Batman video games > Batman Movies
Batman video games > Batman Movies
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>Video games.
Any adult playing video games after 18 years old should be ashamed of himself.
The story in Arkham Knight was absolutely retarded.
Any man that is ashamed of themselves for enjoying something should be ashamed of themselves.
Peak Yea Forumsmblr post.
no u
>First 2 installments are kino
>3rd one is garbage
It was basically the Dark Knight movies of vidya
>just work 40 hours a week for a society that hates you for 0 reciprocation
>don’t do things that are fun or make you happy
Peak Yea Forumsmblr reply.
Well yeah it took a British developer to show the Americans how it's done.
>0 reciprocation
you work for free?
>don’t do things that are fun or make you happy
not everybody enjoys gayming
I enjoyed Arkham Knight but the 10 minute fight against the big tank while you're in the batmobile was retarded
this. should have been an epic 1v1 fight against arkham knight. but the trailer was top kino
Absolutely this.
Literally won't touch a game until I have children of my own.
The games almost feel like an extension of Batman: The Animated Series so in that regard I agree. That cartoon is the best Batman storytelling we've ever gotten.
>you work for free
No, you work for money to pay for things to keep you alive so you can work more so you can pay to keep yourself alive.
No enjoyment, just a cycle of suffering. That’s the adult male existence, how exciting.
All of the missions where you're in the batmobile and have to sneak up on the big drones are shit tier. And there was way too many of those missions.
>Any adult playing video games after 18 years old should be ashamed of himself.
>thinking watching a batman movie as an adult makes you any better
Arkham Knight was fucking trash. The characters were horribly written. Had anyone at Rocksteady ever read a fucking Batman comic? At least with the first two games they had Dini. Fuck's sake. They even had Barbara in love with Tim.
And... gee... I wonder who could be this mysterious Arkham Knight. Remember to pre-order and get this bonus Jason Todd Red Hood level.
When I think of playing as Batman, I think of driving around in a clunky old tank.
>Good Batman movies
Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, Dark Knight
>Good Batman games
Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, maybe lego Batman.
Huh, looks like movies win.
>he says posting in a capeshit thread
Ask me how I know even you don’t follow your own arbitrary rules and guidelines for life you bitter fucking dickhead
Because unless you're rich as fuck with a hot wife and a happy family, there are 10 thousand other things you would be better off doing with your free time.
Like watching comic book movies and posting on Yea Forums?
I don't watch capeshit, boy. Zip that lip.
I thought Batman and Robin was pretty shit.
We don't have much time in this life, and nothing really matters. You'll die, the people that will remember you will die, and so on, and then no one will remember you. Eventually even Hitler will be forgotten in time. Might as well enjoy your time.
agreed. I dropped vidya at like 22, and just can't pick it up anymore, it's all just so fucking lame and time-consuming.
Granted I have had sex.
Batman movie should take place in Italy and be about Bruce on vacation and a group of wacky criminals are trying to steal a hidden fortune (catwoman shows up)
Ridiculous argument.
Why cook a nice meal when I can just order McDonalds in half the time? Because reward is sometimes correlated directly to the amount of effort put forth. Enjoyment is had, in varying degrees, according to how much time and effort you're willing to invest in something.
It very much so makes sense to suffer for 5 years so that you may glory for 30. But hey dude, if a grocery store job and video games work for you, by all means.
Reminder that Arkham knight was fun as hell and pretty good and normie fags only hate it because it didn’t work on their pcs
You are talking to a capeshit fan from Yea Forums, what you are saying will not penetrate his commie head.
Knight was just City with prettier graphics and shittier story
And you reward your long day of work with a hobby you enjoy. Sounds like a you problem when you have no free time with your low paying job and efforts to get better.
Normie have xbox and switch. Faggots use PCs and PS
wrong. you're a hypocrite. if you lived frugally and shared your home with other people you wouldn't even have to work 20h a week.
but everybody wants luxury and then wonders why they have to slave away all their life. it's a choice.
What's wrong? Has your primitive brain given up and accepted that I, the Riddler, am better than you?
>tfw Rocksteady hasn't said a single word about their next game except that it isn't Superman
>lived frugally
>not slaving
Frugal means you’re a Jew cuck. Sucks that you’re poor brah but I’m banking. In a cube rn shitposting and laughing @ your poor ass. How does it feel you’ll never have money to buy something you like or to have a gf since you're probably a lonely incel? :)
I have a nice job, you dumb faggot. I'm just saying you can't complain about having to slave while being a consumerist pig.
My reward is the time I get to spend with my hot girlfriend. The price I paid was giving up video games a decade ago so that I could better concentrate on school so that I could get better marks so I could get into the university of my choice so that I could more easily slide into the career of my choice which gave me a lot of income and made me anl very attractive partner to a woman.
See how you gotta play the long game?
they say as they post on 4channel
You can do that while playing video games though
Incredible all the angry faggots crying because I criticized their stupid and infantile hobby here Really makes you think.
Keep playing video games and smoking weed faggots and also promote that shit to your children so they want to become professional gamers hahaha they will be great men...
66 movie is the only good iteration of Batman anything ever.
I have a hot girlfriend who I play games with because I'm not a retarded loser.
Batman and Batman returns are going to be showing at my local kinoplex soon should I g
>linking his own post on an anonymous board so everybody knows how many (You)s he got
yikes. don't have anything else you can be proud of in life?
This shits on:
>faggots like 113473780
>all other single player "press F to see next scene of script" games best moments
>top movie makers "epic" scenes
Arrrgh Genie, bring back Batman&MassEffect tier games
i unironically still play wow with the same guild and friends since vanilla. its a blast