What do you think of Judy's new look?
What do you think of Judy's new look?
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>Peter, why are we filming all of my court scenes first?
That's not the Judy I knowl
Looks the same apart from the hair , and left was almost certainly a wig while right could be real (or not)
the only people who watch judge judy are literal boomers and people who have sex but always fuck with tv turned on.
Looks pretty good for her age honestly.
new tales from the crypt when
She sincerely look like a jew
BALONEY. Mr Salad Fork, with all due respect, why are you planting gummy bears in a high PH field?
That collar thing is stupid. Her head isn't a flower. This is an old ass woman. Just wear all black and judge, you fucking sandy cunt.
>people who have sex but always fuck with tv turned on.
Isn't that everyone? Is there something wrong with doing that?
>$50million a year for yelling at people
Pretty good life
this may be one of my favorite gifs.
>ANNOUNCER: Chuck is suing Sneed for the unsolicited usage of his name on Sneed's feed store
>Isn't that everyone?
there are people who don't have sex. yeah I know, crazy, right?
>$25 million income tax
america, not even once
Thanks for the reply : )
As long as she's still a racist, I'll keep watching.
Nothing she does will make her look good, but I approve of any old lady who decides not to go with the traditional grandma afro.
The short hair + perm look is an abomination and nobody should be allowed to have it.
>This is the television and film board that the defendant posts 16 hours a day on your hon....
She looks like someone's dicking her down good.
Now THAT is a $50 Million look!
>your honor it appears that he even made some posts about you on there
bitch looking like she trying to get dat supreme court gig
Reminder that Judy is based and /ourjudge/
>watching daytime television
get out
A shit deal for sure, but no where else in the world could you get a 7 digit salary for a reality court room show
She looks like she has a black bailiff
Would pound like a jackhammer
She looks like a piccadilly whore.
I would
Didn't she go on tv to talk about womens rights being bullshit and they should fight to get through life the same as men without special treatment.
Shed be a fucking GREAT domina.
i fucked her
I'd fuck and suck her!
She said she's not a feminist
What's she doing?