remove one? Or what was all that diverging reality shit about. Should have paid more attention
Is there literally only one japanese actor in Hollywood?
I sweat to god, its always the same guy.
Yeah, their stones are still in their universe just scattered as atoms which is why they borrowed them from the past.
>5 years later
>everyone is still sad as if it just happened yesterday
>society isnt thriving like all the other planets that Thanos claimed are
The fuck?
The Black Widow death scene/them fighting should have been done better. Here's my review this far.
Renner intro: Kino
First 20mins with Marvel saving the ship/them defeated: Shit
Death of Thanos - Stone retrieval begins: Great
Stone retrieval scenes: Weak fan service with no real action
Black Widow death: Poorly executed.
Good: Ant Man, Hawkeye, Thor
Bad: Cap, Iron Man, Nebula, Green Bitch, Hulk.
Best scenes so far are Thor in Asgard and the Ant Man time travel explanation/tests.
I actually like this idea of it being him all along, but at the same time there must have been a "first run" of these events prior to him traveling back in time because they already established that it's not like back to the future, it's not recursive time travel where going back and making changes alters your own reality, this is confirmed from a plethora of different ways (Thanos, Nebula and Gamora), Banner literally saying this, the sorcerer supreme, etc...So either Captain America is about that second timeline or Steve Rogers cucks another man out of his family.
This shit was written by people who have little to no conception of real heroism, justice, redemption, enlightenment, or what a truly resonant, impactful conclusion would have been. That’s why in spite of the epic scale of the events of this film, we’re not hearing anyone praise it for the story. There barely is one.
The things that blow my mind are the story decisions they made like putting the possibility of destroying the Stones on the table. They do that without considering the implications of it. That means that with all these powerful, cosmic-level beings in existence, beings like Odin, the Celestials, and the Watchers(and that’s just the ones we know about), it never once occurred to any of them that just maybe these things should be destroyed. Beings like these are supposed to not only be more intelligent and wise than we mere mortals, they’re meant to represent intelligence and enlightenment greater than we can even imagine. Yet with billions of years in which to do so, not one of them thought to simply gather and destroy these phenomenally dangerous threats to all existence. For the most part, they’re just lying around, waiting for anyone to pick them up.
I honestly can’t believe they killed Thanos. In the comics, he grows past this particular obsession to become something of an antihero, a being of grim wisdom who understands not only himself better, but also that such power not only shouldn’t be in his hands, but that it shouldn’t be in anyone’s. These movies reduce him to not just a moron, which is bad enough, but an unrepentant one.