Rian Johnson is directing his own trilogy and working closely with D&D on their trilogy confirmd

>"We're not just looking at what the next three movies might be, or talking about this in terms of a trilogy," Kennedy said. "We're looking at: What is the next decade of storytelling?"

>But Kennedy did confirm that Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson and Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are still working on their own sets of films, and even coordinating with each other. We don't know whether these movies will be released in theaters or head straight to Disney Plus, though.

>"As they finish Game of Thrones, they're going to segue into Star Wars," Kennedy said of Benioff and Weiss. "They're working very closely with Rian."

>They're working very closely with Rian

>After rumors swirled that Johnson was no longer developing the trilogy, he confirmed on Twitter in February that he actually is. Lucasfilm president Kennedy reiterated over the weekend that Johnson is still working on the movies, and collaborating with Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss on their own series of films.


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What's wrong with her eyes?

He'll be hard at work on these movies until one day he suddenly leaves to pursue other projects and we'll never hear a thing about what his terrible movies would have even been about.

I literally can't wait for a Rian and D&D Star Wars universe. Perhaps I can hope for a day when Star Wars is no more.

Is believed the the eyes are the windows for the soul. If one would have his soul removed, I believe it would leave some damage.

user he already fucking made a movie after TLJ. He's editing it for release now. And is coming back to Star Wars. He already made another film. You're on the film board and you're a baby.

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Oy vey!


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When will you insolent little faggots realize that RJ will never touch Star Wars again? Hold your breathe for his movies and you’ll be on the wrong side of the daisies.

I honestly wouldn't worry too much right now. If they're going to start canning films (or Kathleen Kennedy) it isn't going to be until after Episode 9. If after 4 months nobody is fired and we don't get an announcement on Rian's films being cancelled, then you can know for sure you're in for a heaping pile of garbage.

If you take only KK's quote and not the other parts the author of the article assumes, it sure sounds like B&W and RJ are working on the SAME films, TOGETHER.

>two separate trilogies
I thought they were going to take a break from all this shit after IX

No user there's five things on the list and D&D and Rian's trilogies are two of the five things, they are separate.

>They're working very closely with Rian

jesus christ...A TRUE MEETING OF THE MINDS. bad pussy vs luke drinking green milk

>user he already fucking made a movie after TLJ.
A Star Wars one? No, that's right. And he won't.
>You're on the film board and you're a baby.
Absolutely seething.

They meant they were going to not keep to their yearly release schedule (so definitely no movie for 2020, possibly no movie for 2021), and they were going to try and not rush out their next movies.

D&D might go to streaming or it might hit theaters. Both will take a few years to develop before they even shoot.

But if they both hit theaters it would be like this maybe.

2020 - nothing
2021 - nothing
2022- RJ 1
2023- D&D 1
2024- nothing
2025 - RJ2
2026 - D&D 2
2027 - nothing
2028 - RJ 3
2029 - D&D 3


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>Putting the worst film in the series alongside two of the best
Fuck off


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lucas film will be shuttered in 2 years
the Stawaw IP was never viable in any form in the 21st century

>TLJ is the worst
>when Rogue One and Solo and TFA exist
TFA babby detected and NPC detected

Lmao what the fuck. How did they get delayed 5 years

>delayed 5 years
oh the sequel is out??

Benioff and Weiss' work on GoT was embarrassingly bad, but people seem to like it, so what do I know?

Rogue One is the only watchable Nuwars flick, it borders on 6/10. TFA and Solo are trash and TLJ is one of the worst big budget movies ever made

Except Rian Johnson takes it one film at a time and can actually make films and write them and it's just a glorified producer.
Cameron is a hack. RJ is a good person to just give money to because fuck it he makes some nice ones.

TLJ was one of the best movies from 2017 and one of the only good movies from 2017 and one of the few star wars films that are probably better than 6/10.

It was the only disney one that was good. It was better than the other three combined.

>ESB and RotS have beautiful painted posters
>the poster for TLJ is a lazy photoshop hack job

You can't even say what makes it good either

You know what i hope its real i want him to run Star Wars even further into the ground

Thanks, Disney, for your contribution in correcting the record.

I genuinely don't know how you could make a Star Wars film that's worse than Last Jedi.l, but I look forward to all future attempts.

Crashing the franchise with no survivors. Excellent.

DnD are shit, look at the dip from when Martin ran out of content. But the viewers are still there. Rian Johnson shit on Star Wars and thinks destroying it is needed to get some fresh air in the room. Alienating 40 years of history to do it, it's working so well for Trek I guess?

This is some great bait

The staging and dialogue was reminiscent of the prequels. It's operatic and theatrical in it's presentation. It has sharp visuals and is a mixture of the ot and pt in it's pathos and logos.

You have shit taste

>Rian Johnson shit on star wars
you manchild you don't even know good cinema

Fuck off Disney shill

Fuck off NPC TLJ hater

do you even know what this means

Do you? Normies HATED TLJ
it's the NPC opinion to think im a disney shill when im telling you it was their only good movie

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>making star wars straight to vhs

Rian is liberal so he loses his shit and hits her everytime Trump does a thing

Fire him now