/Butts/ - Eric Butts General




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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=toilet paper review

Is he /OurButts/?

disgusting teeth

Nice american teeth. Lmao


t.British posters who have wood blocks for teeth

Stop bullying burgers. It's expensive.

that lesion on his face is still there?

so does this guy just do trailer reactions for a living? or does he have day job?

pretty gay bro

I want to strap him to a table and slice that mole off his face.


What ave you done, Yea Forums?

our teeth rate highly we just don't worry about the small cosmetic things that you spend thousands to correct. your poor have coke mouthwash and can't afford healthy teeth. your rich are obsessed with inhuman whitening.

Why are burgerclap millennials such a bunch of manchildren?

>Full-time job on the side that pays extremely well
>Unboxing videos
>Drunken live streams of him watching Kino movies
>Gaming content
>Movie reviews
>Has cute wife

This guy is multi-talented

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always white men that do this shit...

Don't forget that he's a GENIUS

we have different definitions of talented, and i'm not surprised by the other content you listed, at least hes doing well for himself.

/pol/cels on suicide watch

>we have different definitions of talented

Does it even matter since he's more talented than you?

What albums?
What kinos?
>Has cute wife

>that lardass
I pity millennials.
Then again, I witness the "culture war" they fight every day and I realize that they deserve their shallow and empty existence.

>mfw all the efforts resetera has been making into making this millennial beta look good
It's embarassing seeing millennials try to salvage the reputation their failed generation have.

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>doing shit anyone can do on youtube makes you talented
we have different definitions of talented, sperg

>What kinos?

>What albums?

Pic related.

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>Dodging this hard on the other stuff he can do

Can you make a film and make music? Don't think so. Our boy Eric is the man.

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His wife looks like himself in drag.

>implying those are the things I want to do
>defending some beta cuck youtuber this hard
>in all fields

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At least he's not an incel and has a responsible life unlike your ass

Nigga married himself.

>"I-It's not talent because I don't do those things!!"

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Must love his mom a lot.

>has cute wife


I'm 21, I have a stable job that doesn't requiere making a clown out of myself on the internet for shitty movies, a girlfriend and i'm officially not a millennial.
I pity all millennials who ended up being the way they are.
They are like grown kids.
It's embarassing.

That's his sister, also sort of looks like Pam

>They are like grown kids.

You will grow up maybe in about a decade until you drop this entire, "haha im no child" mentality. Eric actually has a pair of balls doing whatever the fuck he wants. You're too scared to be in the public eye.

>First several seconds in
>It's already Kino

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if you seriously believe being an overweight sperg who cries over a trailer for a kids movie is talented than you have seriously wasted your life.

That's another hilarious thing about millennials, that you keep trying to convince yourselves that behaving like kids and teenagers is an adult thing.
Which would have some basis if it wasn't for the fact that you are turned politics into pure namecalling and that you consider people having different opinions something offensive.

>stable job
Shouldn't you be studying still? Or are you working some garbage blue collar job? Lmao laugh at this working class loser

>Still dodging his other talents

Keep going user

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This is the type of story a fucking 8 year old writes in school.

His music is actually decent

wait a goddamn minute that's him?
this is killer what the fuck

user why don't you follow your dreams?

>his other talents
nigga that's all shit I did in highschool grow the fuck up, like seriously XD

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Don't give a fuck about this guy. But that fucking Trailer just pissed me off. It shows the whole fucking movie. It leaves nothing out, you see how Godzilla gets a power up from jap man who is giving him a nuclear suppository or some shit and the end fight. Why could they have not left just a little story to actually not be spoilt in 2 minutes of trailer.

That's his last name. I think you're the homo for seeing anything gay with that

>Not understanding Kino

Kindly fuck off.

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Can't fuck the butts.

>did in highschool

Did? Why did you stop? Is it because you have no talent?

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I'm in a private security company.
2 years in the military doing nothing at all in the reserve and you can have all security companies sucking you off as if you were a god.

Meanwhile the rest of the world is wasting their 20s in college, (americans specifically wasting their 20s and putting themselves in debt for life) just to end up in a job that has a completely average pay.

The world is full of idiots, specially millennials who spent the last decade complaining that there's no jobs and that boomers ruined everything or some shit when it was just them being lazy and stupid, which is how some ended up trying to make some money out of being virtual clowns.

>why did you stop doing things that don't put food on the table
gee I wonder

For the same reason you stop playing videogames before you turn 30.
Because you grow up.

Post your music bro. Fucking around with your instruments with your high school m8s doesn't count btw.

>kino kino kino
Nothing is sacred anymore, why tourtists use that word so indiscriminately?

>imagine living in the UK and being proud of it


>I have to stop having hobbies because wage slavery sucked the soul right out of me
So the memes are true.

Education isn't wasteful. You sound like a dumb fucking meathead. In fact, people should never stop learning. Also not everything is about pay.

>No passion or drive

I think I know enough about your life.

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lol post your music bro, show us all that talent you have XD

never recorded anything because i never wanted to do music for a living, or gaming, or movies, or any of that beta tier trash you virgins call talent.

>shilling ecelebs

>Because you grow up.

Imagine being a wage cuck and being insecure on the things you like.

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did you know there are hobbies that are actually useful?

What do you define as talent then?

No, I just replaced garbage hobbies like videogames with lifting and cooking.
You know, going from a hobby that brings you nothing and is more and more monetized to something that's actually benefitial.

Post your best memes of this ugly motherfucker.

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>implying this hard
oh yeah and whats you passion and drive in? we're all dying to know what you commit your time to, im sure its something productive and useful to society

Oh look, he's self deprecating for attention again. Is the studio that benefits from it trying to say he's a real man with honor and taste again?
You have to really be impressionable to have any kind of interest in these kinds of channels.
Does anyone here get something other than a shallow sympathy reaction when they watch this, or is that the only point and people are so devoid of real human connection that this cheap posing is fulfilling that need in them while they consume corporate media simultaneously?

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>Education isn't wasteful
You waste years on them, and a ton of money if you live in the US.

>people should never stop learning
You don't need college to learn.

>not everything is about pay
When talking about a job?
Yes it is.

please stop posting faggot shit like this you fucking nigger

Lol user..

You can enjoy non-useful hobbies as long as you're a responsible adult with daily exercise and doing things like cooking. You're not restricted to one thing. You got a lot of growing up to do.

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>Yea Forums tries to destroy him
>makes him famous
Good job!

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Eric is alright

someone who is exceptionally gifted at what they do. and preferably a very challenging task that not many people can do

You forgot
>Got roasties to suck his dick

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>Yes it is
Alright. So you'd be ok with being miserable for a good pay? Literal wagie, fuck off scum.

>everyone's forgotten about him already
Hell, look at that video, it has 350 views.

>Find him in a Yea Forums thread
>Watch the cringey Episode XI trailer reaction video
>Kinda thought it was funny at the same time
>Go in a Eric Butts vortex
>Watch all of his content for hours

He's truly Kino

british teeth are actually on record much healthier than american teeth, they just don't tend to pay so much attention to the cosmetics.

the average american approaches its dental hygiene like it does its fitness, as long as it looks good, nothing else matters. even if it is as weak as a kitten and can't jog more than half a mile without risking a heart attack.

Who the fuck came up with the idea of making money off of vids of you just reviewing shit, then monetizing them?

That has to be the laziest form of "job" in existence.

People review anything for money now:
youtube.com/results?search_query=toilet paper review

>literally the most vanilla hobbies a person can have

Poor millennial, would you prefer your job if you were surrounded by screens with a ton of CGI explosions and all your coworkers were sarcastic and ultra ironic quip spouters?
It's too bad a tool to earn money to live isn't le fun.

Then again, you are very welcome to stay at home and continue to live from mommy and daddy like most of your generation already does.

>Then again, you are very welcome to stay at home and continue to live from mommy and daddy like most of your generation already does.

All of these normies want this life. They don't wanna pay bills so they're actually really jelly.

Yeah, playing videogames and watching movies is a really interesting and niche hobby.

No one was talking about video games except you, retard. And making something is legitimately more rewarding all of that. Fuck off normalfaggot.

So you never did any of those things. Fuck off then, retard.

that's some premium damage control

No I'd prefer a cozy office job with nice coworkers and flexible work hours. I am not a cuck like you who has no problem spreading his asshole for corporate cock and works 60 hours a week and has to cope about it on Yea Forums.

Making what?
An ass out of yourself in front of the entire world?
You'd think that, after almost an entire decade of this "culture war" millennials would have already gotten tired of that.

so much estrogen in his body he has a pussy growing on the side of his face

>grow up
>lift things for fun

most people get paid for that shit when they grow up. it's only faggot millennials who spend every waking our typing shit into a computer who feel the need to lift when they get home because they've done absolutely fuck all physical activity all day.

lmao no one is sucking his dick, all the people who defended him had something to profit from.
No one defended him legitimately.
Disney and Mark Hamill?
Because Star Wars' reputation is already in shambles and the last thing they need is to have this autistic manchild being the face of the Star Wars fandom.
The thots on Twitter?
Because they all make money out of patreon donations from "men" as pathetic as this Butts guy.
No one does anything for free.

>implying this fucking hard
oh boi am i laffin, you fucking shut ins crack me up

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I already told you, not everyone is an 80 IQ blue collar retard like you

>Making what?

not niche but definitely more interesting

this guy gets it, everyone defending him was just virtue signaling 101

Skin cancer

>lol i did all those things in highschool xD
>except I didn't!
The fuck are you on about retard?

>Gets made fun of for acting like a based nu-male
>Nu-wars is what he's crying over and cant stand their brand getting tarnished by free thinking internet users
>Do everything from having Mark Hamill's managed account shout out to him to having bot-thots publicly offer him sex disingenuously (like that would have happened if he wasn't married)

>"Look how futile your opinions are, Yea Forums! You made him famous! Hating starwars only makes our shilling stronger!"

Poor shills, instead of relying on JJ's emperor reveal to build hype, you now have to waste your time white knighting an emotionally retarded YouTuber. Episode IX is going to be such crap, isn't it.

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Pic related, one of the thots who defend him from start, one who said she would date someone like him.
What a surprise when turns out her actual boyfriend is pretty much a chad fusion between Chris Evans and Zack Snyder.

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>wagecucks notice people are able to make money doing things they enjoy
>they decide to seethe about it on Yea Forums every single day

Just fuck off honestly. Your shitty life decisions are your own fault, live up to them. Get back in that cubicle.

dude stop, my fucking sides

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Videogames turned into absolute garbage more than 10 years ago, and movies nowadays are all profit minmaxed blockbusters trying to replicate the Marvel formula.

Every pic I see of Blaine, looks like someone wearing his face as a mask.

This guy is right you know

why does this guy insist on giving people second hand cringe.

>Your shitty life decisions are your own fault
tfw OP is projecting his failures on others

>Worked the retard into a seethe
Stay mad.

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>millennials damage controlling the fact that they need to pretend to be retarded on the internet for views to make a living
>any job that doesn't consist of sitting on your ass and looking at a screen is wagecucking because their unhealthy bodies can't handle any effort after a lifetime of sitting, no excercise and eating nothing but fast and precooked food

>"I don't give a fuck about Jesus, I don't give a shit, I don't care."
What did he mean by this?


Millennials don't praise gods, they praise brands.

>any job that doesn't consist of sitting on your ass and looking at a screen is wagecucking because their unhealthy bodies can't handle any effort after a lifetime of sitting, no excercise and eating nothing but fast and precooked food
this, and only this.

>I actually unironically like him


Based /ourguy/

people who don't have a higher power in their life (jesus or not) are sickly, and it usually manifests in their physical appearance, just an observation.

Based schizo

Based materialist

>from a frontman chad to a basedboy

Based, but reddit is seething over the truth


You're a schizo because of your dumbass observations. I've never once assumed all the 300+ landwhales who are Christians had too much of the holy spirit in them. It's because they're fat fucks who eat a lot. And if these sickly people exist they also have health problems

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hmm, i take it you've never attended a baptist church in a college town, your loss. I wouldn't expect you to know how to talk to the women there anyways

god help us

question: is this guy american?