movies men would never understand
Movies men would never understand
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Literally manic pixie dream girl trope
God I wish I were a manic pixie dream girl
well pardon us ms park avenue manicure
But I liked it.
t. High test man
based fit girl
Amelie was made for (nerdy) men, though.
yeah i understand amelie. its about a young woman that refuses to grow up, take her place in the world and become a mature adult, mother and wife.
>breaks into a man's home
>changes his emergency contact details on his phone
>ruins the lighting of his lamp and even shorts it nearly causing a fire
>changes his door knobs
>ruins his expensive alcohol with salt
>changes his alarm and fucks with his body clock and perception of time
>alters his slippers and medicated cream to make him feel awkward in body
All because he hired that tard and she thought he was being mean and couldn't take a joke
Quiet passive aggressive bitches are the biggest gaslighters and are bad for anyone's mental health
My CPU usage went to 100%
I can confirm that I turned it off after marathoning it for 5 minutes
I like it to, don't understand her though
Any movie in the MCU universe, basically
piss colour filter:the movie
literal trash
Snyder films
I liked it though
Is there a more disappointing career trajectory than Audrey Tatou post-Amelie?
What are some essential roastie flicks?
I liked her, but she had sex with a stranger.
That's a massive no from me.
>understanding women
Amirite bros?! Haha! *tips fedora*
anything with Catherine Heigl or Reece Witherspoon
Appreciation of mystery?
If a girls makes you watch amelie or tells ou that she really into this ovie, stay the fuck away. Lett someone be an obituaries figure for the psycho, trust me, you do NOT want to be associated with girls that like this movie.
At the time that came out there was a goth chick sandwich girl with glasses who looked just like her who worked next door to my work. I'd also see her in the park near by in a sun dress and hat reading for hours. I was about to ask her out then one day i went for a sandwich and she had a Tattoo of an Ank on her hand. She said she got so drunk she fell asleep and her sister gave her a tattoo
My slow game saved me from a train wreck
fuck women
Katherine Heigl was in Under Siege 2 is that a roastie movie
Fight Club
Guys won't understand the cutesy quaintness of this film, or the book.
What does this expression mean.
>manic pixie dream girl
Is just normie-speak for "girl with an actual unique personality who is straight but isn't totally submissive".
This threatens the normies, because developing a unique personality and tastes is something only men or lesbians are supposed to work on, and it gives an "unfair" (actually the most fair) social advantage to those straight women who choose to improve themselves.
I watch all the TV movies and series based on LM Montgomery books. Whats not to like Orphan girls in sexy outfits and pigtails, they are so innocent and curious. My Pants exploded when Emily was hiding in the doctors 's house looking though a hole in the wall at men undressing so she could see a wiener
When every thing was right with the world and you could send to an Orphanage for a list of girls about to age out and have a Waifu delivered to you
Every woman I've known who has liked this movie has been a straight up cunt. Not even a whore or neccesarily a bitch, but a cunt without fail. It's gotten to the point where I can tell if this is a woman's favorite movie just by her personality.
no its normie-speak for "girl without personality who fills in the gaps with kitsch quirkiness"
its hack
Agreed, you need to.
Movies I will never care about.
> its me, amelie!
> hee hee!
> amelie, now on dvd
> i cook an egg with a spoon
> hee hee!
> hope you have enough money
> amelie, now you can own me
> only on dvd, the video is too old, gigantique
> fall in love, again, with me, amelie!
usually they are just foil characters.
Apparently this heap. Srsly I wanted to slap that dumb bitch halfway through the movie.
amelie wasn't a foil in the movie, she was the protagonist and wasn't the guy also a weirdo?
i don't know if she counts for the trope
this is the correct answer
the music is better than everything else in the film combined, and even the music is hacky as fuck. this is a classic example of brainlet millennial pseud movie loved by very nice guys you would never actually date.
>Is just normie-speak for "girl with an actual unique personality who is straight but isn't totally submissive".
Just the opposite, really. A manic pixie dream-girl's personality traits are all highly sexualized peacocking to appeal to the viewer or the protagonist. No manic pixie dream girl sits quietly studying or working in a room alone in serious, dull clothes, because it wouldn't make you want to fuck her.
And this is coming from someone who likes the movie, by the way. But you are kidding yourself if you think it isn't directed for the male gaze.
>Practice girl: the post
It's an unrealistic depiction of an attractive, quirky, frequently artsy, young woman who captivates the main character or audience.
She sounds fun. You missed out.
It was a very cute movie.
>that image
i don't understand
you arrive at your lady companions house but she has not yet returned from her daily duties. you notice she left her mobile phone, and furthermore last night she sent racy photographs of herself to persons unknown. under these circumstances, what would be your course of action?
i understood it, i understood it and then i hated it, film made for autistic girls that normies girls also praise.
It´s overrated shit.
yeah, Jake Lloyd
Thank you, I don't speak social media.
murricans need to adjust their education priorities, that fucking nigger should communicate with signs and growls and not with words like normal people.
Thanks for the ebonics translation user.
based markov chain
really though? You expected better from him? I mean after Amelie people (including me) would literally go to stuff because she was in it.
This is like latin where the order of words doesn't matter
I feel so old
Could you explain?
Oh, men fully understand how flighty and superficial some women can be.
markov chains are algorithms which produce syntactically correct sentences, but the semantics are often pretty janky and it comes off as schizophrenic/nigger
It looks like something generated by a Markov Chain where the n+1th "thing" is decided based on the previous "thing" basically. Leading to a vaguely correlated but semantically nonsensical sequence of words.
Long story short, each word is related to the last but doesn't really make sense overall, it's a bit like the results from a word association game.
Anyone else used to read books for teenage girls in that age? As male
Troons love this film.
I do, I still do i read one 20 mins ago in the bathroom
I tell myself it is research because all the books i have half wrote are about girls. I tell me self I'll be surrounded by teen girl fans and i can ask if their mom has a lonely nerdy sister who stays at home and read books to her cat on Friday nights
When I was a kid I was reading pulp science fiction. I grew up reading Asimov, Clarke, Adams, Niven, and Herbert. Then in high school I got into 40k. So no, no I did not.
a markov chain is literally just a model of a stochastic environment
whatever nerd