What's your perfect date Yea Forums?

What's your perfect date Yea Forums?

Attached: april 25.png (500x400, 480K)

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Hey, that's today!

Hanging out in my apartment with the girl and having her eat a whole bowl of boiled eggs in front of me

Kinda similiar but I would like her to put a peeled egg ontop but slightly in her anus for me to eat the whole thing think on of them egg holders, but an anus.

June 20th because it's the longest day of the year. Sunrise at 4, sunset at 10.

Gross haha


15 september.

September > April

Dinner, walk, back to my place for drinks and dessert, she gives me a massage then sex and doesn’t expect me to do anything with her the next day

its raining though, dumb bitch

Sun rises at 3am and sets at 1230 here on that date. its almost a completely white night.



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this but because it's my birthday

Having a nice dinner and walking through beautiful scenery on a midsummer's ever, with her arm around mine and her boobs pressing against me.
Then drive home in a nice car. Listen to nice music, get slightly drunk and make passionate love.

All I need now is a girl, a nice car, a home and I'm good to go.

Classic me-me

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9/11 was a national tragedy.

Taytay & cake.

Today is my birthday. I’m glad based Shatner described it so well.

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happy birthday

Bill asked the question. You mean you've never seen Miss Congeniality? It's legitimately hilarious, in no small part thanks to him and Michael Caine.

it takes too long to make the eggs, she left last time

and a worldwide comedy