Was it ahead of it's time?
Was it ahead of it's time?
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>gender roles
They're just quirky. Why the fuck do these fagots make everything about gender and justifying their mental disorders?
>things have gotten so bad that typical perverse Nip behaviour can be conflated with political correctness
uhhh I'm thinking it's some kind of clown world we're living in?
why is girls in suits so fucking hot
It was done as a joke so no
Applying clown year motivations to Japanese crossdressing gags and fetishism is anachronistic at best
>gender roles
What does this even mean anymore when trannies claim theyre a woman because they liked pink as a kid or that theyre a man because they always got along better with guys and hate dresses?
No, because anime had already done that many times before.
I want to fuck Jessie
I remember when the only opinion about trannies on the left was from feminists who thought it was a misogynistic degradation/humiliation fetish. But that was before it was time to pump children full of hormones.
You and me both bruh
They were both obviously homosexual. Especially James
The funny thing is that they're actually borderline offensive(for snowflakes) if anything. James is always the woman because the idea of a man being dressed as a woman is silly and humorous.
James with tits in bikini not included
how could they forget the goat episode
Shut the fuck you drooling mouthbreathing retard
>girls girls girls
You ever think about something besides females? Why do you think its important to let us know what type of roasties do you like? Kill yourself
>feminists who thought it was a misogynistic degradation/humiliation fetish.
Wait, that was a thing? Shouldn't we try to make some of that attitude come to light so everyone can see just how much of a cluster fuck this whole climate is these days?
I'm sure he doesn't think it's important, but more of an alright topic to chat about on here.
chill out dude
They missed one
bugs bunny was doing that shit sixty years ago
men with sex drive think about women a lot
maybe you should have sex, lad
came here to post this
Maybe you should stop being a degenerate.
yeah I think about boys and their hard cocks too
>t. Discord tranny
Yeah, I took a Gender Studies class (don't judge me, it filled a requirement and was easy) and part of it was spent on feminist perspectives on gender identity. Back in the 80s into the 90s, a lot more feminists didn't like the idea of men larping as female stereotypes and calling themselves women.
Didn't they actually get together at one point? Plus I'm sure they both had crushes towards other people at numerous points.
yeah but he's not. there is a 95% chance he's a beta creep who donates to twitch thots and jerks off to hentai and uses a fleshlight but has NEVER had sex. maybe you're in the wrong place
If gender roles were destroyed in 1997, why are Lefties still whining about them?
Do they know it was played for laughs?
Maybe you should stop putting roasties on pedestal retard
I want Jessie to fuck me
It was suppose to be a joke
How ridiculous for a man to dress like a woman and a woman ti dress like a man, but now it's common place
>What is a joke?
Seriously. They're a trio of silly cunts that pull Loony Toons level of tricks to achieve their goals. I'm guessing Bugs Bunny dressing up as a woman is in support of trans people too? Fucking faggots
I agree.
Because the way to demolish gender stereotypes is to enforce them even more aggressively, don’t you understand you conservative shitlord?
Is this some sort of roastie inferiority complex or what?
>male: anal, netorare, yaoi
I like to drink water
>Didn't they actually get together at one point?
They did in one of the manga adaptations, but that's not canon to the anime at all
>this joke from a chinese cartoon is now my political ideologie
Too many redirects this site can not be loaded :(
I always got this weird impression that James was super effeminate and queer AND he was smashing Jesse
Also how the fuck did he do this
>faggots are nothing but a punchline
At last I truly see.
I want to fuck James while Jessie watches and verbally abuses him
>the villians destroy gender roles
checks out
There has been arguments of this exact statment user.
by being completely based
Did anyone ever notice how Frieza and every single one of his minions come off as huge faggots
Stay seething, incel samefag.
Only one of those posts is mine, dumbfuck degenerate leftist. Try killing yourself.
I mean of course a guy could wear a padded shirt of stuffed bra
But you can actually see titty skin there wtf how does that work
Hibari-Kun was a thing like a decade before that.
Woah! just take it easy man
its gender roles
s/he is trans
lol, this is exactly what I was thinking. They did it entirely for laughs because putting an emasculated man in women's clothing is fucking hilarious. Nobody was looking at James and thinking "how empowering", and it had nothing to do with "gender roles". This was done for people to laugh at because it's fucking pathetic for a dude to wear women's clothing.
this thread is bait but I want to take the chance to say that modern pokemon has some of the most stunning animations I have ever seen.
take your meds man
>This was done for people to laugh at because it's fucking pathetic for a dude to wear women's clothing.
I haven't seen Pokemon but this isn't how anime generally approaches the issue.
Can someone explain the gender politics of this to me?
My gender role is not a costume to be used for a disguise, thank you.
Why all traps are getting money in sex industry?
How culturally insensitive can these communists get?
James and guys like pic related are a Japanese cultural thing and are played for laughs, nowhere does James talks how much he wants to suck dicks and get a prolapsed anus.
The point of this is to reinforce who is figuratively and literally wearing the pants in the relationship. James was always depicted as submissive and not too bright, while Jessie was dominant and the one leading the group. Team Rocket were the comic relief (along with being the reoccurring antagonists) but James was always the butt of the jokes.
japan has always thought crossdressing is hilarious